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Adaptez vos liens de menu de Blogger Top
Making money with our blogs includes some bigger topics like: Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , and URL submission to search engine giants: Google and Yahoo. However, there are a lot of little tweaks that we can easily make to our blogs, which will add to the reader's experience. And remember - no readers, no money - so make sure to take care of them! We're going to do just that today by customizing our Blogger menu links. When you first create your Blogger blog you'll most likely get a menu that looks something like this: That's a nice menu if your blog is more of a diary than an information site, but to make money we need to simplify things for our audience. We need to create navigation that is user friendly and easily understandable. For example - if I came to my site looking for information on Google AdSense , it would do me little good to see a long list of month and day links. However, if I saw a nice link that said: What is AdSense? THAT would be much more helpful. So let's start by logging into our Blogger accounts and going to the Layout page. Once you're there, click on Add a Page Element. Instead of the Blog Archive module, we're going to add a Link List to our layout. Here you will see a form that allows you to enter the title, number of links, sorting, page or site URL, and the name. Let's quickly go over some of these options in a little more detail. Title: This will be the name of your navigation menu. Your readers will see this so make it something useful. Let's say you're going to make a list of beginner tutorials, you might name this: Getting Started. Number of links to show in list: This will allow you to control how many links are visible to the user. Unless you're going to have 100 links in your navigation, I would recommend keeping this blank. Keeping this field blank will show all of your links. Sorting: You can choose to sort your list alphabetically if you wish. What I like to do is order them by topic. So for example: I would have a link: "What is Google AdSense?" before How to integrate "Google AdSense on Blogger?" New Site URL: This is going to be the direct link to the site or page you want to display. You'll simply copy the URL string at the top of your browser for this. New Site Name: And of course the name of your link. Try to be short and descriptive as possible. Ideally you want to fit the name all on one line and not have it break to another. Now that you have a grasp of the options go ahead and add a link. Once you fill out the fields click the ADD Link button. You'll see a little preview of your link's name and optionally you can edit, delete, or change the position with the arrows to the left (You'll need more than one link for the arrows to show). When you're happy with your changes - save them and you're done! Not too bad for a days work (considering our day is only 10 minutes long). In just minutes we got rid of the hard-to-navigate menu system that Blogger gives us out of the box, and replaced it with a more intuitive menu that our readers will appreciate. By doing this we've made the overall experience better, which will lead to: more repeat visitors, happy newcomers, and more money for us!
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
Dans quoi est-il WidgetBucks ? Nous avons appris qu'il y a plus de manières que juste Google AdSense de gagner l'argent à partir de blogging. Si vous savez WidgetBucks et voulez s'inscrire avancez et faites cela maintenant : WidgetBucks nous permet d'intégrer facilement des annonces de produit sur notre blog de Blogger mais comment ? Heureusement pour nous, WidgetBucks et Blogger lui font un processus très franc. Commençons par noter en nos comptes de WidgetBucks et cliquons sur dessus le nouveau bouton de gadget dans le menu. Ceci nous apportera à la personnalisation votre page de gadget. D'ici vous créez simplement un nom pour votre gadget, l'indiquez la page que vous allez la placer, adaptez la conception, et choisissez aux besoins du client finalement quel type de produit vous voulez servi. Une fois que vous êtes juste presse réglée le bouton de code d'obtention et copiez le HTML/JavaScript. Ne vous inquiétez pas - comme tout autrement que nous faisons autour d'ici - n'ont besoin de savoir rien au sujet du HTML ou du Javascript commencer à gagner l'argent. Mais vous devez savoir copier et coller ! Maintenant que vous avez votre code de gadget, notez en votre compte de Blogger. Au tableau de bord allez à la disposition et puis ajoutez un élément de page. Si pour quelque raison vous aviez caché sous une roche ce temps plein et n'avez pas un compte de Blogger - contrôle dehors créer un blog. Vous devriez avoir la forme de Blogger avec toutes vos options de disposition maintenant. Voici que vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML/JavaScript. Avance et colle votre code de gadget sous la forme principale - vous pouvez sur option lui donner un titre si vous voulez - je ne fais pas. Une fois que vous sauvez vos changements vous êtes fait ! Félicitations ! Vous êtes prêt à commencer à gagner l'argent avec WidgetBucks.
Quel est WidgetBucks ? Top
WidgetBucks is a FREE ad service that allows us to make money from our blogs - similar to Google AdSense. (Read What is Google AdSense? if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) WidgetBucks is the new kid on the block. No, not the New Kids on the Block. What's great about WidgetBucks is that right off the bat they give you $25 just for signing up! You can't beat that with a stick. WidgetBucks differs from Google AdSense in that it offers up "widgets" for products like: electronics, books, health and beauty, etc. It does not crawl your content, but it is customizable and they even recently fixed some slowness issues - so it looks like they're heading in the right direction. Unlike Google AdSense, you only need to make $50 to get paid (AdSense is $100). Payments are expected to arrive in 45 days (keyword: expected - we'll all know if WidgetBucks is the real deal come December). And they already start you off with $25 just for signing up - so you're half way there! Some of the sites in their network include: Target, Best Buy, and Amazon.com. All early indications point to WidgetBucks becoming a major player in the ad game. In my next article I will show you how to easily implement WidgetBucks on your Blogger blogs. But for now, head on over and sign up for a FREE account. Tell 'em Earn Money to Blog sent cha.
Submit Your Blog to Google and Yahoo Search Engines Top
Comme Boston Red Sox 2007 - Google et Yahoo sont des champions. Ensemble ils aident des millions de puissance de questions sur l'Internet journalier. En favorisant votre blog avec StumbleUpon nous avons appris que la promotion de blog est un facteur important à gagner l'argent blogging. Afin de produire du revenu de nos emplacements nous avons besoin de trafic et StumbleUpon est une grande source. Cependant, même avant vous commencez au réseau avec des emplacements comme StumbleUpon, vous devra soumettre votre URL des moteurs de Google et de Yahoo à recherche. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Vous n'avez pas un blog encore ? Tête de Sheesh… plus d'à créer un emplacement de blog pour LIBRE et revenu quand vous êtes fait ! URL SubmissionHead de Google plus de pour ajouter votre URL à Google et pour écrire simplement votre URL, quelques commentaires au sujet de votre emplacement, et la vérification de lettre. Quand vous êtes placé, appuyez sur juste le bouton d'URL d'ajouter et Google fera le repos ! URL SubmissionNow de Yahoo que vous avez soumis votre blog à Google, nous avez laissés faire la même chose avec Yahoo. Allez à l'emplacement ExplorerHere de Yahoo que vous pouvez soumettre URL votre deux d'emplacements et alimenter. Quand vous avez l'information placée dans une des boîtes des textes juste pour soumettre et vous êtes fait ! Google et Yahoo réclament leurs bots de recherche ne peuvent pas ramper votre contenu pendant des mois mais de mon expérience elle prend une question des jours. Tant que vous tournez la manivelle constamment dehors du contenu de qualité vous serez dans les affaires. Assez simple hein ? En juste quelques minutes nous avons facilement soumis nos blogs aux moteurs principaux de recherche. Ceci ira un long chemin en favorisant et en conduisant le trafic à nos blogs. Nos jours lucratifs sont juste autour du coin maintenant.
Promotion de votre blog avec StumbleUpon Top
We have learned that monetizing our blogs involves: 1.) Creating a blog with the Blogger service and 2.) Learning how to implement Google AdSense to earn money. However, these are just the first steps in the overall process. Making money to blog takes time, but I'll show you how to speed up the process and start driving traffic to your blog in just a matter of minutes. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, and if you don't, if you don't have anybody who can sell it for you or tell the public, it's a waste of time, the whole thing. We can't argue that point Arnold (by the way, I loved your role in Kindergarten Cop) - and that's why today I'm here to talk about one of the many, many ways you can promote your blog and its content with a great service called: StumbleUpon. I first stumbled upon (no pun intended) the service a few years ago and I was instantly hooked. In short, the service allows you to browse great websites with ease, which is specific to your tastes. So if you like technology, you're going to get pages about: hardware, software, etc. It's a brilliant concept, and eliminates those times (we all have) when we want to surf the Internet for topics we like, but don't know where to go - StumbleUpon does that for us! So how does StumbleUpon help promote our blogs? The answer is simple really - you connect with other stumblers through your StumbleUpon home page. Here's mine as of today (As you can tell, I love Borat!) If they are interested in the content that you stumble, they'll add you as a friend and in turn will pass the word on. This networking will help promote your blog by adding your website into the stumble rotation. So now all of your friends and your friends, friends will be exposed to your blog content! StumbleUpon makes the process of using its service to promote our blogs super simple with some great tools. For one, if you're using Firefox or Internet explorer, you can't live without the toolbar. The integration of StumbleUpon into your browser is what makes it so popular. The options here (which I'll leave for you to explore) allow visitors to easily add your blog as a favorite to their StumbleUpon home page. This seamless integration helps to increase your blog network, promotion, traffic, and - generate more money from your blog at the end of the day. Another must have for bloggers is the Link to Your Profile button. They come in many different flavors and it's just a simple copy and paste of the html into your blog post or blog navigation menu. What these buttons do is make the experience for those who stumble your page much more enjoyable. If they like your article or site in general, they can simply click on the StumbleUpon button to add it into their rotation. Piece of cake, eh? Making money from our blogs is a lot of fun. Promotion tools like StumbleUpon just make the experience so much better. So what are you waiting for? Get Stumbling! Oh, and here's my handy StumbleUpon button incase you want to add me to your rotation today! My StumbleUpon Page
Dépistez vos visiteurs d'emplacement en temps réel pour libre ! Top
Nous aimons blogging pour l'argent et il est plus passionnant que Red Sox, série du monde du jeu un des Rocheuses ! Mais quand nous nous mettons à gagner l'argent avec nos blogs nous avons besoin d'outils pour dépister notre progrès d'emplacements. Aujourd'hui je voudrais présenter un excellent outil libre (il y a des options d'abonnement aussi bien) qui nous permettra de dépister nos visiteurs en temps réel ! C'est passionnant. Le traqueur de blog s'appelle le HitTail.What HitTails fait, est record les mots-clés qui vos visiteurs utilisés pour trouver votre emplacement. Laissez-moi vous renvoyer à un grand article plus d'au craquement de technologie avec les détails. S'inscrire pour le service gratuit est facile - dirigez juste dessus plus d'à la page d'enregistrement de HitTail et complétez la forme. Une fois que vous avez avec succès complété le procédé d'enregistrement, vous devrez copier et coller un morceau de Javascript dans votre HTML. Ne paniquez pas ! Je vous aiderai. Notation en votre compte de Blogger et tête plus d'à la page de disposition. D'ici vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML d'édition dans le menu. Cette page te montre le HTML et le Javascript qui fait votre blog souffler le long sur l'Internet. Afin de dépister nos statistiques d'emplacements, (ainsi nous pouvons maximiser la somme d'argent que nous ferons un certain jour bientôt.) nous devrons coller ce morceau de Javascript dans notre fenêtre des textes. Mettez en rouleau toute la manière au fond de votre écran de HTML et recherchez l'étiquette de « corps ». Collez maintenant simplement le code que vous avez obtenu de HitTail et placez-le sur la ligne directement au-dessus de cette étiquette et sauf vos changements de calibre. Vous pouvez se diriger de nouveau à HitTail, ouvrir une session avec vos qualifications, et début dépistant vos statistiques de blog en temps réel comme c'est des actions d'Apple sur Wall Street ! Car Austin Powers dirait : « Ouais bébé, ouais ! »
Google AdSense for Search on Blogger Top
Earning money with Blogger is more fun than watching a Britney Spears meltdown (no really it is!). And today is no different as we learn how easy it is to add AdSense for Search on our Blogger blogs. We learned in AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 1 and AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 2 that the Blogger service gives us some nice Google AdSense abilities right out of the box. In just minutes we can easily get up and running with ad and link units. But there's more to AdSense - a lot more. Let's go to our Google AdSense accounts and login. Once you're there, click on the AdSense Setup tab. We're presented with several Google AdSense options. You'll notice that the first choice (minus the images option - we'll talk about that in another article) is what we have on our Blogger blogs now: AdSense for Content. But today we're focused on AdSense for Search, so go ahead and click on that now. AdSense for Search is a great option for our blogs. It gives our readers the ability to search the Internet from our site, as well as our content. Ok, we're at the AdSense for Search screen now. Feel free to play around with the configuration options to best match your site. This is a judgment call on your part and should be tweaked, as you feel necessary. When you're done, click next and keep the defaults for now on the following page (you can always come back and play around) and hit next again. You should see the search box code that has your html ready for you to copy and paste! The fine folks at Google do all the hard work for us - no messy HTML for us to write! Once you've copied the entire contents of the text box, log into your Blogger account and navigate to the Layout of your site. From here, choose the Add a Page Element and select the HTML/Javscript option. Go ahead and paste the HTML that you copied from the Google AdSense page into your HTML/JavaScript form and save your changes. That's all there is to it! In just a few minutes you were able to easily add Google's AdSense for Search onto your Blogger blog. That wasn't so painful now was it? Now scram! It's time for you to earn some money!
Creating a Custom Domain for Your Blogger Blog Top
There are a lot of factors involved that will help us monetize our blogs. If you registered with the free Blogger service (check this out if you don't know how), creating a custom domain name is a snap. And doing so will help you in the long run with: branding and ease of use. We don't want our readers to type in: http:///mycoolblog.blogspot.com - we'd rather a cleaner url like: http://www.mycoolblog.com. This article will show you how. First off - you're going to need a domain name. Here at Earn Money to Blog, I like to preach about our free tools. But I have some bad news for you - this is going to cost you - and big… $9.99/yr (can you sense my sarcasm?) Definitely not a requirement for earning money with our blogs but a small investment that's well worth it. Head on over to Go Daddy and sign up for an account. For this article, let's just assume you created the domain name: superapplepies.com. You just can't wait to take the shinny wrapping paper off your new domain name and apply it to your Blogger blog! Let's go log into our Blogger accounts and at the dashboard, click on Settings. You'll see the familiar tabs and menu options - We're interested in the Publishing link. Your picture may differ than mine, but here is what my Publishing page looks like: If it looks a bit different, try poking around for an "Advanced" link. That should do the trick. Notice to the right there is a "Need a domain?" option from Blogger. Google has actually "tried" to make life easier for you by allowing you to purchase one right here (they actually partnered with the Go Daddy service that this very article talks about!). This may not be a bad idea (if you didn't already sign up at Go Daddy yourself), however, I had mixed results with this in the past. And besides, signing up at Go Daddy ourselves will give us more flexibility. Before you go typing your new domain name in there… WAIT! We need to make some quick configurations over at our Go Daddy account to point the name to the Blogger service first. Log into your Go Daddy account if you aren't already, and click on the My Domain Names option. You should see your new domain listed there. In this example you would see superapplepies listed. Simply click on the link to drill down into your domain options (note: If you don't see your domain name right away, don't panic. Sometimes this process can take a few minutes). You're now at the Domain Control Center. It all seems pretty overwhelming for some of us, but I'm going to point out the option you need to select called - Total DNS: Again, if you don't see that option there - relax… go talk to your loved ones for a little while, they miss you. Back Already? Now you're sitting at the Total DNS Control Panel. Here we're going to make one simple change - we need to edit the "www" in the "Host" column, in the "CNAMES" table. Change your "Points To" value to match the picture above: ghs.google.com, by hitting the edit button. Save your changes and switch back over to your Blogger account. We left off on the Publishing screen and now we're going to wrap up the process. Under the Advanced Settings, in the Your Domain section, enter your new domain name. Save your settings and you're done! Now the only downside (what? I have to give it to you straight) is that your domain name changes won't happen automatically . In some cases it can take up to 48 hours, but my experience has been less than a couple (yours may vary). Congratulations - you now own a piece of the pie (pun intended) with your custom domain name. Well, we did have our space before but now it's more personal. And earning money with our blogs is all about our personal touch on the World Wide Web.
Options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : Partie Top
In AdSense Options with Blogger: Part 1 , we learned that Blogger gives us AdSense for Content options: ad units (text only) and link units (yep, you guessed it - links). But just as important as the ads themselves are the colors. If you're a fan of the Boston Red Sox (sorry Yankee fans) you're not going to Fenway Park dressed in hot pink. Chances are you'll show up in the team colors - white, red, and blue. Your AdSense ads are no different - They should seamlessly blend in with the rest of your site, and lucky for us, Blogger makes that really simple. Ok, head back on over to your layout screen, click the trusty ol' Add a Page element and click on the AdSense section. You'll see the familiar Configure AdSense screen. Have a look at the Colors section. You'll notice a drop down list of options and ways to customize the colors. Right off the bat - I would suggest the "Blend Template" option. In just seconds Blogger will help us blend our AdSense ads into our page. This nice option will get us 90% of the way there… we just need to do some tweaking to the colors. Look closely at the colors presented and watch as you make changes - the preview will automatically update for you. This is a great way to fiddle around with the color scheme and get it just right. Off to the right there are a bunch of funky looking numbers and letters. Don't get scared - this hexadecimal, and is a color combination to tweak your ad just right. So how do you know what hexadecimal values to put in there? I'm glad you asked. Head on over to: Hex colors where you can find every color imaginable (even hot pink!). There you have it! Configuring AdSense color combinations with Blogger is easier than knocking the Yankees out of the playoffs (sorry, I couldn't resist). That wraps up this two-part series on AdSense Options with Blogger. Now go earn yourself some money!
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, et Google AdSense Top
C'est la semaine dans la revue - occupée à coup sûr. Si vous avez été suivant le long nous avons appris énormément. Mais la chose gentille est que cela n'a pas pris longtemps du tout. Ainsi faisons à travers une promenade rapide, n'est-ce pas ? 1.) Nous avons appris au sujet de Google AdSense et ce qu'il peut faire pour us.2.) Certains d'entre nous s'étaient cachés sous une roche et n'ont pas même su ce qui la limite : Blog signifié ! (hé, vous devez commencer quelque part, bien ?)3.) Après, nous avons figuré dehors juste combien facile (et LIBÉREZ !) il était d'installer notre propre blog pour que le monde voie, avec Blogger.4.) Nous avons été excités au propre un morceau de Cyberspace, mais nous avons voulu commencer à gagner l'argent avec AdSense. Heureusement, l'installation de compte était un breeze.5.) Été armée avec un blog mortel de nos propres et d'un compte d'AdSense a la substance dangereuse ! Nous ne pourrions pas simplement entrer dans ceci avec nos yeux étroitement ainsi j'ai décomposé les termes et conditions générales de Google ainsi vous ne tomberiez pas asleep.6.) Après que nous nous soyons sentis confortables avec les politiques du programme de Google, nous avons décidé de mettre AdSense sur nos blogs. Et le garçon était celui facile ! 7.) Enfin et surtout, nous avons voulu une stratégie saine pour présenter nos annonces. Nous n'avons pas voulu qu'elle ressemblât à votre fête d'anniversaire doigt-peinture-orientée quand vous aviez neuf ans - ainsi nous avons suivi le conseil de Google et avons mis nos annonces où les lecteurs peuvent les voir. Félicitations ! Vous êtes sur votre chemin à gagner l'argent avec votre blog. Ce ne va pas être un succès durant la nuit mais coller autour et nous y arriverons. Nous avons beaucoup plus rectifié pour couvrir comme : Optimisation d'AdSense, contenu d'emplacement, trafic, etc. Nous frapperons ceux la semaine prochaine mais pour maintenant moi vous laisserai digérer toute la ceci.
Bouts réussis de vente de filiale pour votre blog Top
Affiliate marketing is where you use your website to promote the products of an online merchant, by putting the merchant's ads in your site. However, this alone is not going to get you money, you have to convince the visitor that the product will be useful for them. Let's take a look at some affiliate marketing tips that will give you the kind of success that you want through affiliate marketing with your blog. Product Research The first thing to be considered is the product. Do research on the product and make sure that it is a quality product and one for which there is a considerable demand. Take the key points on quality and highlight them in your blog, so that visitor attention is captured. Quality Content and Visitor Response You must put in compelling content so that your visitors feel the need to opt for the merchant's products. It is how well you project the product that brings in the returns. This is one of the most important affiliate marketing tips for affiliate marketing success. It is important to address every aspect of the product as possible so that the visitor can learn all that they need to know about it. Another thing you must do is look into visitor comments. When your respond soon to visitor comments, you can be sure that it will lead to more sale leads as you are directly responding to them and this approach addresses their concerns. Use SEO Implement SEO techniques into your site's content so that your blog site turns on top of search engine results and ensures affiliate marketing success. If you want higher traffic, you have to be able to reach out to your site for information and this can happen only if your site is quickly assessable in search results. Link to sites with similar content as yours so that you can attract your niche audience. No Clutter When choosing an affiliate product, make sure that you do not choose too many products and clutter your blog with them. This makes it confusing for the reader as they have too many things to look into. Instead, choose one product and discuss it in detail or perhaps two. This gives more of a focus to the product and as such you will retain reader interest. Having too many affiliate links reduces the effectiveness of the links for the readers. This is one of the most important affiliate marketing tips to consider. Conclusion Ultimately it's how well you discuss about your affiliate product or service that makes the difference in the kind of output that you seek from affiliate marketing. If you discuss about the product or service thoroughly, you can be sure of gaining site visitors as you will be informing them, as much as what they need to know about what you are promoting. Writing in a promotional style is not enough because what is important is how well you discuss the product or service's features that will retain reader interest and lead to possible sales leads. Related posts: How to earn free money – Answer is affiliate marketing The Secrets of Selling Affiliate Products from Your Blog Tips for Writing Compelling Blog Content
Internal Link Building for Higher Search Engine Rankings Page Rank Top
In today's post, I'm going to talk about internal link building and how to use it effectively for higher search engine rankings, higher page rank and for better user experience on our websites and blogs. Most of the time when we talk about getting quality links for our website, we always aims at getting links from external websites whether they came from discussion forums, guest posts on blogs, blog commenting, link exchange, directory submission, Ezine publishing etc and also underestimate the power of internal link building. Your scope of doing internal linking keeps on increasing as the number of pages on your website increase as in that case you will have more pages to link to. We can get top rankings for our website internal pages by creating links within our website and by linking them using proper anchor texts. One of the biggest reasons behind the success of big portals like Wikipedia and Answers.com is their strong internal linking system. Here I'm going to discuss some of internal link building strategies we can implement on our websites and blogs for better search engine rankings and higher page rank from Google: 1. Website Navigation Structure Website navigation should be created with the focus in mind to highlight your website or blog top pages, posts or categories. And if you find problem in showing all of your website internal pages in the navigation bar, then you can think of creating a main navigation in the header where you just show your website most important product or category pages and show pages like About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer etc in your website sidebar or in the footer section. Website navigation is one of the best way to link to your website internal pages with Seo friendly URL's and Anchor texts which will ultimately help those internal pages higher rankings in search engines and better page rank. Lots of people love to use flash, image text and buttons in their navigation bar to show their website main pages and categories. But I would suggest avoid using flash, image texts (text written in images) and drop downs in your navigation bar. Search Engines don't understand text that we wrote within an image or buttons. So avoid these practices when creating navigation menu for your website or blog. 2. Linking within Content Its true search engines give more preference to links that are within content as compared to links that we get in the website sidebar in the form of blogrolls or Partners, on the resources pages or in the footer section. So contextual linking (links with your content portion) is really beneficial for external websites and for your own website internal pages. But contextual linking is really successful in those websites and blogs with hundreds or thousands of pages being created. And in case you are running a blog on Blogger or Wordpress, there are plugins available that will help you show related posts with your blog posts. But don't add too many unnecessary links to your website internal pages as that will not be good from user experience. Create links to pages which they looks natural and add more value to your existing content. 3. Proper Anchor Texts Creating links within your website using any imaginary text will not help you much in search engine rankings. So the best strategy will be using seo driven Anchor texts when adding links on your website or blog. Links like Click here or Read More does not add much value to the page you are linking and also it's not good for your website readers. Please go through some sample links people generally create within their websites and blogs: Clicks here for more detail Keep on Reading for information Internal Link Building Strategies Among all of three examples, third one is best example of using a proper anchor text to link to your internal pages. And its also creates better user experience on your website as its more informative when compared to first and second link schemes. 4. Follow BreadCrumbs We generally show BreadCrumbs in our website below navigation menu. A breadcrumb is used to show where we are currently on the website and has hierarchical structure mentioned in links. A good example of website following BreadCrumbs is open directory project Dmoz.org. And to know more about BreadCrumbs navigation and how to implement them on your website, go through the Wikipedia link shared. 5. Creating Sitemaps Another thing that can be done for internal link building is creating HTML Sitemap on your website and limits the number of links within your sitemap to 100. And if you must include more than 100 links in your HTML Sitemap, I would suggest crating more than one HTML SiteMap. 6. Footer Links And in case you missed using some of important pages links in your navigation bar, why don't add them in your website footer section. And in the end I hope you understand the magic of internal link building. So implement these techniques on your websites and blogs for getting lots of organic traffic from search engines and for higher page rank to your website internal pages. Have you been using any of the techniques that I shared here on your website or blog, please share in the comment section. Related posts: Using Named Anchors for user/search engine benefits Are PR0 Links Worthwhile In Your Link-Building Campaign? Google Page Rank update is going on
How to Make Money fast with Domain Flipping? Top
Domain flipping has been a fast way to make money online . Many people and internet marketers are heavily involved in flipping domains. Those who serially buy and sell domains are domain flippers. It is a way to make money online which has not been utilized to the full potential. Flipping domains means the process of buying and selling domains. There are two ways that you can make money by selling domains. The first way is to simply buy a good domain name which is sell-able and may interest buyers. The second way is to buy a domain name and earn a good Page Rank, Alexa Rank etc. Once it begins to make a few dollars every month then you can consider selling it in the market. This requires a little more hard work than the first way to make money from flipping domain. Also it will take some time as you will need to wait until the site is indexed in Google so that you can get some organic search engine traffic. However, this will turn out to be more profitable as you are selling an established domain name. If you are worried about finding a place where you can sell your domain then there is a solution. First of all, there are many websites and forums that facilitate you to sell or buy domains. The price generally set for each domain name is according to the income which it generates per month. So how does Domain Flipping allow you to earn money fast? When you buy a domain and sell it, generally you can sell it for a few hundred or thousands of dollars, whereas, you can buy a domain name for fewer than ten dollars. So when you buy and sell repetitively on the internet then you have created a lot of wealth in the process. This is why domain flipping is a great way to make money online. With some experience there is no limit to the number of domain names that you can sell. If you have enough skill, then you can even sell one or more domains every week. Domain flipping does not require a lot of money to investment. It is a simple way to make money online but requires some patience. This is also a fast way to make money online. So if you are interested then you should definitely give this a shot to make money. Most people who make money from domain name flipping work from home. Have you tried selling your site? Please share your experiences with us. Related posts: How to make money online with domain parking Make money online with domains Make Money Fast: Top ways to make fast money on internet
Liste de choses à faire après installation des wordpress sur votre blog Top
Designing and running a blog was never so easy before the wordpress had stepped in. You can perform numerous things on your blog after installing wordpress, but you must not forget to accomplish the things as enumerated below on your blog immediately after installing the wordpress. It will not only enhance your blog’s life expectancy but will also improve your blog bounce rate . Timely implementation of these issues will ensure having an optimized blog running up to fetch all the web-treasures you desire. Most important things that you may need to do after installing wordpress on your blog, will differ depending upon your web requirement and nature of your blog. However, ten most common things that you must perform on your blog after installing wordpress are: 1. Change password The foremost thing you are required to do is changing the password. Go to ‘Change the Admin Password and Manage Your Authors’ and set your handy easy-to-remember password. 2. Look at User Panel and allow others to join Once password is set, now you concentrate to arrange your house so that new blog creators can join you to gratify your web presence. Users panel is the place where you can set such type of personalized user settings. 3. Adjust Media Settings Though you have the option to resize your images for your blog to best suit your content width, but at times, you may find it difficult and cumbersome to resize them manually each time you post an over-sized image. Besides, if you forget to resize your posted image, you may face problem with your blog post. Therefore, if you pre-resize your images by updating your desired media values at Dashboard| Settings| Media, you will be able to save your precious time as well as infuriation. 4. Change and update URL structure This is important as far as page viewing of your article is concerned. If you avoid this customization, you will have your article’s URL as something like www.myylife.com/?p=295. Look at the structure of the URL. Is it having any attention-grabbing criteria on it? Technically speaking too, SEO response for such type of URL is poor. Users can’t remember such structure. So, wordpress gives the solution. You need to Edit Permalinks and modify URL structure in order to have a fascinated url. While doing so, include key-word rich article title to get a URL something like www.myylife.com/5-reasons-to-choose-green-bikini. Do you love it than the default url? Move on to Settings> Permalinks> Common settings> Custom Structure. Include %articlename%/ or %category%/% articlename%/ in the appropriate field. 5. Ensure you have backups of your blog You must not forget to include installation of a Database Backup Plugin in your list of things to do after installing wordpress on your blog. Let me tell you why it is so imperative. You know, database forms the main driving force for wordpress. Whatever you post, all go into a database. Now, imagine what will happen if the database crashes and you don’t have a backup of latest update for your celestial blog? You could be lost. Is that acceptable to you? So, take little pain to install a Database Backup Plugin, one good example of which is the WP-DBManager Plugin, after installing wordpress on your blog. After installing and activating, select DB Options from Dashboard| Database and select the maximum number of backups and don’t forget to setup auto-email feature. You are safe now. Your e-mail address will keep on receiving backups of your wordpress database in zipped form. 6. Design and Upload Your Theme and make it Active By this time, you must have designed your cool theme. If not, get it done now. You may also download a theme to suit your requirement. Make sure you unzip your theme before uploading after installing wordpress on your blog. The action requires you to move to wp-content > themes followed by appearance > themes to activate your design. 7. Install Google XML Sitemaps Some may say this is optional. But, I recommend, you must do it. Make a note of it. This helps you achieve one of the primary objectives of your web presence. Once installed, a compliant XML Sitemap is generated for your site inspiring search engines to index your site. Isn’t it amusing? Visit Google Webmaster Central> log in. Find a link on the first page to verify your site. Once verified, once again find a link on the first page to Add Sitemap and follow instructions there to complete the action. 8. Modify the Default Category to add your own You might forget to add this task to your list of things to do after installing wordpress on your blog. In my experience, majority of the hardcore bloggers do so. By default, your blog appears 'Uncategorized'. It is highly recommended that you should take special care to add a subjective category for your blog by visiting Posts> Categories. Change the 'Uncategorized' to a most appropriate one for your blog. 9. Add Ping servers By default, wordpress adds only one ping server for your use. This is not fair as far as your traffic-dream is concerned. You must change it to accommodate as much servers as you want for unflinching flourishing of your blog. You may take little time to update this feature. Don’t be in a hurry to select the servers. 10. Activate Akismet Akismet is a very useful plugin offered by the Wordpress. It protects your blog from being comment-spammed. Activate the plugin by visiting admin area> Plugins page. For this, you need to register yourself at Wordpress.com and then get collected one API key from your profile page. This key is required to be pasted at Plugins> Akismet Configuration in order to activate the Akismet. With this, you have successfully positioned a watchdog on your blog from your key list of things to do after installing wordpress on your blog. You have something more to add to this list that all wordpress users needs to implement on their blogs, if yes please share in the comments section. Related posts: How to Add Twitter Retweet Button to Wordpress Blog 5 Plugins you must install in Wordpress before Blogging IF God had to Blog he Would Use Thesis Wordpress Theme
SharedReviews: Write Reviews and Make Monthly Income Top
I have been experimenting with a lot of different programs over the internet to make more money online. Today, I finally can come to a conclusion for a site called SharedReviews.com which can help us make more money just by writing reviews for the products we are using such as cell phones, laptops, books, daily products or any other things that we can think of. I have been trying this program for several months and I am really slow in writing reviews for the site because I focus most of my time on other money making opportunities as well as focusing on my studies. I created 10 reviews in SharedReviews.com and now, I have USD$4.87 in my account that is a good results for me because I never expect that writing reviews can help me make money. Now, I am promoting this program to every readers so that everyone can grab this opportunity to make money by writing reviews. In addition to making money from reviews, members can make money by writing for contests and get rewards. The total cash rewards that are given by SharedReviews.com for December 2009 is USD$2275.00. If you participate in the contests, you earning opportunities are very large and a lot of users are making huge income from SharedReviews.com . I am going to write more reviews soon and I hope that my new reviews will be making money for me in the future. Join the program and try it out, aybe you will be making large income from writing reviews.
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$45.00 le 30 novembre 2009 Top
I received another payment from Bidvertiser . Bidvertiser sent me another payment of USD$45.00. You might know that I received several payments from Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser is a good program to join for extra income and of course, it is free to join. Bidvertiser is easy to use and Bidvertiser is a good alternatives to Google AdSense. You can read my other payment proof below: 1st Bidvertiser Payment 2nd Bidvertiser Payment advertising
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$27.07 Top
I received my LinkWorth payment few weeks ago and it is USD$27.07. I have been continuously paid by LinkWorth for few times. If you always read my blog, you will notice that I have written posts about my previous payment. LinkWorth is a great way to make money from blog if you have an informative blog. I would say that  LinkWorth  is the best Google AdSense Alternative.You can l earn more about LinkWorth  and  get started in LinkWorth  to make money. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05
MyLot October Payment: USD$13.59 Top
Yeap, j'ai reçu un autre paiement de MyLot encore et cette fois, j'ai gagné USD$13.59. C'est un autre revenu supplémentaire pour moi au bon moment parce que je veux préparer une certaine somme d'argent pour mon investissement dans les stocks et les fonds communs de placement mutualistes. Vous pourriez vouloir savoir que combien de fois j'ai gagnées de MyLot, For Your Information, je suis des 10 périodes payées par MyLot et c'est le 11ème. Vous pouvez continuer de lire pour avoir connaissance de mes 10 autres paiements de MyLot. Svp lu dessus pour voir tous les paiements j'ai reçu le from  ; MyLot. 10ème Paiement 9ème Paiement 8ème Paiement 7ème Paiement 6ème Paiement 5ème Paiement 4ème Paiement 3ème Paiement 2ème Paiement ęr Paiement Comment gagner l'argent à partir de MyLot la publicité
Lisez plus est maintenant disponible sur le Blogger Top
Si vous ne mettez pas à jour votre blog pendant tout à fait un long temps, vous ne pourriez pas noter le nouveau dispositif supplémentaire à Blogger.com. Le nouveau dispositif est le plus demandé « a lu plus » de fonction demandée par beaucoup de bloggers employant Blogger.com. Maintenant, nous avons « avons lu plus » de fonctions dans notre compte de Blogger.com. Comme vous pouvez voir de l'image à la gauche, en cliquant sur simplement sur le bouton « de coupure de saut d'insertion », vous pouvez diviser votre long poteau en deux parts et créer « lisez plus » de lien après que vous ayez édité le poteau. Mais avant que vous puissiez employer la fonction, vous devrez la permettre au > de « arrangement " ; > ; « De base » suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Après vous atteignez le > de « arrangement " ; > ; La page « de base », font descendre l'écran au MOS du fond de la page et vous trouverez les options suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Choisissez l'option « a mis à jour le rédacteur ». Vous pouvez maintenant apprécier la nouvelle fonction à votre page de « nouveau poteau ». Espoir vous pouvez suivre les étapes simples et permettre la nouvelle fonction de coupure de saut. S'ajouter « a lu plus » au blog de votre blogger peut aider à organiser vos poteaux et à rendre leur le sembler rangé. Maintenant, nous ne devons plus employer le dur et la vieille méthode à créer a lu plus de fonction sur le   de notre Blogger ; blog. Ainsi, appréciez la nouvelle fonction.
Don libre : Rapport secret de Bidvertiser [téléchargement gratuit Top
Dear readers, today I am going to share with you a free report I created. I created this "Bidvertiser Secret Report" because I find that Bidvertiser has a large opportunity to make money. It is a simple 4 pages report to give you a some insides about Bidvertiser . So, go ahead and download it. It is free for all readers and everyone who is visiting my blog. Download the "Bidvertiser Secret Report" Now! Thank you for downloading, enjoy your reading and make more money. advertising
Affiliate Marketing: The Road to Riches Top
Affiliate Marketing is not a new topic on the Internet anymore. It has been around for years and recently I read a lot about Affiliate Marketing and I discover that there hundreds and thousands of people making huge income every single day from Affiliate Marketing. As you can see from the picture on the left, people are making more than USD$1000 per day using affiliate marketing, so I am sure that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living online. So, I feel that I need to share this valuable information to all my readers because I know that we are all trying hard to make money online and to be honest it isn't easy to make money online. Affiliate marketing might be the answer we are searching for all these years. Affiliate Marketing is one of the many ways to make money online. As an affiliate, our job is to promote a product to people who are interested about the products and we earn commission for every sales we make.Ok, to make it easier for you to understand, we as online affiliates are sales promoter for online products. So, our only job is to promote, promote and promote to make sales and earn commission. That is simple. We do not need to create our own products, we do not even need a website and we do not need to spend a dime to promote the products. Everything is provided and our job is to promote and bring traffic to the website of the products to make sales. How you can started promoting as an affilite? It is not hard at all. You just need to have a Clickbank account and signing up is free. By having a Clickbank account, you can gain access to all the products online and promote them easily using your promotion links. There are a lot of product we can promote online and as a way to promote as an affiliate, I have listed 3 of them below: The way you promote the products depend on your creativity. Some people prefer to use email to promote, some people uses advertising, some people uses pinging and so on. I am going to share the ways to promote Clickbank products in another post because I do not want to make this post too lengthy. advertising
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$111.04 Top
Yeah, I receive my 4th LinkWorth payment yesterday. It is a huge payout for me. The payout is a total of USD$111.04. That is quite a large amount of money for me. Now, I can use the money to buy stuff I want. You might have already knew what is LinkWorth if you are always reading this blog. LinkWorth had paid me several times and the amount of money I got from LinkWorth is quite big amount too. You can l earn more about LinkWorth and get started in LinkWorth to make money. LinkWorth is a great program to join. It is a great way to make money from your blog. I would say that LinkWorth is the best Google AdSense Alternative. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 advertising
Liens pour 2009-07-27 [del.icio.us Top
ArticlePinger.com | Cinglez vos articles et obtenez le trafic ! Un nouveau et grand emplacement de cinglement pour aider des Bloggers, des articles, des poteaux et plus pour gagner plus de lecteurs et de visiteurs.
MyLot June Payment: USD$76.55 Top
Aujourd'hui, j'ai mon paiement de MyLot d'USD$76.55 à mon compte de PayPal. Après 11 fois d'obtenir le paiement de MyLot, c'est le plus grand paiement par mois où j'obtiens de MyLot. Jusqu'ici, mes recettes totales provenant seul de MyLot sont USD$211.01. C'est le total de 11 paiements de MyLot. MyLot est un emplacement de discussion qui paye le membre pour commencer des discussions, pour répondre aux discussions, pour télécharger des photos et pour écrire des tâches. C'est un grand emplacement et je recommande vraiment de le joindre. Grâce à MyLot encore du grand service et à MyLot est sûrement un grand programme à joindre pour gagner l'argent. Vous pouvez continuer à lire dessus et vérifier les liens à mes autres paiements de MyLot. 10ème Payment9th Payment8th Payment7th Payment6th Payment5th Payment4th Payment3rd Payment2nd Payment1st PaymentHow pour gagner l'argent à partir de MyLotadvertising
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$64.37 Top
J'ai obtenu un grand déboursement de LinkWorth. LinkWorth est en effet un grand programme à joindre parce qu'il inclut tous les programmes pour des éditeurs aussi bien que des annonceurs. Si vous êtes nouveau à LinkWorth, vous pouvez obtenir commencé et se renseigner sur LinkWorth. Si vous avez la difficulté gagner l'argent à partir du programme tel qu'AdSense, vous pourriez essayer LinkWorth. Peut-être LinkWorth fonctionnera pour votre blog. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
MyLot peut paiement : USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Make Money by Designing Logos Top
Il y a quelques emplacements offrant des concepteurs de logo pour gagner l'argent en aidant leurs clients à concevoir des logos. Je parviens à trouver un emplacement appelé CrowdSpring. Personnellement, je ne suis pas vraiment bon au logo concevant, ainsi je ne joins pas l'emplacement. J'ai décidé de partager cet argent faisant l'occasion à tout le vous ce qui lisent mon blog. Fondamentalement, l'emplacement est un endroit pour que le grand site Web trouve que des concepteurs de logo et alors ils peut choisir les logos qu'ils aiment. La plupart des clients offrent le taux de salaire élevé, normalement environ $400 à $1000 par projet ou par conception. Vous pouvez cliquer sur dessus l'image ci-dessus, vous pouvez voir que les projets en cours offrent $1000 par projet. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent. Si vous êtes très bon à la conception de logo, alors ce serait la manière pour que vous rendiez le revenu énorme en ligne. Pour moi, concevoir le logo n'est pas le travail facile. J'ai essayé très dur de faire une certaine conception utilisant Photoshop et je fends ma tête pour penser même à une idée. Même le plus mauvais, je ne suis pas celui bon pour l'utilisation de Photoshop qui le rend encore plus dur pour que je conçoive. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de vous là sont dehors les concepteurs très bons de logo ou peut-être vous êtes très bon pour employer Photoshop. Ainsi, ce serait une grande chance pour que vous gagniez l'argent. Vous trouvez un projet, faites la conception, soumettez et si vos conceptions obtiennent admises, alors vous êtes sur votre chemin de rendre le revenu réel en ligne. Ainsi, vous pourriez vouloir essayer CrowdSpring dehors. Employez votre talent dans la conception pour gagner l'argent pour vous. Il pourrait y avoir plus d'emplacements permettant à des utilisateurs de gagner l'argent utilisant leur talent dans la conception, vous a pu essayer de découvrir plus vous-même. la publicité
Tonnes du trafic avec un système viral libre ! ! ! Top
We all all having the same problems everyday, we tried our best to get more people to read our blog but all our efforts are not giving any satisfying results. For me, all I manage to get is around 100 views to 200 views per day on my blog. I have been blogging for around 3 years and I manage to get some exposure for my blog but it is not an easy task. It is not easy to get people to read our blog. It would be a lot more harder for us to get traffic to our blog if we use the wrong ways to get our blog exposed to more people. Few days ago, I found a site with a very unique system to help websites get massive traffic for free. It is a viral system which will help your site generate a lot of new users and visitors. The visitors are all genuine visitors (Not computer generated traffic) because their system requires real people to use it and promote it so that more people or users can view our sites. Why I say the views generated on our sites will be all real people? You can read it here and you will know why . The site gives this system for free and it helps a lot of successful online business to generate a lot of money as well as make a lot of money. The system successfully create helps websites get more people, more users and more money because the amount of traffic generated is unlimited. Our blog (site) can get more than 1 Millions people to view every single day. The powerful system is called FreeViral System . I am getting started to use the system and I want to share this special system with all my readers. Thank you for your continuous support. I hope that this system will help all of us get thousands and millions of visitors to our blog. The FreeViral System is a unique system because it helps our blog (site) to get maximum exposure on the Internet. The link of our blog will appear in front more than thousand of people. The FreeViral system has successfully helped webmasters, bloggers as well as affiliate marketer increase their websites traffic and increase their online income. It is a very unique system. I do not want to talk more about it here because you can read all about it at the FreeViral System site . No point for me to repeat the details in my blog. So, visit the site of FreeViral system and you will be AMAZED by the system. It is a great idea and it is going to be useful to all of us. Have fun and enjoy blogging. advertising
Avez-vous oublié PayPerPost ? Top
It has been a long time I have not written a post about PayPerPost . I hope that you still remember PayPerPost . PayPerPost is a site where all the advertisers participate to look for Publishers to write posts about their products. Advertisers will pay Publishers(Bloggers and webmasters) certain amount of money to write a post about their products. So, the site is called PayPerPost. By joining PayPerPost , you can enjoy several benefits such as finding opportunities you like and write about it to make money, help your blog engages to more advertising opportunities and so on. A lot of Publishers(Bloggers and webmasters) are making a huge income from PayPerPost because there are a lot of opportunities available. You can look at how much money Publishers especially Bloggers have made in PayPerPost by looking at the picture above. It is a HUGE amount of money and if you are hard working, you can make money using PayPerPost . From PayPerPost alone, I have made quite an amount of money. I would not discuss it here. It is a great program to join. If you have not joined PayPerPost , I recommend you to join it now. Why You Should Join: It is Free! You get paid by writing the things you like. You can make money by writing posts. If you are lucky and hard working, you can MAKE a LIVING using PayPerPost . I am sharing this site because it works for me and I really like it. How to Get started with PayPerPost: 1. Sign up for PayPerPost . 2. Follow all the steps in PayPerPost such as filling in your information, details of blog and so on. 3. After completed all the steps, you can proceed to "Open Opportunities" and there you can find a lot of opportunities to write and make money. 4. Click on "Qualified Opportunities". 5. Write about the opportunities on your blog and get paid for it. It is very easy because you are doing all the things yo normally do - Blogging. Join PayPerPost and Make Money: Your Browser does not support IFrames: This form can not be rendered. Please visit PayPerPost to sign up. advertising
Liens pour 2007-12-17 [del.icio.us Top
The Definite List of Top 10 Social Bookmarking Site There are plenty of social bookmarking sites out there. Have you ever wonder which are the best social bookmarking sites. Recognizing the most popular social bookmarking sites can help you maximize your blog's page rank very fast and get maximum traffic t Explode Your Blog Traffic With These Tricks A lot of people are struggling to get massive traffic to blog or website but they can hardly get the traffic coming. Some might use the methods I explained in my past posts, but those methods are only enough to get you traffic for a short period only. Now Social Bokkmarking tool A site for social bookmarking only one click
Links for 2007-09-04 [del.icio.us] Top
Fabrication de $300.00 à partir de Google AdSense
Links for 2007-07-11 [del.icio.us] Top
Favorisez votre quantité de contenu de blog de blog
Links for 2007-05-17 [del.icio.us] Top
Metafilter | Community Weblog Traffic a lot here Boost Your Adsense Earning in Seven Ways « TIPS FOR BLOGGING 7 ways to good adsense
L'estimation d'Alexa du trafic d'Alexa @ ce qui est lui a expliqué ? Top
L'estimation d'Alexa du trafic d'Alexa @ ce qui est lui a expliqué ? earnmoneyonlinemoneymakingtips.blogspot.comGlobal 982.230 ceci est où mon blog se range pour tous les sites Web dans le monde. Quelle est une estimation du trafic d'Alexa ? Le rang du trafic d'Alexa ou l'estimation d'Alexa est la mesure de la popularité d'un site Web. Le rang d'Alexa est calculé utilisant une combinaison des visiteurs et des pageviews quotidiens de moyenne au cours des 3 mois derniers. L'emplacement avec la combinaison la plus élevée des visiteurs et des pageviews est #1. rangé Earnmoneyonlinemoneymakingtips.blogspot.com juste fendu sous million de sites Web les plus vus au monde. Laissez-moi voir où je peux prendre ce blog d'ici que j'aime un bon lol de défi. Voici le grade du trafic d'Alexa de mon blog par pays : Estimation du trafic des Etats-Unis Alexa : estimation du trafic de 408,161Great Grande-Bretagne Alexa : grade 217,115Traffic dans le rang du trafic des USA dans la mesure de CountryA de la popularité d'un site Web dans un pays spécifique. Le rang par pays est calculé utilisant une combinaison des visiteurs et des pageviews quotidiens de moyenne des utilisateurs de ce pays au cours des 3 mois derniers. L'emplacement avec la combinaison la plus élevée des visiteurs et des pageviews est #1 rangé dans ce pays. Les emplacements du trafic d'Alexa liant dans 65 sites Web lient à earnmoneyonlinemoneymakingtips.blogspot.com plus de liens rangés haute par page de qualité que vous avez l'indication votre site Web, ou le blog, plus votre grade de page de Google sera en baisse la ligne haut. Bout de filiale : Soyez sûr de commenter des blogs, et écrivez quelques articles pour augmenter vos backlinks. Ce sont mes 2 manières préférées d'accumuler mes backlinks mais leur sont l'abondance plus de signalisation de forum, les classifieds etc. d'écriture…. Pour appeler uns ! Recherche Analytics : Ceci explique les limites supérieures de recherche apportant le trafic à votre blog, ou le site Web. L'outil très maniable offert par Alexa ainsi vous savent pour quels mots-clés vous vous rangez bien ainsi vous pouvez apporter des modifications pendant que vous voyez l'ajustement.
Learn Affiliate Marketing Lesson My Favorite Online Traffic Tips Top
Apprenez la leçon de vente de filiale ma liste en ligne préférée de TipsA du trafic que je partagerai avec mes lecteurs de blog où j'obtiens la majorité de mon traffic.1 en ligne libre. Hubpages.com $$big hub d'écriture de money$$ mon argent préféré maker.2 de filiale. source du trafic de WarriorForum.com du petit trafic 3. d'Ideamarketers.com d'Ezinearticles.com de la source décente gentille 4. du trafic excellente par la signalisation dans le forum là en ligne. 5. Bookmarking social situe mon meilleur interprète est Stumbleupon.com 6. Betternetworker.com que l'excellente source du trafic vous recommandent fortement soumettent quelques filiales d'articles là ! la presse libre 7.Writing les libère se rangent très fortement dans la recherche engines.8. Sites Web sociaux de gestion de réseau que mes favoris ont étiqueté, Myspace, et Myyearbook.9. Le commentaire sur des blogs s'est rapporté à votre place. Je biseaute l'effort cet assez particulièrement pour des acheteurs de filiale de commencement donnant lecture ceci là. Les deux choses les plus puissantes que vous pouvez faire en ligne sont soumettent des articles, et présentent leurs observations sur des blogs particulièrement dans le commencement. Ceci augmentera votre grade de page de Google avec le temps - alors vous pouvez commencer à se ranger bien pour quelques mots-clés très lucratifs pour votre blog, ou site Web, une fois optimisé correctement !   ; 10. Écrivant des classifieds - mon favori personnel est U.Sfreeads.com. J'ai une adhésion de la meilleure qualité avec eux - elle me court pendant $9.99 mois mais son bon en valeur le petit peu de l'argent que je dépense. Vous pouvez favoriser n'importe quel programme de filiale tant que son contenu non adulte, Amazone, ou websites.  de jeu ; Autre que cela les cieux la limite, et là des classfieds sont regard doux à initialiser. Sentez-vous libre pour ajouter vos sources et commentaires préférés du trafic ci-dessous, à vos entrepreneurs de succès, Jay !
Méthode sans valeur de vente - leçon de vente de filiale et cours d'instruction de vente d'article Top
Méthode sans valeur de vente - leçon de vente de filiale et vente Tutorial  d'article ; Grande vidéo au sujet du marketing sans valeur du sagou de Travis. J'ai ai écrit au sujet du marketing sans valeur sur de nombreux poteaux, je ne peux pas souligner l'importance de cette méthode ! Une grande leçon libre pour des filiales de débutant. Appréciez !   ;
Benefits starting your own affiliate marketing business Top
Benefits starting your own affiliate marketing business   What Exactly Is Affiliate Marketing Definition? Affiliate Marketing in basic terms an agreement with the affiliate network and the website owner (product vendor), where an affiliate is permitted to place advertisements such as banners, text links or written product or service reviews on their website for the marketing of that vendor's products or services by using tracked links to the vendor's online business. Each time a sale is made using the tracked link a commission is given to that particular affiliate marketer. The commissions can range from a couple dollars to a couple thousand dollars depending on what product the affiliate marketer is promoting online. 1. Residual income on autopilot - What other business can you make money while you sleep, or are on vacation? Not many career choices can you potentially say I made $500 bucks last night while I was counting sheep lol. That is the power of having your own online affiliate marketing business. 2. Think of all the hefty tax write-offs you can get by starting your own affiliate marketing business. Don't believe me research all the benefits of being a self employed Entrepreneur. Just Google it. 3. No wasted gas coming to and from work. Not to mention its more than likely a job you do not really enjoy if your reading this passage. I can relate I was at a job I didn't like for years, not enough  money for what I  did - under appreciated, no time off to spend with my friends and family. Boring work I literally had to force myself to go in to work every day. Sound familiar? That is what motivated me to go out there and start my own affiliate marketing business. I enjoy the work a great deal, its very good money, and the more work I put into my online business the more I get out of it which is okay in my book. 4. More free time to spend with your friends and family once your home business starts pulling in that extra cash. With a little hard work, and taking the time to learn the skills it takes to succeed, and grow your home based business the skies the limit. Working online can be extremely lucrative - Just ask all the self made  online Internet millionaires out there. If your a beginning affiliate marketer and you want to succeed in this business, be willing to take the time out of your schedule to learn the ropes. Trust me its well worth your valuable time! 5. No start up capital invested how cool is that? You do not have to invest tons of money online to get your business going it's basically free. I would recommend beginners read some quality E-books, or join a club based around affiliate marketing to get your feet wet at first - but its definitely not mandatory. What other business model out there offers so much for so little? 6. Do something you truly enjoy - If your looking into starting your own home based business then chances are you enjoy the idea, the extra income, and challenge that affiliate marketing can bring to the table. In conclusion: If your looking for a relatively easy business to start from home - where you can earn a lot of money online  give affiliate marketing a try you will be glad you did! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Apprenez comment installer un blog pour le marketing de filiale Top
ęr La vidéo apprennent comment installer un blog pour la vidéo courte visuelle de la filiale marketing2nd pour de nouveaux acheteurs en ligne sur la façon dont installer un blog sur le Blogger
Learn Affiliate Marketing Starting Out Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank Tips! Top
Learn Affiliate Marketing Starting Out Affiliate Marketing With Click-bank Tips 1. Your first step should be finding a great affiliate marketing company. I recommend clickbank to everyone for a couple of reasons! Reason number 1 their affiliate commissions are very very high which is a very good thing. Why are they high you might be asking yourself? Here is the answer to that question? They only promote informational products, products that can be downloaded instantly after payment is made from the vendor directly to you. Everyone is happy it don't cost the vendor anything for giving the customer access to their product. So you being the affiliate can make some great commissions referring paying customers to that vendors products. Sometimes upwards of $100 depending on which products your choosing to market! They can afford to pay up to 75 percent commission for the simple fact that they wouldn't of gotten the sale in the first place, if it wasn't for you the savvy affiliate. Clickbank has thousands of vendor's with a ton of great products which you the affiliate, can make a ton of money with! They even tell you which products are selling the best by the gravity. Which basically tells you how many different affiliate's, referred a paying customer to this vendor the higher the number the better. Clickbank has paid out over a Billion dollars in commissions to date, and growing each and every day which means money is definitely being made. I recommend anyone interested in Affiliate Marketing sign up for a free account with them today they come highly recommended from me and 1000's of other profitable Affiliate Marketers! 2.Your 2nd step I would recommend after you sign up with Clickbank would be to find a couple of products to promote. look at the sales pages, would this be a product I would take out my wallet and purchase? If the answer to this question is yes. Then by all means start promoting it. Clickbank will give you your own personal nickname, that you will come up with when you sign up for free to become an affiliate! This is your personal link that you use that Clickbank can track so you get your much deserved Affiliate commissions. Play around with a couple of your favorite vendors see which ones are profitable and are making you the most sales. When you find the ones that are making your wallets or purses heavier lol run with it. Market the heck out of them! Make that money and rinse, wash, and repeat. Build on your affiliate marketing success and keep pumping out those articles, write more classifieds, post in forums, build a website it's really not very hard at all to build a website. Build on your success! 3. Finding free places to promote your Affiliate Products- Your next step I would tell you is to make some classified ads, for whatever products you are promoting. My favorites are U.S Free Ads, Craigslist, and Kijiji that is the classifieds owned by Ebay. There are many more you can use, these are just my personal favorites in that order. Most will allow you to place your affiliate link in your classified ad or website link so you can refer a paying customer. And make that money tip: Use a good title on each ad- this is very important! Because when the search engines index your classified ad your goal should be to get to the first page of Google for whatever your title is. 4. Write informative Articles- Their are many great Article websites out their such as Ezinearticles, Searchwarp, Ideamarketers, and many more and it is free to post an article. The idea here is to write a review or an informative article on whatever your promoting. For example Ezinearticles requires a minimum of 250 words an article which is very easy to do! Some of them don't even have a minimum word count. But the more popular ones do! Write something short, sweet, and to the point using the same principles as stated above, get your article to the top pages of the Search Engines! These articles will let you put your affiliate link in your Bio box at the end of the article. Ezinearticles is an exception to this rule you have to link to a classified you made previously a blog, or Squidoo lens. They don't allow Affiliate links but the traffic is well worth it. So write away new affiliates. Tip: Hubpages, is my favorite article submission site they are one of the top 200 websites in the world so they have tons of targeted traffic. You can incorporate Google Adwords into all your hubs giving you another source of income. And my favorite part is there is no waiting to get your hubs approved, as long as there unique and written by you! 5. This is a cheap secret to get you off the ground and running! Have you ever heard of Bum Marketing? I first stumbled upon Bum Marketing a little while back, and let me tell you I am certainly glad I did! It teaches you how to grab first page listings on Google, Msn, and Yahoo. Basically all of the big search engines, but primarily Google. This system is taught by Travis Sago and really works great! I have a paid membership to U.S free ads which is only $9.99 month to post unlimited classifieds. You can add HTML, Affiliate links, Website links, your ads basically look like mini websites their pretty sharp! And what you do with the bum marketing system is research keywords that have to do with whatever your promoting. I use Google Adwords for this. Use a Highly Searched keyword phrase, with little competition. When I say little competition I mean phrases that have 50,000 listings or less! Use that phrase in your title on your u.s free ads premium membership and you are almost guaranteed a first page listing for that phrase on Google each and every time. If your an affiliate you can probably smell the potential. I make quite a few sales doing this, so I figured I would share it with my viewers. If your interested in checking U.S free ads out I have placed a link for you here. 6. I have only scratched the surface, but these tips will get your Home Based Affiliate Marketing business off the ground. Below you will find some links to some programs. That will help you considerably in taking more necessary steps forward in your Affiliate-Internet Marketing dreams. My favorite online money making club just released! To Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
How To Start An Internet Affiliate Marketing Business Online Simple Steps Top
How To Start An Internet Affiliate Marketing Business Online Simple Steps Here's Your First Step To Take - You want to find a legitimate affiliate program to sign up with. Here is a couple of my favorite affiliate programs Clickbank, Linkshare, Commission junction, and Amazon. These are a few of the largest - most well respected affiliate networks in the online marketing community. You should start out by picking one of the 4 to start out with. You don't want to overwhelm yourself and sign up with all 4 affiliate networks at once, because there's too many online affiliate programs you will get overwhelmed very quickly. Pick your favorite, sign-up for a free account - The sign up process is pretty easy it wont take you very long. Once you start seeing some affiliate commissions coming in - Then you can sign up for another network, and increase your money making potential. Your Third Step - After you sign up with your favorite affiliate network would be to browse their online marketplace, and pick your two favorite affiliate products to promote. Then write a couple classified ads related to whatever your affiliate products are about. U.Sfreeads, Backpage, Craigslist, Myspace classifieds, and Kijiji, are a few of the major classified ad networks out there - Where you can write some free ads for your marketing campaigns. Your fourth Marketing Step: Once you get familiar with writing classified ads, and hopefully made a few sales by now. Your next step in your home based affiliate business would be to start writing articles. Some of my favorite article directories are Ezinearticles, Hubpages, Ehow, and Articlesbase. Online article directories have sticking power on the internet, they rank highly, you are seen as an expert, when your articles are written properly they can produce tons of free quality traffic for your Internet business. Your Fifth Online Business Step: Posting in online forums related to whatever your niche is based around. Warrior forum has a great deal of traffic, and is a great place to begin. I would also recommend Website Babble they have lower traffic levels but I have gotten a great response from posting in there affiliate marketing forum. Do not forget to add your signature link on these forums pointing at your website, blog, or affiliate link. Easy money, and free targeted traffic, are what online forums bring to the table. Take advantage of them especially if your new to making money online. To really ramp up your Earning Extra Income Online efforts with your home-based affiliate business up to the next level, start your own affiliate website, or blog. Web hosting is typically about $10 a month and is well worth the small investment. You have to spend a little money, to make a considerable amount of money. So make sure you start your own website, if you cant afford webhosting I know times are tough - Then start a blog. Affiliate Marketing Business Tip: Pick a domain name if you start a website, that is short and easy to remember. Pick a couple great keywords that you want to rank for on the search engines and use them as your domain name which is what your website will be called. Examples: http://www.Earnmoneyonlinetips.com or http://www.affiliatemarketinglessons.com. See how my main keywords are in those URLS? You get the picture... My last step would be start reading some affiliate marketing e-books, this will really speed up the learning curve, and you will make money much more quickly. Maybe even join an Affiliate Marketing Training Program , to learn some great tips, that can help get your affiliate marketing home-based business off the ground and earning money much more quickly. Good luck with your new home based money making business. I will leave you with my favorite motivational quote: There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Start building towards your dream of a successful money making business today. To All Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Leçon en ligne de vente de filiale - filiales de commencement obtenant des bouts commencés Top
Online Affiliate Marketing Lesson - Beginning Affiliates Getting Started Tips So you have finally decided to take the plunge into the online world of affiliate marketing. But your asking yourself the question where do I begin? Or maybe how do I go about making money affiliate marketing? First off I want to take the time to congratulate you on taking your first steps towards financial freedom. Here is what motivated me to finally take the big plunge, and start my own home based business. I first realized the power of affiliate marketing, when my first affiliate commissions started rolling in. Hey, this is pretty cool I can make money from my spare bedroom. After my first commission checks came rolling in - It hit me what this online business could actually become. And the potentially huge commission checks I could be receiving every week. Those first checks really got me more determined than ever I thought lookout world here I come. If I keep plugging away quitting my full time job one day is a real possibility. Plus I absolutely love affiliate marketing, and earning money online through this business model is rewarding, as well as challenging, which I enjoy both aspects very well. I continue to plug away at my online affiliate business and the rewards keep coming in. Enjoying what you do is a big part in making money online. Think about it - Where else can your potential customers be from all over our great big beautiful planet we call Earth? With a local brick and mortar business your restricted to your local area. With the Internet you can make money by promoting your product worldwide. I am a Clickbank affiliate, I live in the Chicago, IL. area. But with the powers of the Internet, and affiliate marketing, I can sell to people from all over Europe, U.S.A, Canada, South America, the skies the limit. All from my home based office! How cool is that? Damn right - These are the reasons I put all my energy, and motivation, on learning how to run a profitable affiliate marketing business. So if your a beginning affiliate here are some tips on how to get started. Affiliate marketing lesson  1 : You need to sign up for a free affiliate account. Here are a few major players in the affiliate marketing industry. Clickbank - Over 10,000 digital products for you to promote. So the choices are not slim by any means! Affiliate commissions range from 50 to 75% commissions. Example: Your promoting a work at home affiliate product that retails for $50 dollars U.S. you as the referring affiliate are getting a 75% commission on the successful sale of that product. You check your Clickbank account you just sold that product hurray! You just made yourself a hefty $37.50 commission. Not to shabby huh? The money can really add up. The one downside of starting out with Clickbank as an affiliate is you have to get 5 sales from 5 different credit cards in order to receive your first check. Yeah I know it sucks - But 5 sales can come pretty quick. Think of it as your initiation. After you receive your first check and you have met there CDR requirements you will be paid once every 2 weeks as long as you make at least 1 affiliate sale. Trust me Clickbank is well worth the initial wait - Their the best in the business by far as far as I am concerned. If you want to promote physical products - Not digital, here are a few other quality affiliate programs to consider. Linkshare, Commission Junction, Pepperjam network, and don't forget Amazon. Try a few of them out and see who performs the best for your affiliate marketing campaign. If you want to earn extra money online the 3 key steps are learning, motivation, and trial@error. If you apply these 3 qualities you will eventually unlock those golden money making gates to happiness. Be persistent affiliates, and never give up! Your next lesson learn how to write classifieds, articles, from one of my other online lessons. Feel free to browse my blog for your next money making lesson.


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