lundi 4 janvier 2010

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Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$45.00 le 30 novembre 2009 Top
I received another payment from Bidvertiser . Bidvertiser sent me another payment of USD$45.00. You might know that I received several payments from Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser is a good program to join for extra income and of course, it is free to join. Bidvertiser is easy to use and Bidvertiser is a good alternatives to Google AdSense. You can read my other payment proof below: 1st Bidvertiser Payment 2nd Bidvertiser Payment advertising
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$27.07 Top
I received my LinkWorth payment few weeks ago and it is USD$27.07. I have been continuously paid by LinkWorth for few times. If you always read my blog, you will notice that I have written posts about my previous payment. LinkWorth is a great way to make money from blog if you have an informative blog. I would say that  LinkWorth  is the best Google AdSense Alternative.You can l earn more about LinkWorth  and  get started in LinkWorth  to make money. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05
Lisez plus est maintenant disponible sur le Blogger Top
If you are not updating your blog for quite a long time, you might not notice the new feature added to The new feature is the most requested "Read more" function requested by a lot of bloggers using Now, we have "Read more" functions in our account. As you can see from the picture at the left, by simply clicking on the "insert jump break" button, you can break your long post into two parts and create a "Read more" link after you have published the post. But before you can use the function, you will need to enable it at the "Setting">>"Basic" as shown in the picture below: After you reach the "Setting">>"Basic" page, scroll down to the bottom mos of the page and you will find the options as shown in picture below: Select the option "Updated editor". You can now enjoy the new function at your "New post" page. Hope you can follow the simple steps and enable the new jump break function. Adding "Read more" to your blogger's blog can help to organize your posts and make them look tidy. Now, we no longer need to use the Hard and Old Method to create Read More function on our Blogger's  blog. So, Enjoy the new function.
Free Giveaway: Bidvertiser Secret Report [Free Download] Top
De chers lecteurs, aujourd'hui je vais partager avec vous un rapport libre que j'ai créé. J'ai créé ce « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » parce que je constate que Bidvertiser a une grande occasion de gagner l'argent. Il est les 4 pages simples rapportent pour te donner quelques intérieurs au sujet de Bidvertiser. Ainsi, avancez et téléchargez-le. Il est libre pour tous les lecteurs et chacun qui visitent mon blog. Téléchargez le « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » maintenant ! Merci du téléchargement, appréciez votre lecture et gagnez plus d'argent. la publicité
Affiliate Marketing: The Road to Riches Top
Affiliate Marketing is not a new topic on the Internet anymore. It has been around for years and recently I read a lot about Affiliate Marketing and I discover that there hundreds and thousands of people making huge income every single day from Affiliate Marketing. As you can see from the picture on the left, people are making more than USD$1000 per day using affiliate marketing, so I am sure that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living online. So, I feel that I need to share this valuable information to all my readers because I know that we are all trying hard to make money online and to be honest it isn't easy to make money online. Affiliate marketing might be the answer we are searching for all these years. Affiliate Marketing is one of the many ways to make money online. As an affiliate, our job is to promote a product to people who are interested about the products and we earn commission for every sales we make.Ok, to make it easier for you to understand, we as online affiliates are sales promoter for online products. So, our only job is to promote, promote and promote to make sales and earn commission. That is simple. We do not need to create our own products, we do not even need a website and we do not need to spend a dime to promote the products. Everything is provided and our job is to promote and bring traffic to the website of the products to make sales. How you can started promoting as an affilite? It is not hard at all. You just need to have a Clickbank account and signing up is free. By having a Clickbank account, you can gain access to all the products online and promote them easily using your promotion links. There are a lot of product we can promote online and as a way to promote as an affiliate, I have listed 3 of them below: The way you promote the products depend on your creativity. Some people prefer to use email to promote, some people uses advertising, some people uses pinging and so on. I am going to share the ways to promote Clickbank products in another post because I do not want to make this post too lengthy. advertising
Ewen Chia's Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 on Sales! Top
Aujourd'hui, alors que je surfe le Web pour me renseigner sur des techniques de vente de filiale pour gagner l'argent en ligne, je trouve un site Web par le site Web d'Ewen Chia de la filiale bien connue du monde pro. Il a lancé son produit et ce s'appelle l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale. Je lis l'emplacement et je constate que je suis très chanceux pour trouver l'emplacement aujourd'hui parce que le produit est en ventes ! Il vend très un prix bas d'USD$27.00 qui se vend normalement à USD$97.00.I googled pour plus d'informations sur l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale et j'ai trouvé beaucoup de grands commentaires au sujet du produit. J'ai relu l'emplacement d'Ewen le Chia encore et j'ai finalement décidé de l'acheter. Il me coûte SEULEMENT USD$27.00. La meilleure partie de l'achat est les bonifications libres incluses. J'écris ce poteau pour informer tous les lecteurs que si vous êtes intéressée d'acheter ce produit, ne manquez pas la chance parce que c'est un produit extrêmement bon à acheter et meilleur de tous, il vend maintenant très un prix bas. Je suis apprenant et lisant les bouts et les tours maintenant. le prix de l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale sera grimpé jusqu'à USD$97.00 n'importe quand bientôt. Ainsi, je suis vraiment heureux j'ai obtenu l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale à USD$27.00. Si vous êtes intéressé, obtenez-le aussitôt que possible et apprenez d'Ewen Chia à gagner l'argent en ligne. la publicité
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$111.04 Top
Ouais, je reçois mon 4ème paiement de LinkWorth hier. C'est un déboursement énorme pour moi. Le déboursement est un total d'USD$111.04. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent pour moi. Maintenant, je peux employer l'argent pour acheter la substance que je veux. Vous pourriez avoir déjà avez su ce qui est LinkWorth si vous lisez toujours ce blog. LinkWorth m'avait payé plusieurs fois et la somme d'argent que j'ai obtenue de LinkWorth est quantité tout à fait grande aussi. Vous pouvez apprendre que plus au sujet de LinkWorth et obtenir commencée dans LinkWorth à faire money.LinkWorth est un grand programme à joindre. C'est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir de votre blog. Je dirais que LinkWorth est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.I AM étant payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
Liens pour 2009-07-27 [ Top | Ping Your Articles and Get Traffic! A new and great ping site to help Bloggers, Articles, Posts and more to gain more readers and visitors.
MyLot May Payment: USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Bukisa: Write and Get Paid Top
Quand je faisais quelques discussions sur MyLot l'autre jour, j'ai reçu un message d'un ami de MyLot. C'est un message pour partager un emplacement avec moi a appelé Bukisa. Bukisa est un emplacement qui fonctionnent presque comme Triond où nous pouvons soumettre des articles, gagner plus de vues et devenir payés. La partie différente de Bukisa est qu'elle offre bien plus de paiement par 1000 vues que Triond. Ainsi, c'est un bon emplacement pour joindre et gagner l'argent à partir de nos articles. Dans Bukisa, il y a un endroit où vous pouvez trouver l'index de Bukisa. L'index de Bukisa est la somme d'argent que nous recevrons quand nos articles obtiennent 1000 impressions ou vues. Vous pouvez regarder l'index de Bukisa utilisant l'image ci-dessus. Elle offre maintenant USD$3.42 par 1000 impressions ou vues. C'est tout à fait un bon revenu. Faisons quelques mathématiques : 1 article obtiennent 1000 impressions = articles USD$3.4210 obtiennent l'impressions= 1000 USD$34.20If que vous travaillez dur : 50 articles obtiennent l'impressions= 1000 USD$171.00Remember, nos articles peuvent se produire plus de 1000 impressions et lui continue à nous aider à produire de plus d'argent et de plus de revenu. Ceci s'appelle le revenu passif. En fin de compte, nous pourrions faire tout à fait un bon revenu utilisant Bukisa. Ce n'est pas tout, dans Bukisa, nous peut se référer nos amis pour se joindre et nous obtenons les commissions payées aussi. Je peux dire que Bukisa est en effet un meilleur choix pour écrire et soumettre des articles et pour gagner l'argent. Bukisa est un emplacement bien meilleur par rapport à Triond si vous voulez gagner l'argent sans blog et gagner l'argent utilisant votre articles.advertizing : Cinglez vos poteaux et obtenez plus de visiteurs Top
Si vous aviez lu mon blog, vous sauriez l'importance du « cinglement ». Le cinglement de votre blog et de notre contenu est une tâche importante de gagner plus de visiteurs pour votre contenu. Voici un emplacement appelé où vous pouvez soumettre un lien, le titre de vos poteaux et les descriptions de poteau pour le montrer à la page principale de l'emplacement. L'emplacement est très nouveau et s'inscrire pour l'emplacement est libre. Ainsi, donnez-lui un essai pour cingler vos poteaux et articles. Le cinglement est très important parce que par le cinglement, vous êtes réellement disant à un web server que votre emplacement est mis à jour. Ainsi, faites-lui une habitude pour cingler vos mises à jour telles que de nouveaux poteaux et nouvel est très nouveau. Il serait grand de profiter pour employer le service parce que vous obtenez plus de backlinks de l'emplacement quand vous lui envoyez plus de cinglement. J'ai des cinglements plusieurs poteaux et j'ai constaté que l'emplacement est tout à fait sensible et rapide. L'emplacement est tout à fait propre et facile à utiliser. Il a très moins d'annonces et la vitesse de chargement est tout à fait rapide aussi. U de signature est libre. Ainsi, je recommande de l'employer comme manière d'obtenir plus de visiteurs à notre contenu et à notre blog.advertizing
Have You Forgotten PayPerPost? Top
It has been a long time I have not written a post about PayPerPost . I hope that you still remember PayPerPost . PayPerPost is a site where all the advertisers participate to look for Publishers to write posts about their products. Advertisers will pay Publishers(Bloggers and webmasters) certain amount of money to write a post about their products. So, the site is called PayPerPost. By joining PayPerPost , you can enjoy several benefits such as finding opportunities you like and write about it to make money, help your blog engages to more advertising opportunities and so on. A lot of Publishers(Bloggers and webmasters) are making a huge income from PayPerPost because there are a lot of opportunities available. You can look at how much money Publishers especially Bloggers have made in PayPerPost by looking at the picture above. It is a HUGE amount of money and if you are hard working, you can make money using PayPerPost . From PayPerPost alone, I have made quite an amount of money. I would not discuss it here. It is a great program to join. If you have not joined PayPerPost , I recommend you to join it now. Why You Should Join: It is Free! You get paid by writing the things you like. You can make money by writing posts. If you are lucky and hard working, you can MAKE a LIVING using PayPerPost . I am sharing this site because it works for me and I really like it. How to Get started with PayPerPost: 1. Sign up for PayPerPost . 2. Follow all the steps in PayPerPost such as filling in your information, details of blog and so on. 3. After completed all the steps, you can proceed to "Open Opportunities" and there you can find a lot of opportunities to write and make money. 4. Click on "Qualified Opportunities". 5. Write about the opportunities on your blog and get paid for it. It is very easy because you are doing all the things yo normally do - Blogging. Join PayPerPost and Make Money: Your Browser does not support IFrames: This form can not be rendered. Please visit PayPerPost to sign up. advertising
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$10.50 Top
I got paid by Bidvertiser again. So far, this is the 3rd time I am paid by Bidvertiser . Bidvertiser is quite a good way to make extra money from my blog. This time, I am paid USD$10.50. I know that this is not a big amount of money but at least, I make extra pocket. I use Bidvertiser because I can receive payment using PayPal. This is a faster way to get paid. So, it is quite a good AdSense Alternatives. advertising
Blog pour l'argent par le partage des recettes Top
I came across a very interesting site called . It is a site giving free blogging service to everyone PLUS revenue sharing or in other word, profit sharing. This is quite a new idea - giving free blogging services and bloggers can make money by revenue sharing - indeed a great idea and great ways for mutual benefits. What is Revenue Sharing? Revenue Sharing means that the is offering us to start a blog on their site and we get a share of the revenue generated on the site. In another word, it means profit sharing. The revenue sharing of is 50/50. This means that all bloggers will share 50% of the total earnings of Example: If is generating $5000.00 per month, then 50% of the earnings will be given to Bloggers. We will earn some percentage of income from the $2500.00 per month. How is paying Bloggers? They pay according to the popularity of your blog. This means that the more popular your blog, the more money you are going to generate. All I can say is that is a pure Helping Bloggers Blog for Money site. It is a great idea but nothing is perfect because there are good and bad. We should not only look at the positive side, we must look at the negative side too. Lets Look at the Pros: Just concentrate to write your blog in without worriying about the advertisements placement. this is because will help you place the advertisements at the best place on your blog. You can get visitors quite easily because is a large online community with a lot of active Bloggers. So, if your blog is good, you will get visitors. Lets Look at the Cons: Normally, we would not know EXACTLY how much the site is making per month. So, the revenue sharing might not be 50/50. Is the site really making money or it is not making much money every month? So, what will happen to our income? From the Pros and Cons, you can see that the site is having a great idea of Bloggers write blogs, earn money for popularity of blogs. For the part of revenue sharing, we are not sure how much money willthe site make and how much will the bloggers receive every month. What about those not so popular blogs? Will they make money? So, these are some questions that we need to think about and you need to think about if you want to join. Anyway, joining and using is Free. So, it is not a bad idea to try out your luck. Who knows, maybe you will become a famous bloggers in the site and make a lot of revenue from it. So far, I feel that is a great site for beginners Bloggers who want to make money from their blog. It is a good place to get started and make money online. About all those questions, I leave to your wisdom to think about it. advertising
Liens pour 2008-04-12 [ Top
Gagnez l'argent du blog : Secrets d'AdSense indiqués ! Gagnez l'argent du blog Gagnez l'argent du blog : 000WebHost : Tous dans un accueil de Web libre
Liens pour 2007-07-11 [ Top
Promote Your Blog Blog Contents Quantity
Liens pour 2007-06-22 [ Top
Double revenu d'AdSense
Links for 2007-05-17 [] Top
Metafilter | La Communauté Weblog Le trafic beaucoup ici Amplifiez votre revenu d'Adsense dans le « de sept manières ; TIP POUR des manières de BLOGGING 7 au bon adsense
Cinq manières de conduire le trafic à votre blog Top
When you blog for money you need to create your own content (and lots of it!), implement advertisement programs like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks , and last but not least – you need traffic. In our offline lives we dread it, but online we embrace it. I want to give you 5 ways to start driving traffic to your blog today. With a little time and patience, you will slowly start to increase your viewer ship. (In no particular order) 5.) Post comments on other blogs. Blogs are everywhere – there's certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment. Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities. 4.) Register with blog networks like: Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog It's important that you get your blog out there for others to see. You can start the process by submitting to search engines , but that's just the beginning. Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog are just a few of the high profile blog networks on the web. Register with them, network with other people in your releated area, and get your word out. When you register with these services remember a couple of things: 1.) Create a detailed profile. Let people know a little bit about you and draw them in. Without that personal interaction people may flee quickly. 2.) Tag your blog properly. Tags are very important – they're usually one or two word descriptions of your blog. So for example my blog would fall under categories like: Money, Business, and Finance. Dig around the specific service and look for popular tags and try to use those for your blog. It allows people who are interested in these topics to easily find your site. 3.) Register with several forums. Do a Google search for forums that are related to your niche and register. Try to be an active voice in the community. People will flock to you if you're interesting. Not only that but it allows you to find out what others are doing and what makes them appealing. When you register with a forum, make sure to fill out the profile, similar to the blogging services. And equally as important – make a signature that is a direct link to your blog. Your signature is shown in every post that you make – helping you gain visibility. This is all the more reason to create thought provoking discussions. 2.) Social Bookmarking and Article Submission. Social networking, bookmarking, and article submissions are all the rage today – don't let it pass you by. Some of the major networks include delicious, Furl, and of course, Digg. These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting. What's more interesting than your own work? People should know about it so go spread the word. 1.) StumbleUpon StumbleUpon really falls into tip #2, but I decided to break it away from the pack because it provides quicker results. Like the rest of the social networking sites, you create a profile and network with others. But what makes StumbleUpon so darn unique, is that you can "stumble" thousands of sites that you're interested in by the click of a button. So what does that mean for you? Well, you can stumble your own site. By doing this you get into the Stumble rotation, and any people that you network with can stumble across it as well. In my experience StumbleUpon can bring great surges of traffic for short periods of time. Due to the nature of the service, you're likely to get overlooked more than not; however, those that do stop – tend to stay. And if they like the site, they can rate it and review it for all the friends in their network to see. Are you getting the picture here? Your viewer ship has the potential to explode! As with most things in life, there's no silver bullet for getting traffic. It takes a lot of research, careful planning, networking, patience, and time. If you have what it takes and start using my recommendations, you will definitely start to see an increase. Hopefully that increase in traffic will help you blog for money.
Create a PayPal Donation Button Top
When we think of making money with our blogs, methods like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks comes to mind. However, these free ad services are not the only ways to generate revenue. In fact they're far from the only ways, and this article will show you one of the different paths to earning money - PayPal donation. PayPal is the leader in sending money and buying products online. For years people around the globe have been utilizing PayPal to purchase items from places like eBay and Amazon. But one of the great features that PayPal provides bloggers and site owners is the ability to create a donation button. And thanks to the good folks at PayPal - this process is easier than ever! We'll learn here that integrating PayPal on our Blogger blogs takes a matter of minutes and requires no HTML or programming knowledge. Go ahead and log into your PayPal account now. If you don't have one yet, setup is a breeze. Just head over here to sign up and then come back when you're done. Once you've logged in, click on the Merchant Services tab. This will be located in the top menu of your My Account Overview page. Now that you're on the Merchant Services page, choose the option link that says "Donate". You'll find this under the Create Buttons section. When you click on the Donation option, PayPal will then direct you to the donation configuration screen. Here you can name your donation (I've simply added my name). A donation id, which is optional; the amount you would like to have donated (I recommend leaving this blank… let your donator decide that). Then select which style of button you like and click on Create Button Now near the bottom of the page. PayPal generates the HTML/JavaScript for you. Go ahead and copy all the contents of your text box. When you're all set, head over to your Blogger account and login. Choose the Layout option from the dashboard and click Add a Page Element. To integrate our PayPal donation button, we'll need to add an HTML/JavaScript module. Now simply paste the contents you got from PayPal into the HTML/JavaScript form, save your changes, and you're done! That was pretty painless, wasn't it? Our blogs are really shaping up nicely to this point. We've integrated Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , and now we have our very own PayPal donation button!
Adaptez vos liens de menu de Blogger Top
Making money with our blogs includes some bigger topics like: Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , and URL submission to search engine giants: Google and Yahoo. However, there are a lot of little tweaks that we can easily make to our blogs, which will add to the reader's experience. And remember - no readers, no money - so make sure to take care of them! We're going to do just that today by customizing our Blogger menu links. When you first create your Blogger blog you'll most likely get a menu that looks something like this: That's a nice menu if your blog is more of a diary than an information site, but to make money we need to simplify things for our audience. We need to create navigation that is user friendly and easily understandable. For example - if I came to my site looking for information on Google AdSense , it would do me little good to see a long list of month and day links. However, if I saw a nice link that said: What is AdSense? THAT would be much more helpful. So let's start by logging into our Blogger accounts and going to the Layout page. Once you're there, click on Add a Page Element. Instead of the Blog Archive module, we're going to add a Link List to our layout. Here you will see a form that allows you to enter the title, number of links, sorting, page or site URL, and the name. Let's quickly go over some of these options in a little more detail. Title: This will be the name of your navigation menu. Your readers will see this so make it something useful. Let's say you're going to make a list of beginner tutorials, you might name this: Getting Started. Number of links to show in list: This will allow you to control how many links are visible to the user. Unless you're going to have 100 links in your navigation, I would recommend keeping this blank. Keeping this field blank will show all of your links. Sorting: You can choose to sort your list alphabetically if you wish. What I like to do is order them by topic. So for example: I would have a link: "What is Google AdSense?" before How to integrate "Google AdSense on Blogger?" New Site URL: This is going to be the direct link to the site or page you want to display. You'll simply copy the URL string at the top of your browser for this. New Site Name: And of course the name of your link. Try to be short and descriptive as possible. Ideally you want to fit the name all on one line and not have it break to another. Now that you have a grasp of the options go ahead and add a link. Once you fill out the fields click the ADD Link button. You'll see a little preview of your link's name and optionally you can edit, delete, or change the position with the arrows to the left (You'll need more than one link for the arrows to show). When you're happy with your changes - save them and you're done! Not too bad for a days work (considering our day is only 10 minutes long). In just minutes we got rid of the hard-to-navigate menu system that Blogger gives us out of the box, and replaced it with a more intuitive menu that our readers will appreciate. By doing this we've made the overall experience better, which will lead to: more repeat visitors, happy newcomers, and more money for us!
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
Dans quoi est-il WidgetBucks ? Nous avons appris qu'il y a plus de manières que juste Google AdSense de gagner l'argent à partir de blogging. Si vous savez WidgetBucks et voulez s'inscrire avancez et faites cela maintenant : WidgetBucks nous permet d'intégrer facilement des annonces de produit sur notre blog de Blogger mais comment ? Heureusement pour nous, WidgetBucks et Blogger lui font un processus très franc. Commençons par noter en nos comptes de WidgetBucks et cliquons sur dessus le nouveau bouton de gadget dans le menu. Ceci nous apportera à la personnalisation votre page de gadget. D'ici vous créez simplement un nom pour votre gadget, l'indiquez la page que vous allez la placer, adaptez la conception, et choisissez aux besoins du client finalement quel type de produit vous voulez servi. Une fois que vous êtes juste presse réglée le bouton de code d'obtention et copiez le HTML/JavaScript. Ne vous inquiétez pas - comme tout autrement que nous faisons autour d'ici - n'ont besoin de savoir rien au sujet du HTML ou du Javascript commencer à gagner l'argent. Mais vous devez savoir copier et coller ! Maintenant que vous avez votre code de gadget, notez en votre compte de Blogger. Au tableau de bord allez à la disposition et puis ajoutez un élément de page. Si pour quelque raison vous aviez caché sous une roche ce temps plein et n'avez pas un compte de Blogger - contrôle dehors créer un blog. Vous devriez avoir la forme de Blogger avec toutes vos options de disposition maintenant. Voici que vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML/JavaScript. Avance et colle votre code de gadget sous la forme principale - vous pouvez sur option lui donner un titre si vous voulez - je ne fais pas. Une fois que vous sauvez vos changements vous êtes fait ! Félicitations ! Vous êtes prêt à commencer à gagner l'argent avec WidgetBucks.
Quel est WidgetBucks ? Top
WidgetBucks is a FREE ad service that allows us to make money from our blogs - similar to Google AdSense. (Read What is Google AdSense? if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) WidgetBucks is the new kid on the block. No, not the New Kids on the Block. What's great about WidgetBucks is that right off the bat they give you $25 just for signing up! You can't beat that with a stick. WidgetBucks differs from Google AdSense in that it offers up "widgets" for products like: electronics, books, health and beauty, etc. It does not crawl your content, but it is customizable and they even recently fixed some slowness issues - so it looks like they're heading in the right direction. Unlike Google AdSense, you only need to make $50 to get paid (AdSense is $100). Payments are expected to arrive in 45 days (keyword: expected - we'll all know if WidgetBucks is the real deal come December). And they already start you off with $25 just for signing up - so you're half way there! Some of the sites in their network include: Target, Best Buy, and All early indications point to WidgetBucks becoming a major player in the ad game. In my next article I will show you how to easily implement WidgetBucks on your Blogger blogs. But for now, head on over and sign up for a FREE account. Tell 'em Earn Money to Blog sent cha.
Submit Your Blog to Google and Yahoo Search Engines Top
Comme Boston Red Sox 2007 - Google et Yahoo sont des champions. Ensemble ils aident des millions de puissance de questions sur l'Internet journalier. En favorisant votre blog avec StumbleUpon nous avons appris que la promotion de blog est un facteur important à gagner l'argent blogging. Afin de produire du revenu de nos emplacements nous avons besoin de trafic et StumbleUpon est une grande source. Cependant, même avant vous commencez au réseau avec des emplacements comme StumbleUpon, vous devra soumettre votre URL des moteurs de Google et de Yahoo à recherche. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Vous n'avez pas un blog encore ? Tête de Sheesh… plus d'à créer un emplacement de blog pour LIBRE et revenu quand vous êtes fait ! URL SubmissionHead de Google plus de pour ajouter votre URL à Google et pour écrire simplement votre URL, quelques commentaires au sujet de votre emplacement, et la vérification de lettre. Quand vous êtes placé, appuyez sur juste le bouton d'URL d'ajouter et Google fera le repos ! URL SubmissionNow de Yahoo que vous avez soumis votre blog à Google, nous avez laissés faire la même chose avec Yahoo. Allez à l'emplacement ExplorerHere de Yahoo que vous pouvez soumettre URL votre deux d'emplacements et alimenter. Quand vous avez l'information placée dans une des boîtes des textes juste pour soumettre et vous êtes fait ! Google et Yahoo réclament leurs bots de recherche ne peuvent pas ramper votre contenu pendant des mois mais de mon expérience elle prend une question des jours. Tant que vous tournez la manivelle constamment dehors du contenu de qualité vous serez dans les affaires. Assez simple hein ? En juste quelques minutes nous avons facilement soumis nos blogs aux moteurs principaux de recherche. Ceci ira un long chemin en favorisant et en conduisant le trafic à nos blogs. Nos jours lucratifs sont juste autour du coin maintenant.
Promoting Your Blog with StumbleUpon Top
We have learned that monetizing our blogs involves: 1.) Creating a blog with the Blogger service and 2.) Learning how to implement Google AdSense to earn money. However, these are just the first steps in the overall process. Making money to blog takes time, but I'll show you how to speed up the process and start driving traffic to your blog in just a matter of minutes. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, and if you don't, if you don't have anybody who can sell it for you or tell the public, it's a waste of time, the whole thing. We can't argue that point Arnold (by the way, I loved your role in Kindergarten Cop) - and that's why today I'm here to talk about one of the many, many ways you can promote your blog and its content with a great service called: StumbleUpon. I first stumbled upon (no pun intended) the service a few years ago and I was instantly hooked. In short, the service allows you to browse great websites with ease, which is specific to your tastes. So if you like technology, you're going to get pages about: hardware, software, etc. It's a brilliant concept, and eliminates those times (we all have) when we want to surf the Internet for topics we like, but don't know where to go - StumbleUpon does that for us! So how does StumbleUpon help promote our blogs? The answer is simple really - you connect with other stumblers through your StumbleUpon home page. Here's mine as of today (As you can tell, I love Borat!) If they are interested in the content that you stumble, they'll add you as a friend and in turn will pass the word on. This networking will help promote your blog by adding your website into the stumble rotation. So now all of your friends and your friends, friends will be exposed to your blog content! StumbleUpon makes the process of using its service to promote our blogs super simple with some great tools. For one, if you're using Firefox or Internet explorer, you can't live without the toolbar. The integration of StumbleUpon into your browser is what makes it so popular. The options here (which I'll leave for you to explore) allow visitors to easily add your blog as a favorite to their StumbleUpon home page. This seamless integration helps to increase your blog network, promotion, traffic, and - generate more money from your blog at the end of the day. Another must have for bloggers is the Link to Your Profile button. They come in many different flavors and it's just a simple copy and paste of the html into your blog post or blog navigation menu. What these buttons do is make the experience for those who stumble your page much more enjoyable. If they like your article or site in general, they can simply click on the StumbleUpon button to add it into their rotation. Piece of cake, eh? Making money from our blogs is a lot of fun. Promotion tools like StumbleUpon just make the experience so much better. So what are you waiting for? Get Stumbling! Oh, and here's my handy StumbleUpon button incase you want to add me to your rotation today! My StumbleUpon Page
Track Your Site Visitors in Real Time for Free! Top
Nous aimons blogging pour l'argent et il est plus passionnant que Red Sox, série du monde du jeu un des Rocheuses ! Mais quand nous nous mettons à gagner l'argent avec nos blogs nous avons besoin d'outils pour dépister notre progrès d'emplacements. Aujourd'hui je voudrais présenter un excellent outil libre (il y a des options d'abonnement aussi bien) qui nous permettra de dépister nos visiteurs en temps réel ! C'est passionnant. Le traqueur de blog s'appelle le HitTail.What HitTails fait, est record les mots-clés qui vos visiteurs utilisés pour trouver votre emplacement. Laissez-moi vous renvoyer à un grand article plus d'au craquement de technologie avec les détails. S'inscrire pour le service gratuit est facile - dirigez juste dessus plus d'à la page d'enregistrement de HitTail et complétez la forme. Une fois que vous avez avec succès complété le procédé d'enregistrement, vous devrez copier et coller un morceau de Javascript dans votre HTML. Ne paniquez pas ! Je vous aiderai. Notation en votre compte de Blogger et tête plus d'à la page de disposition. D'ici vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML d'édition dans le menu. Cette page te montre le HTML et le Javascript qui fait votre blog souffler le long sur l'Internet. Afin de dépister nos statistiques d'emplacements, (ainsi nous pouvons maximiser la somme d'argent que nous ferons un certain jour bientôt.) nous devrons coller ce morceau de Javascript dans notre fenêtre des textes. Mettez en rouleau toute la manière au fond de votre écran de HTML et recherchez l'étiquette de « corps ». Collez maintenant simplement le code que vous avez obtenu de HitTail et placez-le sur la ligne directement au-dessus de cette étiquette et sauf vos changements de calibre. Vous pouvez se diriger de nouveau à HitTail, ouvrir une session avec vos qualifications, et début dépistant vos statistiques de blog en temps réel comme c'est des actions d'Apple sur Wall Street ! Car Austin Powers dirait : « Ouais bébé, ouais ! »
Google AdSense pour la recherche sur le Blogger Top
Earning money with Blogger is more fun than watching a Britney Spears meltdown (no really it is!). And today is no different as we learn how easy it is to add AdSense for Search on our Blogger blogs. We learned in AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 1 and AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 2 that the Blogger service gives us some nice Google AdSense abilities right out of the box. In just minutes we can easily get up and running with ad and link units. But there's more to AdSense - a lot more. Let's go to our Google AdSense accounts and login. Once you're there, click on the AdSense Setup tab. We're presented with several Google AdSense options. You'll notice that the first choice (minus the images option - we'll talk about that in another article) is what we have on our Blogger blogs now: AdSense for Content. But today we're focused on AdSense for Search, so go ahead and click on that now. AdSense for Search is a great option for our blogs. It gives our readers the ability to search the Internet from our site, as well as our content. Ok, we're at the AdSense for Search screen now. Feel free to play around with the configuration options to best match your site. This is a judgment call on your part and should be tweaked, as you feel necessary. When you're done, click next and keep the defaults for now on the following page (you can always come back and play around) and hit next again. You should see the search box code that has your html ready for you to copy and paste! The fine folks at Google do all the hard work for us - no messy HTML for us to write! Once you've copied the entire contents of the text box, log into your Blogger account and navigate to the Layout of your site. From here, choose the Add a Page Element and select the HTML/Javscript option. Go ahead and paste the HTML that you copied from the Google AdSense page into your HTML/JavaScript form and save your changes. That's all there is to it! In just a few minutes you were able to easily add Google's AdSense for Search onto your Blogger blog. That wasn't so painful now was it? Now scram! It's time for you to earn some money!
Création d'un domaine fait sur commande pour votre blog de Blogger Top
There are a lot of factors involved that will help us monetize our blogs. If you registered with the free Blogger service (check this out if you don't know how), creating a custom domain name is a snap. And doing so will help you in the long run with: branding and ease of use. We don't want our readers to type in: http:/// - we'd rather a cleaner url like: This article will show you how. First off - you're going to need a domain name. Here at Earn Money to Blog, I like to preach about our free tools. But I have some bad news for you - this is going to cost you - and big… $9.99/yr (can you sense my sarcasm?) Definitely not a requirement for earning money with our blogs but a small investment that's well worth it. Head on over to Go Daddy and sign up for an account. For this article, let's just assume you created the domain name: You just can't wait to take the shinny wrapping paper off your new domain name and apply it to your Blogger blog! Let's go log into our Blogger accounts and at the dashboard, click on Settings. You'll see the familiar tabs and menu options - We're interested in the Publishing link. Your picture may differ than mine, but here is what my Publishing page looks like: If it looks a bit different, try poking around for an "Advanced" link. That should do the trick. Notice to the right there is a "Need a domain?" option from Blogger. Google has actually "tried" to make life easier for you by allowing you to purchase one right here (they actually partnered with the Go Daddy service that this very article talks about!). This may not be a bad idea (if you didn't already sign up at Go Daddy yourself), however, I had mixed results with this in the past. And besides, signing up at Go Daddy ourselves will give us more flexibility. Before you go typing your new domain name in there… WAIT! We need to make some quick configurations over at our Go Daddy account to point the name to the Blogger service first. Log into your Go Daddy account if you aren't already, and click on the My Domain Names option. You should see your new domain listed there. In this example you would see superapplepies listed. Simply click on the link to drill down into your domain options (note: If you don't see your domain name right away, don't panic. Sometimes this process can take a few minutes). You're now at the Domain Control Center. It all seems pretty overwhelming for some of us, but I'm going to point out the option you need to select called - Total DNS: Again, if you don't see that option there - relax… go talk to your loved ones for a little while, they miss you. Back Already? Now you're sitting at the Total DNS Control Panel. Here we're going to make one simple change - we need to edit the "www" in the "Host" column, in the "CNAMES" table. Change your "Points To" value to match the picture above:, by hitting the edit button. Save your changes and switch back over to your Blogger account. We left off on the Publishing screen and now we're going to wrap up the process. Under the Advanced Settings, in the Your Domain section, enter your new domain name. Save your settings and you're done! Now the only downside (what? I have to give it to you straight) is that your domain name changes won't happen automatically . In some cases it can take up to 48 hours, but my experience has been less than a couple (yours may vary). Congratulations - you now own a piece of the pie (pun intended) with your custom domain name. Well, we did have our space before but now it's more personal. And earning money with our blogs is all about our personal touch on the World Wide Web.
Options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : Partie Top
In AdSense Options with Blogger: Part 1 , we learned that Blogger gives us AdSense for Content options: ad units (text only) and link units (yep, you guessed it - links). But just as important as the ads themselves are the colors. If you're a fan of the Boston Red Sox (sorry Yankee fans) you're not going to Fenway Park dressed in hot pink. Chances are you'll show up in the team colors - white, red, and blue. Your AdSense ads are no different - They should seamlessly blend in with the rest of your site, and lucky for us, Blogger makes that really simple. Ok, head back on over to your layout screen, click the trusty ol' Add a Page element and click on the AdSense section. You'll see the familiar Configure AdSense screen. Have a look at the Colors section. You'll notice a drop down list of options and ways to customize the colors. Right off the bat - I would suggest the "Blend Template" option. In just seconds Blogger will help us blend our AdSense ads into our page. This nice option will get us 90% of the way there… we just need to do some tweaking to the colors. Look closely at the colors presented and watch as you make changes - the preview will automatically update for you. This is a great way to fiddle around with the color scheme and get it just right. Off to the right there are a bunch of funky looking numbers and letters. Don't get scared - this hexadecimal, and is a color combination to tweak your ad just right. So how do you know what hexadecimal values to put in there? I'm glad you asked. Head on over to: Hex colors where you can find every color imaginable (even hot pink!). There you have it! Configuring AdSense color combinations with Blogger is easier than knocking the Yankees out of the playoffs (sorry, I couldn't resist). That wraps up this two-part series on AdSense Options with Blogger. Now go earn yourself some money!
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, et Google AdSense Top
C'est la semaine dans la revue - occupée à coup sûr. Si vous avez été suivant le long nous avons appris énormément. Mais la chose gentille est que cela n'a pas pris longtemps du tout. Ainsi faisons à travers une promenade rapide, n'est-ce pas ? 1.) Nous avons appris au sujet de Google AdSense et ce qu'il peut faire pour us.2.) Certains d'entre nous s'étaient cachés sous une roche et n'ont pas même su ce qui la limite : Blog signifié ! (hé, vous devez commencer quelque part, bien ?)3.) Après, nous avons figuré dehors juste combien facile (et LIBÉREZ !) il était d'installer notre propre blog pour que le monde voie, avec Blogger.4.) Nous avons été excités au propre un morceau de Cyberspace, mais nous avons voulu commencer à gagner l'argent avec AdSense. Heureusement, l'installation de compte était un breeze.5.) Été armée avec un blog mortel de nos propres et d'un compte d'AdSense a la substance dangereuse ! Nous ne pourrions pas simplement entrer dans ceci avec nos yeux étroitement ainsi j'ai décomposé les termes et conditions générales de Google ainsi vous ne tomberiez pas asleep.6.) Après que nous nous soyons sentis confortables avec les politiques du programme de Google, nous avons décidé de mettre AdSense sur nos blogs. Et le garçon était celui facile ! 7.) Enfin et surtout, nous avons voulu une stratégie saine pour présenter nos annonces. Nous n'avons pas voulu qu'elle ressemblât à votre fête d'anniversaire doigt-peinture-orientée quand vous aviez neuf ans - ainsi nous avons suivi le conseil de Google et avons mis nos annonces où les lecteurs peuvent les voir. Félicitations ! Vous êtes sur votre chemin à gagner l'argent avec votre blog. Ce ne va pas être un succès durant la nuit mais coller autour et nous y arriverons. Nous avons beaucoup plus rectifié pour couvrir comme : Optimisation d'AdSense, contenu d'emplacement, trafic, etc. Nous frapperons ceux la semaine prochaine mais pour maintenant moi vous laisserai digérer toute la ceci.
Comment augmenter le nombre de disciples de Twitter Top
Twitter is a powerful tool to market your services and articles. If you want to get the maximum out of using Twitter then you need to have a large follower base. Why is that some people have 30,000 followers and you only have two or three? It is indeed something that needs to be thought about. In this post I have discussed some methods by which we can increase the number of Twitter followers. Retweet Never underestimate the power of tweet. Many people will be grateful to you for retweeting their content. Promoting an article is not an easy task and any help by others by acts such as a retweet may help you gain more followers. The reason is that the writer can know the username of the people who retweet his article. This is possible through the Analytics section of the TweetMeme plugin which many bloggers use. Follow Others The basic and most simple fact about Twitter which everyone misses out. Many people do not follow others because they think it is cool have many followers and follow very few people. No doubt, it looks cool but it won't happen to you. It is because those who have many followers and hardly follow anyone are Tweeple who are famous. You should consider adding people who work in your area. Most of them will follow you back right away. Talk to People When you talk to people on Twitter then it is not a personal conversation. Anyone can read the talk of both people. When you talk to people then it is possible to showcase your insight and knowledge to the Tweeters. So those who are interested in networking in your field will follow you. Your Website/Blog If your blog or website is a source of good information then it is the most powerful way to earn followers without following anyone. The reason is that if your blog produces great content then people will want to read all your posts. In order to get you and your blogs updates, they will invariably follow you. So these are a few ways on how you can increase your Twitter followers. It is very important that you build a solid Twitter profile to boost your Internet marketing campaign. If you want to know more regarding Twitter, I have also written posts on top 5 ways to make money online through Twitter . And click here to follow me on Twitter . Do you have any tactics of boosting your followers on Twitter? If so, let me know below. Related posts: Twitter Traffic Machine: Automatic system for making money online & Twitter growth 99 ways to make money using Twitter book by Geekpreneur Top 5 ways to make money online with Twitter
Amour supérieur le décembre 2009 de lien de commentateur Top
From the month of November 2009, I started giving free advertisement in the form of a 125×125 banner in my blog sidebar to the top commentator for that month. I generally charge $25 for a 125×125 banner in my blog sidebar. So it's an exciting opportunity for everyone to get quality traffic, links and branding for their websites, blogs for free. Here were top 5 commentators for the month of December 2009 with their comments count: shuvo (10) alex (10) Bachrum (7) PTCEarner (4) Vivek Krishnan (3) Strange thing that I face this time is two of my top commentators Alex and Shuvo made 10 comments each. So it's become a bit difficult for me to choose a winner. Firstly, I thought, I should keep their banners live on my blog for 15 days each apart from the link love they will be getting with other commentators in this post. Then I think, why don't I give both of them 125×125 banner for free for one full month. So the winners for the Top Commentators contest for the month of December are: Alex and Shuvo I would like to congrats both of you for winning this contest and also would love to thank all of you for leaving lots of valuable comments and feedback on my blog. In the last 2 months number of comments that I get on my blog has increased many times. I'm hoping for more feedbacks and comments from my blog readers in the coming days. And I'm going to hold more contests like Top Commentators contest here on my blog in the coming days. I have already sent email to the winners of this contest for the banners they want me to place in my blog sidebar. And as I get banners from them, will make live on my blog instantly. Related posts: Top Commentator Link Love November 2009: SFM (ScopeForMoney) Free advertisement link love for your valuable comments Want to make money selling text link ads via text link ads marketplace
10 poteaux les plus populaires édités en année 2009 Top
As 2009 is going and 2010 is coming, it's time to review what we have done on ScopeforMoney (SFM) in this year. Here I will be sharing with you 10 most popular posts that were published on SFM in 2009 with some other statistics towards the end of this post: 10. Adding Paypal donate button to wordpress blogger blog Adding a 'Paypal Donate Button' is one of many ways like PPC, Paid blogging, Link selling, Affiliate products selling bloggers use to make money from their blogs. There is no harm in asking your blog readers to donate some bucks in your paypal account if they really like the content of your blog and want to keep it going. 9. How to create an Amazon aStore within minutes aStore is an affiliate product which website owners and bloggers can use to create an online store on their websites and blogs. With an aStore, we cannot sell our own products but can list favorite products and category pages from Amazon on our aStore and get paid for every sale that is made via our Amazon aStore. 8. Paid blogging options for making money online There are many ways to make money online like creating a blog in a niche you are most interested in and generate income from it by showing pay per click ads, affiliate links and banners or textual links that are sold privately or via a text link selling marketplace. Apart from these ways to monetize a blog, there is one more easiest and fastest way to make instant money from a blog in any niche that's via various paid blogging (Get paid to blog) networks. 7. How to make money with direct advertising To be really applicable for making money with direct advertising, you need a blog with lots of search engine traffic, good page rank and good Alexa ranking as well. And when we get some queries about advertising, we have to reply them with the kind of advertising we are offering on our blog and the price range for different advertising options. And when some advertiser buys some kind of advertising on our blog, we have to maintain a record of time duration, mode of payment and e-mailing when links or banners are going to expire etc. 6. How to make money online doing surveys with CashCrate If you have been visiting internet to learn how to make money online, then you must have heard many websites saying you can make some handy amount filling surveys on the internet. In today's post, I will tell you how to make money by doing surveys with CashCrate. 5. Want to make money selling text link ads via text link ads marketplace I have been working with TLA network since July 2007 and have so far earned $5,380.75 amount of money with them selling links on some of my blogs. This amount does not include my August 2009 earnings that I will be getting into my paypal account on the 1st of September 2009. Here is a screenshot of my earnings with TLA 4. Make money online from ClickBank using Blogger free blogs It was around one year back, when I created an account with ClickBank (CB) which is a marketplace for selling and buying digital products in various categories. CB has thousands of products added focusing different kind of problems and their solutions. I decided to promote other people product through ClickBank and make some money because I don't have time and resources to create a product of my own and sell that through CB marketplace. It is always better to sell other people product if you cannot create a product of your own. 3. SponsoredReviews: a real money making opportunity As all of us know SponsoredReviews is a paid review providing website where we can buy or sell reviews for or on our websites and blogs. In today's post, I am going to talk about how to make money online with SponsoredReviews working as a blogger and will also share my experience I have with them. 2. How to establish brand for your website? Since Google Vince update early this year, there is lots of talk going on about branding in seo, blogging, and webmaster related blogs, websites and discussion forums. What is Google definition of a brand, they don't think about brands, they think about website trust, authority, page rank, reputation and high quality etc. 1. Keyword Research Tools: Best Tools For Keyword Search Keyword research is one of one of important steps when we think about promoting a website in search engine and this thing applies to blogs as well. Blogs ranks quite high in all major search engines due to their structure and continuous content updation. But we cannot imagine any real traffic from our blogs if we don't include keywords people actually use to find information on our blogs. Some other Stats about SFM By Now ScopeforMoney have 318 posts published More than a 1000 quality comments on these posts Traffic has increased by 68 percent in the last six months when compared with the first six months of year Related posts: How to create an Amazon aStore within minutes How to make money online with Blogger (Google) blog How to make money online using paypal
6 étapes à suivre pour gagner l'argent en ligne Top
Did you know how many pro-bloggers reached the level they did? It is because they had a fixed action plan for their website. They were ready to proceed towards creating a money making blog for them by following an organized path. You too can do the same. All it takes is a little patience and perseverance. Step 1: Market Research Before you set out to buy a domain name for your blog. Be sure to analyze the competition to the niche you have in mind. Know the market leaders and be prepared. Sometimes it is not always a good idea to get into few niches due to level of competition. Of course, passion can compensate for that. Also ensure that you are passionate about what you write. Step 2: Identify Readers Have a clear understanding about who your audience will be. If your blog is about gardening then chances are that most readers of your blog will be in a higher age group category. It is a tough chance that teens will search for tips on gardening. So if you know who your readers you will be able to write according to them and thereby create a good connection with your readers. Step 3: Prepare your budget Keep in mind that money is also an important factor when you launch your blog, there are expenses involved such as buying web hosts, domain names and other small expenses. So if you have an idea on how much you are spending you know how much to earn from your blog to make profit. Step 4: Finalize Marketing You must finalize what your advertising model will be. It is possible that you will go ad-free for the first few months of your blog. That is not a problem. Then instead of focusing on ads you may focus on building a Twitter follower list or create your brand awareness in various social sites. Whatever it is just be sure you know how to promote your blog. Step 5: Your Ability You must be able to sustain your blog without any profit for a few months. Also, you must have a nice stock of articles that you can publish regularly without fail. When no success comes your way for a long time for you online, you must have the patience to continue trying. Step 6: Keywords Make a list of keywords that your blog will specialize in. Use tools such as Wordtracker etc. to get an idea of high paying keywords. Capitalize them and in the long run you will be rewarded richly. I hope you enjoyed this article and picked up some valuable lessons. I will encourage you to take a look at few more related articles for better understanding. Also, do leave your comments below. Related posts: Steps to follow for improving Alexa Rankings How to make money online using keyword research tools Three basic steps for earning cash online
Gagnez les enquêtes d'argent en ligne : Aperçus qui paye réellement Top
There are thousand of surveys filling website at least available on internet which claim that you can earn $1000 to $4000 or so every month just by taking simple surveys. You must have gone though the advertisements like "Earn $10000 even more by taking simple surveys at home every year" on internet, TV and even in the newspapers. But in realty, there are very few surveys filling websites that actually pays and majority of websites are there to waste your time, money and efforts. So, one needs to be very cautious when going for a survey filling website. There are some survey websites that charge some fees for joining them or have lots of surveys where you actually need to pay some dollars before taking a survey. I think, that's a very risky decision. You are going there to earn some money by filling surveys and not to lose the small money you may have. So I would advice (I may be wrong) to stay away from such websites which require some registration fee or where one need to pay some dollars for taking a survey even if that survey is very high paying. And before joining a survey website, I would also suggest one to check users reviews about that website and see if people are actually getting paid from that website. You should not go for a survey website where there are some people saying, they are getting paid and some people had views like they never get paid from this website. I himself had a very bad experience with one of survey filling website which was A .W. Surveys. I reached to their minimum pay-out of $75 three to four times at least and never get paid from them. Click here to know more about my experience with A. W. Surveys which is a Scam website as per my experience. Always go for websites that pays directly into your Paypal or Bank account and have very small payout like $5 or $10. One good example of such survey filling website and which has very minimum payout of $10 is CashCrate and people are actually getting paid from this website. So there is no risk associated with this website if you want to earn some cash online taking surveys with CashCrate website. How Much one earn online doing surveys? I don't have any specific answer to this question. May be it all depends upon your survey filling capacity; survey filling website paying capacity and the amount of surveys you actually get for filling. But in general, you cannot expect making more than $2 to $4 per day and with this average $60 to $120 from a survey filling website which is not a big money at all. But if you are staying at home and have no job, little money in this range is better because it is always better to earn something than making nothing. Your thoughts on it? How much you actually have been able to earn while taking surveys and if you can specify the name of that survey filling website, that will be great?. Related posts: How to make money online doing surveys with CashCrate Make easy money online while working from home Make some easy dollars with Aw Surveys
Comment choisir une compagnie de SEO pour vos affaires ? Top
Guest post by Stacey Cavanagh SEO is a form of marketing that can no longer realistically be ignored by any business. The internet has simply revolutionized the way in which we socialize shop and do business. While those with small e-commerce sites or businesses in uncompetitive markets may be able to manage their own SEO, for the bigger businesses it's often a case of outsourcing the work to specialist SEO consultants or companies. Anyone who has read around about SEO will probably have seen both the horror stories and the success stories. But how do you choose a reliable company that will work with you to achieve your goal? 1. Their Own Keywords Rankings Check for companies ranking highly for their own keyword. A company in Manchester, for example, will most likely want to rank highly for ' SEO Manchester .' If a Search Engine Optimization company cannot rank highly for their own keywords, how can they promise to rank you for yours? 2. Avoid False Promises Avoid companies who promise 'Number 1 in Google in a month' (or similar) before they even know what your keywords are. It is absolutely impossible to accurately make a forecast like this without knowing at least the keywords a company is targeting so such a promise cannot possibly be a reality. 3. Have Contacts in Google Avoid any company who claims to 'know people in Google.' Even if they do know people in Google, that will have no bearing on your ranking at all. Google have explicitly said that no 'favours' will be done. The organic search results will only ever be based on the Google algorithm. 4. Previous Case Studies Ask for case studies of their previous campaigns. Of course, some clients will ask for a NDA agreement when dealing with an SEO company. However, a company with extensive experience across a number of sectors should have at least one case study to hand that they can show you and that you can verify for yourself. 5. Meet Your Expectations Make sure you are aware of what the company wants to sell you. Some of the more unscrupulous may try to sell a pay-per-click campaign as opposed to SEO. Know exactly what you want and make sure the SEO consultants you approach can meet your expectations. 6. Your Own Industry Experience Try to go with a company who has experience in your particular sector. Every industry is different in both competitiveness and, in turn, the techniques employed. In approaching a company with experience in your sector, you maximize your chances of success. 7. Overly Secretive Companies Avoid companies who are overly secretive. Of course, no SEO specialists want to give away everything about what they do. But they should be happy to give you an overview of what work is being done and where the money you are spending is being spent! 8. Company with Focus Choose a company with the right focus. While being top in Google for certain keywords is all good and well, the fundamental aim should be to increase inquiries or sales through a website. Of course, if targeting the right keywords, this is likely to happen by getting further up in the search engine rankings for your search terms. However, a good SEO company will always bear in mind the fundamental aim – to increase business through your site. 9. Companies Charging Monthly Basis Avoid companies who charge a very small standard monthly fee. A good SEO company will tailor a package to your needs depending on how competitive your sector is and the expectations you have of your site. It would therefore be impossible for SEO consultants to quote a price before even speaking to you about your site. Any company who quotes a standard price to anyone cannot be doing anymore than a very small amount of on-page optimization (tweaking titles, descriptions and content of pages) each month. 10. Local Seo Company Choosing a local company has benefits. If an SEO company is close enough for you to visit them (or for them to visit you) this is ideal. Despite the fact that video conferencing and other technological advances have made it easier than ever to do business with people on the other side of the world, a face to face meeting is always better. Meeting your consultant face to face can be reassuring for you and assist in building up a business relationship and trust. If you choose a good SEO consultant, your chances of success are greatly improved. Choosing a bad one can actually have the exact opposite effect of what you want to achieve. Your website could be your greatest business asset if dealt with correctly and putting into the hands of the wrong company is a dangerous game. It's therefore worth spending time on research before diving into anything! Author Bio Stacey Cavanagh is an online marketer based in Manchester, UK. Related posts: Specialized SEO Consultant Services by Shimon Sandler What all you need to know about web hosting company? Optimizing Wordpress blogs from Seo/User prospective
5 faux pensant que cause beaucoup de Bloggers pour échouer malheureux Top
This post will tell you what the wrong misconceptions that many bloggers have are. A wrong approach to your blog due to your wrong thinking can cause you to fail in blogging. The points below are especially important to newbie bloggers as they are unguided and may have wrong ideas of the internet. 1. Convinced that you can get Rich Quickly Many newbie bloggers who enter the internet feel that you can make money online very easily. They often begin a blog because they hear of some popular blogger earn thousands of dollars from Google Adsense when in reality, only up to 2% of blogger's earn that much. When they do not earn any money for long time, they tend to get very frustrated and quit. There is nothing wrong in having big dreams, just be prepared to work for it. 2. Not willing to learn or Experiment anything new It is a big roadblock to success for anyone who wants to make money online. They are not willing to try anything new to improve their blog content or layout features. Many bloggers do not use Twitter because they feel that it is a big waste of time. If they had tried Twitter they would have noticed that it is great to tool to connect with people and promote their blog. To flourish online you must be open to change and like to experiment everything. 3. Not Serious with Blog Some bloggers start a blog by copy pasting content from here and there in a bid to earn some amount of cash and quit blogging. But the internet has now become so competitive that it is impossible that such a person will earn anything. On the other hand if you are serious about blogging you will think about the long term benefit of your blog. 4. Don't Want to Spend Money Many people after earning a few dollars on the internet from their blog have stunted growth. The reason is that they are not willing to spend any money on their blog. If you want to continue growth of your blog you must be willing to spend from your side. You may have to pay for web hosting or a new and better template. If you are a miser and scared to spend even a single penny that you earned then you can never grow your blog. 5. Think Too Much Some people think so much about making money from their website but hardly have any actions. They come up with many innovative ideas but hardly ever apply them. All they do is think and never take action. Action is the only way to achieve concrete results for your dreams. Be sure to remove any of the detrimental thinking that you may have from above to improve your chances of making money online. Are there any other poor thinking habits that I have missed, you can list it below: Related posts: Top 10 bloggers that talk about making money online Where to find the bloggers of your niche? Am I too Young to Make Money Online?
5 connexions que vous devez installer dans Wordpress avant Blogging Top
This post provides you with a a great list of must-have plugins that every blogger should install in Wordpress before they begin blogging. Plugins help improve the functionality of the blog to the readers. Also, they help you to improve search engine ranking etc. This basic list of Wordpress plugins is a must have to succeed in blogging: 1. Add to Any If you write great posts and your reader wants to bookmark it or share it with others, then how will they do it? For this reason there is an Add to Any plugin which is the best plugin for social bookmarking. It allows a reader to submit your content/article to any among the listed 100s of social websites. This plugin is very important to viral your posts. 2. CommentLuv The CommentLuv plugin is a Wordpress plugin which has time and again showed that it can boost the comments in your blog by almost 100%. The reason is that once you install the CommentLUv plugin, the plugin allows a person commenting on your blog to automatically display the latest blog post on his blog. So in return for commenting on your blog, he is able to earn exposure to his blog as well. This encourages your readers to leave comments on your blog. A must have plugin to improve interaction and build a community. 3. All in One SEO This is the best external plugin to have been made in order to boost your SEO. Once you install this plugin you can edit your all your meta-data like meta-description or meta-keywords for your homepage. This will allow you to place strongly in most search engines. The All in One SEO is all you require to boost your search engine rankings without touching a word of code. 4. Contact Form 7 Contact Form 7 plugin is used for creating a contact page on your website. This plugin is one of the most easiest and flexible ways to put up a formal and super-efficient plugin form page on your blog. All queries that user fill in your contact form will be mailed to your e-mail address. It is one of the safest ways to receive messages without you having to reveal your email id to potential spammers. 5. Related Posts Plugin If you have ever worried about your high bounce rate then displaying related posts is the best way to tackle it. Related posts plugin will show a list of related posts towards the end of selected post when we browse our blog posts individually. This plugin adds value to your readers and improves their reading experience. There are many plugins for showing related posts yet another Related Posts Plugin is perhaps the most popular of all. Hope you liked this post. Is there any other basic Wordpress plugin that you would suggest before you start blogging? Share in the comment section. Related posts: Turning a wordpress blog from nofollow to dofollow is now dofollow Free advertisement link love for your valuable comments
Integrate Amazon products into your blogger blogs Top
Blogger (Powered by Google) partnered with Amazon Associate program as a way to give more ways to monetize its bloggers on Now Bloggers can show Amazon products into their blog posts or within their blog sidebars quite easily without going into their Amazon Associate account and at the same time earn some money for every product sold through their affiliate ID. It will save lots of time and effort from the bloggers end to find products and placing corresponding codes into their blogs posts and sidebars. Now Amazon products are a click away from your blog and require no coding effort from your end. With Amazon Associate program being integrated into Blogger blogs, now we can show related products into our blog posts while creating our new blog posts and also make change into our existing blog posts to include some related product widgets, links or images from Amazon as a way to make more money from our blogs that are created on Blogger platform. To start using this monetization method, you will first need to go into your Blogger account and Click Monetize link and then click on the Amazon Associates link available in Navigation bar as shown in the image below: If you don't have an account with Amazon Associate program, apply for an associate account by selecting the ' I want to create a new Associates ID ' button. And in case you already have an affiliate account with Amazon Associate program, enter your Associates ID into the text box available against ‘ I already have an Associates ID ‘ when we chose the second radio button. And in case you are not sure about your Amazon associate or Affiliate ID, login into your Amazon associate account to get it. It will be shown into your Associate account dashboard top left hand side as shown in the screen below: So create an Amazon Associate account by clicking here if you don't have an account with them by filing all required information. Once you have established your affiliate account with Amazon, its time to use their associate program into your Blogger blogs powered by Google. You will need to make ‘Add The Product Finder’ option enabled from Amazon Associates link after entering your Associate ID as shown in screen below: Once ‘Add The Product Finder’ option is enables, we can add links, images, links + images into our blog posts while drafting our new posts and can even edit our existing posts to include some targeted products as a way to make more money from our blogs. The product Finder widget is available into our post body sidebar when we create new posts or make changes to the existing posts as shown in the screen below: Apart from Amazon products into our blog posts, we can also show some dynamic widgets into our blog sidebars like Hottest deals from Amazon, Amazon guest games, Amazon MP3 Clips, Amazon Search widget, Amazon's deal of the day etc. And how much money we can make by applying various Amazon widgets, links and images on our blog? Well, we can earn up to 15% as referral fee for each product sold from our blog. Click here to know more ways to make money online with free blogger blogs . Related posts: How to make money online with Amazon Associate Program How to create an Amazon aStore within minutes Make money online from ClickBank using Blogger free blogs
Les secrets de vendre des produits de filiale de votre blog Top
There is an art for selling affiliate products/items from your blog. Affiliate selling is perhaps the most effective way to make large amount of money online. Unfortunately, many people are not very marketing-savvy to sell affiliate products. They stick to their pay-per-click ads and banner ads which provide a very mediocre amount of income. These are the secrets to a successful stint by selling affiliate products: Target Niche The affiliate items that you sell should be related to your blog niche. No one will buy your product if you blog about Movies and sell web hosting offers to your readers. It is a rather logical thing but many people make this costly mistake. So a lot of their traffic who could have been potential customers is lost because of such a basic mistake. Be a Compulsive Seller Learn to write great posts that analyze a particular product and help the reader in realizing the value of your product. Your posts should not feel as if you are selling something instead they should be like a great new product which you are introducing to your readers. Demographics Demographics of a blog include the average age of the visitors to your blog. It is possible to find out what is the age range of the majority of your blog visitors. If you have a young traffic then the products that you sell will be entirely different from what you would sell if the traffic you cater is above 50-years old. Region The part of the globe where your website gets a majority of the visitors is important. This matters a lot primarily because the products that may be required in an Asian country may be totally different from that of the Western world. Although most of the time, it makes no difference. But if you are catering to Asian countries you would not sell products based on Thanksgiving, Halloween etc. as this region does not celebrate all these events. Movies, music, clothes are safe affiliate products which you can offer anyone. Sell Quality Products Don't sell spammy and poor quality of products. Be a good seller but sell only quality products so that you can earn the trust of buyers. This is important to ensure that you have a continued growth in the future for affiliate sales. I hope that by following these golden rules of selling affiliate products you are able to boost the money you make online. Would you like to add some more points to this list? Related posts: Make money online selling ebooks working as an affiliate How to earn free money – Answer is affiliate marketing How much money you can make selling your blog?
La vente flâne-t-elle travaille-t-elle ? Top
Does Bum Marketing Work? The quick answer to this one is a resounding yes! actually the bum marketing system is what put me over the top online so to speak. when I was a beginner in the money making game of affiliate marketing, I had no idea where to begin, how to bring traffic to my website or blog? I even had a hard time writing easy classified ads that a five year old could do lol. Earning money from home can often be overwhelming - even more so for a beginning affiliate marketer. I would often ask myself where do I begin? I did not know how to design a website, or what a blog was for that matter, or how blogging works. after about four months of frustration, I was lucky enough to stumble upon Travis Sagos bum marketing system. It really opened my eyes that you definitely can earn money from your home computer, and if you play your cards right in your near future, you could have a lucrative home-based business that can rake in the money. Does bum marketing work? What is it exactly? The bum marketing system is a free system that basically shows you how to get your articles, or classified ads , to rank well in the search engines so potential customers can find you and purchase your products. It tells you to go after low competition keywords, that are highly searched, so you can get to the first page of Google, Yahoo, or Bing. If done correctly, your ads can potentially be sitting on the first page of the search engines for some lucrative keyword terms - that can be earning you money for years to come. Think highly searched, low competition keywords, that you can rank well for with your articles, or classified ads, and you have the basis for the bum marketing system in a nutshell. For you beginners out there who are just learning to make money online. Google the bum marketing system, it is free information that is available out there in cyberspace. The Bum marketing system should only take you about 30 minutes to actually grasp the basic concept of affiliate marketing. If you are a beginning affiliate marketer, this course will be a big help in getting your feet wet. After being taught about bum marketing you can then move on to bigger and better things. This will just give you a good basic understanding of how to earn money online, very helpful system. Sign up for my free Ebooks to learn more about the bum marketing method, and why it works? To your success entrepreneurs, Jay!
Avantages commençant des acheteurs de filiale de liste d'email Top
Benefits Starting Email List Affiliate Marketers If your a beginner, intermediate, or advanced affiliate marketer the benefits of starting your own Email list are incredible. If you want to play with the big boys one day, and be a super affiliate, and earn the big money online. And you are thinking of giving Email marketing a go, or just want a little general info. Then read this article I wrote titled Benefits Starting Your Own Email list. To your success Entrepreneurs!
search engine optimization tutorials How To Rank High Organically Top
Search Engine Optimization Tutorials How To Rank High Organically Ranking high in the search engines can be confusing if your new to website optimization. I'm gonna show you some simple, but very effective tips to help you rank high organically so you can get seen by potential customers quickly! Here's the correct way to do SEO properly to get top listings in the major search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN. To take your first step in earning money online. Keep reading! First step is do some research on Domain names for great keywords you can use! If your selling Internet marketing products for example use Google Adwords keyword tool. And type in different things someone might type in looking for what your selling! I can't stress this enough, a proper domain name is crucial. If your intentions are trying to rank high for a certain keyword phrase, try buying that phrase and using it as your domain name if possible. Once you find a keyword phrase that is highly searched on Google, or in high demand. You must and I stress must make sure that the listings on Google are preferably under 300,000. If you are writing articles, or making classified ads with a high page ranked website such as u.s free ads, or Craigslist. The number can be up to 1,000,000 or more, and you can still grab the first page! Why you ask? Simple their websites have a high page rank which means their way more important than your website.these websites have a page rank of 5 or better. Use articles, or classifieds for more competitive keyword phrases. Use your website until your page rank builds up, for the lower competition keyword phrases. Make sure you find that golden domain name and buy it quickly! High searches, relevant to your website with low competition equals a golden domain name. Your 2nd step is crucial make sure you fill out your meta tags correctly. Put your domain name keywords in the title of your meta tags, as well as the description tags at least once. These will be your main keywords your trying to use to get ranked on the first pages of the big three search engines. Tip Make sure you fill out your keyword tags too, smaller search engines use these. Bigger ones use them too, but your meta tags are more important make sure you do this properly! Whatever phrase you want to get on the first pages of Google, Msn, and Yahoo with. Use these keywords in your meta tags. Your 3rd step get as many links pointing to your website as possible, but you want quality. Try to get links from quality websites with a high page rank. the quality of the links pointing back at your website is better than more links from low page rank websites. Over time with old fashioned hard work your page rank will increase and the traffic will follow. Be persistent on your link building! And your page rank will increase. 4th step if you actually want to optimize your website for the spiders this involves researching keywords! Put a list together of your favorite keywords. Highly Searched Keywords. And fit them into your website content as much as possible, without blatantly spamming, make your content readable to a potential visitor. Remember the more optimized the content the better! Content is king in ranking high organically in the search engines. The more quality content your website has the better! Which will in turn equate to more potential visitors to your website. These tips I have just shown will help you get ranked high in the search engines! Use them and you'll be ranked high organically in no time, getting some great long lasting free traffic to your website. A little about me I'm from Rockford, Illinois area. I have put countless hours for the last 4 years learning Internet Marketing. Through old fashioned hard work, I have learned a great deal to make me a nice 2nd income online. I really hope I have helped someone with this hub. Best of luck to everyone! Here is a resources you might find helpful.
An Affiliate Marketers Work At Home Goals And New Years Resolutions Top
An Affiliate Marketers Work At Home Goals And New Years Resolutions 1. My first goal is the most important New Years resolution you as a reader, or I can do. Our first goal as affiliate marketers is simply staying positive at all times. Surround yourself with positive people, and positive energy. Keep your glass half full instead of half empty, it will make it that much easier to earn more money online, on a continuous basis with a great attitude. Remember attitude is everything when you want to win the online money wars so to speak. 2. Persistence - This is our 2nd New years Resolution. You need to put forth the effort it takes to earn money online. Lazy affiliates need not apply, stay motivated, and keep putting as much time into your online business as you can. Remember: The more effort you put in to your business, the more money you will earn in return. Stay motivated affiliates! 3. Keep Learning - The Internet is constantly changing so we as affiliates must adapt sort of like Chameleons to our environment. If there is change, change with the times. If you are a beginner affiliate marketer, and you are reading this blog post you might want to seriously consider speeding up your learning process a bit by checking out an online work at home program that are taught by Internet millionaires. After all who better to learn from than online millionaires? You aspire to one of them one day, so take what they teach you very seriously, they know what they are talking about they live it every day. A couple affiliate courses I highly recommend are click here to see my first one, Click here to see my second recommended course Both of these work at home affiliate courses are highly effective so choose your favorite. 4. Taking Care Of Yourself - A great New Years Resolution for all affiliate marketers is to workout. Run, lift weights, and eat right. This will make you feel better about yourself, and make you look great, and feel great. Which in turn will make you more motivated to succeed, and you will get more accomplished on a daily basis. Let us online entrepreneurs make 2010 our most profitable, and most successful year online to date. And to the beginning affiliates out there reading this blog, take the time to learn how affiliate marketing is done, and done right. If you are reading this blog you are taking your first steps to online success. To everyones success in the coming year, Happy New Year Jason!
Comment rendre les dollars 1000's en ligne fait un pas à la maison uniformément Top
Comment faire 1000' ; les dollars de s en ligne fait un pas à la maison uniformément un autre grand hub que j'ai écrit pour les internautes novice qui sont nouveaux à l'argent de vente et de revenu d'Internet en ligne. Quelques bouts simples frais, si vous avez un contrôle minutieux il dehors !
Gain du revenu résiduel supplémentaire des bouts à la maison Top
Gain du revenu résiduel supplémentaire des bouts à la maison
Revue de tireur isolé de Google pour gagner l'argent Top
Google Sniper Review To Make Money I joined the Google Sniper System to see what all the rave was about. What it teaches you in a nutshell? The system teaches you how to grab top rankings on Google for niche's that are highly searched and very profitable. This brings you tons of free targeted traffic from Google on autopilot. Free is my favorite word, I am not new to the affiliate marketing game by no means, but I did learn a ton from George's system. I applied his techniques to my arsenal, and my earnings shot up even higher. He also continually updates his members with new, hot, techniques he discovers in his members area. I am not gonna go into a long boring review of the Google Sniper System I am just gonna get to the meat and potatoes of what you want to know does the system actually help you to make money? The answer is definitely a yes, Georges system definitely delivers on its promises and then some. It is definitely worth the small investment to get started, it will teach you to make a lot of money in the long run. Sometimes you have to spend a little money to make a lot of money . Your future is an investment, and the Google Sniper System is an investment in your future you do not want to miss out on!
Gagnez l'argent en ligne sur votre ordinateur comment je le fais Top
Gagnez l'argent en ligne sur votre ordinateur comment je le fais un grand article que j'ai écrit chacun devrais lire intitulé gagne l'argent en ligne sur votre ordinateur comment je le fais ? Vérifiez-le dehors !
Idées fraîches de cadeau de Noël pour des femmes Top
Cool Christmas Gift Ideas For Women


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