vendredi 15 janvier 2010

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Création d'une Manche de Google AdSense Top
In What are Google AdSense Channels? you learned that a channel will help you monitor which ads and which sites are making you money. By tracking your individual ads and their placement, you're able to increase your chances of blogging for money. I'm going to show you how to create an AdSense channel so you can start monitoring your progress today. Creating Your First Customized AdSense Channel Go ahead and log into your Google AdSense account. Once you're logged in, click on the AdSense Setup tab. The AdSense setup tab will present several sub menus for selection. We're interested in the Channels today, so click on that now. We're going to create a customized channel and to do so you'll click on the Add new custom channels option. You should now be on the Add channel screen, which contains a single textbox labeled Name. This is where you're going to type the name of your channel for the ad that you will monitor. You want to make this as clear as possible so you know exactly which ad on which site you're tracking. So for example, let's say you're using a vertical ad unit that is 160 x 600, sits in your right navigational menu, and contains text only. A logical name for this channel might be something like "right menu vertical (txt)". Later on when you check your report, you'll be able to easily identify which ad belongs to the channel. If you happen to have two sites with the same ad in the same position, simply differentiate the two by your site name - maybe something like: "emb rght vert (txt)". If I had another site about baking cookies, this label tells me that the ad it's tracking is Earn Money to Blog (emb) not my other site Baking Cookies Blog (which doesn't exist by the way - sorry). Assigning an ad to a Channel At this point you've successfully create a customized channel. Let's stay with the earlier example and pretend you want to track a 160 x 600, text-only ad unit that sits on the right side of your navigational menu. In order to accomplish this, you need to create the ad unit and assign it to the channel. In Google AdSense for Search you learned how to create a custom ad and plug it into your Blogger blog. The steps for this are similar with the exception of the channel option - we skipped over that last time but today you're going to utilize it. Head to Get Ads and choose AdSense for Content. Keep the default Ad unit selected and choose Text ads only from the drop down list and hit continue. Now we're at the familiar customization screen - Go ahead and select the 160 x 600 vertical ad, also known as a Wide Skyscrapper. Feel free to customize it how you wish, you can even choose a different format if you feel comfortable at this point. This is just a simple example. Now that your ad unit is customized, click continue. The following page will list your customized channels (you can create as many as you want). If you've been following up to this point, you should have a channel called "right menu vertical (txt)". Simply add that to the selected channel and continue. Ok, just give the AdSense unit a name (I tend to keep the default) and continue on to the next page. Simply copy your AdSense code and plug it into your Blogger're done! If you're not completely sure how to integrate this code into Blogger, please check out Google AdSense for Content (Images only). That article should get you up to speed. (Please be aware that your new ad and channel will have a bit of a delay. In my experience it takes about 10 minutes or so for the ad to start displaying on my page.) Creating a customized AdSense channel is very important to your success. If you want to make money online by blogging, you need to monitor your sites progress. AdSense channels will allow you to do just that. In my next article I'll explain how you view your new customized channel. Creating your channel is half the battle, but you have to know how to read it so you can make the proper adjustments. And making those adjustments will help you blog for money.
Quels sont des canaux de Google AdSense ? Top
Google AdSense is a great free ad service that will help you make money online with your blog. But in order to blog for money you have to know all the different options that are available like: AdSense for Search and AdSense images to name just a couple. It's also important to know where you should place your AdSense ads to maximize your money making potential. But how do you know which ads are making you money and which aren't? That's where Google AdSense Channels comes in. Google AdSense Channels An AdSense Channel is simply a way to track the performance of your ads. For example, let's say you're using two different AdSense ads on your blog – AdSense Ad Unit and an AdSense skyscraper image . One day you log into your AdSense account and find out that you've made $5.00 from 10 clicks. Well guess what? You have no idea which ads your readers clicked and therefore have no way of optimizing your blog to become the money making machine you're dreaming of! With AdSense channels, you can create (for example) a 180 x 600 text only ad and assign it to a channel you call "Right Vertical Ad". When you log into your account and see that you've made $5.00 you can easily figure out which ads were the moneymakers because you split them out by channels. So now you'll have a channel called "Right Vertical Ad" that will tell you how many people clicked, what your click-through rate was, and how much you earned. AdSense Channels for Multiple Sites In addition to tracking individual ads on your blog, Google AdSense Channels will allow you to track multiple sites as well! So if you have a blog about fancy cars and another about video games, you can create channels that will track both sites. Now you'll not only know which ads are more profitable… but also which site! Hopefully you enjoyed this introduction to Google AdSense Channels. It's a topic that's extremely important to your success online. It will allow you to track and tweak your blog so you can make money online the right way -- by being smart. In my next article, I'll discuss how you can easily create channels so you can start tracking your ad performance right away.
Bouffe de John LIBRE - faites à argent Ebook en ligne Top
We love to make money with our blogs, and we especially like to do it with FREE tools and information. Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , Blogger – all free! And the other day I came across yet another free resource for us; this time in the form of an Ebook by John Chow called: Make Money Online. Who is John Chow and why should I care? John Chow is a Dot Com Mogul – a status we're all vying for. His documented success online has led thousands of little Chow-a-maniacs to flock to his site daily (yours truly included) I'll have to admit – my first impression wasn't so hot. You go to his site and instantly you're met with images of hundred-dollar bills, hot fancy cars, and a tagline that says: "I Make Money Online by Telling People How Much Money I Make Online". Just a little bit on the arrogant side, don't cha think? (Sticking with the wrestling theme here) Once you go beyond the subliminal messages and peel away the initial wrapping, you learn that he's not just another "Get-rich-quick-scheme" guy. No, he's much more – and his FREE ebook – Make Money Online is just one reason why. Make Money Online is a very practical guide that is packed with over 50 pages of expert advice. It's easy to read and by the 2nd chapter he gains your trust and commands your attention. Here's a run down of the nine chapters that are available: Introduction My Recommended Money-makers Beginner's Blogging Tips Must Have Wordpress Stuff Pumping Out the Content Monetize Your Blog Google Optimization Promotion Ideas My Story Reading this FREE book is a must. It's an eye opener for beginners and a great reference for veterans. I even found myself tweaking some things here and there on my own site! To get the FREE book you just have to subscribe to his newsletter (near the top of the page). It takes just a few seconds and it's valuable information that's well worth your time. Head over there now – you'll thank me later.
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
In What is WidgetBucks? We learned that there are more ways than just Google AdSense to make money from blogging. If you know about WidgetBucks and want to sign up go ahead and do that now: WidgetBucks allows us to easily integrate product ads on our Blogger blog but how? Luckily for us, WidgetBucks and Blogger make it a very straightforward process. Let's start by logging into our WidgetBucks accounts and click on the New Widget button in the menu. This will bring us to the Customize Your Widget page. From here you simply create a name for your widget, point it to the page you're going to place it, customize the design, and finally select what type of product you want served. Once you're set just press the Get code button and copy the HTML/JavaScript. Don't worry - like everything else we do around here - you don't need to know anything about HTML or JavaScript to start making money. But you do have to know how to copy and paste! Now that you have your widget code, log into your Blogger account. At the dashboard go to Layout and then Add a Page Element. If for some reason you've been hiding under a rock this whole time and don't have a Blogger account - check out Create a blog . You should have the Blogger form with all your layout options now. Here you're going to click on the HTML/JavaScript option. Go ahead and paste your widget code in the main form - you can optionally give it a title if you want - I don't. Once you save your changes you're done! Congratulations! You're ready to start making money with WidgetBucks.
Quel est WidgetBucks ? Top
WidgetBucks est un service LIBRE d'annonce qui nous permet de gagner l'argent à partir de nos blogs - semblable à Google AdSense. (Lu ce qui est Google AdSense ? si vous avez aucune idée ce qui je parle.) de WidgetBucks n'est le nouvel enfant sur le bloc. Pas, pas les nouveaux enfants sur le Block.What est grand au sujet de WidgetBucks est que droit outre de la batte ils te donnent $25 juste pour s'inscrire ! Vous ne pouvez pas battre cela avec un stick.WidgetBucks diffère de Google AdSense parce qu'il offre vers le haut des « gadgets » pour des produits comme : l'électronique, livres, santé et beauté, etc. Il ne rampe pas votre contenu, mais il est personnalisable et ils même ont récemment fixé quelques issues de lenteur - ainsi il regarde comme elles se dirigent dans la bonne direction. À la différence de Google AdSense, vous devez seulement faire $50 pour devenir payé (AdSense est $100). On s'attend à ce que des paiements arrivent en 45 jours (mot-clé : prévu - nous saurons tout si WidgetBucks est la vraie affaire viennent décembre). Et ils vous commencent déjà au loin par $25 juste pour s'inscrire - ainsi vous êtes demi de manière là ! Certains des emplacements dans leur réseau incluent : Cible, meilleur achat, et Tout le point tôt d'indications à WidgetBucks devenant un joueur important dans le jeu d'annonce. En mon prochain article je te montrerai comment mettre en application facilement WidgetBucks sur vos blogs de Blogger. Mais pour maintenant, le chef dessus plus d'et s'inscrivent pour un compte LIBRE. Dites-leur gagnent l'argent au cha envoyé par blog.
Soumettez votre blog aux moteurs de Google et de recherche de Yahoo Top
Comme Boston Red Sox 2007 - Google et Yahoo sont des champions. Ensemble ils aident des millions de puissance de questions sur l'Internet journalier. En favorisant votre blog avec StumbleUpon nous avons appris que la promotion de blog est un facteur important à gagner l'argent blogging. Afin de produire du revenu de nos emplacements nous avons besoin de trafic et StumbleUpon est une grande source. Cependant, même avant vous commencez au réseau avec des emplacements comme StumbleUpon, vous devra soumettre votre URL des moteurs de Google et de Yahoo à recherche. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Vous n'avez pas un blog encore ? Tête de Sheesh… plus d'à créer un emplacement de blog pour LIBRE et revenu quand vous êtes fait ! URL SubmissionHead de Google plus de pour ajouter votre URL à Google et pour écrire simplement votre URL, quelques commentaires au sujet de votre emplacement, et la vérification de lettre. Quand vous êtes placé, appuyez sur juste le bouton d'URL d'ajouter et Google fera le repos ! URL SubmissionNow de Yahoo que vous avez soumis votre blog à Google, nous avez laissés faire la même chose avec Yahoo. Allez à l'emplacement ExplorerHere de Yahoo que vous pouvez soumettre URL votre deux d'emplacements et alimenter. Quand vous avez l'information placée dans une des boîtes des textes juste pour soumettre et vous êtes fait ! Google et Yahoo réclament leurs bots de recherche ne peuvent pas ramper votre contenu pendant des mois mais de mon expérience elle prend une question des jours. Tant que vous tournez la manivelle constamment dehors du contenu de qualité vous serez dans les affaires. Assez simple hein ? En juste quelques minutes nous avons facilement soumis nos blogs aux moteurs principaux de recherche. Ceci ira un long chemin en favorisant et en conduisant le trafic à nos blogs. Nos jours lucratifs sont juste autour du coin maintenant.
Dépistez vos visiteurs d'emplacement en temps réel pour libre ! Top
Nous aimons blogging pour l'argent et il est plus passionnant que Red Sox, série du monde du jeu un des Rocheuses ! Mais quand nous nous mettons à gagner l'argent avec nos blogs nous avons besoin d'outils pour dépister notre progrès d'emplacements. Aujourd'hui je voudrais présenter un excellent outil libre (il y a des options d'abonnement aussi bien) qui nous permettra de dépister nos visiteurs en temps réel ! C'est passionnant. Le traqueur de blog s'appelle le HitTail.What HitTails fait, est record les mots-clés qui vos visiteurs utilisés pour trouver votre emplacement. Laissez-moi vous renvoyer à un grand article plus d'au craquement de technologie avec les détails. S'inscrire pour le service gratuit est facile - dirigez juste dessus plus d'à la page d'enregistrement de HitTail et complétez la forme. Une fois que vous avez avec succès complété le procédé d'enregistrement, vous devrez copier et coller un morceau de Javascript dans votre HTML. Ne paniquez pas ! Je vous aiderai. Notation en votre compte de Blogger et tête plus d'à la page de disposition. D'ici vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML d'édition dans le menu. Cette page te montre le HTML et le Javascript qui fait votre blog souffler le long sur l'Internet. Afin de dépister nos statistiques d'emplacements, (ainsi nous pouvons maximiser la somme d'argent que nous ferons un certain jour bientôt.) nous devrons coller ce morceau de Javascript dans notre fenêtre des textes. Mettez en rouleau toute la manière au fond de votre écran de HTML et recherchez l'étiquette de « corps ». Collez maintenant simplement le code que vous avez obtenu de HitTail et placez-le sur la ligne directement au-dessus de cette étiquette et sauf vos changements de calibre. Vous pouvez se diriger de nouveau à HitTail, ouvrir une session avec vos qualifications, et début dépistant vos statistiques de blog en temps réel comme c'est des actions d'Apple sur Wall Street ! Car Austin Powers dirait : « Ouais bébé, ouais ! »
Google AdSense for Search on Blogger Top
Earning money with Blogger is more fun than watching a Britney Spears meltdown (no really it is!). And today is no different as we learn how easy it is to add AdSense for Search on our Blogger blogs. We learned in AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 1 and AdSense Options for Blogger: Part 2 that the Blogger service gives us some nice Google AdSense abilities right out of the box. In just minutes we can easily get up and running with ad and link units. But there's more to AdSense - a lot more. Let's go to our Google AdSense accounts and login. Once you're there, click on the AdSense Setup tab. We're presented with several Google AdSense options. You'll notice that the first choice (minus the images option - we'll talk about that in another article) is what we have on our Blogger blogs now: AdSense for Content. But today we're focused on AdSense for Search, so go ahead and click on that now. AdSense for Search is a great option for our blogs. It gives our readers the ability to search the Internet from our site, as well as our content. Ok, we're at the AdSense for Search screen now. Feel free to play around with the configuration options to best match your site. This is a judgment call on your part and should be tweaked, as you feel necessary. When you're done, click next and keep the defaults for now on the following page (you can always come back and play around) and hit next again. You should see the search box code that has your html ready for you to copy and paste! The fine folks at Google do all the hard work for us - no messy HTML for us to write! Once you've copied the entire contents of the text box, log into your Blogger account and navigate to the Layout of your site. From here, choose the Add a Page Element and select the HTML/Javscript option. Go ahead and paste the HTML that you copied from the Google AdSense page into your HTML/JavaScript form and save your changes. That's all there is to it! In just a few minutes you were able to easily add Google's AdSense for Search onto your Blogger blog. That wasn't so painful now was it? Now scram! It's time for you to earn some money!
Creating a Custom Domain for Your Blogger Blog Top
There are a lot of factors involved that will help us monetize our blogs. If you registered with the free Blogger service (check this out if you don't know how), creating a custom domain name is a snap. And doing so will help you in the long run with: branding and ease of use. We don't want our readers to type in: http:/// - we'd rather a cleaner url like: This article will show you how. First off - you're going to need a domain name. Here at Earn Money to Blog, I like to preach about our free tools. But I have some bad news for you - this is going to cost you - and big… $9.99/yr (can you sense my sarcasm?) Definitely not a requirement for earning money with our blogs but a small investment that's well worth it. Head on over to Go Daddy and sign up for an account. For this article, let's just assume you created the domain name: You just can't wait to take the shinny wrapping paper off your new domain name and apply it to your Blogger blog! Let's go log into our Blogger accounts and at the dashboard, click on Settings. You'll see the familiar tabs and menu options - We're interested in the Publishing link. Your picture may differ than mine, but here is what my Publishing page looks like: If it looks a bit different, try poking around for an "Advanced" link. That should do the trick. Notice to the right there is a "Need a domain?" option from Blogger. Google has actually "tried" to make life easier for you by allowing you to purchase one right here (they actually partnered with the Go Daddy service that this very article talks about!). This may not be a bad idea (if you didn't already sign up at Go Daddy yourself), however, I had mixed results with this in the past. And besides, signing up at Go Daddy ourselves will give us more flexibility. Before you go typing your new domain name in there… WAIT! We need to make some quick configurations over at our Go Daddy account to point the name to the Blogger service first. Log into your Go Daddy account if you aren't already, and click on the My Domain Names option. You should see your new domain listed there. In this example you would see superapplepies listed. Simply click on the link to drill down into your domain options (note: If you don't see your domain name right away, don't panic. Sometimes this process can take a few minutes). You're now at the Domain Control Center. It all seems pretty overwhelming for some of us, but I'm going to point out the option you need to select called - Total DNS: Again, if you don't see that option there - relax… go talk to your loved ones for a little while, they miss you. Back Already? Now you're sitting at the Total DNS Control Panel. Here we're going to make one simple change - we need to edit the "www" in the "Host" column, in the "CNAMES" table. Change your "Points To" value to match the picture above:, by hitting the edit button. Save your changes and switch back over to your Blogger account. We left off on the Publishing screen and now we're going to wrap up the process. Under the Advanced Settings, in the Your Domain section, enter your new domain name. Save your settings and you're done! Now the only downside (what? I have to give it to you straight) is that your domain name changes won't happen automatically . In some cases it can take up to 48 hours, but my experience has been less than a couple (yours may vary). Congratulations - you now own a piece of the pie (pun intended) with your custom domain name. Well, we did have our space before but now it's more personal. And earning money with our blogs is all about our personal touch on the World Wide Web.
Options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : Partie Top
Dans des options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : La partie, nous avons appris que le Blogger nous donne AdSense pour des options contentes : unités d'annonce (texte seulement) et unités de lien (ouais, vous l'avez deviné - des liens). Mais juste comme importantes que les annonces elles-mêmes sont les couleurs. Si vous êtes un ventilateur de Boston Red Sox (ventilateurs désolés de Yankee) vous n'allez pas au parc de Fenway habillé dans le rose chaud. Les chances sont vous révéleront dans les couleurs d'équipe - blanches, rouges, et le bleu. Vos annonces d'AdSense ne sont aucun différent - elles devraient sans couture se mélanger dedans avec le reste de votre emplacement, et chanceux pour nous, Blogger rend cela vraiment simple. L'ok, se dirigent en arrière dessus plus d'à votre écran de disposition, cliquent sur l'ol de confiance ajoutent un élément de page et cliquent sur dessus la section d'AdSense. Vous verrez le familier configurer l'écran d'AdSense. Allez voir la section de couleurs. Vous noterez une liste de baisse vers le bas d'options et de manières d'adapter les couleurs. Droite outre de la batte - je proposerais l'option « de calibre de mélange ». En juste secondes le Blogger nous aidera à mélanger nos annonces d'AdSense dans notre page. Cette option gentille nous obtiendra 90% de la manière là… que nous devons juste en faire qui tord aux couleurs. Regardez étroitement les couleurs présentées et observez comme vous apportez des modifications - la prévision mettra à jour automatiquement pour vous. C'est une grande manière de jouer autour l'arrangement de couleur et de l'obtenir du violon juste droit. Outre de vers la droite il y a un groupe de nombres de regard géniaux et des lettres. N'obtenez pas effrayé - cet hexadécimal, et êtes une combinaison de couleur pour tordre votre droite d'annonce juste. Ainsi comment savez-vous quelles valeurs hexadécimales à mettre dedans là ? Je suis heureux vous ai demandé. Tête dessus plus d'à : Couleurs de sortilège où vous pouvez trouver chaque couleur imaginable (même rose chaud !). Là vous l'avez ! Configurant la couleur d'AdSense des combinaisons avec le Blogger est plus facile que frappant les Yankees hors des finales (désolées, je ne pourrais pas résister). Ce conclut cette série en deux parties en des options d'AdSense avec le Blogger. Va maintenant se gagne une certaine somme d'argent !
Le dragon parlant naturellement le logiciel de reconnaissance de la parole accélèrent votre marketing d'article ? Top
Dragon Naturally Speaking Speech Recognition Software Speed Up Your Article Marketing? If your like me and you absolutely hate typing articles. Either because your fingers get tired after a while, or your just not very quick at it, then you will love this speech recognition software made by Nuance. I first read about this software on the affiliate forum called the Warrior Forum. Affiliates were raving about how much this software has sped up there online article marketing efforts. Instead of submitting 1 article a day - a lot of the comments I read were very positive, and they were submitting upwards of 5 plus articles a day using Dragon Naturally Speaking Software with ease. What does this speech software actually do if you are not familiar with it? Here is what it does in a nutshell, and how it helped me as an affiliate marketer - be way more productive on a daily basis! I love writing articles but I am super slow at typing - so I was not as productive as I would have liked to be to say the least. So when I found out that speech recognition software actually exists, and what it could potentially do to speed up my online productivity I absolutely had to have it. I type with 1 finger most of the time for the love of god! If that is any indication of how much I needed this speech recognition software. Here is a product description from Dragon:  With Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard, you can talk to your computer and watch your spoken words instantly appear in documents, email and instant messages. You can even surf the World Wide Web just by speaking! Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 turns your voice into text three times faster than most people type — with up to 99% accuracy. It learns to recognize your voice instantly, and continually gets better the more you use it! Just use your voice to dictate and edit in virtually any Windows application, including Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and AOL. This revolutionary and easy-to-use product gives you everything you need to get started, including a high-quality headset. Faster than Typing Most people speak more than 120 words per minute but can actually type less than 40 words a minute, thats me all day.. That means users can create documents and email messages more than three times faster using Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard. The software never makes a spelling mistake, and it actually gets smarter the more it's used. All you do is talk into this speech recognition software, and you will see the words printed on your computer screen instantly. What a time saver! If you plan on being an affiliate marketer and earning money from your home computer. This software can help you cut your online affiliate marketing efforts in half at the very least. If you type like me by like 90% ! Are you writing articles online? If one of your online affiliate marketing strategies is writing articles - and lots of them - Which you should be doing! and submitting them to your favorite article directories like , , or . Then this software comes highly recommended. Me personally, I absolutely love this software and I would not want to be without it! Everything I do on the Internet these days is a lot easier. No more typing yaay lol! No more carpal tunnel! I actually get way more accomplished on a daily basis - with my online business. So if you work online to make money , or you just want a cool tool where you wont have to type with your keyboard like a mad man.  I ordered this product through Amazon, and I received it two days later - which was cool! So I thought I would share with you online Entrepreneurs out there. One of my best investments I have made for my affiliate marketing business. Dragon speech recognition software is the ---- especially if your writing a ton of articles like me! Good luck on your quest to earn that extra cash online . And if you use the Dragon voice software , leave a comment, and let me know if it helped you - as much as it helped me! To Everyone's money making Ventures, Jason!
Helpful Affiliate Tools To Devour Your Online Competition Top
Helpful Affiliate Tools To Devour Your Online Competition: We as online marketers are always looking for ways to speed up our affiliate marketing, it just makes our lives so much easier. After all who wants to spend 10 hours on a computer everyday trying to cash in on there Internet dreams. Hey, its cool some people like to spend all day on a computer! I am not arguing - to each there own. Whatever floats your boat. Like the saying goes one mans junk is another mans treasure! But you have to admit, wouldn't it be nice to cut your online marketing efforts in half or a 1/3 so you can concentrate on what really matters earning an income full time from home? These affiliate marketing tools will do just that. Here are the benefits of these products - make more money , make more money, make more money, lol did I already say make more money. Now I have your undivided attention! You can be 10 times more productive online when you have the right marketing products working for you. Here are a few tools I have found useful that I would like to share with you... Keep reading, Affiliates! 1 . "Powerful New Software Tool Uncovers Hot Untapped Niche Markets that Have Been Completely Overlooked by the Masses and Allows You To Swoop in and Absolutely Dominate  these Niche Markets in Google!" Very cool video shows you how to tap into these hidden Niches so you can cash in on hidden niches that are yours for the taking. You can check out the video here! 2. Everyone knows how tedious, and often boring writing articles can be. Trust me I am an expert on writing a lot of articles I have the carpal tunnel to prove it lol. All kidding aside, this article submitter has made my life 10 times easier. I get way more done on a daily basis using this article marketing software. Which in turn makes more money for your online business. Multiplication is the major key to online success. I am sure everyone would agree! The more eyeballs you have on your affiliate products - the more cash you can generate, simple as that! This software over delivers, and you will also get tons of nice juicy backlinks from a lot of major article directories. Create 1000's Of Articles From Just 1 Article, & Submit Them Automatically With The Submitter! Visit mass article control here! 3. If you a new affiliate marketer and you want to learn the ropes from a successful Internet millionaire, I have a great in depth E-Book for you to check out. How I Made $436,797 In One Year Selling Other Peoples Stuff! 4. If you want the whole enchilada an in depth affiliate training course The Secret Blueprint Everybody Was Waiting For... Learn How A Super Mega Affiliate Makes 7 Figure A Year. Very good course for  affiliates! I Hope These Affiliate Tools Are Helpful Marketers. Remember the Internet is getting more competitive on a daily basis due to the economy, and the mass appeal that working from home can bring. We Entrepreneurs need every edge we can get online to make our goals a reality. Cheers, To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
How To Earn Money Writing online Articles For Ehow? Top
How To Earn Money Writing online Articles For Ehow? This will be a fairly short post, why? Because writing articles for is extremely easy, and can be extremely lucrative if done correctly. Here are a few tips to get you started as a publisher for the Ehow community. What is For those of you new online entrepreneurs who have not heard of this huge how to article directory listen up. Ehow is an article based directory where you can earn money online by writing, and publishing simple articles. Example: How to earn money online Simple affiliate steps? Here is an example of one of my Ehow articles Note: This is a long article, you can make it a lot shorter. 4 - 5 steps is ideal! Sign up for a free Ehow account at Put in your payment info - who to make check payable to, social security number if your a U.S based writer etc.... You are paid based on how many views,and clicks, your Ehow articles receive individually. The better it does the more money you can potentially earn online writing for Ehow. Make sure you optimize your articles for the keyword phrases you are going after in the search engines. Remember: The more eyes on your articles the more money in your pockets, affiliates@marketers. You can research some great keyword phrases using this Google adsenses keyword tool here! You are paid monthly directly into your Paypal account once your account balance reaches $10 which is easy to do. Ehow is currently only available to writers in the U.S and the U.K. So if your interested in making some extra Internet cash sign up for your free Ehow account today! Cool PRL or private label rights articles for your website, or blog. Need content? This site has some good stuff!  Click Here For Your PLR Content! Good luck Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Online Money Making Tips And Traits You Need To Have To Succeed Top
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous avez besoin devez SucceedMoney faisant le bout 1 : Ne soyez pas paresseux mis en avant l'effort impliqué en faisant à vos rêves d'Internet une réalité. Ceci implique de fonctionner réellement quelques heures par jour autant que possible. Si vous faites face à des obstacles dans votre voyage en ligne, traitez-les en tant que juste bosses de route, sur votre voyage à un meilleur et plus financièrement à un bruit vous. N'abandonnez jamais quand aller obtient dur le dur obtiennent allant. La raison que la majorité d'échouer de personnes en ligne est eux a stoppé quand son ne pas aller là manière. Ne soyez pas l'une des statistiques, soyez comme le lapin d'agent énergifiant et juste aller de subsistance. La motivation, et a n'abandonnent pas l'attitude, est ce qui sépare les gagnants des perdants. Le bout 2 apprennent : Faites votre recherche si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement il y a un apprentissage qui est assorti à elle. Si n'importe qui vous indique vous pouvez gagner l'argent, ou obtenez durant la nuit riche, elles soufflent juste la fumée vers le haut du votre --- comme on dit. Flash d'information : La vente d'Internet, et la vente de filiale, est dur labeur dans le commencement. Prenez le temps de cela faire, et apprenez comment cela faire droit. Vous prenez vos premières mesures en lisant ce blog. Une fois que vous apprenez comment obtenir le trafic à votre site Web, filiale lie, ou blog, et vous commencez à gagner une certaine bonne somme d'argent. Vos affaires en ligne deviendront plus faciles en nombre de heures que vous devez dépenser, essayant de rendre cet argent comptant supplémentaire en ligne. Plus que vous déployez en avant aujourd'hui efforts, moins les efforts vous devrez déployer en avant demain pour rester lucratif. Ne soyez pas paresseux ! Ils prennent le dur labeur pour réaliser votre argent faisant des rêves, mais ils ne sont certainement pas hors de portée. Visez pour les étoiles, et si vous frappez les nuages vous sont toujours un succès. Ma citation inspirée préférée : Il n'y a rien à comme un rêve créer le futur. Commencez à gagner votre argent en ligne faisant à des rêves une réalité ! Obtenez de travailler des entrepreneurs ! À votre succès, entrepreneurs : Jay !
Comment augmenter le grade de page de Google facilement | Top
Article frais que j'ai écrit sur Ehow sur la façon dont augmenter votre Google Pagerank facilement. Si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement et votre regard pour gagner l'argent avec votre site Web, ou blog, alors ces bouts pourraient venir dans assez maniable. Plein article sur le lien au-dessous des filiales ! lHow pour augmenter le grade de page de Google facilement |
La maison a basé le revenu d'Internet d'écrire Classifieds Top
Home Based Internet Income From Writing Classifieds If you are a beginner, and you are smart, you should have went out and read the bum marketing method by Travis Sago. If you did and you are ready to get started making an Internet income from home, listen closely! Your first steps for a home-based income is to start writing classified ads. You should have learned from the bum marketing method how to get your classified ads to rank highly on the major search engines. If you want to earn extra cash online here are some simple classified websites I recommend for you to submit to. US free ads, when I first learned the bum marketing method I quickly started up an account at US free ads. They do charge $9.99 per month for a premium membership but it is well worth the small investment if you want to earn an extra income at home. You can post unlimited classifieds, and they rank very well. The classifieds you can put together are extremely good-looking. They basically look like little websites, not the typical classified ads you are used to seeing. You can add HTML, your website, banners, or affiliate links the choice is up to you. I have had my account with them for about a year and a half now, and it continues to be a great investment if you want to take your Internet income to the next level. Remember: the more classified ad you place the more money you can potentially earn through US free ads. If you're interested in checking them out here is a a link! Free classifieds for your home-based business 1. - they are a highly visited classified website. I have had decent luck with them, but they are not my best performer! You can place free ads with them in the city, state of your choice. But you are not supposed to submit to multiple cities or states if they are free ads. There paid listing is halfway decent, depending on which city, states you choose to advertise on, the price varies. The smaller cities are usually much cheaper on average I noticed it's about $.30 per week for a featured ad. If you're advertising on bigger cities like Los Angeles California the price can be between $3-$4 per week. In all depends on where you place your ads. I would recommend a free listing with them to see how well your ad performs, if it performs well you can always upgrade to a paid listing. If your classified ad is not doing well just keep it as a free listing and write another one. If you eventually want to make a nice Internet income trial and error is the key. Find something that works, stick with it, and keep working to build your home-based income. 2. Craigslist - craigslist was good for online marketers a year or two ago, but now it's getting harder and harder to place ads due to their newer guidelines. You have to have a valid phone number, which is no big deal, any recommend you set up an account with them to place ads in certain categories. Most affiliate links you place will be marked as spam if you do not know what you're doing. I recommend short and sweet ads that get your point across quickly. A lot of people on craigslist like to mark classifieds as spam if you are blatantly advertising. So choose the words you say very carefully so your hard work doesn't get deleted. 3. Kijiji - This is eBay's online classified website. Posting as with them is relatively easy, and you get a decent amount of traffic from them but nothing spectacular. But it is definitely worth writing a few classified ads through them, especially since they are free and produce decent results. If you are a beginner, and you want to earn extra cash online, I would highly recommend you start your home business by writing simple classified ads. There are tons of free classified websites out there here is the top 10 in terms of website traffic: 1. – #1 classified site 2. – Ebay Classified Ads 3. Google Base – Submit your products to Google Product Search 4. BackPage – Backpage is owned and operated by the Village Voice Media 5. UsFreeAds – used and trusted by over 680,000 private and business advertisers worldwide 6. – Oodle is simply the best way to buy and sell through online classifieds. 7. Adpost – Database of over 1,000,000 members and more than 1,000,000 ads 8. – Interactive classified listings for a range of goods where browsers get to negotiate the price of an item before they buy. 9. Web Classifieds US – Features classifieds advertising to sell new and used items. 10. Classified for Free – Free ads for promoting businesses, selling personal products, meeting people and buying new or used merchandise. Source: To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jason!
La vente flâne-t-elle travaille-t-elle ? Top
Does Bum Marketing Work? The quick answer to this one is a resounding yes! actually the bum marketing system is what put me over the top online so to speak. when I was a beginner in the money making game of affiliate marketing, I had no idea where to begin, how to bring traffic to my website or blog? I even had a hard time writing easy classified ads that a five year old could do lol. Earning money from home can often be overwhelming - even more so for a beginning affiliate marketer. I would often ask myself where do I begin? I did not know how to design a website, or what a blog was for that matter, or how blogging works. after about four months of frustration, I was lucky enough to stumble upon Travis Sagos bum marketing system. It really opened my eyes that you definitely can earn money from your home computer, and if you play your cards right in your near future, you could have a lucrative home-based business that can rake in the money. Does bum marketing work? What is it exactly? The bum marketing system is a free system that basically shows you how to get your articles, or classified ads , to rank well in the search engines so potential customers can find you and purchase your products. It tells you to go after low competition keywords, that are highly searched, so you can get to the first page of Google, Yahoo, or Bing. If done correctly, your ads can potentially be sitting on the first page of the search engines for some lucrative keyword terms - that can be earning you money for years to come. Think highly searched, low competition keywords, that you can rank well for with your articles, or classified ads, and you have the basis for the bum marketing system in a nutshell. For you beginners out there who are just learning to make money online. Google the bum marketing system, it is free information that is available out there in cyberspace. The Bum marketing system should only take you about 30 minutes to actually grasp the basic concept of affiliate marketing. If you are a beginning affiliate marketer, this course will be a big help in getting your feet wet. After being taught about bum marketing you can then move on to bigger and better things. This will just give you a good basic understanding of how to earn money online, very helpful system. Sign up for my free Ebooks to learn more about the bum marketing method, and why it works? To your success entrepreneurs, Jay!
Manières d'augmenter des niveaux du trafic pour des webmasters et des acheteurs de filiale Top
Les manières d'augmenter des niveaux du trafic pour le grand nouvel article de webmasters et d'acheteurs de filiale pour des webmasters, et des acheteurs de filiale, qui sont intéressés à trouver quelques tours simples j'emploient pour armer effectivement les puissances de l'Internet, et la technologie, de faciliter mon marketing de filiale beaucoup. Si votre sérieux au sujet du contrôle en ligne d'argent de revenu cet article dehors !
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$57.94 Top
J'ai reçu un autre paiement de LinkWorth encore le mois dernier. Le paiement est un total d'USD$57.94. LinkWorth m'avait payé sans interruption pendant des mois et je suis sûr que c'est un programme très bon pour joindre et gagner une certaine somme d'argent de blog. Vous pourriez vouloir avoir connaissance de mon autre paiement aussi. Lisez sur et regardez toute la preuve de paiement de mon paiement précédent. Regardez tous les paiements ci-dessous : 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07
SharedReviews : Écrivez les revues et faites le revenu mensuel Top
I have been experimenting with a lot of different programs over the internet to make more money online. Today, I finally can come to a conclusion for a site called which can help us make more money just by writing reviews for the products we are using such as cell phones, laptops, books, daily products or any other things that we can think of. I have been trying this program for several months and I am really slow in writing reviews for the site because I focus most of my time on other money making opportunities as well as focusing on my studies. I created 10 reviews in and now, I have USD$4.87 in my account that is a good results for me because I never expect that writing reviews can help me make money. Now, I am promoting this program to every readers so that everyone can grab this opportunity to make money by writing reviews. In addition to making money from reviews, members can make money by writing for contests and get rewards. The total cash rewards that are given by for December 2009 is USD$2275.00. If you participate in the contests, you earning opportunities are very large and a lot of users are making huge income from . I am going to write more reviews soon and I hope that my new reviews will be making money for me in the future. Join the program and try it out, aybe you will be making large income from writing reviews.
LinkWorth Payment Received: USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$45.00 le 30 novembre 2009 Top
J'ai reçu un autre paiement de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser m'a envoyé un autre paiement d'USD$45.00. Vous pourriez savoir que j'ai reçu plusieurs paiements de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser est un bon programme à joindre pour le revenu supplémentaire et naturellement, il est libre de se joindre. Bidvertiser est facile à utiliser et Bidvertiser est de bonnes solutions de rechange à Google AdSense. Vous pouvez lire mon autre preuve de paiement ci-dessous : ęr Paiement de Bidvertiser 2ème Paiement de Bidvertiser la publicité
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$27.07 Top
J'ai reçu mon paiement de LinkWorth il y a peu de semaines et c'est USD$27.07. J'ai été sans interruption payé par LinkWorth pendant peu de fois. Si vous lisez toujours mon blog, vous noterez que j'ai écrit des poteaux au sujet de mon paiement précédent. LinkWorth est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir du blog si vous avez un blog instructif. Je dirais le that  ; LinkWorth  ; est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.You peut apprendre plus au sujet de LinkWorth  ; and  ; obtenez commencé dans LinkWorth  ; pour gagner l'argent. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$79.16 2.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$29.45 3.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$26.05
Paiement de MyLot octobre : USD$13.59 Top
Yeap, I received another payment from MyLot again and this time, I earned USD$13.59. It is another extra income for me at the right time because I want to prepare some money for my investment in stocks and mutual funds. You might want to know how many times I have earned from MyLot , for your information, I am paid 10 times by MyLot and this is the 11th . You can continue reading to read about my other 10 MyLot payments. Please read on to see all the payments I received from  MyLot . 10th Payment 9th Payment 8th Payment 7th Payment 6th Payment 5th Payment 4th Payment 3rd Payment 2nd Payment 1st Payment How to Make Money From MyLot advertising
Free Giveaway: Bidvertiser Secret Report [Free Download] Top
Dear readers, today I am going to share with you a free report I created. I created this "Bidvertiser Secret Report" because I find that Bidvertiser has a large opportunity to make money. It is a simple 4 pages report to give you a some insides about Bidvertiser . So, go ahead and download it. It is free for all readers and everyone who is visiting my blog. Download the "Bidvertiser Secret Report" Now! Thank you for downloading, enjoy your reading and make more money. advertising
LinkWorth Payment Received: USD$111.04 Top
Ouais, je reçois mon 4ème paiement de LinkWorth hier. C'est un déboursement énorme pour moi. Le déboursement est un total d'USD$111.04. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent pour moi. Maintenant, je peux employer l'argent pour acheter la substance que je veux. Vous pourriez avoir déjà avez su ce qui est LinkWorth si vous lisez toujours ce blog. LinkWorth m'avait payé plusieurs fois et la somme d'argent que j'ai obtenue de LinkWorth est quantité tout à fait grande aussi. Vous pouvez apprendre que plus au sujet de LinkWorth et obtenir commencée dans LinkWorth à faire money.LinkWorth est un grand programme à joindre. C'est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir de votre blog. Je dirais que LinkWorth est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.I AM étant payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$64.37 Top
I got a big payout from LinkWorth . LinkWorth is indeed a great program to join because it includes all the programs for publishers as well as advertisers. If you are new to LinkWorth , you can Get Started and Learn about LinkWorth . If you are having hard time making money from program such as AdSense, you could try LinkWorth . Maybe LinkWorth will work for your blog. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 advertising
MyLot peut paiement : USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Gagnez l'argent en concevant des logos Top
Il y a quelques emplacements offrant des concepteurs de logo pour gagner l'argent en aidant leurs clients à concevoir des logos. Je parviens à trouver un emplacement appelé CrowdSpring. Personnellement, je ne suis pas vraiment bon au logo concevant, ainsi je ne joins pas l'emplacement. J'ai décidé de partager cet argent faisant l'occasion à tout le vous ce qui lisent mon blog. Fondamentalement, l'emplacement est un endroit pour que le grand site Web trouve que des concepteurs de logo et alors ils peut choisir les logos qu'ils aiment. La plupart des clients offrent le taux de salaire élevé, normalement environ $400 à $1000 par projet ou par conception. Vous pouvez cliquer sur dessus l'image ci-dessus, vous pouvez voir que les projets en cours offrent $1000 par projet. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent. Si vous êtes très bon à la conception de logo, alors ce serait la manière pour que vous rendiez le revenu énorme en ligne. Pour moi, concevoir le logo n'est pas le travail facile. J'ai essayé très dur de faire une certaine conception utilisant Photoshop et je fends ma tête pour penser même à une idée. Même le plus mauvais, je ne suis pas celui bon pour l'utilisation de Photoshop qui le rend encore plus dur pour que je conçoive. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de vous là sont dehors les concepteurs très bons de logo ou peut-être vous êtes très bon pour employer Photoshop. Ainsi, ce serait une grande chance pour que vous gagniez l'argent. Vous trouvez un projet, faites la conception, soumettez et si vos conceptions obtiennent admises, alors vous êtes sur votre chemin de rendre le revenu réel en ligne. Ainsi, vous pourriez vouloir essayer CrowdSpring dehors. Employez votre talent dans la conception pour gagner l'argent pour vous. Il pourrait y avoir plus d'emplacements permettant à des utilisateurs de gagner l'argent utilisant leur talent dans la conception, vous a pu essayer de découvrir plus vous-même. la publicité
Placement des annonces 125x125 sur votre barre latérale Top
Je suis désolé pour ma mise à jour retardée. Certains de mes lecteurs ont demandé un poteau au sujet de mes annonces 125x125 sur ma barre latérale. Il y a quelques codes pour la faire mais je dois dire que non tous les blogs peuvent employer les mêmes codes parce que quelques blogs ont une plus petite barre latérale. Ainsi, elle dépend vraiment de la largeur de la barre latérale de votre blog. Les codes que je vais partager avec vous ici peuvent être des directives pour que vous ayez le même placement de chose des annonces 125x125 comme mon blog. Tout d'abord, le résultat que vous obtiendrez va ressembler à l'image ci-dessus. Soyez noté svp que votre barre latérale doit être assez au loin d'avoir ce travail de conception correctement. Ainsi, normalement, je placerai la largeur de ma barre latérale de blog pour être plus de 250 Pixel parce que les Pixel 2x125 est égal à 250 Pixel. Les codes pour placer vos annonces 125x125 comme mon blog est en tant que ci-dessous : < ; center> ; Voici un plus grand < de bannière [vous propres codes] ; p> ; 125x125 & des annonces No.1 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.2 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.3 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 < des annonces No.4 [vous propres codes] ; /p> ; < ; /center> ; Tout que vous devez faire est de copier les codes ci-dessus et d'aller à la page de la « disposition » de votre blog, puis cliquer sur « ajoutez un instrument » et choisissez « HTML/Javascript ». Collez les codes dans la région de « HTML/Javascript » et rappelez-vous d'employer vos codes pour le 125x125 Ads.That est fondamentalement toutes les étapes requises. Ayez fun.advertizing : Cinglez vos poteaux et obtenez plus de visiteurs Top
If you have been reading my blog, you would know the importance of " Pinging ". Pinging your blog and our contents is an important task to gain more visitors for your contents. Here is a site called where you can submit a link, title of your posts and post descriptions to show it on the main page of the site. The site is very new and signing up for the site is free. So, give it a try to ping your posts and articles. Pinging is very important because by pinging, you are actually telling a web server that your site is updated. So, make it a habit to ping your updates such as new posts and new articles. is very new. It would be great to take advantage to use the service because you get more backlinks from the site when you send more ping to it. I have pings several posts and I found that the site is quite responsive and fast. The site is quite clean and easy to use. It has very less advertisements and the loading speed is quite fast too. Signing u is free. So, I recommend to use it as a way to get more visitors to our contents and to our blog. advertising
9 Revenue Sharing Sites to Make Money Top
After a long pause on my blog, I have found some great revenue sharing sites to share with you. Do you still remember my previous post about revenue sharing site? If you have forgotten what is Revenue Sharing site, you could refresh your mind about it here . In this post, I am going to share 9 Revenue Sharing sites with you so that you can rack in more money and earn more passive income online. When we have more source of income online, we are having higher chances of making more passive income. So, it would not be a bad idea to look through the Top 9 Revenue Sharing sites in the later part of this post. 1. Hubpages: Hubpages is a sites where you can place your AdSense Ads and make money using your articles. Hubpages has a great amount of users and your articles can easily get views and clicks. So, you could make money from it quite easily. 2. Flixya: Flixya is a site that works like a social site. You can upload photos, share videos, write blog and invite friends to make money. If you like to hang around in social sites, Flixya might suit you to make money. 3. Xomba: Xomba is a free community where you can share ideas, comments, write posts, make friends and make money. The site is giving 50/50 AdSense advertising revenues to users. 4. Helium: Helium is a great site for enthusiast as well as professional authors. Helium has articles writing contest where users can submit articles in the contest to win money. If you do not join contets, you can still make money according to page views of your articles. 5. Oondi: Oondi is a place for writers to publish their works. As a writer, you do not need to worry about creating websites stuff, just concentrate on your work and make money from Oondi. Writers get 100% of the advertising profits. 6. BloggerParty: BlogggerParty is a new idea for blogging. You need to have an AdSense Account. All you need to do is to create your blog with them and they will drive traffic to your blog. This way your AdSense Ads will be clicked and you earn money. They give 50/50 revenue sharing. 7. WritingCampus: Basically, WritingCampus works almost the same way as Blogger Party. 8. 5050Articles: 5050Articles are using their own AdSense account. All you have to do is to write articles and submit to their site. When your articles help them make AdSense income, you get 50% of the income as revenue. 9. Triond: Triond is a unique site. Using Triond, you get paid 50% of their sites total income. You get paid according to the number of views generated by your articles on their site. The 9 Revenue Sharing sites mentioned above are only some that I can find online. I am sure there are a lot more out there. Some of the sites are giving very good passive income for the author. So, it would not be a bad thing to try them out. It is normally not easy to make money from our blog. So, if your blog does not get visitors or traffic to help you make money, you could try to write articles and submit to Revenue Sharing sites. It might be a great way for you to start making money online. advertising
Yuwie : Gagnez l'argent en ayant une vie sociale Top
It is easy to make money online nowadays. People make money using their blog, people start websites to share knowledge and make money from it, people sell stuff online to make a living, people working hard as an online part-timer to make money and so on. Now we can even make money using social site such as Facebook, Friendster and so on but I am not talking about making money from Facebook and Friendster because it is hardly possible. I discover a social site where we can make money just by doing the same thing that we are doing on Facebook and Friendster, Socializing. The site is called Yuwie . Yuwie is a special idea and it is very unique because it is a social site that share their earnings with the member of their site. Unlike other social site, we as a member of Yuwie can actually make money using it by doing the same thing that we are doing almost everyday in Facebook such as uploading our photos, writing a personal diary, visit friend's profile and so on. How Yuwie Pays the Members? Yuwie pays members according to the number of views members get from other people. For example: No. of Views on Your Profile: 50 No. of Views on Your Photos: 30 No. of Views on Your Blog/Diary: 100 Total: 180 views By getting 180 views, you are actually generating money from your social network. It is quite easy. The payment per view is always changing depending on the earnings of Yuwie at the month. Is it easy to get 180 views? I would say "Yeah!!!". It is easy to get views. The more views we get, the more money we make. The money making opportunity does not end just like that. More Money from Yuwie: By refering friends to your Yuwie account, you can make even more money. For every friends you refered to Yuwie, you get a from the views your friends generated. Yuwie pays you until 10th level of referrals. This means that the money you can make is almost limitless. Joining Yuwie is Free . A lot of people already join Yuwie and make money from it. So, why not give it a try. It might be your chance to make money fast and easy. Join me in Yuwie and Make Money Together. advertising
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$10.50 Top
Je suis devenu payé par Bidvertiser encore. Jusqu'ici, c'est la 3ème fois où je suis payé par Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser est tout à fait une bonne manière de gagner l'argent supplémentaire à partir de mon blog. Cette fois, je suis USD$10.50 payé. Je sais que ce n'est pas une grande somme d'argent mais au moins, je fais la poche supplémentaire. J'emploie Bidvertiser parce que je peux recevoir le paiement utilisant PayPal. C'est une manière plus rapide d'obtenir payée. Ainsi, c'est tout à fait de bonnes solutions de rechange d'un AdSense. la publicité
Links for 2008-04-12 [] Top
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Links for 2007-12-17 [] Top
La liste définie d'emplacement Bookmarking social du principal 10 Il y a d'abondance des emplacements bookmarking sociaux dehors là. Vous faites se demander jamais ce qui sont les meilleurs emplacements bookmarking sociaux. L'identification des emplacements bookmarking sociaux les plus populaires peut vous aider à maximiser votre blog' ; le grade de page de s très rapide et obtiennent le trafic maximum t Éclatez votre trafic de blog avec ces tours Beaucoup de personnes luttent pour obtenir le trafic massif au blog ou au site Web mais elles peuvent à peine obtenir venir du trafic. Certains pourraient employer les méthodes que j'ai expliquées dans des mes poteaux passés, mais ces méthodes ne sont assez seulement de t'obtenir le trafic que durant une période seulement courte. Maintenant Outil social de Bokkmarking Un emplacement pour le social bookmarking seulement un clic
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How to Add Twitter Retweet Button to Wordpress Blog Top
As we all know, Twitter is a micro blogging website where we can send tweets of up to 140 characters. Like Digg offers 'Digg it' button, Twitter offers retweet button that we can use on our blogs so that our readers can vote for stories of their interest on this highly popular social media website. We can expect good amount of traffic on our blogs if our stories get lots of retweets and good amount of traffic means, more money being made for us. As far as adding Twitter retweet button to a Wordpress blog is concerned, there are lots of plugins available. I himself have been showing retweet button on all of my blog posts here on SFM. Plugin that I have been using is offered by website. If you also have a Wordpress blog, can use this Twitter retweet plugin on your blog quite easily. What is website? Tweetmeme is a service which aggregates all the popular links on twitter to determine which links are popular. Tweetmeme is able to categorize these links into categories and subcategories, making it easy to filter out the noise to find what your interested in. There are two types of Twitter retweet buttons that we use on our websites adn blogs. First one is full size version or Digg Type and the second one is compact version’s shown below Click here to download retweet plugin offered by TweetMeme. Once you have downloaded and activated this plugin on your Wordpress blog, there are lots of options available with this plugin which means you can customize retweet button as per your requirement. Some of options that you can choose from are: Where you want to show retweet button i.e. within your posts, pages or RSS Feed Position of this button – before, After, Before and After etc Want to show normal size button or compact size button Can change the RT @tweetmeme to RT @yourname like I changed it to RT @ScopeForMoney Can choose the URL Shortening service that you want to be used for Retweets like, Tinyurl, Cligs, Digg, etc Ping Tweetmeme – Yes or No I hope you will be able to increase traffic on your website after including this retweet widget on your Wordpress blogs. And if you find any difficulty in installing this plugin on your Wordpress blog, let me know in the comment section. Related posts: How to increase the number of Twitter followers Adding Paypal donate button to wordpress blogger blog Turning a wordpress blog from nofollow to dofollow
Top 5 ideas for Beginners to Make Money Online Top
There are some ways to make money online for beginners. At most you require a blog or a website. Moreover, you do not have to invest or spend any amount of money from your side. Here are top 5 ideas: Idea 1: Freelance Writing This is the best way for a person to earn money as a beginner. Freelance writing is a work on the web which offers a lot of money making opportunities online. You can also improve your writing and researching for topics. Also, you should be comfortable in generating content for almost any niche. There are ample opportunities on the internet for freelance writers and they are paid quite well. Idea 2: Web hosts/Domain Name Selling This is a lot like affiliate selling but many webmasters have a site especially dedicated towards web hosting reviews and domain name selling. They sell products related to web hosting and domain names. All the web hosting companies such as Hostgator, Dreamhost etc. give very high commission to their affiliate sellers. Idea 3: Making Affiliate Sales You need not be a pro-blogger if you want to sell products on your website. If you have a website with enough organic traffic then affiliate marketing is a good way to make money online. The best sites that can be used for affiliate products are commission junction, Amazon, ClickBank. Most successful affiliate marketers who sell affiliate products do so from these listed sites. The trick is to market your product by writing great posts and selling quality products you have, your audience will also like. The affiliate products you sell should be related to the niche/theme of your blog or website. Making money online from affiliate products is highly profitable as it requires zero investment and provides high returns. Idea 4: Social Discussions Did you know that there are many social networking sites that pay you to simply discuss your favorite topics? Websites like mylot, Yuwie etc. which pays you for getting socialized. You can earn a lot depending on your level of participation. They usually have a low payout about as low as $10. These social networking sites basically pay you to start topics and respond to discussions. Apart from paying you these websites are also good to provide exposure to you and your own websites. Idea 5: Sell unwanted stuff on Ebay Ebay stores have made many people rich. When you start an online Ebay store you can sell used or new products or both. Millions of visitors come to Ebay for buying products. You can take a share of the pie. The key is to sell products that you do not require and provide a competitive price at the Ebay market place. If you do some research you can find great tips on how to make money online using Ebay. Would you love to implement any of these ideas especially if you are a beginner in money making niche? Related posts: Free money fast: Top four ideas for making fast money online Make Money Fast: Top ways to make fast money on internet 10 Killer ways To Make Money At Home Online
How to make money online doing paid reviews on your blog Top
Earlier on my blog, I wrote a post about how to make money online with paid blogging networks . But in today's post, I'm going to talk about how one can make money online doing paid reviews on their own behalf with its positives and negatives. But to get some paid review opportunities coming your way, you need a blog having some authority, page rank or Alexa rankings and should focus about a particular niche. Why one need paid reviews Advertisers need to promote their products and services on the internet. And they find it quite easy and fast promoting their services through blogs by getting some form of paid review on some of leading blogs in their niche. This way advertisers are able to spread some positive words, links and traffic for their websites. And in return, bloggers are able to make some fast money doing little work from their end. There are lots of people who actually love to check people views and reviews about a particular product or services before buying or subscribing it. And advertisers are able to attract and actually convert these people into their customers by getting some positive reviews and even unbiased reviews from the bloggers about their services. So this way, advertisers are able to get more business and more trust among their website visitors by spending some money on getting paid reviews on top blogs that writes about the services or products they actually deal in. When advertisers approach bloggers for paid posts on their blogs, they generally ask bloggers to write about their services and ask them to give some keyword based dofollow links for their website home page and internal pages. How paid reviews benefit bloggers Sponsored review or paid reviews (get paid to blog) are the easiest and quickest way most bloggers use to make money from their blogs. There are some bloggers who are able to make even thousands of dollars per month through paid reviews only. And the amount of efforts and time needed to complete these paid tasks are very low. There are some bloggers in the money making and blogging niche who actually charge as much as $500 for doing a paid review about a website. But in general, bloggers are able to earn from $10 to $50 on an average from a paid blogging opportunity, they are paid directly from the advertiser for writing paid post on their blogs. And this amount reduces in the range from $5 to $20 or so if you are using paid blogging networks to gets extra money making opportunities. List of some blogs with their paid review rates – charge $500 for a review – get paid review for $250 – take $200 per review – $200 for a paid post – charge $200 per sponsored review – $200 per paid review – Charge between $100 to $500 – $150 USD for Single post MoneyMakerInfo – $125 per review post – charges $50 per review Negative side for bloggers On some occasions we become so greedy about the money that we start writing about anything that comes our way or when someone offers some good amount of money for a review. In that case, we are taking the risk of losing our royal readers to our blog because we are posting something which is no way in their interest. So our intention should be going paid posts about such services only that fall someway within our blog readers' interest and kind of websites we generally cover on our blogs. Another problem that we may face is from Google. If Google feels that we are doing any kind of paid reviews or giving away dofollow links on our blogs to the advertisers website, we are having the risk of getting some kind of penalty from Google. That might come to us in the form of reduction in the page rank or reduction in the organic rankings or removing your blog from Google index. So it is in bloggers interest to include nofollow links to the advertiser website if you are doing paid review for an advertiser website. Another thing that we should do is fully disclose that this is a sponsored or paid review. But there will be no advertiser who will be willing to pay you any money for giving nofollow and for disclosing it’s a paid review. Conclusion You should decide your goals that are attached with your blog before going for a paid review. If your aim is just to make some quick cash from your blog, go ahead with whatever advertiser asks you or you love doing. And in case, you are aiming at building a big business around your blog, skip paid reviews, at least those no way related to your industry. Related posts: Get paid to blog with pay per post (PPP) Paid blogging options for making money online Get paid for blogging with Smorty


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