samedi 23 janvier 2010

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Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$57.94 Top
I received another payment from LinkWorth again last month. The payment is a total of USD$57.94. LinkWorth has been paying me continuously for months and I am sure it is a very good program to join and earn some money from blog. You might want to read about my other payment too. Read on and look at all the payment proof of my previous payment. Look at all the payments below: 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$111.04 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$64.37 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 4. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 5. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 6. LinkWorth Payment: USD$59.17 7. LinkWorth Payment: USD$27.07
Bidvertiser Payment: USD$45.00 30 November 2009 Top
J'ai reçu un autre paiement de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser m'a envoyé un autre paiement d'USD$45.00. Vous pourriez savoir que j'ai reçu plusieurs paiements de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser est un bon programme à joindre pour le revenu supplémentaire et naturellement, il est libre de se joindre. Bidvertiser est facile à utiliser et Bidvertiser est de bonnes solutions de rechange à Google AdSense. Vous pouvez lire mon autre preuve de paiement ci-dessous : ęr Paiement de Bidvertiser 2ème Paiement de Bidvertiser la publicité
Lisez plus est maintenant disponible sur le Blogger Top
Si vous ne mettez pas à jour votre blog pendant tout à fait un long temps, vous ne pourriez pas noter le nouveau dispositif supplémentaire à Le nouveau dispositif est le plus demandé « a lu plus » de fonction demandée par beaucoup de bloggers employant Maintenant, nous avons « avons lu plus » de fonctions dans notre compte de Comme vous pouvez voir de l'image à la gauche, en cliquant sur simplement sur le bouton « de coupure de saut d'insertion », vous pouvez diviser votre long poteau en deux parts et créer « lisez plus » de lien après que vous ayez édité le poteau. Mais avant que vous puissiez employer la fonction, vous devrez la permettre au > de « arrangement " ; > ; « De base » suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Après vous atteignez le > de « arrangement " ; > ; La page « de base », font descendre l'écran au MOS du fond de la page et vous trouverez les options suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Choisissez l'option « a mis à jour le rédacteur ». Vous pouvez maintenant apprécier la nouvelle fonction à votre page de « nouveau poteau ». Espoir vous pouvez suivre les étapes simples et permettre la nouvelle fonction de coupure de saut. S'ajouter « a lu plus » au blog de votre blogger peut aider à organiser vos poteaux et à rendre leur le sembler rangé. Maintenant, nous ne devons plus employer le dur et la vieille méthode à créer a lu plus de fonction sur le   de notre Blogger ; blog. Ainsi, appréciez la nouvelle fonction.
Arme secrète 2.0 de filiale d'Ewen Chia en ventes ! Top
Aujourd'hui, alors que je surfe le Web pour me renseigner sur des techniques de vente de filiale pour gagner l'argent en ligne, je trouve un site Web par le site Web d'Ewen Chia de la filiale bien connue du monde pro. Il a lancé son produit et ce s'appelle l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale. Je lis l'emplacement et je constate que je suis très chanceux pour trouver l'emplacement aujourd'hui parce que le produit est en ventes ! Il vend très un prix bas d'USD$27.00 qui se vend normalement à USD$97.00.I googled pour plus d'informations sur l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale et j'ai trouvé beaucoup de grands commentaires au sujet du produit. J'ai relu l'emplacement d'Ewen le Chia encore et j'ai finalement décidé de l'acheter. Il me coûte SEULEMENT USD$27.00. La meilleure partie de l'achat est les bonifications libres incluses. J'écris ce poteau pour informer tous les lecteurs que si vous êtes intéressée d'acheter ce produit, ne manquez pas la chance parce que c'est un produit extrêmement bon à acheter et meilleur de tous, il vend maintenant très un prix bas. Je suis apprenant et lisant les bouts et les tours maintenant. le prix de l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale sera grimpé jusqu'à USD$97.00 n'importe quand bientôt. Ainsi, je suis vraiment heureux j'ai obtenu l'arme secrète 2.0 de filiale à USD$27.00. Si vous êtes intéressé, obtenez-le aussitôt que possible et apprenez d'Ewen Chia à gagner l'argent en ligne. la publicité
Paiement de MyLot septembre : USD$13.18 Top
Ouais, j'ai reçu mon un autre paiement encore de MyLot. C'est USD$13.18 pour le septembre 2009. C'est tout à fait moins mais je suis tout à fait heureux avec lui. Si vous lisez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que je reçois des paiements de MyLot beaucoup de fois. C'est mes 11èmes fois obtenant le paiement de MyLot et mon paiement du juin 2009 est le PLUS GRAND paiement que je reçois jamais de MyLot. Svp lu dessus pour voir tous les paiements j'ai reçu de MyLot.10th Payment9th Payment8th Payment7th Payment6th Payment5th Payment4th Payment3rd Payment2nd Payment1st PaymentHow pour gagner l'argent à partir de MyLotadvertising
LinkWorth Payment Received: USD$111.04 Top
Ouais, je reçois mon 4ème paiement de LinkWorth hier. C'est un déboursement énorme pour moi. Le déboursement est un total d'USD$111.04. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent pour moi. Maintenant, je peux employer l'argent pour acheter la substance que je veux. Vous pourriez avoir déjà avez su ce qui est LinkWorth si vous lisez toujours ce blog. LinkWorth m'avait payé plusieurs fois et la somme d'argent que j'ai obtenue de LinkWorth est quantité tout à fait grande aussi. Vous pouvez apprendre que plus au sujet de LinkWorth et obtenir commencée dans LinkWorth à faire money.LinkWorth est un grand programme à joindre. C'est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir de votre blog. Je dirais que LinkWorth est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.I AM étant payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
Liens pour 2009-07-27 [ Top | Ping Your Articles and Get Traffic! A new and great ping site to help Bloggers, Articles, Posts and more to gain more readers and visitors.
MyLot June Payment: USD$76.55 Top
Aujourd'hui, j'ai mon paiement de MyLot d'USD$76.55 à mon compte de PayPal. Après 11 fois d'obtenir le paiement de MyLot, c'est le plus grand paiement par mois où j'obtiens de MyLot. Jusqu'ici, mes recettes totales provenant seul de MyLot sont USD$211.01. C'est le total de 11 paiements de MyLot. MyLot est un emplacement de discussion qui paye le membre pour commencer des discussions, pour répondre aux discussions, pour télécharger des photos et pour écrire des tâches. C'est un grand emplacement et je recommande vraiment de le joindre. Grâce à MyLot encore du grand service et à MyLot est sûrement un grand programme à joindre pour gagner l'argent. Vous pouvez continuer à lire dessus et vérifier les liens à mes autres paiements de MyLot. 10ème Payment9th Payment8th Payment7th Payment6th Payment5th Payment4th Payment3rd Payment2nd Payment1st PaymentHow pour gagner l'argent à partir de MyLotadvertising
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$64.37 Top
J'ai obtenu un grand déboursement de LinkWorth. LinkWorth est en effet un grand programme à joindre parce qu'il inclut tous les programmes pour des éditeurs aussi bien que des annonceurs. Si vous êtes nouveau à LinkWorth, vous pouvez obtenir commencé et se renseigner sur LinkWorth. Si vous avez la difficulté gagner l'argent à partir du programme tel qu'AdSense, vous pourriez essayer LinkWorth. Peut-être LinkWorth fonctionnera pour votre blog. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
MyLot peut paiement : USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Gagnez l'argent en concevant des logos Top
Il y a quelques emplacements offrant des concepteurs de logo pour gagner l'argent en aidant leurs clients à concevoir des logos. Je parviens à trouver un emplacement appelé CrowdSpring. Personnellement, je ne suis pas vraiment bon au logo concevant, ainsi je ne joins pas l'emplacement. J'ai décidé de partager cet argent faisant l'occasion à tout le vous ce qui lisent mon blog. Fondamentalement, l'emplacement est un endroit pour que le grand site Web trouve que des concepteurs de logo et alors ils peut choisir les logos qu'ils aiment. La plupart des clients offrent le taux de salaire élevé, normalement environ $400 à $1000 par projet ou par conception. Vous pouvez cliquer sur dessus l'image ci-dessus, vous pouvez voir que les projets en cours offrent $1000 par projet. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent. Si vous êtes très bon à la conception de logo, alors ce serait la manière pour que vous rendiez le revenu énorme en ligne. Pour moi, concevoir le logo n'est pas le travail facile. J'ai essayé très dur de faire une certaine conception utilisant Photoshop et je fends ma tête pour penser même à une idée. Même le plus mauvais, je ne suis pas celui bon pour l'utilisation de Photoshop qui le rend encore plus dur pour que je conçoive. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de vous là sont dehors les concepteurs très bons de logo ou peut-être vous êtes très bon pour employer Photoshop. Ainsi, ce serait une grande chance pour que vous gagniez l'argent. Vous trouvez un projet, faites la conception, soumettez et si vos conceptions obtiennent admises, alors vous êtes sur votre chemin de rendre le revenu réel en ligne. Ainsi, vous pourriez vouloir essayer CrowdSpring dehors. Employez votre talent dans la conception pour gagner l'argent pour vous. Il pourrait y avoir plus d'emplacements permettant à des utilisateurs de gagner l'argent utilisant leur talent dans la conception, vous a pu essayer de découvrir plus vous-même. la publicité
Placement des annonces 125x125 sur votre barre latérale Top
Je suis désolé pour ma mise à jour retardée. Certains de mes lecteurs ont demandé un poteau au sujet de mes annonces 125x125 sur ma barre latérale. Il y a quelques codes pour la faire mais je dois dire que non tous les blogs peuvent employer les mêmes codes parce que quelques blogs ont une plus petite barre latérale. Ainsi, elle dépend vraiment de la largeur de la barre latérale de votre blog. Les codes que je vais partager avec vous ici peuvent être des directives pour que vous ayez le même placement de chose des annonces 125x125 comme mon blog. Tout d'abord, le résultat que vous obtiendrez va ressembler à l'image ci-dessus. Soyez noté svp que votre barre latérale doit être assez au loin d'avoir ce travail de conception correctement. Ainsi, normalement, je placerai la largeur de ma barre latérale de blog pour être plus de 250 Pixel parce que les Pixel 2x125 est égal à 250 Pixel. Les codes pour placer vos annonces 125x125 comme mon blog est en tant que ci-dessous : < ; center> ; Voici un plus grand < de bannière [vous propres codes] ; p> ; 125x125 & des annonces No.1 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.2 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.3 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 < des annonces No.4 [vous propres codes] ; /p> ; < ; /center> ; Tout que vous devez faire est de copier les codes ci-dessus et d'aller à la page de la « disposition » de votre blog, puis cliquer sur « ajoutez un instrument » et choisissez « HTML/Javascript ». Collez les codes dans la région de « HTML/Javascript » et rappelez-vous d'employer vos codes pour le 125x125 Ads.That est fondamentalement toutes les étapes requises. Ayez fun.advertizing Ping Your Posts and Get More Visitors Top
Si vous aviez lu mon blog, vous sauriez l'importance du « cinglement ». Le cinglement de votre blog et de notre contenu est une tâche importante de gagner plus de visiteurs pour votre contenu. Voici un emplacement appelé où vous pouvez soumettre un lien, le titre de vos poteaux et les descriptions de poteau pour le montrer à la page principale de l'emplacement. L'emplacement est très nouveau et s'inscrire pour l'emplacement est libre. Ainsi, donnez-lui un essai pour cingler vos poteaux et articles. Le cinglement est très important parce que par le cinglement, vous êtes réellement disant à un web server que votre emplacement est mis à jour. Ainsi, faites-lui une habitude pour cingler vos mises à jour telles que de nouveaux poteaux et nouvel est très nouveau. Il serait grand de profiter pour employer le service parce que vous obtenez plus de backlinks de l'emplacement quand vous lui envoyez plus de cinglement. J'ai des cinglements plusieurs poteaux et j'ai constaté que l'emplacement est tout à fait sensible et rapide. L'emplacement est tout à fait propre et facile à utiliser. Il a très moins d'annonces et la vitesse de chargement est tout à fait rapide aussi. U de signature est libre. Ainsi, je recommande de l'employer comme manière d'obtenir plus de visiteurs à notre contenu et à notre blog.advertizing
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$10.50 Top
Je suis devenu payé par Bidvertiser encore. Jusqu'ici, c'est la 3ème fois où je suis payé par Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser est tout à fait une bonne manière de gagner l'argent supplémentaire à partir de mon blog. Cette fois, je suis USD$10.50 payé. Je sais que ce n'est pas une grande somme d'argent mais au moins, je fais la poche supplémentaire. J'emploie Bidvertiser parce que je peux recevoir le paiement utilisant PayPal. C'est une manière plus rapide d'obtenir payée. Ainsi, c'est tout à fait de bonnes solutions de rechange d'un AdSense. la publicité
Liens pour 2008-04-12 [ Top
Gagnez l'argent du blog : Les secrets d'AdSense ont indiqué ! Gagnez l'argent du blog Gagnez l'argent du blog : 000WebHost : Tous dans un accueil de Web libre
Liens pour 2007-12-17 [ Top
La liste définie d'emplacement Bookmarking social du principal 10 Il y a d'abondance des emplacements bookmarking sociaux dehors là. Vous faites se demander jamais ce qui sont les meilleurs emplacements bookmarking sociaux. L'identification des emplacements bookmarking sociaux les plus populaires peut vous aider à maximiser votre blog' ; le grade de page de s très rapide et obtiennent le trafic maximum t Éclatez votre trafic de blog avec ces tours Beaucoup de personnes luttent pour obtenir le trafic massif au blog ou au site Web mais elles peuvent à peine obtenir venir du trafic. Certains pourraient employer les méthodes que j'ai expliquées dans des mes poteaux passés, mais ces méthodes ne sont assez seulement de t'obtenir le trafic que durant une période seulement courte. Maintenant Outil social de Bokkmarking Un emplacement pour le social bookmarking seulement un clic
Liens pour 2007-07-11 [ Top
Promote Your Blog Blog Contents Quantity
Links for 2007-06-22 [] Top
Double revenu d'AdSense
Links for 2007-05-17 [] Top
Metafilter | La Communauté Weblog Le trafic beaucoup ici Amplifiez votre revenu d'Adsense dans le « de sept manières ; TIP POUR des manières de BLOGGING 7 au bon adsense
How to Earn Money Online Completing Free Offers and Surveys From Home Video! Top
How to Earn Money Online Completing Free Offers and Surveys From Home Video!
Dragon Naturally Speaking Speech Recognition Software Speed Up Your Article Marketing? Top
Dragon Naturally Speaking Speech Recognition Software Speed Up Your Article Marketing? If your like me and you absolutely hate typing articles. Either because your fingers get tired after a while, or your just not very quick at it, then you will love this speech recognition software made by Nuance. I first read about this software on the affiliate forum called the Warrior Forum. Affiliates were raving about how much this software has sped up there online article marketing efforts. Instead of submitting 1 article a day - a lot of the comments I read were very positive, and they were submitting upwards of 5 plus articles a day using Dragon Naturally Speaking Software with ease. What does this speech software actually do if you are not familiar with it? Here is what it does in a nutshell, and how it helped me as an affiliate marketer - be way more productive on a daily basis! I love writing articles but I am super slow at typing - so I was not as productive as I would have liked to be to say the least. So when I found out that speech recognition software actually exists, and what it could potentially do to speed up my online productivity I absolutely had to have it. I type with 1 finger most of the time for the love of god! If that is any indication of how much I needed this speech recognition software. Here is a product description from Dragon:  With Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard, you can talk to your computer and watch your spoken words instantly appear in documents, email and instant messages. You can even surf the World Wide Web just by speaking! Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 turns your voice into text three times faster than most people type — with up to 99% accuracy. It learns to recognize your voice instantly, and continually gets better the more you use it! Just use your voice to dictate and edit in virtually any Windows application, including Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and AOL. This revolutionary and easy-to-use product gives you everything you need to get started, including a high-quality headset. Faster than Typing Most people speak more than 120 words per minute but can actually type less than 40 words a minute, that's me all day.. That means users can create documents and email messages more than three times faster using Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard. The software never makes a spelling mistake, and it actually gets smarter the more it's used. All you do is talk into this speech recognition software, and you will see the words printed on your computer screen instantly. What a time saver! If you plan on being an affiliate marketer and earning money from your home computer. This software can help you cut your online affiliate marketing efforts in half at the very least. If you type like me by like 90% ! Are you writing articles online? If one of your online affiliate marketing strategies is writing articles - and lots of them - Which you should be doing! and submitting them to your favorite article directories like , , or . Then this software comes highly recommended. Me personally, I absolutely love this software and I would not want to be without it! Everything I do on the Internet these days is a lot easier. No more typing yaay lol! No more carpal tunnel! I actually get way more accomplished on a daily basis - with my online business. So if you work online to make money , or you just want a cool tool where you wont have to type with your keyboard like a mad man.  I ordered this product through Amazon, and I received it two days later - which was cool! So I thought I would share with you online Entrepreneurs out there. One of my best investments I have made for my affiliate marketing business. Dragon speech recognition software is the ---- especially if your writing a ton of articles like me! Good luck on your quest to earn that extra cash online . And if you use the Dragon voice software , leave a comment, and let me know if it helped you - as much as it helped me! To Everyone's money making Ventures, Jason!
Must Have Marketing Tools That Increased Websites Traffic And Productivity In 2009 Top
Must Have Marketing Tools That Increased Websites Traffic And Productivity In 2009 1. If you are promoting your website, or Blog, by means of article marketing this marketing tool has really increased my productivity. Everyone knows how time consuming writing articles is. But the problem is they really are one of the best ways to promote your website, or blog. This tool has really increased my productivity so I can concentrate on what really matters and that is  increasing my Internet Income. A highly recommended time saving marketing tool.   2. If you are considering starting up your own Email list I went with the best in the business. I have been very happy with Awebers  quality, and service. My Email list is growing everyday -Aweber is offering a first month trial membership for only a $1.00 you cant beat that! They are a class act. If you want to finally start that Email list - Aweber is a marketing tool you must have. You can check them out here! 3. I dont know about you but commenting on blogs is a pain in the butt to say the least. It is very time consuming, but you must do it if you want to increase your Google Pagerank so your website, or blog can rise in the search engine rankings. With quality back-links pointing to your site. If you want to increase your traffic - but you do no want to spend hours everyday commenting on blogs this tool is a must have. I finally broke down and purchased this blog commenting marketing tool, it has increased my productivity and backlinks. Cool timesaver.  You can check it out here!    4. We all know who Go-daddy is they are my domain name register, and they host one of my websites. I wanted to go with a reputable big company I could trust, and the Godaddy girls arent to shabby either lol. 5. If your a beginning affiliate marketer and you want to speed up your learning curve so you can make some money online. This affiliate course has some great tips -the guy that made this marketing - work at home course is very good.  One of the better ones out there today. So newbies reading this - if you want to save yourself tons of time on your money making process. This affiliate course is top notch    I hope I Gave You Online Marketers Some Valuable Tools You Can Use To Speed Up Your Marketing Efforts.  To Your Success In 2010 Entrepreneurs, Jay!
How To Build Quality Back Links To Your Website Quickly Need Help Top
How To Build Quality Back Links To Your Website Quickly Need Help Here is a little trick I use to get quality back-links to my website, or Blog quickly! Have you guys ever heard of Alexa? If your an affiliate marketer your probably screaming hell ya who hasn't? If your a beginning Internet or affiliate marketer your probably saying to yourself what the heck is Alexa? Well I am gonna briefly share that answer with you, and how it can help you to increase your Google page rank keep reading marketers. About Alexa: is a cool website for online marketers that tells you general information about any Blog, or website, you want to know more about. Alexa stats include Traffic stats, contact info, reviews, related links, keywords bringing traffic to that website, clickstream, sites linking in, Alexa traffic ranks, and the demographics of the website. So how can you use Alexa to your advantage? Cool Trick To Build Back-links With Alexa - If you were unfamiliar with Alexa now you know a little about what they do. Here is how I build quality high page rank backlinks by using Alexa. Whatever your website is based around whether it be Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, weight loss, relationships, or any other niche. Here is the little trick to make your life a little easier. Use the Google adwords keyword research tool, and find websites that are ranked highly for very popular keyword terms. If your website is based around losing weight for example here is a very highly searched keyword term. How to lose weight. Searched for 673,000 times per month this is a monster. Now find the websites that rank in the top 3 for that keyword term on Google. Copy the websites Url and go to Alexa and type the websites address into the Alexa search bar to find out more info on that website. Go to sites linking in button on the Alexa tool bar, it will show you a list of the websites that are linking to that particular website. Now add your website to as many links as possible that are linking to that website. These highly ranked websites have a high Google page rank for a reason. High quality links, and relevant content. You can use this tip for any high page ranked website related to yours that you want to easily build up quality back links for. Use this $$money$$ making tip and your blog, or website, will be climbing the Google rankings in no time. Before you know it your website will be ranking very highly for some great money making phrases, that you can earn some free quality traffic, and extra cash with. Just be persistent and keep adding back-links on a daily basis. Here is a few tools I use that have helped me out a great deal in building up quality back-links. If your an article marketer, this tool is a must have check it out here! If you comment on Blogs, or social bookmarking websites, which you should be doing. This is a great way to build up quality backlinks in no time. Check out this blog commenting tool here! I hope you enjoyed this free lesson on how to easily get quality backlinks to your website. Now go out there and make that money marketers. To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Comment gagner l'argent en ligne pour des débutants gagnez les gros cours de filiale d'argent comptant Top
How To Earn Money Online For Beginners Earn Fat Cash Affiliate Courses If you are a beginner, and you are new to the world of the Internet, or making money online for that matter, then listen up! If I was gonna start all over from scratch, I would of done things a little differently. I am a stubborn type of person by nature, I have to do everything myself. But that is good sometimes, and not so good other times. Yeah it's great to be motivated, its a wonderful trait to have, believe me having this trait will be the main factor of earning a lucrative income online one day. But if I was just starting out again, I would definitely want to speed up my learning curve. Then I can invest in my future, and earn money online way sooner than I would on my own without the help of someone who actually knows what they are doing, and is very successful at it. Here's what I would do if I was a beginner just starting out, trying to learn how to work at home. I would figure out what route I want to take? My 2 top choices would be Affiliate marketing, or starting up my own Dropshipping business on Ebay. Both are proven ways to earn money online. It just depends on which road you want to travel down. Once you figure out the route you are gonna take then you have to figure out how to earn money online through that business model. This will involve writing articles, classified ads, Search Engine Optimization, Forum posting, Etc... Just to name a few, and you have to know how to do everything properly if you want to make money . Affiliate marketing is a lot of work in the beginning if you want to earn a decent amount of money. Hey, that is why we as work at home Entrepreneurs started out in this business to make some good money. You agree? LOL I hope so I am only stating the obvious. So in conclusion: If your a newbie looking to earn money online get educated on what your doing. I would recommend an affiliate training product to speed up your learning curve considerably this is an affiliate course I highly recommend . Read articles, learn all you can about Affiliate Marketing, and making money online in general. Keep in mind the golden rule - The more educated you become at something, the more money you will earn, because you know what your doing, hey your trained in this field now etc... If your gonna go the Dropshipping route and your thinking of starting up your own Ebay business - My first choice would be Salehoo my second choice would be Either route you take learn how the game is played to come out victorious on the other end. This may involve asking for help, hey why not we all started off somewhere right? Let's make 2010 our most profitable money making year to date! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Avantages commençant des acheteurs de filiale de liste d'email Top
Avantages commençant des acheteurs de filiale de liste d'email si votre un débutant, un intermédiaire, ou un acheteur avancé de filiale les avantages de commencer votre propre liste d'email sont incroyables. Si vous voulez jouer avec les grands garçons un jour, et soyez une filiale superbe, et gagner le grand argent en ligne. Et vous pensez à donner l'email lançant un aller, ou voulez juste une petite information de général. Lisez alors cet article que j'ai écrit les avantages intitulés commençant votre propre liste d'email. À vos entrepreneurs de succès !
Création d'une Manche de Google AdSense Top
In What are Google AdSense Channels? you learned that a channel will help you monitor which ads and which sites are making you money. By tracking your individual ads and their placement, you're able to increase your chances of blogging for money. I'm going to show you how to create an AdSense channel so you can start monitoring your progress today. Creating Your First Customized AdSense Channel Go ahead and log into your Google AdSense account. Once you're logged in, click on the AdSense Setup tab. The AdSense setup tab will present several sub menus for selection. We're interested in the Channels today, so click on that now. We're going to create a customized channel and to do so you'll click on the Add new custom channels option. You should now be on the Add channel screen, which contains a single textbox labeled Name. This is where you're going to type the name of your channel for the ad that you will monitor. You want to make this as clear as possible so you know exactly which ad on which site you're tracking. So for example, let's say you're using a vertical ad unit that is 160 x 600, sits in your right navigational menu, and contains text only. A logical name for this channel might be something like "right menu vertical (txt)". Later on when you check your report, you'll be able to easily identify which ad belongs to the channel. If you happen to have two sites with the same ad in the same position, simply differentiate the two by your site name - maybe something like: "emb rght vert (txt)". If I had another site about baking cookies, this label tells me that the ad it's tracking is Earn Money to Blog (emb) not my other site Baking Cookies Blog (which doesn't exist by the way - sorry). Assigning an ad to a Channel At this point you've successfully create a customized channel. Let's stay with the earlier example and pretend you want to track a 160 x 600, text-only ad unit that sits on the right side of your navigational menu. In order to accomplish this, you need to create the ad unit and assign it to the channel. In Google AdSense for Search you learned how to create a custom ad and plug it into your Blogger blog. The steps for this are similar with the exception of the channel option - we skipped over that last time but today you're going to utilize it. Head to Get Ads and choose AdSense for Content. Keep the default Ad unit selected and choose Text ads only from the drop down list and hit continue. Now we're at the familiar customization screen - Go ahead and select the 160 x 600 vertical ad, also known as a Wide Skyscrapper. Feel free to customize it how you wish, you can even choose a different format if you feel comfortable at this point. This is just a simple example. Now that your ad unit is customized, click continue. The following page will list your customized channels (you can create as many as you want). If you've been following up to this point, you should have a channel called "right menu vertical (txt)". Simply add that to the selected channel and continue. Ok, just give the AdSense unit a name (I tend to keep the default) and continue on to the next page. Simply copy your AdSense code and plug it into your Blogger're done! If you're not completely sure how to integrate this code into Blogger, please check out Google AdSense for Content (Images only). That article should get you up to speed. (Please be aware that your new ad and channel will have a bit of a delay. In my experience it takes about 10 minutes or so for the ad to start displaying on my page.) Creating a customized AdSense channel is very important to your success. If you want to make money online by blogging, you need to monitor your sites progress. AdSense channels will allow you to do just that. In my next article I'll explain how you view your new customized channel. Creating your channel is half the battle, but you have to know how to read it so you can make the proper adjustments. And making those adjustments will help you blog for money.
Quel est Backlinks ? Top
Readers of my blog are getting up to speed on all the different techniques to start making money by blogging. Of course first, you need a blog (duh), but after that it's a matter of integrating ad services like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks. (Did I mention that you get $25 just for signing up with WidgetBucks? No really… go check it out for yourself) Now that we have those services we need to befriend Google. Google is going to become one (if not THE) major source of our traffic. Services like StumbleUpon are an excellent start but we need to do more – much more. Mr. Miyagi once said: "Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later get squish just like grape. Here, karate, same thing. Either you karate do "yes" or karate do "no." You karate do "guess so, just like grape. Understand?" Mr. Miyagi knew a thing or two about karate, but I think we can apply it to monetizing our blogs as well. You see, creating traffic with blogs is kind of similar – you go full force and monetize successfully or you don't. Backlinks is one of the major keys to going full force. What on earth is a backlink? A backlink is simply links from one site to another. It is one of the factors that determines how popular your blog is and ultimately how fast it's going to get off the ground. The more relevant backlinks to your site, the better – and by relevant I mean the sites linking to you should be related to your topic (If your blog is about fancy cars it's probably going to do you little good to have a link for your site on a blog dedicated to quilting.) Ok, so I get what a backlink is, but what does it matter? Let me direct you to another Mr. Miyagi quote if I may: "We make sacred pact. I promise teach karate to you, you promise learn. I say, you do, no questions." Swap karate with monetizing your blog and we're good to go. Seriously speaking here – backlinking is a great way to do the following: 1.) Network with other bloggers and site owners. 2.) Establishing you as a major player on the web and ultimately getting higher listings in Google's Search. 3.) Promoting your blog to other readers who frequent these other sites. Ah I get it now! But how do I get started? You may already have! That's the great part about backlinking. If you have interesting content, chances are someone may already be linking to you. But even still you should do some networking. My recommendations to you are to bookmark some bloggers in your niche and get to know them – participate with quality comments on their sites. Most bloggers have a contact form or email link and from there you can request a link exchange. Key word here is "request"… do not beg. Remember, we're going to make money blogging but we have to earn it. Backlinks are one of the most popular ways to drive traffic to our blogs. So what are you waiting for? Start networking today. Oh, what's that? You have a site that has quality content that is your own and would like to exchange links with Earn Money to Blog? Sure, just shoot me an email and I would be delighted to add you to my blogroll!
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
In What is WidgetBucks? We learned that there are more ways than just Google AdSense to make money from blogging. If you know about WidgetBucks and want to sign up go ahead and do that now: WidgetBucks allows us to easily integrate product ads on our Blogger blog but how? Luckily for us, WidgetBucks and Blogger make it a very straightforward process. Let's start by logging into our WidgetBucks accounts and click on the New Widget button in the menu. This will bring us to the Customize Your Widget page. From here you simply create a name for your widget, point it to the page you're going to place it, customize the design, and finally select what type of product you want served. Once you're set just press the Get code button and copy the HTML/JavaScript. Don't worry - like everything else we do around here - you don't need to know anything about HTML or JavaScript to start making money. But you do have to know how to copy and paste! Now that you have your widget code, log into your Blogger account. At the dashboard go to Layout and then Add a Page Element. If for some reason you've been hiding under a rock this whole time and don't have a Blogger account - check out Create a blog . You should have the Blogger form with all your layout options now. Here you're going to click on the HTML/JavaScript option. Go ahead and paste your widget code in the main form - you can optionally give it a title if you want - I don't. Once you save your changes you're done! Congratulations! You're ready to start making money with WidgetBucks.
What is WidgetBucks? Top
WidgetBucks est un service LIBRE d'annonce qui nous permet de gagner l'argent à partir de nos blogs - semblable à Google AdSense. (Lu ce qui est Google AdSense ? si vous avez aucune idée ce qui je parle.) de WidgetBucks n'est le nouvel enfant sur le bloc. Pas, pas les nouveaux enfants sur le Block.What est grand au sujet de WidgetBucks est que droit outre de la batte ils te donnent $25 juste pour s'inscrire ! Vous ne pouvez pas battre cela avec un stick.WidgetBucks diffère de Google AdSense parce qu'il offre vers le haut des « gadgets » pour des produits comme : l'électronique, livres, santé et beauté, etc. Il ne rampe pas votre contenu, mais il est personnalisable et ils même ont récemment fixé quelques issues de lenteur - ainsi il regarde comme elles se dirigent dans la bonne direction. À la différence de Google AdSense, vous devez seulement faire $50 pour devenir payé (AdSense est $100). On s'attend à ce que des paiements arrivent en 45 jours (mot-clé : prévu - nous saurons tout si WidgetBucks est la vraie affaire viennent décembre). Et ils vous commencent déjà au loin par $25 juste pour s'inscrire - ainsi vous êtes demi de manière là ! Certains des emplacements dans leur réseau incluent : Cible, meilleur achat, et Tout le point tôt d'indications à WidgetBucks devenant un joueur important dans le jeu d'annonce. En mon prochain article je te montrerai comment mettre en application facilement WidgetBucks sur vos blogs de Blogger. Mais pour maintenant, le chef dessus plus d'et s'inscrivent pour un compte LIBRE. Dites-leur gagnent l'argent au cha envoyé par blog.
Signes du principal 10 que vous Monetized Blogitis Top
There's a disease for everything today and apparently bloggers are not immune. According to That's Fit , Blogitis is very real: Here you are, reading a blog. You're staying up to date with the latest news on fitness, health, food and nutrition. Maybe you also read other blogs to check up on current events, or celebrity gossip, or sports -- but does that mean you're addicted? You might have blogitis, which, at least according to one public relations speaker, is a real disease. At Earn Money to Blog, we can't disagree – especially when you add the element of monetizing your blog; the disease is taken to a whole new level. Today I will give you my top 10 signs that you have Monetized Blogitis – An addiction to earning money with your blog (of course I just made this up but humor me and play along). 10.) You have multiple blogs. One just isn't enough is it? You need to create multiple sources of income. 9.) You are registered at any or all of the following sites: Technorati, StumbleUpon, Furl,, MyBlogLog, and Digg. 8.) You create a new blog post every day because Google just loves new content (and so do your users!) 7.) Firefox is your choice of browser BECAUSE you need plugins like Digg,, and Furl to easily bookmark your new blog posts. 6.) You Check your emails for responses to your blog posts several times an hour. 5.) You have blog monitoring tools like Google Analytics and HitTail to track your visitors. 4.) You worry obsessively that your Google AdSense ads are in violation of their Terms and Services. 3.) You check your Google AdSense several times an hour to keep tabs on impressions, click-through rate, and amounts earned. 2.) You put keywords into Google several times a day to see where your page ranks. 1.) You've convinced your spouse to start a blog to earn money. If you answered yes to 7 out 10 of these signs – congratulations! You have Monetized Blogitis . It's a completely made up disease by Earn Money to Blog! Hopefully your signs of this disease increase, because so to, will the odds of earning money with your blog.
Google AdSense pour le contenu (images seulement) Top
In Google AdSense for Options with Blogger: Part 1 and Part 2 we learned that the FREE Blogger service gives us some nice AdSense options out of the box. Readers of Earn Money to Blog like free stuff. That's why most of us will be running to Taco Bell on October 30th between 2pm and 5pm to claim our free taco (Taco Bell did not pay me to plug their product - although I wish they did!). No really - they made a deal with MLB that if anyone stole a base in the World Series, America would get free tacos. And sure enough - it happened! Enough sidetracking… we have work to do and money to make! Options like text ad units and link units will help us begin to generate revenue for our blogs. However, there are some Google AdSense options that Blogger leaves out - fortunately these excluded options are a snap to implement. Today we're going to take a look at one of those features called: Google AdSense for Content (Images only). Log into your Google AdSense account and choose the AdSense for Content option. Blogger let's us easily place text ad units but not images. So for this exercise select the Ad unit option and pick the Images ads only choice from the drop down list. The next page will let you configure your size, color, and corner options. Go ahead an experiment here. Remember - you can always come back and change the configuration if you're not happy. Once your configuration is set click continue twice, until you get to the HTML/JavaScript page. Copy the entire contents of the text box now. Next, we're going to log into our Blogger dashboard and go to the Layout page. Once you're there, select Add a Page Element and choose the HTML/JavaScript option. Now paste the HTML that you grabbed from your Google AdSense account into the form. Save your changes and presto! You're done! Blogger may not support image AdSense out of the box, but that doesn't stop us from figuring out how to do it, now does it? In just a few minutes we whipped up some custom HTML/JavaScript (thanks Google!) that will place image ads on our blogs.
Link Your StumbleUpon Profile to Your Blog Top
In Promoting Your Blog with StumbleUpon we learned how the StumbleUpon service can help drive traffic to our blogs. While the word traffic makes most of us cringe in our every day, offline lives. We know that traffic in the online world is our friend - and ultimately one of the most important keys to making money with our blogs. Today I want to show you how easy it is to create a link on your Blogger blog that will direct your reader to your StumbleUpon profile. This will increase the value of your blog experience with your readers and will help promote, and generate more money from your blogs content down the road. Navigate over to StumbleUpon and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the Tools & Buttons option in the footer menu. The StumbleUpon Buttons & Tools page gives you access to some really nifty features. But today we're most interested in linking our blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles to help spread the word. Go ahead and click on the Link to Your Profile. On the Link to Your Profile page, you're presented with several options. Choose one and copy and paste the HTML inside the text box directly to the right. Experiment with a few and see which one you like best -- You can always come back to this page and select another if your first choice isn't ideal. Now that you have copied the HTML, log into Blogger and head to the Layout page. Here we're going to Add a Page Element and select the HTML/JavaScript option. Simply paste the HTML you got from StumbleUpon into the form and save your changes. That's it! From here you can easily move around the element in your layout until you're satisfied. My personal recommendation is that you keep the StumbleUpon link near the top so it's visible to your readers. In just a matter of minutes we were able to link our Blogger blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles. This process is going to go a long way in helping us: 1.) Network with other bloggers, 2.) Drive traffic to our blog, and 3.) Help us make money from blogging by pulling in readers. Hope you enjoyed this article. Until next time… go earn yourself some money with your blog!
Promoting Your Blog with StumbleUpon Top
We have learned that monetizing our blogs involves: 1.) Creating a blog with the Blogger service and 2.) Learning how to implement Google AdSense to earn money. However, these are just the first steps in the overall process. Making money to blog takes time, but I'll show you how to speed up the process and start driving traffic to your blog in just a matter of minutes. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, and if you don't, if you don't have anybody who can sell it for you or tell the public, it's a waste of time, the whole thing. We can't argue that point Arnold (by the way, I loved your role in Kindergarten Cop) - and that's why today I'm here to talk about one of the many, many ways you can promote your blog and its content with a great service called: StumbleUpon. I first stumbled upon (no pun intended) the service a few years ago and I was instantly hooked. In short, the service allows you to browse great websites with ease, which is specific to your tastes. So if you like technology, you're going to get pages about: hardware, software, etc. It's a brilliant concept, and eliminates those times (we all have) when we want to surf the Internet for topics we like, but don't know where to go - StumbleUpon does that for us! So how does StumbleUpon help promote our blogs? The answer is simple really - you connect with other stumblers through your StumbleUpon home page. Here's mine as of today (As you can tell, I love Borat!) If they are interested in the content that you stumble, they'll add you as a friend and in turn will pass the word on. This networking will help promote your blog by adding your website into the stumble rotation. So now all of your friends and your friends, friends will be exposed to your blog content! StumbleUpon makes the process of using its service to promote our blogs super simple with some great tools. For one, if you're using Firefox or Internet explorer, you can't live without the toolbar. The integration of StumbleUpon into your browser is what makes it so popular. The options here (which I'll leave for you to explore) allow visitors to easily add your blog as a favorite to their StumbleUpon home page. This seamless integration helps to increase your blog network, promotion, traffic, and - generate more money from your blog at the end of the day. Another must have for bloggers is the Link to Your Profile button. They come in many different flavors and it's just a simple copy and paste of the html into your blog post or blog navigation menu. What these buttons do is make the experience for those who stumble your page much more enjoyable. If they like your article or site in general, they can simply click on the StumbleUpon button to add it into their rotation. Piece of cake, eh? Making money from our blogs is a lot of fun. Promotion tools like StumbleUpon just make the experience so much better. So what are you waiting for? Get Stumbling! Oh, and here's my handy StumbleUpon button incase you want to add me to your rotation today! My StumbleUpon Page
Using a Custom Header Image with Blogger Top
Today we're going to take a break from our money making talk to discuss an important issue I found with Blogger. Yesterday I attempted to use my spiffy new logo (shameless self-promotion coming up) for Earn Money to Blog. Well long story short, there seems to be a known issue when uploading your header image for people using a custom domain. What does that mean exactly? Well, instead of something like:, I purchased a custom domain name: Anyway, today I'm going to show you a way to get around this annoying issue so you can use a custom image for your header too! First things first - You're going to need a hosting service where you can upload your custom image. Here at Earn Money to Blog, we use free tools to get our work done. My suggestion for image hosting is Photobucket . Head on over there and sign up for your free account and then upload your custom image. Next, go to your Blogger account and into your layout (click the Template tab). Once you're at the layout screen, go ahead and click on Add a Page Element. Instead of clicking on the AdSense options like we have in the past - we're going to add an HTML/Javascript module to our layout. Before you pass out like Marie Osmond did on Dancing with the Stars last night (my girlfriend makes me watch it - I swear!) And here's a YouTube link in case you missed it: Marie Osmond Passes Out on Dancing with the Stars . Oh hi there! Welcome back... let's continue. You don't have to know a lick of HTML to get this done, I promise. I'll tell you exactly what needs to be done! Now open up a new tab (or window) in your browser. Go to the Photobucket site and login with your account if you aren't there already. Scroll down a little ways and you should see the image you uploaded. Here's what mine looks like: Go ahead and copy the text box that's labeled: HTML Tag. Once that's done, paste it into the Configure HTML/Javascript form on Blogger. Your form will look like this: We're almost done. Stay strong here, because I'm going to have you edit some HTML. It's going to be dead simple - just watch. Three quick tweaks that needs to be made to our HTML: 1.) The section that starts: "a href=http://blahblahblah" … remove everything starting with http all the way to the .com, and replace that with a link to your home page. This will allow users to easily navigate back home by clicking on your header. 2.) Remove the "target="_blank" completely. This will prevent your page from popping up a new window. 3.) Change the "alt="Photo Sharing blah blah" to something descriptive about your site. Mine is simply: Earn Money to Blog. Save your changes, position your custom header image in the layout to the desired position… and you're done!! Blogger is an awesome service, but it's not without it's flaws. But hey, it's going to help us earn money blogging so we'll deal with the hiccups along the way. Until next time - go earn yourself some money!
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, and Google AdSense Top
This is the week in review – a busy one for sure. If you've been following along we learned quite a lot. But the nice thing is that it didn't take long at all. So let's do a quick walk through, shall we? 1.) We learned a little about Google AdSense and what it can do for us. 2.) Some of us have been hiding under a rock and didn't even know what the term: Blog meant! (hey, you have to start somewhere, right?) 3.) Next, we figured out just how easy (and FREE!) it was to setup our own blog for the world to see, with Blogger. 4.) We were excited to own a piece of cyberspace, but we wanted to start making money with AdSense. Luckily, the account setup was a breeze. 5.) Armed with a lethal blog of our own and an AdSense account was dangerous stuff! We couldn't just go into this with our eyes close so I broke down Google's Terms and Conditions so you wouldn't fall asleep. 6.) After we felt comfortable with Google's program policies, we decided to put AdSense on our blogs. And boy was that easy! 7.) Last but not least, we wanted a sound strategy for laying out our ads. We didn't want it to look like your finger-painting-themed birthday party when you were nine – so we followed Google's advice and put our ads where the readers can see them. Congratulations! You are on your way to earning money with your blog. It's not going to be an overnight success but stick around and we'll get there. We have a lot more ground to cover such as: AdSense optimization, site content, traffic, etc. We'll hit those next week but for now I'll let you digest all of this.
Applications Web du principal 10 pour gagner l'argent en ligne avec le Twitter Top
Twitter is a social networking website that allows blogging through very short messages (140 characters maximum) called tweets. These messages are sent and received by registered members of the site via Twitter, cell phone, and a number of other web applications. The immense popularity of tweeting has attracted the interest of many users to make money online with twitter by using one or more of the many available web applications. Here are the ten most popular web applications to help you make money online with Twitter. 1. TweetDeck This is reportedly the most popular Twitter web application so far. Compatible with different operating systems, TweetDeck is used for tweeting as well as viewing profiles with some popular customizing options. 2. Twittervision Twittervision allows users to interact with the Twitter community in real time by sending posts in a geographically visualized mode. What you see here is a world map where tweets appear automatically, soon as they are posted, showing the sender's location, an image, and the message. Many Twitter users send short ads or business website URLs as tweets to make money online by making a few clicks. Users can enjoy tweeting with Twittervision. 3. Twitterfeed Twitterfeed has the appealing advantage of allowing direct posting to Twitter as well as which connects to several other social networking sites. So the ad or promotional tweet that you post reaches multiple social networking sites at once. 4. Twitterrific This is one of the most popular clients of Twitter, allowing users to read and post tweets as well as upload images from an iPhone. With a clean, fun-to-use interface, Twitterrific's iPhone OS version claimed the 2008 Apple Design Award Best iPhone Social Networking Application. Log on to Twitterrific website to learn more about Twitterrific. 5. Twhirl Twhirl is another popular free desktop client for Twitter. It hosts most of the Twitter features along with many options for customizing the view and usability of tweets including color coding, timeline filtering, URL shortening, localization, and many more. 6. Twitter Search Twitter Search is a specialized search service, much like Google, that allows anyone to search for a particular word or phrase in tweets submitted to Twitter. It filters the tweets for a particular name, product, or brand on Twitter and reproduces the same upon quick online search. 7. TwitPic A picture is worth a thousand words and this is true of TwitPic, a web application that allows registered members to share pictures and images with fellow Twitterers, through the website as well as from their cell phones. 8. Tweet Scan Organizing tweets and using email alerts for better interactivity are the key merits of Tweet Scan, making it easier for users to organize their tweets around a potentially paying trend in microblogging. 9. HelloTxt HelloTxt serves the purpose of communicating with different social networking websites, including Twitter, at the same time. Promotion through text messages becomes easy and quick with HelloTxt. To tweet with HelloTxt, log on to website. 10. Twistori Twistori is a popular Twitter visualizer that incorporates audiovisual media into the Twitter experience, increasing its visual appeal and hence its potential marketing value. Twitter users from around the world continue to make money online with the above and more web applications. Perhaps you are one of those millions of Twitter users who love to tweet and earn with tweeting, using the above mentioned web applications and others. If so, we'd love to hear from you on what web applications you find most useful and why, and for what kind(s) of promotional purposes you use Twitter. Feel free to send us your comments and feedback on any web applications you have used for tweeting. You'd also love to read what other Twitterers are saying about their experience with web applications for making money online via tweeting. Stay tuned, and of course, don't forget to tweet our post! Related posts: Top 10 Twitter Add-ons For Firefox Top 5 ways to make money online with Twitter Top 10 Tips for Twitter Users
How to bring your website on the first page at Google Top
Having a website running and not listed on first few pages at Google is a waste. Waste on money, time and effort. Web world is now bombarded with keyword rich articles and in order to stay ahead of them to bring your website on the first page at Google needs expertise, patience, clarity on vision and above all, a burning desire to stay on top. It is extremely difficult to exactly isolate what Google weighs, but if you follow the following guidelines in letter and spirit, you will definitely be able to bring your website on the first page at Google. Amongst others, 10 most influential things you need to do on your article are: 1. Select highly demanding keywords for your website Selecting appropriate keyword(s) yield dividend. For this, you need to have SEO knowledge along with a keen eye to detect market trend. Few keywords are always in high demand, but others are time/event specific. Try to understand market demand and catch hold this second category of keywords as your chance of bringing your website on the first page at Google will depend on how fast you can respond to the market demand. Working with the seasoned keywords in order to reach top is difficult for the reason need not to explain. 2. Insert keywords intelligently to stay top at Google Never put your keywords awkwardly. Maintain a 2-3% density for your primary keywords. Never exceed to 3% benchmark. Of course, this figure needs to be researched out from time to time. Few technical, especially medical articles may need higher keyword density in order to make them at the top on Google. Use your sixth sense to find out what density would be appropriate depending on the subject, market trend and competition for a given article. Title of your post also must have the keywords inserted. 3. Treat your Title tag to stay at first page Treating your title tag with utmost care and affection is very important, as this will eventually show you the way to bring your website on the first page at Google. Your search engine optimization skill will tell you how to make a title tag google-attractive. 4. Take action on the statistics given by your post Study web stat for your website in order to understand weak areas reflected and accordingly initiate remedial measures so that stat can improve and your website can appear on the first page. This will require little experience and over time you will understand how stat can be improved. Stay on; keep on updating your site. Google can’t ignore your high presence. 5. Ensure frequent update Updating your site at frequent interval is a must to keep your site highly demanding by Google. Adding regular features, updating contents help bringing back your visitors to your site. You may also declare giving special offers to the serious visitors. You must not be skeptical to incorporate new trends to your site. All these will ensure helping you bringing your website on the first page at Google. 6. Communicate with your visitors Have an open-end communication channel to listen to your visitors. Take note what they say. Keep an opt in box and encourage your visitors to leave their e-mail address for you to let you communicate with them to bring them back on your site. This will guide you improving your site’s acceptability. 7. Incorporate lots of one-way high quality links If you add lots of high quality links to your website, they will generate constructive votes for you. Your site will become stronger to face Google. Google Page Rank will improve substantially. By ‘high quality’, I mean linking to those websites that have higher acceptability and trustworthy. Google gives lower credit to a page having links directing to less reliable websites. Make a serious note of it. 8. Research, don’t copy, be original Don’t copy materials straight from web. Check the most successful sites. Research their contents, presentations, keyword density and source codes. But never dare to copy them. Once researched and understood, now develop your own content, may be in line with the website referred. This may brighten your chance to be on top. However, if you try to copy their META tags, search engines will smart enough to discard you. Be careful. 9. Give special attention to the key features META Tags, Image ALT tags, Site map and Page Title all constitute the key elements for a website as far as search engine’s affection is concerned. Give special attention to each one of them. Each one is designed following specific principle. Know them and implement them in letter and spirit. 10. Work hard until you achieve success Getting on the first page at Google is really tough. You need to be consistent in your effort and desire. There is no substitute for hard working. It may even take anywhere between 7 to 10 months, spending one hour daily in an average, of rigorous hard work to reach on the first page of Google. So, keep on analyzing the web-stat and accordingly update your site. Related posts: 26 ways to bring traffic to your website Google analytics for monitoring website traffic Google Page Rank for blog


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