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Adjonctions de Twitter du principal 10 pour Firefox Top
Add-ons are enhancements for improving application features installable from the Internet. For the increasingly popular web browser Mozilla Firefox, many Twitter adds-on are now available that add to the user's Twittering experience while working with the browser. Below is a list of the 10 more popular Twitter add-ons for Firefox. 1. Power Twitter Power Twitter is a great add-on to Firefox as it adds great connectivity features to the browser; e.g. Twitter Search box, Twitter's web interface, link to Youtube and other popular visual media sites, and more. 2. Twitter Search Twitter Search serves like a search engine for Twitter using which you can search Twitter for any keywords or users' names etc. 3. TwitterBar This special add-on allows you to send updates to Twitter by simply typing them in the browser's address bar. It also works for Google Chrome. 4. TwitterFox TwitterFox can be regarded as the most popular Twitter add-on for Firefox. It installs a Twitter icon at the top of Firefox such that you receive an alert whenever any of your Twitter contacts posts a tweet. Also, it allows you to post tweets directly from the browser without visiting Twitter's site. 5. Twitzer A unique Twitter add-on for Firefox, Twitzer allows you to post messages longer than 140 characters. Twitzer automatically summarizes the message and sends it onward as a standard tweet. The recipient can, however, choose to read the full text, if interested, as Twitzer offers a link to the full text of the message. 6. Twitkit This add-on places a sidebar at your browser such that you can close and open it at your request. Twitkit also allows thematically categorization of content and other interesting features. 7. Tweecious Usually underrated, this add-on certainly deserves more attention as it has the unique feature of collecting your Twitter timeline links and forwarding them to your del.ici.ous account. 8. Mr. Tweet This specialized Twitter add-on for Firefox shows the statistics for tweeting of a Twitterer; things like his/her frequency of tweeting, link sharing, and the kind of tweets posted in a certain period of time. 9. Clean Tweets A comparatively new Twitter add-on for Firefox, Clean Tweets serves to remove spam and unwanted tweets, making Twittering a cleaner and more enjoyable experience. 10. Twitbin A twin add-on to Twitkit, Twitbin allows you to manage all your Twitter correspondence from the sidebar of your browser. If you would like to share your experience of using different Twitter add-ons for Firefox, feel free to contact us with your tips, suggestions, and relevant URLs. Or you may simply tweet your add-on links, using relevant keywords or tags. Related posts: Top 10 Firefox Add-ons I cannot live without Top 10 Web Applications for Making Money Online with Twitter Top 5 ways to make money online with Twitter
10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweets Top
Organization is just another word for success and satisfaction. With millions of Twitterers throughout the world, tweeting every minute of a typical day, keeping track of things becomes necessary for anyone who aspires to stay on top of tweeting while preventing being overwhelmed by messages. If you are a Twitter user who loves to tweet often and wants to keep your twitter activity in order, the following ten Twitter tools will help you organize your tweets and make your Twitter experience exciting: 1. TweetDeck TweetDeck is a wonderful web application and one of the leading organizing tools for Twitter. With TweetDeck, you can sort tweets into groups of your Twitter contacts (or followers) based on any of a number of features; for example, the relative importance of the followers, hobbies and/or interests, or any other attributes. TweetDeck also has Reply Tracking and Search features for better organizing your tweets. 2. Twitter Grader This specialized tool for Twitter grades users (including you) on the basis of a 5-piece algorithm. Users are graded by points ranging from 1 to 100, indicating their level of engagement at Twitter. Using Twitter Grader, you can check your own rank on the Twitter Grader scale and that of your followers, facilitating the choice of which users you want to keep following. 3. Tweetcloud On Twitter, following or leaving a user mainly depends on the type of content being produced by him/her. Using Tweetcloud, you can see a 'tag cloud' – the general collection of a user's most frequently used tags – for a particular user and then choose whether to follow him/her, or how frequently to do so. 4. Twitter Karma This Twitter application is somewhat the opposite of Tweetcloud since it gives you the report on who among those you follow on Twitter are following you in turn, and vice versa. Using this information, you can choose whether or not you want to continue following someone's tweeting. Visit Twitter Karma now to see your die-hard fans. 5. Twinfluence Similar to Twitter Grader in scientific measurement, Twinfluence shows a user's influence combined with that of his followers on Twitter. This information on your 'social capital' at Twitter helps you prioritize your feedback on particular followers and their tweets. 6. Qwitter Qwitter is a unique Twitter tool which updates you through email notifications on who has stopped following you on Twitter. It even indicates the particular tweet after which a certain user stopped following you. This information helps you assess the impact of your tweets and whether or not you would like to tweet in the same category or style in future. Its alternative tool Twitterless also performs the same service. 7. Twitoria If you are an active user who likes to follow active users only, Twitoria is the right tool for you. It filters out the inactive users you are following so that you may opt for more active and productive users only. And it is very user-friendly: all you need to do is enter your Twitter username and the tool filters out your inactive contacts according to the level of activity/inactivity you select, ranging from the past week to the past year. 8. TweetSum TweetSum works by counting on the probability of who among your new followers may not be a good contact to follow by rating them on a Douche Bag Index (DBI). 9. TweetAdder This tool is preferred by those who want to market their businesses/services via tweeting. It costs a little ($55) but has the unique feature to automatically process the potentially useful Twitter users for you. At their website, TweetAdder offers a free Demo version as a freebie for interested Twitterers. 10. HootSuite For hyperactive Twitter users, those with multiple profiles at Twitter plus other social networking sites, HootSuite is just what the doctor ordered. Working also on your cell phone, this tool allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts and schedule tweets from different accounts ahead of posting, saving you a good deal of time , all in an orderly fashion. New and improved Twitter tools continue to come out for Twitterers to help them better organize their tweets. A Twitter tool may be satisfactory to one user more than it comes to another user with different priorities and personality. What do you look for when you seek a Twitter tool? We'd love to hear from you. So feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding organization of tweets. Related posts: 10 Twitter Tools to Manage Your Followers Top 10 Tips for Twitter Users Top 10 Web Applications for Making Money Online with Twitter
Five Ways to Drive Traffic to your Blog Top
When you blog for money you need to create your own content (and lots of it!), implement advertisement programs like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks , and last but not least – you need traffic. In our offline lives we dread it, but online we embrace it. I want to give you 5 ways to start driving traffic to your blog today. With a little time and patience, you will slowly start to increase your viewer ship. (In no particular order) 5.) Post comments on other blogs. Blogs are everywhere – there's certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment. Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities. 4.) Register with blog networks like: Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog It's important that you get your blog out there for others to see. You can start the process by submitting to search engines , but that's just the beginning. Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog are just a few of the high profile blog networks on the web. Register with them, network with other people in your releated area, and get your word out. When you register with these services remember a couple of things: 1.) Create a detailed profile. Let people know a little bit about you and draw them in. Without that personal interaction people may flee quickly. 2.) Tag your blog properly. Tags are very important – they're usually one or two word descriptions of your blog. So for example my blog would fall under categories like: Money, Business, and Finance. Dig around the specific service and look for popular tags and try to use those for your blog. It allows people who are interested in these topics to easily find your site. 3.) Register with several forums. Do a Google search for forums that are related to your niche and register. Try to be an active voice in the community. People will flock to you if you're interesting. Not only that but it allows you to find out what others are doing and what makes them appealing. When you register with a forum, make sure to fill out the profile, similar to the blogging services. And equally as important – make a signature that is a direct link to your blog. Your signature is shown in every post that you make – helping you gain visibility. This is all the more reason to create thought provoking discussions. 2.) Social Bookmarking and Article Submission. Social networking, bookmarking, and article submissions are all the rage today – don't let it pass you by. Some of the major networks include delicious, Furl, and of course, Digg. These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting. What's more interesting than your own work? People should know about it so go spread the word. 1.) StumbleUpon StumbleUpon really falls into tip #2, but I decided to break it away from the pack because it provides quicker results. Like the rest of the social networking sites, you create a profile and network with others. But what makes StumbleUpon so darn unique, is that you can "stumble" thousands of sites that you're interested in by the click of a button. So what does that mean for you? Well, you can stumble your own site. By doing this you get into the Stumble rotation, and any people that you network with can stumble across it as well. In my experience StumbleUpon can bring great surges of traffic for short periods of time. Due to the nature of the service, you're likely to get overlooked more than not; however, those that do stop – tend to stay. And if they like the site, they can rate it and review it for all the friends in their network to see. Are you getting the picture here? Your viewer ship has the potential to explode! As with most things in life, there's no silver bullet for getting traffic. It takes a lot of research, careful planning, networking, patience, and time. If you have what it takes and start using my recommendations, you will definitely start to see an increase. Hopefully that increase in traffic will help you blog for money.
Creating a Google AdSense Channel Top
In What are Google AdSense Channels? you learned that a channel will help you monitor which ads and which sites are making you money. By tracking your individual ads and their placement, you're able to increase your chances of blogging for money. I'm going to show you how to create an AdSense channel so you can start monitoring your progress today. Creating Your First Customized AdSense Channel Go ahead and log into your Google AdSense account. Once you're logged in, click on the AdSense Setup tab. The AdSense setup tab will present several sub menus for selection. We're interested in the Channels today, so click on that now. We're going to create a customized channel and to do so you'll click on the Add new custom channels option. You should now be on the Add channel screen, which contains a single textbox labeled Name. This is where you're going to type the name of your channel for the ad that you will monitor. You want to make this as clear as possible so you know exactly which ad on which site you're tracking. So for example, let's say you're using a vertical ad unit that is 160 x 600, sits in your right navigational menu, and contains text only. A logical name for this channel might be something like "right menu vertical (txt)". Later on when you check your report, you'll be able to easily identify which ad belongs to the channel. If you happen to have two sites with the same ad in the same position, simply differentiate the two by your site name - maybe something like: "emb rght vert (txt)". If I had another site about baking cookies, this label tells me that the ad it's tracking is Earn Money to Blog (emb) not my other site Baking Cookies Blog (which doesn't exist by the way - sorry). Assigning an ad to a Channel At this point you've successfully create a customized channel. Let's stay with the earlier example and pretend you want to track a 160 x 600, text-only ad unit that sits on the right side of your navigational menu. In order to accomplish this, you need to create the ad unit and assign it to the channel. In Google AdSense for Search you learned how to create a custom ad and plug it into your Blogger blog. The steps for this are similar with the exception of the channel option - we skipped over that last time but today you're going to utilize it. Head to Get Ads and choose AdSense for Content. Keep the default Ad unit selected and choose Text ads only from the drop down list and hit continue. Now we're at the familiar customization screen - Go ahead and select the 160 x 600 vertical ad, also known as a Wide Skyscrapper. Feel free to customize it how you wish, you can even choose a different format if you feel comfortable at this point. This is just a simple example. Now that your ad unit is customized, click continue. The following page will list your customized channels (you can create as many as you want). If you've been following up to this point, you should have a channel called "right menu vertical (txt)". Simply add that to the selected channel and continue. Ok, just give the AdSense unit a name (I tend to keep the default) and continue on to the next page. Simply copy your AdSense code and plug it into your Blogger're done! If you're not completely sure how to integrate this code into Blogger, please check out Google AdSense for Content (Images only). That article should get you up to speed. (Please be aware that your new ad and channel will have a bit of a delay. In my experience it takes about 10 minutes or so for the ad to start displaying on my page.) Creating a customized AdSense channel is very important to your success. If you want to make money online by blogging, you need to monitor your sites progress. AdSense channels will allow you to do just that. In my next article I'll explain how you view your new customized channel. Creating your channel is half the battle, but you have to know how to read it so you can make the proper adjustments. And making those adjustments will help you blog for money.
Create a PayPal Donation Button Top
When we think of making money with our blogs, methods like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks comes to mind. However, these free ad services are not the only ways to generate revenue. In fact they're far from the only ways, and this article will show you one of the different paths to earning money - PayPal donation. PayPal is the leader in sending money and buying products online. For years people around the globe have been utilizing PayPal to purchase items from places like eBay and Amazon. But one of the great features that PayPal provides bloggers and site owners is the ability to create a donation button. And thanks to the good folks at PayPal - this process is easier than ever! We'll learn here that integrating PayPal on our Blogger blogs takes a matter of minutes and requires no HTML or programming knowledge. Go ahead and log into your PayPal account now. If you don't have one yet, setup is a breeze. Just head over here to sign up and then come back when you're done. Once you've logged in, click on the Merchant Services tab. This will be located in the top menu of your My Account Overview page. Now that you're on the Merchant Services page, choose the option link that says "Donate". You'll find this under the Create Buttons section. When you click on the Donation option, PayPal will then direct you to the donation configuration screen. Here you can name your donation (I've simply added my name). A donation id, which is optional; the amount you would like to have donated (I recommend leaving this blank… let your donator decide that). Then select which style of button you like and click on Create Button Now near the bottom of the page. PayPal generates the HTML/JavaScript for you. Go ahead and copy all the contents of your text box. When you're all set, head over to your Blogger account and login. Choose the Layout option from the dashboard and click Add a Page Element. To integrate our PayPal donation button, we'll need to add an HTML/JavaScript module. Now simply paste the contents you got from PayPal into the HTML/JavaScript form, save your changes, and you're done! That was pretty painless, wasn't it? Our blogs are really shaping up nicely to this point. We've integrated Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , and now we have our very own PayPal donation button!
Quel est WidgetBucks ? Top
WidgetBucks est un service LIBRE d'annonce qui nous permet de gagner l'argent à partir de nos blogs - semblable à Google AdSense. (Lu ce qui est Google AdSense ? si vous avez aucune idée ce qui je parle.) de WidgetBucks n'est le nouvel enfant sur le bloc. Pas, pas les nouveaux enfants sur le Block.What est grand au sujet de WidgetBucks est que droit outre de la batte ils te donnent $25 juste pour s'inscrire ! Vous ne pouvez pas battre cela avec un stick.WidgetBucks diffère de Google AdSense parce qu'il offre vers le haut des « gadgets » pour des produits comme : l'électronique, livres, santé et beauté, etc. Il ne rampe pas votre contenu, mais il est personnalisable et ils même ont récemment fixé quelques issues de lenteur - ainsi il regarde comme elles se dirigent dans la bonne direction. À la différence de Google AdSense, vous devez seulement faire $50 pour devenir payé (AdSense est $100). On s'attend à ce que des paiements arrivent en 45 jours (mot-clé : prévu - nous saurons tout si WidgetBucks est la vraie affaire viennent décembre). Et ils vous commencent déjà au loin par $25 juste pour s'inscrire - ainsi vous êtes demi de manière là ! Certains des emplacements dans leur réseau incluent : Cible, meilleur achat, et Tout le point tôt d'indications à WidgetBucks devenant un joueur important dans le jeu d'annonce. En mon prochain article je te montrerai comment mettre en application facilement WidgetBucks sur vos blogs de Blogger. Mais pour maintenant, le chef dessus plus d'et s'inscrivent pour un compte LIBRE. Dites-leur gagnent l'argent au cha envoyé par blog.
Soumettez votre blog aux moteurs de Google et de recherche de Yahoo Top
Comme Boston Red Sox 2007 - Google et Yahoo sont des champions. Ensemble ils aident des millions de puissance de questions sur l'Internet journalier. En favorisant votre blog avec StumbleUpon nous avons appris que la promotion de blog est un facteur important à gagner l'argent blogging. Afin de produire du revenu de nos emplacements nous avons besoin de trafic et StumbleUpon est une grande source. Cependant, même avant vous commencez au réseau avec des emplacements comme StumbleUpon, vous devra soumettre votre URL des moteurs de Google et de Yahoo à recherche. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Vous n'avez pas un blog encore ? Tête de Sheesh… plus d'à créer un emplacement de blog pour LIBRE et revenu quand vous êtes fait ! URL SubmissionHead de Google plus de pour ajouter votre URL à Google et pour écrire simplement votre URL, quelques commentaires au sujet de votre emplacement, et la vérification de lettre. Quand vous êtes placé, appuyez sur juste le bouton d'URL d'ajouter et Google fera le repos ! URL SubmissionNow de Yahoo que vous avez soumis votre blog à Google, nous avez laissés faire la même chose avec Yahoo. Allez à l'emplacement ExplorerHere de Yahoo que vous pouvez soumettre URL votre deux d'emplacements et alimenter. Quand vous avez l'information placée dans une des boîtes des textes juste pour soumettre et vous êtes fait ! Google et Yahoo réclament leurs bots de recherche ne peuvent pas ramper votre contenu pendant des mois mais de mon expérience elle prend une question des jours. Tant que vous tournez la manivelle constamment dehors du contenu de qualité vous serez dans les affaires. Assez simple hein ? En juste quelques minutes nous avons facilement soumis nos blogs aux moteurs principaux de recherche. Ceci ira un long chemin en favorisant et en conduisant le trafic à nos blogs. Nos jours lucratifs sont juste autour du coin maintenant.
Top 10 Signs That You Have Monetized Blogitis Top
There's a disease for everything today and apparently bloggers are not immune. According to That's Fit , Blogitis is very real: Here you are, reading a blog. You're staying up to date with the latest news on fitness, health, food and nutrition. Maybe you also read other blogs to check up on current events, or celebrity gossip, or sports -- but does that mean you're addicted? You might have blogitis, which, at least according to one public relations speaker, is a real disease. At Earn Money to Blog, we can't disagree – especially when you add the element of monetizing your blog; the disease is taken to a whole new level. Today I will give you my top 10 signs that you have Monetized Blogitis – An addiction to earning money with your blog (of course I just made this up but humor me and play along). 10.) You have multiple blogs. One just isn't enough is it? You need to create multiple sources of income. 9.) You are registered at any or all of the following sites: Technorati, StumbleUpon, Furl,, MyBlogLog, and Digg. 8.) You create a new blog post every day because Google just loves new content (and so do your users!) 7.) Firefox is your choice of browser BECAUSE you need plugins like Digg,, and Furl to easily bookmark your new blog posts. 6.) You Check your emails for responses to your blog posts several times an hour. 5.) You have blog monitoring tools like Google Analytics and HitTail to track your visitors. 4.) You worry obsessively that your Google AdSense ads are in violation of their Terms and Services. 3.) You check your Google AdSense several times an hour to keep tabs on impressions, click-through rate, and amounts earned. 2.) You put keywords into Google several times a day to see where your page ranks. 1.) You've convinced your spouse to start a blog to earn money. If you answered yes to 7 out 10 of these signs – congratulations! You have Monetized Blogitis . It's a completely made up disease by Earn Money to Blog! Hopefully your signs of this disease increase, because so to, will the odds of earning money with your blog.
Google AdSense for Content (Images only) Top
In Google AdSense for Options with Blogger: Part 1 and Part 2 we learned that the FREE Blogger service gives us some nice AdSense options out of the box. Readers of Earn Money to Blog like free stuff. That's why most of us will be running to Taco Bell on October 30th between 2pm and 5pm to claim our free taco (Taco Bell did not pay me to plug their product - although I wish they did!). No really - they made a deal with MLB that if anyone stole a base in the World Series, America would get free tacos. And sure enough - it happened! Enough sidetracking… we have work to do and money to make! Options like text ad units and link units will help us begin to generate revenue for our blogs. However, there are some Google AdSense options that Blogger leaves out - fortunately these excluded options are a snap to implement. Today we're going to take a look at one of those features called: Google AdSense for Content (Images only). Log into your Google AdSense account and choose the AdSense for Content option. Blogger let's us easily place text ad units but not images. So for this exercise select the Ad unit option and pick the Images ads only choice from the drop down list. The next page will let you configure your size, color, and corner options. Go ahead an experiment here. Remember - you can always come back and change the configuration if you're not happy. Once your configuration is set click continue twice, until you get to the HTML/JavaScript page. Copy the entire contents of the text box now. Next, we're going to log into our Blogger dashboard and go to the Layout page. Once you're there, select Add a Page Element and choose the HTML/JavaScript option. Now paste the HTML that you grabbed from your Google AdSense account into the form. Save your changes and presto! You're done! Blogger may not support image AdSense out of the box, but that doesn't stop us from figuring out how to do it, now does it? In just a few minutes we whipped up some custom HTML/JavaScript (thanks Google!) that will place image ads on our blogs.
Dépistez vos visiteurs d'emplacement en temps réel pour libre ! Top
Nous aimons blogging pour l'argent et il est plus passionnant que Red Sox, série du monde du jeu un des Rocheuses ! Mais quand nous nous mettons à gagner l'argent avec nos blogs nous avons besoin d'outils pour dépister notre progrès d'emplacements. Aujourd'hui je voudrais présenter un excellent outil libre (il y a des options d'abonnement aussi bien) qui nous permettra de dépister nos visiteurs en temps réel ! C'est passionnant. Le traqueur de blog s'appelle le HitTail.What HitTails fait, est record les mots-clés qui vos visiteurs utilisés pour trouver votre emplacement. Laissez-moi vous renvoyer à un grand article plus d'au craquement de technologie avec les détails. S'inscrire pour le service gratuit est facile - dirigez juste dessus plus d'à la page d'enregistrement de HitTail et complétez la forme. Une fois que vous avez avec succès complété le procédé d'enregistrement, vous devrez copier et coller un morceau de Javascript dans votre HTML. Ne paniquez pas ! Je vous aiderai. Notation en votre compte de Blogger et tête plus d'à la page de disposition. D'ici vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML d'édition dans le menu. Cette page te montre le HTML et le Javascript qui fait votre blog souffler le long sur l'Internet. Afin de dépister nos statistiques d'emplacements, (ainsi nous pouvons maximiser la somme d'argent que nous ferons un certain jour bientôt.) nous devrons coller ce morceau de Javascript dans notre fenêtre des textes. Mettez en rouleau toute la manière au fond de votre écran de HTML et recherchez l'étiquette de « corps ». Collez maintenant simplement le code que vous avez obtenu de HitTail et placez-le sur la ligne directement au-dessus de cette étiquette et sauf vos changements de calibre. Vous pouvez se diriger de nouveau à HitTail, ouvrir une session avec vos qualifications, et début dépistant vos statistiques de blog en temps réel comme c'est des actions d'Apple sur Wall Street ! Car Austin Powers dirait : « Ouais bébé, ouais ! »
AdSense Options with Blogger: Part 2 Top
Dans des options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : La partie, nous avons appris que le Blogger nous donne AdSense pour des options contentes : unités d'annonce (texte seulement) et unités de lien (ouais, vous l'avez deviné - des liens). Mais juste comme importantes que les annonces elles-mêmes sont les couleurs. Si vous êtes un ventilateur de Boston Red Sox (ventilateurs désolés de Yankee) vous n'allez pas au parc de Fenway habillé dans le rose chaud. Les chances sont vous révéleront dans les couleurs d'équipe - blanches, rouges, et le bleu. Vos annonces d'AdSense ne sont aucun différent - elles devraient sans couture se mélanger dedans avec le reste de votre emplacement, et chanceux pour nous, Blogger rend cela vraiment simple. L'ok, se dirigent en arrière dessus plus d'à votre écran de disposition, cliquent sur l'ol de confiance ajoutent un élément de page et cliquent sur dessus la section d'AdSense. Vous verrez le familier configurer l'écran d'AdSense. Allez voir la section de couleurs. Vous noterez une liste de baisse vers le bas d'options et de manières d'adapter les couleurs. Droite outre de la batte - je proposerais l'option « de calibre de mélange ». En juste secondes le Blogger nous aidera à mélanger nos annonces d'AdSense dans notre page. Cette option gentille nous obtiendra 90% de la manière là… que nous devons juste en faire qui tord aux couleurs. Regardez étroitement les couleurs présentées et observez comme vous apportez des modifications - la prévision mettra à jour automatiquement pour vous. C'est une grande manière de jouer autour l'arrangement de couleur et de l'obtenir du violon juste droit. Outre de vers la droite il y a un groupe de nombres de regard géniaux et des lettres. N'obtenez pas effrayé - cet hexadécimal, et êtes une combinaison de couleur pour tordre votre droite d'annonce juste. Ainsi comment savez-vous quelles valeurs hexadécimales à mettre dedans là ? Je suis heureux vous ai demandé. Tête dessus plus d'à : Couleurs de sortilège où vous pouvez trouver chaque couleur imaginable (même rose chaud !). Là vous l'avez ! Configurant la couleur d'AdSense des combinaisons avec le Blogger est plus facile que frappant les Yankees hors des finales (désolées, je ne pourrais pas résister). Ce conclut cette série en deux parties en des options d'AdSense avec le Blogger. Va maintenant se gagne une certaine somme d'argent !
Options d'AdSense avec le Blogger : Partie Top
Blogger offers some simple "out of the box" solutions for placing AdSense on our sites. We'll learn eventually that these aren't the only options, and that's what makes Blogger so incredibly flexibile (dare I say… sexy!). Today though, we're going to look at some of the simple built in options that Blogger provides so we can start making money with AdSense. After you log into your Blogger account, head on over to the Layout screen and select the "Add a Page Element". If you have no idea what I'm talking about (I get that look sometimes), you can easily catch up by heading over to my prior article: Placing AdSense on Your Blog . Once you have the layout options open, go ahead and click on the "Add to Blog" under the Adsense section. You're presented with the all-mighty AdSense Configuration screen. When you pull down the Format list, we're given many AdSense options with all sorts of size configurations. Out of the box, Blogger gives us three main AdSense options. In the Google AdSense world these are better known as: AdSense for Content. In a nutshell - they're ads that are text and link driven (There are actually images too. Those don't come out of the box but we'll see how we can do that in the near future). They allow us to put ads on our site that will target the content we have written about. (Don't know much about AdSense? No problem, check out: What is AdSense? ) Here's what a sample ad unit (300 x 250) looks like: And here is a sample link unit (160 x 90): It's important to note that Google's Program and Policy states we can put up to three ad units and three link units on any page. Besides, we wouldn't want to bombard our audience with ads everywhere. We want to make money from our blog but we also want to create an enjoyable experience with quality content . Play around with the different format options. Get a feel for the different shapes and sizes that Blogger AdSense options have to offer. We'll take a closer look at the color options for our AdSense in the next article.
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, et Google AdSense Top
C'est la semaine dans la revue - occupée à coup sûr. Si vous avez été suivant le long nous avons appris énormément. Mais la chose gentille est que cela n'a pas pris longtemps du tout. Ainsi faisons à travers une promenade rapide, n'est-ce pas ? 1.) Nous avons appris au sujet de Google AdSense et ce qu'il peut faire pour us.2.) Certains d'entre nous s'étaient cachés sous une roche et n'ont pas même su ce qui la limite : Le blog a signifié ! (hé, vous devez commencer quelque part, bien ?)3.) Après, nous avons figuré dehors juste combien facile (et LIBÉREZ !) il était d'installer notre propre blog pour que le monde voie, avec Blogger.4.) Nous avons été excités au propre un morceau de Cyberspace, mais nous avons voulu commencer à gagner l'argent avec AdSense. Heureusement, l'installation de compte était un breeze.5.) Été armée avec un blog mortel de nos propres et d'un compte d'AdSense a la substance dangereuse ! Nous ne pourrions pas simplement entrer dans ceci avec nos yeux étroitement ainsi j'ai décomposé les termes et conditions générales de Google ainsi vous ne tomberiez pas asleep.6.) Après que nous nous soyons sentis confortables avec les politiques du programme de Google, nous avons décidé de mettre AdSense sur nos blogs. Et le garçon était celui facile ! 7.) Enfin et surtout, nous avons voulu une stratégie saine pour présenter nos annonces. Nous n'avons pas voulu qu'elle ressemblât à votre fête d'anniversaire doigt-peinture-orientée quand vous aviez neuf ans - ainsi nous avons suivi le conseil de Google et avons mis nos annonces où les lecteurs peuvent les voir. Félicitations ! Vous êtes sur votre chemin à gagner l'argent avec votre blog. Ce ne va pas être un succès durant la nuit mais coller autour et nous y arriverons. Nous avons beaucoup plus rectifié pour couvrir comme : Optimisation d'AdSense, contenu d'emplacement, trafic, etc. Nous frapperons ceux la semaine prochaine mais pour maintenant moi vous laisserai digérer toute la ceci.
Earn money online Money Making Tips Top
FEATURED ARTICLE MUST READ: I am going to go into great detail, about ways I have found through trial and error, of how to make an honest living online. Want to ditch your boring 9 to 5 day job? Wouldn't it be great to make an honest living from the comfort of your own home? You can be in your pajamas to earn money online . You may one day log into your affiliate marketing account and realize you've earned hundreds, if not thousands for a simple days work. I'm not gonna tell you that earning money online is a walk in the park, it's not! It does take work like anything in life you have to learn how to do it properly to be successful at it. But if you follow these money making tips, you will be earning money online in no time. But the question still remains how much money can I earn? This question entirely depends on you, and what your work ethic is. Here are some tips to get you started earning some money. Tip number one: If you're looking to earn money online I would definitely recommend you sign up with a free clickbank account. Click bank is an online marketplace that has over 10,000 digital products for you to choose from to promote. They have been around for 10+ years, and are very well-respected in the Internet marketing industry. Clickbank vendors pay up to a 75% commission which is unsurpassed in the Internet marketing industry. Digital products are very convenient for customers, and merchants alike. As soon as the initial costs are covered through the development of the informational product, everything else is pure profit. So these merchants, can pay you the affiliate an excellent commission! There is a lot of great ways to earn money online through clickbank. I would recommend once you sign up with a free affiliate account through clickbank promote only informational products with a high gravity. A high gravity on clickbank, is telling you the affiliate marketer, that this vendors program is actually earning a lot of money online. The higher the clickbank gravity the hotter the seller. So if you're looking for an honest way to earn money online , look no further than click bank. Sign up with a free account it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes. Trust me this is an excellent way to earn extra cash. Tip number two: If you'd rather sell physical products, not related to informational products I would recommend you sign up for an affiliate account at linkshare, or the pepper jam network. They are both excellent online marketplaces for potential affiliate marketers. The reason I like these two to earn money online , is because of the quality of the vendors involved. You will not have trouble making money through these two affiliate marketplaces. They have a lot of well-respected, major corporations for you to earn money through. Sign-up for a free affiliate account with one of these merchants, or maybe even Both it doesn't matter. Browse through their online marketplace, and find a couple affiliate programs with a high commission rate, to earn money online with. Tip number three: Now that you have signed up through a couple affiliate networks, and have your free affiliate account in place, it's time to move on to your next step to earn money online . This is my best piece of advice I could give you to earn an honest living online. To make money on the Internet, you need to know what you are doing period point blank! This involves a learning process on your part, join an affiliate marketing forum such as the warrior forum for starters. The warrior forum is the number one online forum for Internet marketers worldwide. There is some great marketing minds on this forum. Browse through some of the posts, and start learning the how to's of affiliate marketing. Ask questions, read some forum posts. My next step to earn money online would be to learn from people who are already making a great living online. This would involve reading a good e-book, or joining an at home earn money online program , that can take you step by step by the hand, and show you exactly how to be successful in your money making quest from home. Remember, knowledge is power and power is money. Spend about 25% of your time learning how to make money, and the other 75% of the time actually accomplishing your tasks at hand. Which is promoting your affiliate products. You can promote your affiliate products online through the following methods, I'm going to show you how to earn some money , through these marketing methods that I personally use. Let's move on to step four! Tip number four: Here's some tips to monetize your affiliate programs. This is a tip I recommend to every brand new affiliate, or anyone for that matter looking to earn money online. Learn the bum marketing method! This should only take you about a half-hour to learn, and it's absolutely mandatory for you to get an understanding of this concept if you want to earn money online. Even if you're not an affiliate marketer, you still need to know and understand this concept, if you're serious about generating a substantial income from the Internet. This is a free course, just Google it and read up on this concept. Okay, so now you have signed up to some affiliate marketing networks, you're starting to learn to earn money online . Hopefully you read some good e-books, or joined a highly ranked course to teach you how to make money with.You've read up on the bum marketing method, and have a basic understanding of the basic concept being taught. Let's move on to step five, this is the good part! This will show you how to earn money online through classifieds, forums, articles, blog posting, and your own affiliate marketing website. Tip number five: I always recommend new affiliates to start writing classifieds, to get a basic understanding on how to rank your classifieds high for your chosen keywords. Once you start getting your classifieds ranked on the first page of Google for the title phrase you are going after you have learned the bum marketing method successfully, and should start earning some money online through the classified ads that you write. Some of my favorite online classifieds to use are US free ads , craigslist, and kijiji. Kijiji is eBay's online classified website. Don't ask me how they came up with that name laugh out loud. All that I know is they get a decent amount of traffic so take advantage of that. There are tons of other online classifieds out there to earn money with, but these are my three favorites. So feel free to experiment! Tip number six to earn money online: Posting an article directories! Extremely important, article directories have great sticking power on the Internet. This means the articles that you write will be floating around on the Internet for years to come. They can be earning you money now and well into the future. You want to write articles based around whatever affiliate product you are trying to promote. My favorite article directories are hubpages, Ezinearticles, E. how, article dashboard, and go articles. Remember, use an article directory such as those listed that has a high page rank. So you can rank high for your keyword phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Writing articles is free, and is one of the most effective ways to drive free targeted traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate ads. So you can inevitably earn a lot of money online through writing quality articles. Article writing is too powerful to ignore, so take advantage of this opportunity, and start writing some articles. Tip number seven to earn money online : I already told you about the importance of online forums above to learn some money making tips. But there is a very important feature that you can take advantage of through forum directories. That is, most online forums out there allow you to have a signature link. A signature link is basically a link to whatever you want, it could be an affiliate product you are promoting, a link to your website, or a link to a blog etc... whatever you are trying to promote online, and make money through you can put a link to that product in your signature for that particular forum. Once you set up your signature link, every forum post that you make in that particular forum will show up with your signature link at the bottom. The more active you are in that forum, the more publicity you can get from your signature posts. If you have a good product in your signature posts, you can earn a few bucks just from posting in online forums, through your forum posts. So take advantage of forum postings! I'll be updating this money making blog regularly, with recommended tips, programs, and ideas on how to generate an honest living online . I look forward to all your comments! I'm cheering for you entrepreneurs! Jay
Comment gagner l'argent accomplissant en ligne des offres libres et des aperçus de vidéo domestique ! Top
Comment gagner l'argent accomplissant en ligne des offres libres et des aperçus de vidéo domestique !
Bâtiment de lien de stratégies pour augmenter le grade de page de Google pour le trafic d'augmentations Top
Strategies Link Building To Increase Google Page Rank For Increases Traffic Building up quality text links is one of the most essential steps in Search Engine Optimization. This does not mean you should buy links not related to what your website, or blog, is based around. Or links with a low Google Page Rank will help your website. It is always better to link to websites with a greater Google page rank than your website. It is also important that your links on the individual pages are relevant to the keywords you choose. That is how you will rank higher for the highly searched keyword phrases you are going after. If you want to earn money online, through Internet marketing, or affiliate marketing. Proper keyword research is essential to your online money making success. And building quality back links will get your online traffic moving in the right direction - Upwards! Affiliate Tip: More traffic = equals more sales = more easy money for you the ambitious Internet marketer. So, when it comes to link building practices there are some important strategies you should follow. By following these basic online strategies you can be sure that your website, or blog, will rank higher in the major search engines than your competitors will. Which will in turn earn you more money online. Remember affiliates: Traffic equals money = and money equals traffic. The more online traffic you have the more money you will make. Period! Page rank - Page Rank should be your primary focus when it comes to link building. It is only links having high page ranks that are of any value to you. The reason is because it is only such links that can boost the rankings of your site with the major search engine players like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Affiliate Tip: Add links to websites with a greater page rank than your own. I try to add 5 a day of quality back links if possible. Affiliate tip: I use Alexa for my link building process. Who ranks high for a popular keyword phrase, I want to go after. Grab some of the links linking to that highly ranked website. Page Rank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the Internet by using its complicated link structure as an indicator of an individual websites value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a particular webpage receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important." Linking to different sites - While links are considered significant in the process of ranking, Google also sees to it that its results are not manipulated. As part of this control system, it checks that all the links are not from the same site. The more unique websites linking to yours the better. Affiliate tip: He or she with the most quality relevant links wins! If you build up your Google page rank to a 3 or greater - You will rank higher for the keyword phrases you are going after in the search engines. You want to rank on the first page for some highly searched keyword phrase. So your site receives more traffic - and you earn more money from that internet traffic. Relevancy of links - Ensure that the links you receive are relevant to your site. By linking to related sites you can make sure that you don't loose out on business either. A few relevant sites linking to your site will give you more benefits than thousands of links that are not related to your website . These are potential traffic sources that are interested in what your website, or blog, has to offer. Think easy online money, and repeat buyers or customers! Different IP address - Check your links and make sure that they come from different IP addresses. If all the links come from the same IP address, search engines will be able to cross reference the links and your site will be penalized. To your link building strategies, and increasing your Google page rank. Cheers To making your money making dreams a reality. Jay!
Imaginez qu'en pouvant faire quelque chose vous avez voulu dans la vie ce qui vous ferait des entrepreneurs ? Top
Imagine Being Able To Do Anything You Wanted In Life What Would You Do Entrepreneurs? That is the power of the Internet and starting your own money making venture online. What would you do if you had so much money you did not have to worry about bills, a mortgage you cant afford, a car payment, utilities, what if you didn't have to look at a price tag again, you just buy it! ETC... The list goes on and on! What if your online affiliate marketing business, or E-commerce business really took off. Where know you could experience what we as Entrepreneurs all strive for financial freedom. How cool would that be?  Here is a few goals I am striving for in 2010 - Will you join me on my money making venture? Pay off all my bills cash first goal - Pay off my mortgage in full,  pay off my car cash of course, pay off all my utilities a couple years in advance. It would just be an estimate, but at the very least it would be a major portion. Help friends, and family, who are less fortunate than me. After all what kind of human being would I be if it was all about me all the time. I wouldn't want to burn in the firey pits of hell anytime soon lol. I am not a greedy person nor should you be. If I am in the position to help someone I would give them the shirt off my back. Just the kind of guy I am. What would you do if your Internet income skyrocketed? Due some cartwheels lol, or some backflips, hard work does pay off Entrepreneurs. With the right goals, and mindset, these goals are very feasible, and within reach. Keep reading... Take An Exotic Vacation To A Foreign Country - I always wanted to travel to Australia, and Brazil. Beautiful countries with great wildlife, and scenery. Not to mention a healthy tropical climate. How about taking a trip around the world on your favorite cruise line for months? Basking in the hot sun getting your tan on lol. Sound appealing? Its making me excited just talking about it. The possibilities are endless.... We would have to use our imaginations! I am sure we could come up with something huh? Oh, what a life it would be to earn so much $$money$$ it could make a grown man cry. That is a problem we as Entrepreneurs should all strive to have. Some people say money is the root of all evil, I say money gives you choices, and freedoms, you would not have if you did not have any. I would rather be with money than without it just makes your life a whole lot easier. Ask Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet, I am sure they would be nodding there heads yes in agreement. In our modern world like it or not, money talks bullshit walks! Did you like what you just read Entrepreneurs? Did this article make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? I am feeling warm and fuzzy inside just writing it lol. The point of this article is to show you that you can make your dreams a reality if you have the ambition, and learn the knowledge it takes to succeed online. You are taking your first step by reading this online work from home blog. One day we can have so much money it will make Bill Gates blush lol. Well maybe not that much but it felt damn good writing it! Us Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our countries. What would the world be like without us? Pretty boring to say the least... Remember our dreams are just an arms length away! We just need to reach out there and grab them! Lets make these dreams a reality and put forth the effort it takes to succeed online, or off! Cheers to our Internet money making dreams, and the success that comes with it! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous devez devoir réussir Top
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous avez besoin devez SucceedMoney faisant le bout 1 : Ne soyez pas paresseux mis en avant l'effort impliqué en faisant à vos rêves d'Internet une réalité. Ceci implique de fonctionner réellement quelques heures par jour autant que possible. Si vous faites face à des obstacles dans votre voyage en ligne, traitez-les en tant que juste bosses de route, sur votre voyage à un meilleur et plus financièrement à un bruit vous. N'abandonnez jamais quand aller obtient dur le dur obtiennent allant. La raison que la majorité d'échouer de personnes en ligne est eux a stoppé quand son ne pas aller là manière. Ne soyez pas l'une des statistiques, soyez comme le lapin d'agent énergifiant et juste aller de subsistance. La motivation, et a n'abandonnent pas l'attitude, est ce qui sépare les gagnants des perdants. Le bout 2 apprennent : Faites votre recherche si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement il y a un apprentissage qui est assorti à elle. Si n'importe qui vous indique vous pouvez gagner l'argent, ou obtenez durant la nuit riche, elles soufflent juste la fumée vers le haut du votre --- comme on dit. Flash d'information : La vente d'Internet, et la vente de filiale, est dur labeur dans le commencement. Prenez le temps de cela faire, et apprenez comment cela faire droit. Vous prenez vos premières mesures en lisant ce blog. Une fois que vous apprenez comment obtenir le trafic à votre site Web, filiale lie, ou blog, et vous commencez à gagner une certaine bonne somme d'argent. Vos affaires en ligne deviendront plus faciles en nombre de heures que vous devez dépenser, essayant de rendre cet argent comptant supplémentaire en ligne. Plus que vous déployez en avant aujourd'hui efforts, moins les efforts vous devrez déployer en avant demain pour rester lucratif. Ne soyez pas paresseux ! Ils prennent le dur labeur pour réaliser votre argent faisant des rêves, mais ils ne sont certainement pas hors de portée. Visez pour les étoiles, et si vous frappez les nuages vous sont toujours un succès. Ma citation inspirée préférée : Il n'y a rien à comme un rêve créer le futur. Commencez à gagner votre argent en ligne faisant à des rêves une réalité ! Obtenez de travailler des entrepreneurs ! À votre succès, entrepreneurs : Jay !
How To Earn Money Online For Beginners Earn Fat Cash Affiliate Courses Top
How To Earn Money Online For Beginners Earn Fat Cash Affiliate Courses If you are a beginner, and you are new to the world of the Internet, or making money online for that matter, then listen up! If I was gonna start all over from scratch, I would of done things a little differently. I am a stubborn type of person by nature, I have to do everything myself. But that is good sometimes, and not so good other times. Yeah it's great to be motivated, its a wonderful trait to have, believe me having this trait will be the main factor of earning a lucrative income online one day. But if I was just starting out again, I would definitely want to speed up my learning curve. Then I can invest in my future, and earn money online way sooner than I would on my own without the help of someone who actually knows what they are doing, and is very successful at it. Here's what I would do if I was a beginner just starting out, trying to learn how to work at home. I would figure out what route I want to take? My 2 top choices would be Affiliate marketing, or starting up my own Dropshipping business on Ebay. Both are proven ways to earn money online. It just depends on which road you want to travel down. Once you figure out the route you are gonna take then you have to figure out how to earn money online through that business model. This will involve writing articles, classified ads, Search Engine Optimization, Forum posting, Etc... Just to name a few, and you have to know how to do everything properly if you want to make money . Affiliate marketing is a lot of work in the beginning if you want to earn a decent amount of money. Hey, that is why we as work at home Entrepreneurs started out in this business to make some good money. You agree? LOL I hope so I am only stating the obvious. So in conclusion: If your a newbie looking to earn money online get educated on what your doing. I would recommend an affiliate training product to speed up your learning curve considerably this is an affiliate course I highly recommend . Read articles, learn all you can about Affiliate Marketing, and making money online in general. Keep in mind the golden rule - The more educated you become at something, the more money you will earn, because you know what your doing, hey your trained in this field now etc... If your gonna go the Dropshipping route and your thinking of starting up your own Ebay business - My first choice would be Salehoo my second choice would be Either route you take learn how the game is played to come out victorious on the other end. This may involve asking for help, hey why not we all started off somewhere right? Let's make 2010 our most profitable money making year to date! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Apprenez les bouts de Clickbank de vente d'Internet gagnant l'argent en ligne avec Clickbank Top
Learn Internet Marketing Clickbank Tips Making Money Online With Clickbank How To clickbank make money, making money affiliate marketing lessons, clickbank making money lessons, learn affiliate marketing lessons, clickbank money making tips, visit , great free affiliate marketing and clickbank tips!
Les sites Web Bookmarking sociaux du trafic de sites Web d'augmentation Faire-suivent haut Pagerank Top
Increase Websites Traffic Social Bookmarking Websites Do-follow High Pagerank Websites Here is a quick free list for my blog readers, of high pagerank social bookmarking websites, you can submit to increase your websites Google pagerank. A higher Google pagerank will help your website, or blog, get ranked higher for your keyword phrases. Last statement for newbies! Without further due here is my list. Free Page Rank 8 Back-links To Increase Your Websites Traffic. (PR8) 1. - A huge social bookmarking website with a whopping page rank 8. If you want your website, or Blog, to earn money down the road submitting to Reddit will give you a very healthy back-link. And a great free way to increase your traffic. 2. - This site is designed for nerds, but with a pagerank of 9 you would be foolish not to submit to them. Go ahead and submit to this Social Bookmarking Demon . It is well worth it! 3. - Hugely popular social bookmarking website with a pagerank 8 - Do not ignore Stumbleupon! I have seen a nice surge in my websites traffic by submitting various links to Stumbleupon. They are probably my best performing social bookmarking website. 4. Digg - need I say more, a true giant in the social bookmarking industry. A must submit with a pagerank of 9 5. Yahoo Bookmarks - This is self explanatory, the bookmarking website of the 2nd most used search engine in the world behind Google. Need I say more submit - submit - submit- Pagerank 9. Hugely popular - just go to Yahoo's homepage, and you will see the highest rated bookmarks prominently displayed. You would have to be brain dead not to submit your links to this bo-hemoth. Page Rank 7 Websites To Increase Your Traffic: 1. Folk' is a hugely popular social bookmarking website with a juicy pagerank 7 to increase your websites traffic. Go ahead submit away! Don't be shy... 2. Very easy to use to bookmark your webpages, or Blog, they are do-follow. Feel free to toss a few links there way. 3. A very popular social bookmarking website that I have had pretty good success with. Google loves them and your bookmarks tend to rank very well. Definitely a great free way to increase your websites traffic. Give Propeller a go, they will reward your links highly for your efforts. Page Rank 6 Social Bookmarking Websites To Increase Your Websites Traffic. 1. - A fantastic social bookmarking website. Very nicely designed site. You will see what I am talking abou once you get there. social bookmarking website 2. Sneak a couple links into clipmarks, and you will benefit from a nice pagerank 6 backlink, and a slight increase in traffic to boot. Nicely designed website. 3. BuddyMarks is a multi - purpose social bookmarking site, allowing you to bookmark personal bookmarks as well as make your bookmarks available to the public. Make sure you make all your bookmarks public so people can see them. Easy as 2nd grade arithmetic for another beautiful page rank 6 do-follow backlink! 4. - Very good traffic I have seen from them, and you can upload your own content. A great free way to increase your websites traffic. Submit away marketers. If you are lazy and you want an easy way to automate your website submission process then check this out! It will be right up your alley, it is pretty sweet. To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay! Free Gift To My Readers: 200 Blogs and Websites with do-follow attribute. Go to as many of these blogs, and websites as possible, and make comments. Great SEO juice for the Search Engines. his DoFollow Blog list is courtesy of Courtney Tuttle and was created originally by Coleen as the D-List .
Benefits Starting Email List Affiliate Marketers Top
Benefits Starting Email List Affiliate Marketers If your a beginner, intermediate, or advanced affiliate marketer the benefits of starting your own Email list are incredible. If you want to play with the big boys one day, and be a super affiliate, and earn the big money online. And you are thinking of giving Email marketing a go, or just want a little general info. Then read this article I wrote titled Benefits Starting Your Own Email list. To your success Entrepreneurs!
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$57.94 Top
I received another payment from LinkWorth again last month. The payment is a total of USD$57.94. LinkWorth has been paying me continuously for months and I am sure it is a very good program to join and earn some money from blog. You might want to read about my other payment too. Read on and look at all the payment proof of my previous payment. Look at all the payments below: 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$111.04 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$64.37 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 4. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 5. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 6. LinkWorth Payment: USD$59.17 7. LinkWorth Payment: USD$27.07
SharedReviews: Write Reviews and Make Monthly Income Top
I have been experimenting with a lot of different programs over the internet to make more money online. Today, I finally can come to a conclusion for a site called which can help us make more money just by writing reviews for the products we are using such as cell phones, laptops, books, daily products or any other things that we can think of. I have been trying this program for several months and I am really slow in writing reviews for the site because I focus most of my time on other money making opportunities as well as focusing on my studies. I created 10 reviews in and now, I have USD$4.87 in my account that is a good results for me because I never expect that writing reviews can help me make money. Now, I am promoting this program to every readers so that everyone can grab this opportunity to make money by writing reviews. In addition to making money from reviews, members can make money by writing for contests and get rewards. The total cash rewards that are given by for December 2009 is USD$2275.00. If you participate in the contests, you earning opportunities are very large and a lot of users are making huge income from . I am going to write more reviews soon and I hope that my new reviews will be making money for me in the future. Join the program and try it out, aybe you will be making large income from writing reviews.
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$45.00 le 30 novembre 2009 Top
J'ai reçu un autre paiement de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser m'a envoyé un autre paiement d'USD$45.00. Vous pourriez savoir que j'ai reçu plusieurs paiements de Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser est un bon programme à joindre pour le revenu supplémentaire et naturellement, il est libre de se joindre. Bidvertiser est facile à utiliser et Bidvertiser est de bonnes solutions de rechange à Google AdSense. Vous pouvez lire mon autre preuve de paiement ci-dessous : ęr Paiement de Bidvertiser 2ème Paiement de Bidvertiser la publicité
Read more is Now Available on Blogger Top
Si vous ne mettez pas à jour votre blog pendant tout à fait un long temps, vous ne pourriez pas noter le nouveau dispositif supplémentaire à Le nouveau dispositif est le plus demandé « a lu plus » de fonction demandée par beaucoup de bloggers employant Maintenant, nous avons « avons lu plus » de fonctions dans notre compte de Comme vous pouvez voir de l'image à la gauche, en cliquant sur simplement sur le bouton « de coupure de saut d'insertion », vous pouvez diviser votre long poteau en deux parts et créer « lisez plus » de lien après que vous ayez édité le poteau. Mais avant que vous puissiez employer la fonction, vous devrez la permettre au > de « arrangement " ; > ; « De base » suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Après vous atteignez le > de « arrangement " ; > ; La page « de base », font descendre l'écran au MOS du fond de la page et vous trouverez les options suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Choisissez l'option « a mis à jour le rédacteur ». Vous pouvez maintenant apprécier la nouvelle fonction à votre page de « nouveau poteau ». Espoir vous pouvez suivre les étapes simples et permettre la nouvelle fonction de coupure de saut. S'ajouter « a lu plus » au blog de votre blogger peut aider à organiser vos poteaux et à rendre leur le sembler rangé. Maintenant, nous ne devons plus employer le dur et la vieille méthode à créer a lu plus de fonction sur le   de notre Blogger ; blog. Ainsi, appréciez la nouvelle fonction.
Don libre : Rapport secret de Bidvertiser [téléchargement gratuit Top
De chers lecteurs, aujourd'hui je vais partager avec vous un rapport libre que j'ai créé. J'ai créé ce « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » parce que je constate que Bidvertiser a une grande occasion de gagner l'argent. Il est les 4 pages simples rapportent pour te donner quelques intérieurs au sujet de Bidvertiser. Ainsi, avancez et téléchargez-le. Il est libre pour tous les lecteurs et chacun qui visitent mon blog. Téléchargez le « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » maintenant ! Merci du téléchargement, appréciez votre lecture et gagnez plus d'argent. la publicité
Arme secrète 2.0 de filiale d'Ewen Chia en ventes ! Top
Today, while I am surfing the web to learn about affiliate marketing techniques to make money online, I come across a website by the world's well known affiliate pro Ewen Chia's website. He has launched his new product and it is called the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 . I read the site and I find that I am very lucky to find the site today because the product is On Sales! It is selling a very low price of USD$27.00 which normally sells at USD$97.00. I googled for more information about the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 and I found a lot of great comments about the product. I re-read the Ewen Chia's site again and I finally decided to buy it. It costs me ONLY USD$27.00. The best part of the purchase is the free bonuses included. I am writing this post to inform all readers that if you are interested to buy this product, do not miss the chance because it is an extremely good product to buy and best of all, it is now selling a very low price. I am learning and reading the tips and tricks now. the price of Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 will be increased to USD$97.00 anytime soon. So, I am really happy I got Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 at USD$27.00 . If you are interested, get it as soon as possible and learn from Ewen Chia to make money online. advertising
MyLot September Payment: USD$13.18 Top
Ouais, j'ai reçu mon un autre paiement encore de MyLot. C'est USD$13.18 pour le septembre 2009. C'est tout à fait moins mais je suis tout à fait heureux avec lui. Si vous lisez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que je reçois des paiements de MyLot beaucoup de fois. C'est mes 11èmes fois obtenant le paiement de MyLot et mon paiement du juin 2009 est le PLUS GRAND paiement que je reçois jamais de MyLot. Svp lu dessus pour voir tous les paiements j'ai reçu de MyLot.10th Payment9th Payment8th Payment7th Payment6th Payment5th Payment4th Payment3rd Payment2nd Payment1st PaymentHow pour gagner l'argent à partir de MyLotadvertising
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$111.04 Top
Ouais, je reçois mon 4ème paiement de LinkWorth hier. C'est un déboursement énorme pour moi. Le déboursement est un total d'USD$111.04. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent pour moi. Maintenant, je peux employer l'argent pour acheter la substance que je veux. Vous pourriez avoir déjà avez su ce qui est LinkWorth si vous lisez toujours ce blog. LinkWorth m'avait payé plusieurs fois et la somme d'argent que j'ai obtenue de LinkWorth est quantité tout à fait grande aussi. Vous pouvez apprendre que plus au sujet de LinkWorth et obtenir commencée dans LinkWorth à faire money.LinkWorth est un grand programme à joindre. C'est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir de votre blog. Je dirais que LinkWorth est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.I AM étant payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
Liens pour 2009-07-27 [ Top | Cinglez vos articles et obtenez le trafic ! Un nouveau et grand emplacement de cinglement pour aider des Bloggers, des articles, des poteaux et plus pour gagner plus de lecteurs et de visiteurs.
Paiement de MyLot juin : USD$76.55 Top
Today, I have got my MyLot payment of USD$76.55 to my PayPal account. After 11 times of getting payment from MyLot , this is the largest payment per month I get from MyLot . So far, my total earnings from MyLot alone is USD$211.01. That is the total of 11 payments from MyLot . MyLot is a discussion site that pays the member to start discussions, respond to discussions, upload photos and write tasks. It is a great site and I really recommend joining it. Thanks to MyLot again for the great service and MyLot is surely a great program to join to make money. You can continue to read on and check out the links to my other MyLot payments. 10th Payment 9th Payment 8th Payment 7th Payment 6th Payment 5th Payment 4th Payment 3rd Payment 2nd Payment 1st Payment How to Make Money From MyLot advertising
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$64.37 Top
I got a big payout from LinkWorth . LinkWorth is indeed a great program to join because it includes all the programs for publishers as well as advertisers. If you are new to LinkWorth , you can Get Started and Learn about LinkWorth . If you are having hard time making money from program such as AdSense, you could try LinkWorth . Maybe LinkWorth will work for your blog. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 advertising
MyLot May Payment: USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Make Money by Designing Logos Top
There are some sites offering logo designers to make money by helping their clients to design logos. I manage to find a site called CrowdSpring . Personally, I am not really good at logo designing, so I do not join the site. I decided to share this money making opportunity to all of you who are reading my blog. Basically, the site is a place for large website to find logo designers and then they can choose the logos they like. Most of the clients are offering high pay rate, normally around $400 to $1000 per project or per design. You can click on the picture above, you can see that the current projects are offering $1000 per project. It is quite a large amount of money. If you are very good at logo design, then this would be the way for you to make huge income online. For me, designing logo is not easy job. I tried very hard to do some design using Photoshop and I am cracking my head to even think of an idea. Even worst, I am not that good at using Photoshop which makes it even harder for me to design. I know that there are a lot of you out ther are very good logo designers or maybe you are very good at using Photoshop. So, this would be a great chance for you to make money. You find a project, do the design, submit and if your designs get accepted, then you are on your way to make real income online. So, you might want to try CrowdSpring out. Use your talent in design to make money for you. There might be more sites allowing users to make money using their talent in design, you could try to find out more yourself. advertising
Placement des annonces 125x125 sur votre barre latérale Top
I am sorry for my delayed update. Some of my readers requested a post about my 125x125 Ads on my sidebar. There are some codes to do it but I must say that not all the blogs can use the same codes because some blogs have smaller sidebar. So, it really depends on the width of your blog's sidebar. The codes I am going to share with you here can be a guidelines for you to have the same thing placement of 125x125 Ads like my blog. First of all, the result you will get is going to look like the picture above. Please be noted that your sidebar must be wide enough to have this design work properly. So, normally, I will set the Width of my blog sidebar to be more than 250 pixels because 2x125 pixels is equal to 250 pixels. The codes to place your 125x125 Ads like my blog is as below:
Here is a Larger Banner [You Own Codes]

125x125 Ads No.1 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.2 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.3 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.4 [You Own Codes]

All you need to do is Copy the codes above and go to your blog's "Layout" page, then click "Add a Gadget" and choose "HTML/Javascript" . Paste the codes in the "HTML/Javascript" area and remember to use your codes for the 125x125 Ads. That is basically all the steps needed. Have fun. advertising : Cinglez vos poteaux et obtenez plus de visiteurs Top
Si vous aviez lu mon blog, vous sauriez l'importance du « cinglement ». Le cinglement de votre blog et de notre contenu est une tâche importante de gagner plus de visiteurs pour votre contenu. Voici un emplacement appelé où vous pouvez soumettre un lien, le titre de vos poteaux et les descriptions de poteau pour le montrer à la page principale de l'emplacement. L'emplacement est très nouveau et s'inscrire pour l'emplacement est libre. Ainsi, donnez-lui un essai pour cingler vos poteaux et articles. Le cinglement est très important parce que par le cinglement, vous êtes réellement disant à un web server que votre emplacement est mis à jour. Ainsi, faites-lui une habitude pour cingler vos mises à jour telles que de nouveaux poteaux et nouvel est très nouveau. Il serait grand de profiter pour employer le service parce que vous obtenez plus de backlinks de l'emplacement quand vous lui envoyez plus de cinglement. J'ai des cinglements plusieurs poteaux et j'ai constaté que l'emplacement est tout à fait sensible et rapide. L'emplacement est tout à fait propre et facile à utiliser. Il a très moins d'annonces et la vitesse de chargement est tout à fait rapide aussi. U de signature est libre. Ainsi, je recommande de l'employer comme manière d'obtenir plus de visiteurs à notre contenu et à notre blog.advertizing
9 emplacements de partage des recettes pour gagner l'argent Top
After a long pause on my blog, I have found some great revenue sharing sites to share with you. Do you still remember my previous post about revenue sharing site? If you have forgotten what is Revenue Sharing site, you could refresh your mind about it here . In this post, I am going to share 9 Revenue Sharing sites with you so that you can rack in more money and earn more passive income online. When we have more source of income online, we are having higher chances of making more passive income. So, it would not be a bad idea to look through the Top 9 Revenue Sharing sites in the later part of this post. 1. Hubpages: Hubpages is a sites where you can place your AdSense Ads and make money using your articles. Hubpages has a great amount of users and your articles can easily get views and clicks. So, you could make money from it quite easily. 2. Flixya: Flixya is a site that works like a social site. You can upload photos, share videos, write blog and invite friends to make money. If you like to hang around in social sites, Flixya might suit you to make money. 3. Xomba: Xomba is a free community where you can share ideas, comments, write posts, make friends and make money. The site is giving 50/50 AdSense advertising revenues to users. 4. Helium: Helium is a great site for enthusiast as well as professional authors. Helium has articles writing contest where users can submit articles in the contest to win money. If you do not join contets, you can still make money according to page views of your articles. 5. Oondi: Oondi is a place for writers to publish their works. As a writer, you do not need to worry about creating websites stuff, just concentrate on your work and make money from Oondi. Writers get 100% of the advertising profits. 6. BloggerParty: BlogggerParty is a new idea for blogging. You need to have an AdSense Account. All you need to do is to create your blog with them and they will drive traffic to your blog. This way your AdSense Ads will be clicked and you earn money. They give 50/50 revenue sharing. 7. WritingCampus: Basically, WritingCampus works almost the same way as Blogger Party. 8. 5050Articles: 5050Articles are using their own AdSense account. All you have to do is to write articles and submit to their site. When your articles help them make AdSense income, you get 50% of the income as revenue. 9. Triond: Triond is a unique site. Using Triond, you get paid 50% of their sites total income. You get paid according to the number of views generated by your articles on their site. The 9 Revenue Sharing sites mentioned above are only some that I can find online. I am sure there are a lot more out there. Some of the sites are giving very good passive income for the author. So, it would not be a bad thing to try them out. It is normally not easy to make money from our blog. So, if your blog does not get visitors or traffic to help you make money, you could try to write articles and submit to Revenue Sharing sites. It might be a great way for you to start making money online. advertising
Tons of Traffic with a Free Viral System!!! Top
We all all having the same problems everyday, we tried our best to get more people to read our blog but all our efforts are not giving any satisfying results. For me, all I manage to get is around 100 views to 200 views per day on my blog. I have been blogging for around 3 years and I manage to get some exposure for my blog but it is not an easy task. It is not easy to get people to read our blog. It would be a lot more harder for us to get traffic to our blog if we use the wrong ways to get our blog exposed to more people. Few days ago, I found a site with a very unique system to help websites get massive traffic for free. It is a viral system which will help your site generate a lot of new users and visitors. The visitors are all genuine visitors (Not computer generated traffic) because their system requires real people to use it and promote it so that more people or users can view our sites. Why I say the views generated on our sites will be all real people? You can read it here and you will know why . The site gives this system for free and it helps a lot of successful online business to generate a lot of money as well as make a lot of money. The system successfully create helps websites get more people, more users and more money because the amount of traffic generated is unlimited. Our blog (site) can get more than 1 Millions people to view every single day. The powerful system is called FreeViral System . I am getting started to use the system and I want to share this special system with all my readers. Thank you for your continuous support. I hope that this system will help all of us get thousands and millions of visitors to our blog. The FreeViral System is a unique system because it helps our blog (site) to get maximum exposure on the Internet. The link of our blog will appear in front more than thousand of people. The FreeViral system has successfully helped webmasters, bloggers as well as affiliate marketer increase their websites traffic and increase their online income. It is a very unique system. I do not want to talk more about it here because you can read all about it at the FreeViral System site . No point for me to repeat the details in my blog. So, visit the site of FreeViral system and you will be AMAZED by the system. It is a great idea and it is going to be useful to all of us. Have fun and enjoy blogging. advertising
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$10.50 Top
I got paid by Bidvertiser again. So far, this is the 3rd time I am paid by Bidvertiser . Bidvertiser is quite a good way to make extra money from my blog. This time, I am paid USD$10.50. I know that this is not a big amount of money but at least, I make extra pocket. I use Bidvertiser because I can receive payment using PayPal. This is a faster way to get paid. So, it is quite a good AdSense Alternatives. advertising
Links for 2008-04-12 [] Top
Gagnez l'argent du blog : Les secrets d'AdSense ont indiqué ! Gagnez l'argent du blog Gagnez l'argent du blog : 000WebHost : Tous dans un accueil de Web libre
Links for 2007-12-17 [] Top
La liste définie d'emplacement Bookmarking social du principal 10 Il y a d'abondance des emplacements bookmarking sociaux dehors là. Vous faites se demander jamais ce qui sont les meilleurs emplacements bookmarking sociaux. L'identification des emplacements bookmarking sociaux les plus populaires peut vous aider à maximiser votre blog' ; le grade de page de s très rapide et obtiennent le trafic maximum t Éclatez votre trafic de blog avec ces tours Beaucoup de personnes luttent pour obtenir le trafic massif au blog ou au site Web mais elles peuvent à peine obtenir venir du trafic. Certains pourraient employer les méthodes que j'ai expliquées dans des mes poteaux passés, mais ces méthodes ne sont assez seulement de t'obtenir le trafic que durant une période seulement courte. Maintenant Outil social de Bokkmarking Un emplacement pour le social bookmarking seulement un clic
Liens pour 2007-06-22 [ Top
Double AdSense Income
Liens pour 2007-05-17 [ Top
Metafilter | La Communauté Weblog Le trafic beaucoup ici Amplifiez votre revenu d'Adsense dans le « de sept manières ; TIP POUR des manières de BLOGGING 7 au bon adsense


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