samedi 30 janvier 2010

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Comment commencer des étapes simples en ligne des affaires de vente de filiale d'Internet Top
How To Start An Internet Affiliate Marketing Business Online Simple Steps Here's Your First Step To Take - You want to find a legitimate affiliate program to sign up with. Here is a couple of my favorite affiliate programs Clickbank, Linkshare, Commission junction, and Amazon. These are a few of the largest - most well respected affiliate networks in the online marketing community. You should start out by picking one of the 4 to start out with. You don't want to overwhelm yourself and sign up with all 4 affiliate networks at once, because there's too many online affiliate programs you will get overwhelmed very quickly. Pick your favorite, sign-up for a free account - The sign up process is pretty easy it wont take you very long. Once you start seeing some affiliate commissions coming in - Then you can sign up for another network, and increase your money making potential. Your Third Step - After you sign up with your favorite affiliate network would be to browse their online marketplace, and pick your two favorite affiliate products to promote. Then write a couple classified ads related to whatever your affiliate products are about. U.Sfreeads, Backpage, Craigslist, Myspace classifieds, and Kijiji, are a few of the major classified ad networks out there - Where you can write some free ads for your marketing campaigns. Your fourth Marketing Step: Once you get familiar with writing classified ads, and hopefully made a few sales by now. Your next step in your home based affiliate business would be to start writing articles. Some of my favorite article directories are Ezinearticles, Hubpages, Ehow, and Articlesbase. Online article directories have sticking power on the internet, they rank highly, you are seen as an expert, when your articles are written properly they can produce tons of free quality traffic for your Internet business. Your Fifth Online Business Step: Posting in online forums related to whatever your niche is based around. Warrior forum has a great deal of traffic, and is a great place to begin. I would also recommend Website Babble they have lower traffic levels but I have gotten a great response from posting in there affiliate marketing forum. Do not forget to add your signature link on these forums pointing at your website, blog, or affiliate link. Easy money, and free targeted traffic, are what online forums bring to the table. Take advantage of them especially if your new to making money online. To really ramp up your home-based affiliate business up to the next level, start your own affiliate website, or blog. Web hosting is typically about $10 a month and is well worth the small investment. You have to spend a little money, to make a considerable amount of money. So make sure you start your own website, if you cant afford webhosting I know times are tough - Then start a blog. Affiliate Marketing Business Tip: Pick a domain name if you start a website, that is short and easy to remember. Pick a couple great keywords that you want to rank for on the search engines and use them as your domain name which is what your website will be called. Examples: or See how my main keywords are in those URLS? You get the picture... My last step would be start reading some affiliate marketing e-books, this will really speed up the learning curve, and you will make money much more quickly. Maybe even join in affiliate marketing training program , to learn some great tips, that can help get your affiliate marketing home-based business off the ground and earning money much more quickly. Good luck with your new home based money making business. I will leave you with my favorite motivational quote: There is nothing like a dream to create the future - Start building towards your dream of a successful money making business today. To All Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Lesson How To Get Started On Clickbank Tips Top
La leçon de vente de filiale de Clickbank comment obtenir a commencé sur des bouts de Clickbank - conçus pour les filiales qui sont nouvelles au marketing d'Internet.
How to Earn Money Online Completing Free Offers and Surveys From Home Video! Top
Comment gagner l'argent accomplissant en ligne des offres libres et des aperçus de vidéo domestique !
MLM contre la vidéo de filiale de vente de filiale Top
MLM contre vidéo visuelle de filiale de vente de filiale la bonne à observer !
Helpful Affiliate Tools To Devour Your Online Competition Top
Helpful Affiliate Tools To Devour Your Online Competition: We as online marketers are always looking for ways to speed up our affiliate marketing, it just makes our lives so much easier. After all who wants to spend 10 hours on a computer everyday trying to cash in on there Internet dreams. Hey, its cool some people like to spend all day on a computer! I am not arguing - to each there own. Whatever floats your boat. Like the saying goes one mans junk is another mans treasure! But you have to admit, wouldn't it be nice to cut your online marketing efforts in half or a 1/3 so you can concentrate on what really matters earning an income full time from home? These affiliate marketing tools will do just that. Here are the benefits of these products - make more money , make more money, make more money, lol did I already say make more money. Now I have your undivided attention! You can be 10 times more productive online when you have the right marketing products working for you. Here are a few tools I have found useful that I would like to share with you... Keep reading, Affiliates! 1 . "Powerful New Software Tool Uncovers Hot Untapped Niche Markets that Have Been Completely Overlooked by the Masses and Allows You To Swoop in and Absolutely Dominate  these Niche Markets in Google!" Very cool video shows you how to tap into these hidden Niches so you can cash in on hidden niches that are yours for the taking. You can check out the video here! 2. Everyone knows how tedious, and often boring writing articles can be. Trust me I am an expert on writing a lot of articles I have the carpal tunnel to prove it lol. All kidding aside, this article submitter has made my life 10 times easier. I get way more done on a daily basis using this article marketing software. Which in turn makes more money for your online business. Multiplication is the major key to online success. I am sure everyone would agree! The more eyeballs you have on your affiliate products - the more cash you can generate, simple as that! This software over delivers, and you will also get tons of nice juicy backlinks from a lot of major article directories. Create 1000's Of Articles From Just 1 Article, & Submit Them Automatically With The Submitter! Visit mass article control here! 3. If you a new affiliate marketer and you want to learn the ropes from a successful Internet millionaire, I have a great in depth E-Book for you to check out. How I Made $436,797 In One Year Selling Other Peoples Stuff! 4. If you want the whole enchilada an in depth affiliate training course The Secret Blueprint Everybody Was Waiting For... Learn How A Super Mega Affiliate Makes 7 Figure A Year. Very good course for  affiliates! I Hope These Affiliate Tools Are Helpful Marketers. Remember the Internet is getting more competitive on a daily basis due to the economy, and the mass appeal that working from home can bring. We Entrepreneurs need every edge we can get online to make our goals a reality. Cheers, To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Imaginez qu'en pouvant faire quelque chose vous avez voulu dans la vie ce qui vous ferait des entrepreneurs ? Top
Imagine Being Able To Do Anything You Wanted In Life What Would You Do Entrepreneurs? That is the power of the Internet and starting your own money making venture online. What would you do if you had so much money you did not have to worry about bills, a mortgage you cant afford, a car payment, utilities, what if you didn't have to look at a price tag again, you just buy it! ETC... The list goes on and on! What if your online affiliate marketing business, or E-commerce business really took off. Where know you could experience what we as Entrepreneurs all strive for financial freedom. How cool would that be?  Here is a few goals I am striving for in 2010 - Will you join me on my money making venture? Pay off all my bills cash first goal - Pay off my mortgage in full,  pay off my car cash of course, pay off all my utilities a couple years in advance. It would just be an estimate, but at the very least it would be a major portion. Help friends, and family, who are less fortunate than me. After all what kind of human being would I be if it was all about me all the time. I wouldn't want to burn in the firey pits of hell anytime soon lol. I am not a greedy person nor should you be. If I am in the position to help someone I would give them the shirt off my back. Just the kind of guy I am. What would you do if your Internet income skyrocketed? Due some cartwheels lol, or some backflips, hard work does pay off Entrepreneurs. With the right goals, and mindset, these goals are very feasible, and within reach. Keep reading... Take An Exotic Vacation To A Foreign Country - I always wanted to travel to Australia, and Brazil. Beautiful countries with great wildlife, and scenery. Not to mention a healthy tropical climate. How about taking a trip around the world on your favorite cruise line for months? Basking in the hot sun getting your tan on lol. Sound appealing? Its making me excited just talking about it. The possibilities are endless.... We would have to use our imaginations! I am sure we could come up with something huh? Oh, what a life it would be to earn so much $$money$$ it could make a grown man cry. That is a problem we as Entrepreneurs should all strive to have. Some people say money is the root of all evil, I say money gives you choices, and freedoms, you would not have if you did not have any. I would rather be with money than without it just makes your life a whole lot easier. Ask Bill Gates, or Warren Buffet, I am sure they would be nodding there heads yes in agreement. In our modern world like it or not, money talks bullshit walks! Did you like what you just read Entrepreneurs? Did this article make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? I am feeling warm and fuzzy inside just writing it lol. The point of this article is to show you that you can make your dreams a reality if you have the ambition, and learn the knowledge it takes to succeed online. You are taking your first step by reading this online work from home blog. One day we can have so much money it will make Bill Gates blush lol. Well maybe not that much but it felt damn good writing it! Us Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our countries. What would the world be like without us? Pretty boring to say the least... Remember our dreams are just an arms length away! We just need to reach out there and grab them! Lets make these dreams a reality and put forth the effort it takes to succeed online, or off! Cheers to our Internet money making dreams, and the success that comes with it! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
La filiale en ligne que les leçons ont faite et ne font pas voici quelques bouts rapides : Top
Online Affiliate Lessons Do's And Dont's Find Out From My Own Personal Experiences Here's Some Quick Tips: 1.  Don't: I would not recommend spending hours, and hours surfing traffic exchanges. The traffic doesn't convert very well. Tip: It can be effective if your just trying to build up an email list though - but your better off paying the $5.00 or $10.00 dollars a month for their guaranteed traffic. Traffic splash is a pretty good one for building up an email list. 2. Don't: Paying for guaranteed traffic: An example would be 10,000 guaranteed visitors for say $10.00. What I found - save your money I can almost guarantee you will not get 1 paying customer out of those 10,000 visitors. Tip: So save your affiliate money, and use it on something that actually works!  3. Do: This is a relatively new technique I picked up not to long ago: I use this on a social networking website I like to use for affiliate marketing purposes. The website I am speaking of is called myyearbook they let you add affiliate links on your profile page! Tip: You can also add friends very easily, I use the match toolbar to build up my friends list.  Here's  a cheap secret once you build up your friends list somewhat, you can become a gold member for like $10.00 a month. This allows you to send mass messages to everyone on your friends list at once. Sort of like a side email list , use this to your advantage! 4. Do: Pay Per Click - If you have the extra money to spend and your a beginning, intermediate, or advanced affiliate marketer. I would always recommend one of the big 3 to spend your advertising dollars on. Google, Yahoo, or Msn now known as Bing. If your a beginner, PPC can be extremely expensive if you don't know what your doing. Tip: Try to find a keyword phrase that is highly targeted to whatever product your marketing. Spend the least amount possible with your cost per click costs. Find out if that keyword phrase is profitable - if it is stick with that keyword phrase. If it's not research another keyword phrase to use. 5. Do: Please take advantage of article marketing - It's free targeted traffic, though its time consuming it is well worth the effort. Advantages: When you write a quality article people look at you as the expert. Plus you get high pageranked links pointing at your website if you have one. Tip: ezinearticles, hubpages, ideamarketers, and are my personal favorites. Cheers To Your Online Success Marketers, Jay!
Online Money Making Tips And Traits You Need To Have To Succeed Top
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous avez besoin devez SucceedMoney faisant le bout 1 : Ne soyez pas paresseux mis en avant l'effort impliqué en faisant à vos rêves d'Internet une réalité. Ceci implique de fonctionner réellement quelques heures par jour autant que possible. Si vous faites face à des obstacles dans votre voyage en ligne, traitez-les en tant que juste bosses de route, sur votre voyage à un meilleur et plus financièrement à un bruit vous. N'abandonnez jamais quand aller obtient dur le dur obtiennent allant. La raison que la majorité d'échouer de personnes en ligne est eux a stoppé quand son ne pas aller là manière. Ne soyez pas l'une des statistiques, soyez comme le lapin d'agent énergifiant et juste aller de subsistance. La motivation, et a n'abandonnent pas l'attitude, est ce qui sépare les gagnants des perdants. Le bout 2 apprennent : Faites votre recherche si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement il y a un apprentissage qui est assorti à elle. Si n'importe qui vous indique vous pouvez gagner l'argent, ou obtenez durant la nuit riche, elles soufflent juste la fumée vers le haut du votre --- comme on dit. Flash d'information : La vente d'Internet, et la vente de filiale, est dur labeur dans le commencement. Prenez le temps de cela faire, et apprenez comment cela faire droit. Vous prenez vos premières mesures en lisant ce blog. Une fois que vous apprenez comment obtenir le trafic à votre site Web, filiale lie, ou blog, et vous commencez à gagner une certaine bonne somme d'argent. Vos affaires en ligne deviendront plus faciles en nombre de heures que vous devez dépenser, essayant de rendre cet argent comptant supplémentaire en ligne. Plus que vous déployez en avant aujourd'hui efforts, moins les efforts vous devrez déployer en avant demain pour rester lucratif. Ne soyez pas paresseux ! Ils prennent le dur labeur pour réaliser votre argent faisant des rêves, mais ils ne sont certainement pas hors de portée. Visez pour les étoiles, et si vous frappez les nuages vous sont toujours un succès. Ma citation inspirée préférée : Il n'y a rien à comme un rêve créer le futur. Commencez à gagner votre argent en ligne faisant à des rêves une réalité ! Obtenez de travailler des entrepreneurs ! À votre succès, entrepreneurs : Jay !
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$57.94 Top
I received another payment from LinkWorth again last month. The payment is a total of USD$57.94. LinkWorth has been paying me continuously for months and I am sure it is a very good program to join and earn some money from blog. You might want to read about my other payment too. Read on and look at all the payment proof of my previous payment. Look at all the payments below: 1. LinkWorth Payment: USD$111.04 2. LinkWorth Payment: USD$64.37 3. LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 4. LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 5. LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05 6. LinkWorth Payment: USD$59.17 7. LinkWorth Payment: USD$27.07
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Le paiement de LinkWorth a reçu : USD$27.07 Top
J'ai reçu mon paiement de LinkWorth il y a peu de semaines et c'est USD$27.07. J'ai été sans interruption payé par LinkWorth pendant peu de fois. Si vous lisez toujours mon blog, vous noterez que j'ai écrit des poteaux au sujet de mon paiement précédent. LinkWorth est une grande manière de gagner l'argent à partir du blog si vous avez un blog instructif. Je dirais le that  ; LinkWorth  ; est meilleur Google AdSense Alternative.You peut apprendre plus au sujet de LinkWorth  ; and  ; obtenez commencé dans LinkWorth  ; pour gagner l'argent. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$79.16 2.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$29.45 3.  ; Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$26.05
Paiement de MyLot octobre : USD$13.59 Top
Yeap, j'ai reçu un autre paiement de MyLot encore et cette fois, j'ai gagné USD$13.59. C'est un autre revenu supplémentaire pour moi au bon moment parce que je veux préparer une certaine somme d'argent pour mon investissement dans les stocks et les fonds communs de placement mutualistes. Vous pourriez vouloir savoir que combien de fois j'ai gagnées de MyLot, For Your Information, je suis des 10 périodes payées par MyLot et c'est le 11ème. Vous pouvez continuer de lire pour avoir connaissance de mes 10 autres paiements de MyLot. Svp lu dessus pour voir tous les paiements j'ai reçu le from  ; MyLot. 10ème Paiement 9ème Paiement 8ème Paiement 7ème Paiement 6ème Paiement 5ème Paiement 4ème Paiement 3ème Paiement 2ème Paiement ęr Paiement Comment gagner l'argent à partir de MyLot la publicité
Lisez plus est maintenant disponible sur le Blogger Top
Si vous ne mettez pas à jour votre blog pendant tout à fait un long temps, vous ne pourriez pas noter le nouveau dispositif supplémentaire à Le nouveau dispositif est le plus demandé « a lu plus » de fonction demandée par beaucoup de bloggers employant Maintenant, nous avons « avons lu plus » de fonctions dans notre compte de Comme vous pouvez voir de l'image à la gauche, en cliquant sur simplement sur le bouton « de coupure de saut d'insertion », vous pouvez diviser votre long poteau en deux parts et créer « lisez plus » de lien après que vous ayez édité le poteau. Mais avant que vous puissiez employer la fonction, vous devrez la permettre au > de « arrangement " ; > ; « De base » suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Après vous atteignez le > de « arrangement " ; > ; La page « de base », font descendre l'écran au MOS du fond de la page et vous trouverez les options suivant les indications de l'image ci-dessous : Choisissez l'option « a mis à jour le rédacteur ». Vous pouvez maintenant apprécier la nouvelle fonction à votre page de « nouveau poteau ». Espoir vous pouvez suivre les étapes simples et permettre la nouvelle fonction de coupure de saut. S'ajouter « a lu plus » au blog de votre blogger peut aider à organiser vos poteaux et à rendre leur le sembler rangé. Maintenant, nous ne devons plus employer le dur et la vieille méthode à créer a lu plus de fonction sur le   de notre Blogger ; blog. Ainsi, appréciez la nouvelle fonction.
Free Giveaway: Bidvertiser Secret Report [Free Download] Top
De chers lecteurs, aujourd'hui je vais partager avec vous un rapport libre que j'ai créé. J'ai créé ce « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » parce que je constate que Bidvertiser a une grande occasion de gagner l'argent. Il est les 4 pages simples rapportent pour te donner quelques intérieurs au sujet de Bidvertiser. Ainsi, avancez et téléchargez-le. Il est libre pour tous les lecteurs et chacun qui visitent mon blog. Téléchargez le « rapport secret de Bidvertiser » maintenant ! Merci du téléchargement, appréciez votre lecture et gagnez plus d'argent. la publicité
Paiement de Bidvertiser : USD$40.00 le 29 septembre 2009 Top
A week ago, I received a payment from Bidvertiser . It was a surprise for me because I was not expecting any payment from Bidvertiser . The payment is USD$40.00 and I was very happy with it. It is an unexpeced payment but as long as I continue using it, I am able to make money from Bidvertiser. You might want to join the program and make some extra money from Bidvertiser too. After some time using Bidvertiser , it had paid me several times. I found that it is an great alternative to Google AdSense. I hope that this post will be a post to guide all the readers of this blog. For my readers who like to make money from blog using advertising, then Bivertiser is a great way to make it happen. advertising advertising
Vente de filiale : La route à la richesse Top
Affiliate Marketing is not a new topic on the Internet anymore. It has been around for years and recently I read a lot about Affiliate Marketing and I discover that there hundreds and thousands of people making huge income every single day from Affiliate Marketing. As you can see from the picture on the left, people are making more than USD$1000 per day using affiliate marketing, so I am sure that affiliate marketing is a great way to earn a living online. So, I feel that I need to share this valuable information to all my readers because I know that we are all trying hard to make money online and to be honest it isn't easy to make money online. Affiliate marketing might be the answer we are searching for all these years. Affiliate Marketing is one of the many ways to make money online. As an affiliate, our job is to promote a product to people who are interested about the products and we earn commission for every sales we make.Ok, to make it easier for you to understand, we as online affiliates are sales promoter for online products. So, our only job is to promote, promote and promote to make sales and earn commission. That is simple. We do not need to create our own products, we do not even need a website and we do not need to spend a dime to promote the products. Everything is provided and our job is to promote and bring traffic to the website of the products to make sales. How you can started promoting as an affilite? It is not hard at all. You just need to have a Clickbank account and signing up is free. By having a Clickbank account, you can gain access to all the products online and promote them easily using your promotion links. There are a lot of product we can promote online and as a way to promote as an affiliate, I have listed 3 of them below: The way you promote the products depend on your creativity. Some people prefer to use email to promote, some people uses advertising, some people uses pinging and so on. I am going to share the ways to promote Clickbank products in another post because I do not want to make this post too lengthy. advertising
Ewen Chia's Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 on Sales! Top
Today, while I am surfing the web to learn about affiliate marketing techniques to make money online, I come across a website by the world's well known affiliate pro Ewen Chia's website. He has launched his new product and it is called the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 . I read the site and I find that I am very lucky to find the site today because the product is On Sales! It is selling a very low price of USD$27.00 which normally sells at USD$97.00. I googled for more information about the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 and I found a lot of great comments about the product. I re-read the Ewen Chia's site again and I finally decided to buy it. It costs me ONLY USD$27.00. The best part of the purchase is the free bonuses included. I am writing this post to inform all readers that if you are interested to buy this product, do not miss the chance because it is an extremely good product to buy and best of all, it is now selling a very low price. I am learning and reading the tips and tricks now. the price of Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 will be increased to USD$97.00 anytime soon. So, I am really happy I got Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 at USD$27.00 . If you are interested, get it as soon as possible and learn from Ewen Chia to make money online. advertising
MyLot June Payment: USD$76.55 Top
Today, I have got my MyLot payment of USD$76.55 to my PayPal account. After 11 times of getting payment from MyLot , this is the largest payment per month I get from MyLot . So far, my total earnings from MyLot alone is USD$211.01. That is the total of 11 payments from MyLot . MyLot is a discussion site that pays the member to start discussions, respond to discussions, upload photos and write tasks. It is a great site and I really recommend joining it. Thanks to MyLot again for the great service and MyLot is surely a great program to join to make money. You can continue to read on and check out the links to my other MyLot payments. 10th Payment 9th Payment 8th Payment 7th Payment 6th Payment 5th Payment 4th Payment 3rd Payment 2nd Payment 1st Payment How to Make Money From MyLot advertising
LinkWorth Payment Received: USD$64.37 Top
J'ai obtenu un grand déboursement de LinkWorth. LinkWorth est en effet un grand programme à joindre parce qu'il inclut tous les programmes pour des éditeurs aussi bien que des annonceurs. Si vous êtes nouveau à LinkWorth, vous pouvez obtenir commencé et se renseigner sur LinkWorth. Si vous avez la difficulté gagner l'argent à partir du programme tel qu'AdSense, vous pourriez essayer LinkWorth. Peut-être LinkWorth fonctionnera pour votre blog. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
MyLot peut paiement : USD$12.87 Top
Yeah, I got another payment from MyLot few days ago. I got paid USD$12.87. Anyway, it is not a lot of money but quite happy with it. Thanks again to MyLot . MyLot is a forum that pays you for your discussions, responses, uploaded photos as well as doing some tasks given. It is a great site to make extra income. advertising
Bukisa : Écrivez et obtenez payé Top
Quand je faisais quelques discussions sur MyLot l'autre jour, j'ai reçu un message d'un ami de MyLot. C'est un message pour partager un emplacement avec moi a appelé Bukisa. Bukisa est un emplacement qui fonctionnent presque comme Triond où nous pouvons soumettre des articles, gagner plus de vues et devenir payés. La partie différente de Bukisa est qu'elle offre bien plus de paiement par 1000 vues que Triond. Ainsi, c'est un bon emplacement pour joindre et gagner l'argent à partir de nos articles. Dans Bukisa, il y a un endroit où vous pouvez trouver l'index de Bukisa. L'index de Bukisa est la somme d'argent que nous recevrons quand nos articles obtiennent 1000 impressions ou vues. Vous pouvez regarder l'index de Bukisa utilisant l'image ci-dessus. Elle offre maintenant USD$3.42 par 1000 impressions ou vues. C'est tout à fait un bon revenu. Faisons quelques mathématiques : 1 article obtiennent 1000 impressions = articles USD$3.4210 obtiennent l'impressions= 1000 USD$34.20If que vous travaillez dur : 50 articles obtiennent l'impressions= 1000 USD$171.00Remember, nos articles peuvent se produire plus de 1000 impressions et lui continue à nous aider à produire de plus d'argent et de plus de revenu. Ceci s'appelle le revenu passif. En fin de compte, nous pourrions faire tout à fait un bon revenu utilisant Bukisa. Ce n'est pas tout, dans Bukisa, nous peut se référer nos amis pour se joindre et nous obtenons les commissions payées aussi. Je peux dire que Bukisa est en effet un meilleur choix pour écrire et soumettre des articles et pour gagner l'argent. Bukisa est un emplacement bien meilleur par rapport à Triond si vous voulez gagner l'argent sans blog et gagner l'argent utilisant votre articles.advertizing
Make Money by Designing Logos Top
Il y a quelques emplacements offrant des concepteurs de logo pour gagner l'argent en aidant leurs clients à concevoir des logos. Je parviens à trouver un emplacement appelé CrowdSpring. Personnellement, je ne suis pas vraiment bon au logo concevant, ainsi je ne joins pas l'emplacement. J'ai décidé de partager cet argent faisant l'occasion à tout le vous ce qui lisent mon blog. Fondamentalement, l'emplacement est un endroit pour que le grand site Web trouve que des concepteurs de logo et alors ils peut choisir les logos qu'ils aiment. La plupart des clients offrent le taux de salaire élevé, normalement environ $400 à $1000 par projet ou par conception. Vous pouvez cliquer sur dessus l'image ci-dessus, vous pouvez voir que les projets en cours offrent $1000 par projet. C'est tout à fait un grand nombre d'argent. Si vous êtes très bon à la conception de logo, alors ce serait la manière pour que vous rendiez le revenu énorme en ligne. Pour moi, concevoir le logo n'est pas le travail facile. J'ai essayé très dur de faire une certaine conception utilisant Photoshop et je fends ma tête pour penser même à une idée. Même le plus mauvais, je ne suis pas celui bon pour l'utilisation de Photoshop qui le rend encore plus dur pour que je conçoive. Je sais qu'il y a beaucoup de vous là sont dehors les concepteurs très bons de logo ou peut-être vous êtes très bon pour employer Photoshop. Ainsi, ce serait une grande chance pour que vous gagniez l'argent. Vous trouvez un projet, faites la conception, soumettez et si vos conceptions obtiennent admises, alors vous êtes sur votre chemin de rendre le revenu réel en ligne. Ainsi, vous pourriez vouloir essayer CrowdSpring dehors. Employez votre talent dans la conception pour gagner l'argent pour vous. Il pourrait y avoir plus d'emplacements permettant à des utilisateurs de gagner l'argent utilisant leur talent dans la conception, vous a pu essayer de découvrir plus vous-même. la publicité
Placing 125x125 Ads on Your Sidebar Top
Je suis désolé pour ma mise à jour retardée. Certains de mes lecteurs ont demandé un poteau au sujet de mes annonces 125x125 sur ma barre latérale. Il y a quelques codes pour la faire mais je dois dire que non tous les blogs peuvent employer les mêmes codes parce que quelques blogs ont une plus petite barre latérale. Ainsi, elle dépend vraiment de la largeur de la barre latérale de votre blog. Les codes que je vais partager avec vous ici peuvent être des directives pour que vous ayez le même placement de chose des annonces 125x125 comme mon blog. Tout d'abord, le résultat que vous obtiendrez va ressembler à l'image ci-dessus. Soyez noté svp que votre barre latérale doit être assez au loin d'avoir ce travail de conception correctement. Ainsi, normalement, je placerai la largeur de ma barre latérale de blog pour être plus de 250 Pixel parce que les Pixel 2x125 est égal à 250 Pixel. Les codes pour placer vos annonces 125x125 comme mon blog est en tant que ci-dessous : < ; center> ; Voici un plus grand < de bannière [vous propres codes] ; p> ; 125x125 & des annonces No.1 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.2 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 & des annonces No.3 [vous propres codes] ; nbsp125x125 < des annonces No.4 [vous propres codes] ; /p> ; < ; /center> ; Tout que vous devez faire est de copier les codes ci-dessus et d'aller à la page de la « disposition » de votre blog, puis cliquer sur « ajoutez un instrument » et choisissez « HTML/Javascript ». Collez les codes dans la région de « HTML/Javascript » et rappelez-vous d'employer vos codes pour le 125x125 Ads.That est fondamentalement toutes les étapes requises. Ayez fun.advertizing : Cinglez vos poteaux et obtenez plus de visiteurs Top
Si vous aviez lu mon blog, vous sauriez l'importance du « cinglement ». Le cinglement de votre blog et de notre contenu est une tâche importante de gagner plus de visiteurs pour votre contenu. Voici un emplacement appelé où vous pouvez soumettre un lien, le titre de vos poteaux et les descriptions de poteau pour le montrer à la page principale de l'emplacement. L'emplacement est très nouveau et s'inscrire pour l'emplacement est libre. Ainsi, donnez-lui un essai pour cingler vos poteaux et articles. Le cinglement est très important parce que par le cinglement, vous êtes réellement disant à un web server que votre emplacement est mis à jour. Ainsi, faites-lui une habitude pour cingler vos mises à jour telles que de nouveaux poteaux et nouvel est très nouveau. Il serait grand de profiter pour employer le service parce que vous obtenez plus de backlinks de l'emplacement quand vous lui envoyez plus de cinglement. J'ai des cinglements plusieurs poteaux et j'ai constaté que l'emplacement est tout à fait sensible et rapide. L'emplacement est tout à fait propre et facile à utiliser. Il a très moins d'annonces et la vitesse de chargement est tout à fait rapide aussi. U de signature est libre. Ainsi, je recommande de l'employer comme manière d'obtenir plus de visiteurs à notre contenu et à notre blog.advertizing
Yuwie: Make Money by Socializing Top
It is easy to make money online nowadays. People make money using their blog, people start websites to share knowledge and make money from it, people sell stuff online to make a living, people working hard as an online part-timer to make money and so on. Now we can even make money using social site such as Facebook, Friendster and so on but I am not talking about making money from Facebook and Friendster because it is hardly possible. I discover a social site where we can make money just by doing the same thing that we are doing on Facebook and Friendster, Socializing. The site is called Yuwie . Yuwie is a special idea and it is very unique because it is a social site that share their earnings with the member of their site. Unlike other social site, we as a member of Yuwie can actually make money using it by doing the same thing that we are doing almost everyday in Facebook such as uploading our photos, writing a personal diary, visit friend's profile and so on. How Yuwie Pays the Members? Yuwie pays members according to the number of views members get from other people. For example: No. of Views on Your Profile: 50 No. of Views on Your Photos: 30 No. of Views on Your Blog/Diary: 100 Total: 180 views By getting 180 views, you are actually generating money from your social network. It is quite easy. The payment per view is always changing depending on the earnings of Yuwie at the month. Is it easy to get 180 views? I would say "Yeah!!!". It is easy to get views. The more views we get, the more money we make. The money making opportunity does not end just like that. More Money from Yuwie: By refering friends to your Yuwie account, you can make even more money. For every friends you refered to Yuwie, you get a from the views your friends generated. Yuwie pays you until 10th level of referrals. This means that the money you can make is almost limitless. Joining Yuwie is Free . A lot of people already join Yuwie and make money from it. So, why not give it a try. It might be your chance to make money fast and easy. Join me in Yuwie and Make Money Together. advertising
Liens pour 2008-04-12 [ Top
Gagnez l'argent du blog : Secrets d'AdSense indiqués ! Gagnez l'argent du blog Gagnez l'argent du blog : 000WebHost : Tous dans un accueil de Web libre
Liens pour 2007-12-17 [ Top
La liste définie d'emplacement Bookmarking social du principal 10 Il y a d'abondance des emplacements bookmarking sociaux dehors là. Vous faites se demander jamais ce qui sont les meilleurs emplacements bookmarking sociaux. L'identification des emplacements bookmarking sociaux les plus populaires peut vous aider à maximiser votre blog' ; le grade de page de s très rapide et obtiennent le trafic maximum t Éclatez votre trafic de blog avec ces tours Beaucoup de personnes luttent pour obtenir le trafic massif au blog ou au site Web mais elles peuvent à peine obtenir venir du trafic. Certains pourraient employer les méthodes que j'ai expliquées dans des mes poteaux passés, mais ces méthodes ne sont assez seulement de t'obtenir le trafic que durant une période seulement courte. Maintenant Outil social de Bokkmarking Un emplacement pour le social bookmarking seulement un clic
Comment gagner l'argent en ligne avec les bons mots-clés ? Top
This post deals with how you can optimize your site's potential to make money online by using the right keywords. The content on your website is a mixture of powerful advice and the right selection of keywords. Keywords can make or break your website. Every user who wants to search content searches it by typing a set of keywords, and if your content does not have that keyword your content will not be prioritized by the search engine or the user. The use of right keywords will make your website search engines optimized and your website will be having high organic search engine traffic. Search engine traffic is extremely important if you want to monetize cost-per-click ads. Here are some of the tips for choosing a right keyword so that your content will be viewed the maximum time: Before you choose your keywords, try to understand who your audience is. The primary focus of your website will give you clear idea about this. All your keywords need to be related to the niche of your blog/website. Think of yourself as an audience for your blog. Then brainstorm all the searches that you could possible make related to your niche. Collect all those keywords which you think your audience may look for. Normally you can choose the keywords which are very common and searched a lot by the user. For this, there are many keyword tools available on internet. You can get one of those tools and can know the best keywords you can use for the website. Some of these tools are Google AdWords, Wordtracker, Good Keyword, etc. There are many websites who have inbuilt keyword finder. Click here to check some of best keyword research tools available on internet. Try not to focus on the keywords which are too competitive. If your keyword is so common that every webmaster is trying to use it then it can be tough for you to gain audience and make money. You should focus on optimizing keywords that are not that popular. Market your keyword by using different services like videos, blogs, posts, advertisements, etc and get users to your content. These are some ways that you can use keywords to drive traffic and make money. The more the user finds your content by using those keywords, the more trustworthy your blog can become. Eventually, you can even make your website an authority blog for a particular keyword. This will make your website listed on the top on various search engines and you will able to make more money through that. Related posts: Importance of Long Tail Keywords in SEO How to make money online using keyword research tools Keyword Elite amazing keywords tool from Brad Callen
Le Blogger (Blogspot) supplémentaire créent le nouveau dispositif de pages Top
If you are running a blog on Wordpress, you must know how to create pages on your blog like About Me, Contact Me, Advertise, Services etc kind of pages on our wordpress hosted as well as self hosted wordpress blogs. But can we create such kind of pages if we have a blog on (Blogspot)? It was nearly impossible to create a page on Blogger blog before. If we need to create a page on blogger, we use to create a post and use that as a page. But now we can create pages on a blogger blog like we are able to create pages on a Wordpress based blog. With this feature, we can create up to 10 pages on any of our blogger blog. Here is how to manual about creating pages on Blogger blog: Login into your account and go to Blogger in Draft Move to Layout –> Posting –> Edit Pages Click on ‘New Page’ button or ‘Create a page’ link to start creating your first page on blogger. Once you have finished and saved your first page, its time to show it on your blogger blog. You can show it as tabs on your blog or show links for your pages in your sidebar. You can create up to 10 pages on a single blog. Again go to Layout –> ‘Add a Gadget’ link Now Select Pages which helps you add stand alone pages that you created on your blog, ignore if you ‘Already Added’ This way you will be able to show the list of pages on the top of your blog whose URL’s will look like: Try creating some static pages on your blog with this create a Page feature which was recently enabled by Blogger team. Feel free to leave comments if you face any problem in creating pages on your blogger blog. Related posts: Using Named Anchors for user/search engine benefits Adding Paypal donate button to wordpress blogger blog Don't know HTML and want to create a website
Les outils automatisés dans SEO- ils fonctionnent bien ? Top
Search engine optimization is a tried and tested means to improve inbound traffic to a site. It is an unpaid method to obtain a place in the search engine results pages. There are numerous techniques to improve traffic to one's site including link building. But as the website grows in size, it is not possible to manually perform search engine optimization to increase the traffic. It will end up in chaos and the results may not be promising. Automated tools come to the rescue of the search engine optimizer at this point. The search engines index the sites based on various factors, which are collectively considered in the search algorithm. There is no perfect automation tool to leverage all the factors in the algorithm. But, there are tools to perform search engine optimization more effectively. There is no shortage of automated tools in SEO in the internet and many sites offer SEO tools free of cost as well. But are they really worth it? The attractions offered by the automated tools are many fold. They promise to take the burden off your shoulders by doing automatic submission in article directories and other social networking sites. But just think logically, and you can see that the automated tools will never give you the competitive advantage as they promise. It is natural to assume that the tools that are accessible to you will be accessible for others as well. They come with their own shortcomings, especially the link building tools. Automated link building may lead to link exchange with malicious sites, damaging the credibility of one's site. This may lead to drastic reduction in rank and block in traffic. It is not always possible to simulate the exact running environment of the site and hence the results of automated SEO may not be accurate. Many times, the submission details provided by the SEO tools are nowhere near the exact figures. The best utility of the automated SEO tools is in those areas that check the site for compliance with standards. Automated tools for analyzing inbound traffic for the website and comparison with competitor sites and the number of link in the current site will provide a comprehensive outlook from SEO perspective. So it is always better to use automated tools prudently. Extreme dependence on them is a clear waste of money and resources. However, usage of proper tools for the right tasks will save a lot of time and prove to be extremely efficient. Related posts: How to Choose an SEO Company for your Business? Specialized SEO Consultant Services by Shimon Sandler Importance of Long Tail Keywords in SEO
Top 10 Tips for Twitter Users Top
Tweeting on Twitter is fun. If done in a smart and informed way, it becomes both fun and social success, and even business success, in case you are promoting your brand, services, or company. Experienced Twitterers perhaps already know the essentials of successful tweeting. However, a whole lot of beginners need some general helpful tips for staying on top of tweeting. Here are ten basic tips on smart tweeting. 1. Create an Attractive Profile Your profile is your identity card seen first by a user. It creates your first impression so try to make it as good as possible. Include a nice-looking photo and an expressive, catchy line as your tweeting motto. Avoid offensive content. 2. Tweet Actively This does not mean bombarding users with anything that flashes in your mind. Remember that actively means different from hyperactively. You should be neither too inactive to be forgotten nor too active to be blocked by your Twitter followers. 3. Refrain from Spamming The last thing Twitterers want is spam mail. Trying to sell your product or brand etc to everyone with no personal message of mutual interest can leave you blocked. It is okay to include a URL of your site in your tweet but the whole message should never be expressly promotional. 4. Keep It Simple and Concise With an upper limit of 140 characters Only for your message, keeping your tweet reader-friendly and concise is the best Twittering policy. Avoid all jargon and use commonly known abbreviations where needed instead of writing the complete words or phrases. 5. Flock with Your Like Following everyone in the hope of drumming up their interest in you does not work well on Twitter (or elsewhere) for obvious reason – people generally tend to flock with like-minded folk. Therefore, choose to follow those users who share at least a few common or one major interest with you. 6. Stay Organized Organizing your tweets saves you time and energy as well as makes your Twitter experience satisfactory. Many Twitter organizing tools are available online and can be chosen selectively according to your needs and priorities. Mashable has mentioned a list of twitter tools to organize your tweets . 7. Shorten Web Links To save some space and make your tweet hip, tailor your URLs to remove the starting characters like www and http etc. You can simply tweet "" instead of 8. No Plagiarism Using someone else's content without permission from the owner can create an issue on Twitter. Therefore, refrain from violating copyright. 9. Keep It Light Tweeting is nowhere about gloom and doom. On the contrary, people love to connect with optimistic and humorous Twitterers. So keep your tweets hopeful and sparkling with life. 10. Consult Twitter Directories Various Twitter directories help you connect with users more relevant to you. Google online Twitter directories. A good one to start is . As you continue tweeting, your personal experience may show you helpful tips and bits of knowledge on how to interact on Twitter in a more wholesome and enjoyable way. And if you already have some insight in Twittering, you are welcome to share your tips for Twitterers with us. Send us your tips directly or just tweet them for all to catch. Related posts: 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners Top 10 Web Applications for Making Money Online with Twitter 10 Twitter Users Worth Following
10 outils de Twitter pour contrôler vos disciples Top
Like other social networking sites, Twitter is about making contacts and following them. Active Twitterers usually have dozens of contacts which need management so as to maximize your social capital on Twitter. Here is a list of ten popular Twitter tools for managing your followers: 1. Mr. Tweet Mr. Tweet acts as a personal Twitter agent for you, working by discovering and suggesting useful contacts that match your defined needs. All you need to do is log in with your Twitter username or email 2. Just Tweet It Just Tweet It is a Twitter directory. Using it, you can find Twitterers with similar interests as yours as well as benefit from the comprehensive Twitter Tool Directory for free. 3. Who Should i Follow Similar to Just Tweet It, Who Should i Follow finds Twitterers of your interest by comparing with those you are already following. 4. My Tweeple This is a wonderful Twitter tool that manages all your contacts, including those you are following and those who are following you, all in one place. You can update your list of contacts by a single click on any of the three options: Follow, Unfollow, and Block. Also, you can mark spammers and alert other contacts about a spammer. 5. MyCleenr MyCleenr allows you to sort your Twitter contacts by the last tweets they made. This helps you remove any inactive contacts/followers you have been following. MyCleenr requires your Twitter password for signing in; however, it promises not to store it. This means the site's guarantee to forget your password soon as your session ends. 6. TwitBlocker Here is a special tool for managing constantly tweeting or chatting friends while you are working online. With TwitBlocker you can temporarily block a contact from constant chatting brought to your notice by simply making a click. The blocked contacts are restored upon restarting your browser. So if you need to keep someone off for a while, get TwitBlocker 7. Twitoria Twitoria is a helpful tool for managing your Twitter contacts as it reveals your contacts which have been dormant for a long time, ranging from a week to a year. This helps you decide to stop following them or just follow them elsewhere. 8. Twimailer A truly helpful tool in managing your followers is Twimailer. It works like an automatic delivery service and delivers messages and emails from Twitter directly to your primary email address. So you don't have to resort to Twitter or a related site every time any of your followers posts a tweet, or people who are following you make contact. 9. FlashTweet For Twitterers with many friends/followers, FlashTweet is yet another ideal tool. Using it, you can monitor your followers from your multiple Twitter accounts and insert RSS feeds, all at once. 10. Twittangle Twitterers who are entangled in a crowd of their many followers can untangle the mess by using Twittangle. It is a free tool available and works by allowing you to rate and tag contacts such that the tool automatically compiles a custom timeline for you. There are many more tools to manage your followers on Twitter and we are always interested in hearing from you regarding what tool(s) you find most useful and why. Feel free to contact us with comments any time. Or you may like to tweet us a comment , if you will. Related posts: 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweets How to increase the number of Twitter followers 10 Twitter Tips for Beginners
Cinq manières de conduire le trafic à votre blog Top
When you blog for money you need to create your own content (and lots of it!), implement advertisement programs like Google AdSense and WidgetBucks , and last but not least – you need traffic. In our offline lives we dread it, but online we embrace it. I want to give you 5 ways to start driving traffic to your blog today. With a little time and patience, you will slowly start to increase your viewer ship. (In no particular order) 5.) Post comments on other blogs. Blogs are everywhere – there's certainly not a shortage of them. You should have no problem finding other bloggers in your niche that are popular and interesting. Bookmark those that you like, follow their topics daily, and if you find something that sparks your interest – comment. Become a participating voice in the community. The more interesting your comments are, the more likely your peers will follow you to your blog. And who knows – you might stand out among the crowd and be recognized by the author, which can spin off into better opportunities. 4.) Register with blog networks like: Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog It's important that you get your blog out there for others to see. You can start the process by submitting to search engines , but that's just the beginning. Technorati, BlogCatalog, and MyBlogLog are just a few of the high profile blog networks on the web. Register with them, network with other people in your releated area, and get your word out. When you register with these services remember a couple of things: 1.) Create a detailed profile. Let people know a little bit about you and draw them in. Without that personal interaction people may flee quickly. 2.) Tag your blog properly. Tags are very important – they're usually one or two word descriptions of your blog. So for example my blog would fall under categories like: Money, Business, and Finance. Dig around the specific service and look for popular tags and try to use those for your blog. It allows people who are interested in these topics to easily find your site. 3.) Register with several forums. Do a Google search for forums that are related to your niche and register. Try to be an active voice in the community. People will flock to you if you're interesting. Not only that but it allows you to find out what others are doing and what makes them appealing. When you register with a forum, make sure to fill out the profile, similar to the blogging services. And equally as important – make a signature that is a direct link to your blog. Your signature is shown in every post that you make – helping you gain visibility. This is all the more reason to create thought provoking discussions. 2.) Social Bookmarking and Article Submission. Social networking, bookmarking, and article submissions are all the rage today – don't let it pass you by. Some of the major networks include delicious, Furl, and of course, Digg. These sites will allow you to tag, bookmark, and submit articles that you think are interesting. What's more interesting than your own work? People should know about it so go spread the word. 1.) StumbleUpon StumbleUpon really falls into tip #2, but I decided to break it away from the pack because it provides quicker results. Like the rest of the social networking sites, you create a profile and network with others. But what makes StumbleUpon so darn unique, is that you can "stumble" thousands of sites that you're interested in by the click of a button. So what does that mean for you? Well, you can stumble your own site. By doing this you get into the Stumble rotation, and any people that you network with can stumble across it as well. In my experience StumbleUpon can bring great surges of traffic for short periods of time. Due to the nature of the service, you're likely to get overlooked more than not; however, those that do stop – tend to stay. And if they like the site, they can rate it and review it for all the friends in their network to see. Are you getting the picture here? Your viewer ship has the potential to explode! As with most things in life, there's no silver bullet for getting traffic. It takes a lot of research, careful planning, networking, patience, and time. If you have what it takes and start using my recommendations, you will definitely start to see an increase. Hopefully that increase in traffic will help you blog for money.
Create an RSS Link for your Blog Readers Top
In What is RSS? We learned how important it is to connect with your readers by exposing an RSS feed. This will ultimately lead to a bigger fan base and in time, more money for your blog. But now that you know what RSS is, how exactly do you provide this feed on your Blogger blog? You'll be happy to know that this is a very simple process. Burn your Feed with FeedBurner FeedBuner is a FREE service that allows you to put your feed in front of more viewers. You can read all about Feedburner here. First-things-first - head over to FeedBurner and create your account, it only takes a couple of minutes. Once your account is setup, simply "burn your feed" by typing the URL of your blog on the home page of FeedBurner. FeedBurner will then provide you with the direct link to your blogs feed - go ahead and copy that now. Log into your Blogger account and click on Settings in your dashboard. At your Settings page, click on the Site Feed menu. I would suggest setting the "Allow Blog Feed" to full. This means that anyone who subscribes to your sites feed will see the entire article in their newsreader. This is just common courtesy in my opinion - don't make your readers do more work than they have to. Most people happen to be turned off by a shortened article feed anyhow… our purpose is to pull in more readers, not lose them. Next, paste your FeedBurner feed into the "Post Feed Redirect URL" option. This is the link to your sites feed that you burned just a short while ago. Once you're done with that, save your settings. Your Blogger blog has been setup with a full RSS feed, and you are helping your cause out by using the FeedBurner service to get your articles in front of more viewers. We are moneymaking machines after all… aren't we? Now head over to your blog template. Your blogs feed is ready to be consumed by the hungry vultures that are your readers. But in order to give them what they want, you have to expose it to the world. You should be looking at your blogs layout now - click on Add a Page Element and choose the Feed option. Simply paste your FeedBurner link here and save your changes. I recommend moving your RSS link to a highly visible area of your page - near the top. Ok, you're done! In just a matter of minutes you have created a nice shinny RSS feed for all of your loyal readers. By doing this, you're conforming to the rest of the blogging world (which is a good thing) and making your site more accessible to potential fans. Just another step in blogging for money.
Quel est RSS ? Top
Making money to blog requires a vast array of knowledge. Of course you need a blog to get started , and then you'll integrate some ad services like AdSense and WidgetBucks. These ad services will help us generate money with our blogs, but without the readers there is no money. RSS plays a big role in building our fan base. (Here's my feed if you would like to subscribe now) Ok great, so what exactly does RSS stand for and why should I care? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. When you create a new post with Blogger it publishes a new RSS "feed", which is simply a stripped down version of your website. It contains the basic text and any images you display. I don't get it. What's so good about a stripped down version of my site? In today's ADD, news-hungry society, RSS has exploded in popularity. People want as much information as they can get their hands on, with as little effort as possible. With RSS comes "Feed readers" like Google Reader. These applications allow readers to "consume" or subscribe to your sites feed. When you post a new article, the user is alerted. The great thing about these feed readers or RSS readers is that they provide a quick list of your article subjects. So instead of being overwhelmed with a page load of content, they can simply scan for subjects that interest them and then drill down further if they wish. I'm starting to get this RSS thing… but maybe you can create some analogy for me to make it clearer? Boy you sure do ask for a lot. Ok – here goes: Let's say you go to the store and purchase a magazine on computer software. Chances are good that you will flip open a page and have a subscription card fall on to your lap. For this example, let's pretend it's a subscription to the latest Microsoft news. Well, if you like Microsoft and you care about their news (I'm an Apple guy by the way) you'll fill out their card, write a check and send it off in the mail. Now the first of every month – you'll get a brand new magazine from Microsoft and learn about their many failed attempts to beat Apples' iPod with their Zune (sorry, I just had to throw that in there). And of course if you get tired or the same ol' same ol', you can cancel at any time. RSS is the same way (Minus the paid subscriptions, thankfully). If you run across a site that you find interesting, you can simply subscribe to that sites feed and you'll be alerted to anything new coming from there. And of course, you can cancel the site feed at any time. This was an introduction to RSS. In future articles I will discuss ways we can present an RSS feed for our users to consume. In the meantime, digest this information, because RSS is something you need to know about if you're going to be a serious blogger.
Bouffe de John LIBRE - faites à argent Ebook en ligne Top
We love to make money with our blogs, and we especially like to do it with FREE tools and information. Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , Blogger – all free! And the other day I came across yet another free resource for us; this time in the form of an Ebook by John Chow called: Make Money Online. Who is John Chow and why should I care? John Chow is a Dot Com Mogul – a status we're all vying for. His documented success online has led thousands of little Chow-a-maniacs to flock to his site daily (yours truly included) I'll have to admit – my first impression wasn't so hot. You go to his site and instantly you're met with images of hundred-dollar bills, hot fancy cars, and a tagline that says: "I Make Money Online by Telling People How Much Money I Make Online". Just a little bit on the arrogant side, don't cha think? (Sticking with the wrestling theme here) Once you go beyond the subliminal messages and peel away the initial wrapping, you learn that he's not just another "Get-rich-quick-scheme" guy. No, he's much more – and his FREE ebook – Make Money Online is just one reason why. Make Money Online is a very practical guide that is packed with over 50 pages of expert advice. It's easy to read and by the 2nd chapter he gains your trust and commands your attention. Here's a run down of the nine chapters that are available: Introduction My Recommended Money-makers Beginner's Blogging Tips Must Have Wordpress Stuff Pumping Out the Content Monetize Your Blog Google Optimization Promotion Ideas My Story Reading this FREE book is a must. It's an eye opener for beginners and a great reference for veterans. I even found myself tweaking some things here and there on my own site! To get the FREE book you just have to subscribe to his newsletter (near the top of the page). It takes just a few seconds and it's valuable information that's well worth your time. Head over there now – you'll thank me later.
Adaptez vos liens de menu de Blogger Top
Making money with our blogs includes some bigger topics like: Google AdSense , WidgetBucks , and URL submission to search engine giants: Google and Yahoo. However, there are a lot of little tweaks that we can easily make to our blogs, which will add to the reader's experience. And remember - no readers, no money - so make sure to take care of them! We're going to do just that today by customizing our Blogger menu links. When you first create your Blogger blog you'll most likely get a menu that looks something like this: That's a nice menu if your blog is more of a diary than an information site, but to make money we need to simplify things for our audience. We need to create navigation that is user friendly and easily understandable. For example - if I came to my site looking for information on Google AdSense , it would do me little good to see a long list of month and day links. However, if I saw a nice link that said: What is AdSense? THAT would be much more helpful. So let's start by logging into our Blogger accounts and going to the Layout page. Once you're there, click on Add a Page Element. Instead of the Blog Archive module, we're going to add a Link List to our layout. Here you will see a form that allows you to enter the title, number of links, sorting, page or site URL, and the name. Let's quickly go over some of these options in a little more detail. Title: This will be the name of your navigation menu. Your readers will see this so make it something useful. Let's say you're going to make a list of beginner tutorials, you might name this: Getting Started. Number of links to show in list: This will allow you to control how many links are visible to the user. Unless you're going to have 100 links in your navigation, I would recommend keeping this blank. Keeping this field blank will show all of your links. Sorting: You can choose to sort your list alphabetically if you wish. What I like to do is order them by topic. So for example: I would have a link: "What is Google AdSense?" before How to integrate "Google AdSense on Blogger?" New Site URL: This is going to be the direct link to the site or page you want to display. You'll simply copy the URL string at the top of your browser for this. New Site Name: And of course the name of your link. Try to be short and descriptive as possible. Ideally you want to fit the name all on one line and not have it break to another. Now that you have a grasp of the options go ahead and add a link. Once you fill out the fields click the ADD Link button. You'll see a little preview of your link's name and optionally you can edit, delete, or change the position with the arrows to the left (You'll need more than one link for the arrows to show). When you're happy with your changes - save them and you're done! Not too bad for a days work (considering our day is only 10 minutes long). In just minutes we got rid of the hard-to-navigate menu system that Blogger gives us out of the box, and replaced it with a more intuitive menu that our readers will appreciate. By doing this we've made the overall experience better, which will lead to: more repeat visitors, happy newcomers, and more money for us!
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
Dans quoi est-il WidgetBucks ? Nous avons appris qu'il y a plus de manières que juste Google AdSense de gagner l'argent à partir de blogging. Si vous savez WidgetBucks et voulez s'inscrire avancez et faites cela maintenant : WidgetBucks nous permet d'intégrer facilement des annonces de produit sur notre blog de Blogger mais comment ? Heureusement pour nous, WidgetBucks et Blogger lui font un processus très franc. Commençons par noter en nos comptes de WidgetBucks et cliquons sur dessus le nouveau bouton de gadget dans le menu. Ceci nous apportera à la personnalisation votre page de gadget. D'ici vous créez simplement un nom pour votre gadget, l'indiquez la page que vous allez la placer, adaptez la conception, et choisissez aux besoins du client finalement quel type de produit vous voulez servi. Une fois que vous êtes juste presse réglée le bouton de code d'obtention et copiez le HTML/JavaScript. Ne vous inquiétez pas - comme tout autrement que nous faisons autour d'ici - n'ont besoin de savoir rien au sujet du HTML ou du Javascript commencer à gagner l'argent. Mais vous devez savoir copier et coller ! Maintenant que vous avez votre code de gadget, notez en votre compte de Blogger. Au tableau de bord allez à la disposition et puis ajoutez un élément de page. Si pour quelque raison vous aviez caché sous une roche ce temps plein et n'avez pas un compte de Blogger - contrôle dehors créer un blog. Vous devriez avoir la forme de Blogger avec toutes vos options de disposition maintenant. Voici que vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML/JavaScript. Avance et colle votre code de gadget sous la forme principale - vous pouvez sur option lui donner un titre si vous voulez - je ne fais pas. Une fois que vous sauvez vos changements vous êtes fait ! Félicitations ! Vous êtes prêt à commencer à gagner l'argent avec WidgetBucks.
What is WidgetBucks? Top
WidgetBucks is a FREE ad service that allows us to make money from our blogs - similar to Google AdSense. (Read What is Google AdSense? if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) WidgetBucks is the new kid on the block. No, not the New Kids on the Block. What's great about WidgetBucks is that right off the bat they give you $25 just for signing up! You can't beat that with a stick. WidgetBucks differs from Google AdSense in that it offers up "widgets" for products like: electronics, books, health and beauty, etc. It does not crawl your content, but it is customizable and they even recently fixed some slowness issues - so it looks like they're heading in the right direction. Unlike Google AdSense, you only need to make $50 to get paid (AdSense is $100). Payments are expected to arrive in 45 days (keyword: expected - we'll all know if WidgetBucks is the real deal come December). And they already start you off with $25 just for signing up - so you're half way there! Some of the sites in their network include: Target, Best Buy, and All early indications point to WidgetBucks becoming a major player in the ad game. In my next article I will show you how to easily implement WidgetBucks on your Blogger blogs. But for now, head on over and sign up for a FREE account. Tell 'em Earn Money to Blog sent cha.
Submit Your Blog to Google and Yahoo Search Engines Top
Comme Boston Red Sox 2007 - Google et Yahoo sont des champions. Ensemble ils aident des millions de puissance de questions sur l'Internet journalier. En favorisant votre blog avec StumbleUpon nous avons appris que la promotion de blog est un facteur important à gagner l'argent blogging. Afin de produire du revenu de nos emplacements nous avons besoin de trafic et StumbleUpon est une grande source. Cependant, même avant vous commencez au réseau avec des emplacements comme StumbleUpon, vous devra soumettre votre URL des moteurs de Google et de Yahoo à recherche. Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Vous n'avez pas un blog encore ? Tête de Sheesh… plus d'à créer un emplacement de blog pour LIBRE et revenu quand vous êtes fait ! URL SubmissionHead de Google plus de pour ajouter votre URL à Google et pour écrire simplement votre URL, quelques commentaires au sujet de votre emplacement, et la vérification de lettre. Quand vous êtes placé, appuyez sur juste le bouton d'URL d'ajouter et Google fera le repos ! URL SubmissionNow de Yahoo que vous avez soumis votre blog à Google, nous avez laissés faire la même chose avec Yahoo. Allez à l'emplacement ExplorerHere de Yahoo que vous pouvez soumettre URL votre deux d'emplacements et alimenter. Quand vous avez l'information placée dans une des boîtes des textes juste pour soumettre et vous êtes fait ! Google et Yahoo réclament leurs bots de recherche ne peuvent pas ramper votre contenu pendant des mois mais de mon expérience elle prend une question des jours. Tant que vous tournez la manivelle constamment dehors du contenu de qualité vous serez dans les affaires. Assez simple hein ? En juste quelques minutes nous avons facilement soumis nos blogs aux moteurs principaux de recherche. Ceci ira un long chemin en favorisant et en conduisant le trafic à nos blogs. Nos jours lucratifs sont juste autour du coin maintenant.
Liez votre profil de StumbleUpon à votre blog Top
In Promoting Your Blog with StumbleUpon we learned how the StumbleUpon service can help drive traffic to our blogs. While the word traffic makes most of us cringe in our every day, offline lives. We know that traffic in the online world is our friend - and ultimately one of the most important keys to making money with our blogs. Today I want to show you how easy it is to create a link on your Blogger blog that will direct your reader to your StumbleUpon profile. This will increase the value of your blog experience with your readers and will help promote, and generate more money from your blogs content down the road. Navigate over to StumbleUpon and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on the Tools & Buttons option in the footer menu. The StumbleUpon Buttons & Tools page gives you access to some really nifty features. But today we're most interested in linking our blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles to help spread the word. Go ahead and click on the Link to Your Profile. On the Link to Your Profile page, you're presented with several options. Choose one and copy and paste the HTML inside the text box directly to the right. Experiment with a few and see which one you like best -- You can always come back to this page and select another if your first choice isn't ideal. Now that you have copied the HTML, log into Blogger and head to the Layout page. Here we're going to Add a Page Element and select the HTML/JavaScript option. Simply paste the HTML you got from StumbleUpon into the form and save your changes. That's it! From here you can easily move around the element in your layout until you're satisfied. My personal recommendation is that you keep the StumbleUpon link near the top so it's visible to your readers. In just a matter of minutes we were able to link our Blogger blogs to our StumbleUpon profiles. This process is going to go a long way in helping us: 1.) Network with other bloggers, 2.) Drive traffic to our blog, and 3.) Help us make money from blogging by pulling in readers. Hope you enjoyed this article. Until next time… go earn yourself some money with your blog!
Promoting Your Blog with StumbleUpon Top
We have learned that monetizing our blogs involves: 1.) Creating a blog with the Blogger service and 2.) Learning how to implement Google AdSense to earn money. However, these are just the first steps in the overall process. Making money to blog takes time, but I'll show you how to speed up the process and start driving traffic to your blog in just a matter of minutes. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said: You can have the best product in the world, but if you don't know how to sell it, and if you don't, if you don't have anybody who can sell it for you or tell the public, it's a waste of time, the whole thing. We can't argue that point Arnold (by the way, I loved your role in Kindergarten Cop) - and that's why today I'm here to talk about one of the many, many ways you can promote your blog and its content with a great service called: StumbleUpon. I first stumbled upon (no pun intended) the service a few years ago and I was instantly hooked. In short, the service allows you to browse great websites with ease, which is specific to your tastes. So if you like technology, you're going to get pages about: hardware, software, etc. It's a brilliant concept, and eliminates those times (we all have) when we want to surf the Internet for topics we like, but don't know where to go - StumbleUpon does that for us! So how does StumbleUpon help promote our blogs? The answer is simple really - you connect with other stumblers through your StumbleUpon home page. Here's mine as of today (As you can tell, I love Borat!) If they are interested in the content that you stumble, they'll add you as a friend and in turn will pass the word on. This networking will help promote your blog by adding your website into the stumble rotation. So now all of your friends and your friends, friends will be exposed to your blog content! StumbleUpon makes the process of using its service to promote our blogs super simple with some great tools. For one, if you're using Firefox or Internet explorer, you can't live without the toolbar. The integration of StumbleUpon into your browser is what makes it so popular. The options here (which I'll leave for you to explore) allow visitors to easily add your blog as a favorite to their StumbleUpon home page. This seamless integration helps to increase your blog network, promotion, traffic, and - generate more money from your blog at the end of the day. Another must have for bloggers is the Link to Your Profile button. They come in many different flavors and it's just a simple copy and paste of the html into your blog post or blog navigation menu. What these buttons do is make the experience for those who stumble your page much more enjoyable. If they like your article or site in general, they can simply click on the StumbleUpon button to add it into their rotation. Piece of cake, eh? Making money from our blogs is a lot of fun. Promotion tools like StumbleUpon just make the experience so much better. So what are you waiting for? Get Stumbling! Oh, and here's my handy StumbleUpon button incase you want to add me to your rotation today! My StumbleUpon Page
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, et Google AdSense Top
This is the week in review – a busy one for sure. If you've been following along we learned quite a lot. But the nice thing is that it didn't take long at all. So let's do a quick walk through, shall we? 1.) We learned a little about Google AdSense and what it can do for us. 2.) Some of us have been hiding under a rock and didn't even know what the term: Blog meant! (hey, you have to start somewhere, right?) 3.) Next, we figured out just how easy (and FREE!) it was to setup our own blog for the world to see, with Blogger. 4.) We were excited to own a piece of cyberspace, but we wanted to start making money with AdSense. Luckily, the account setup was a breeze. 5.) Armed with a lethal blog of our own and an AdSense account was dangerous stuff! We couldn't just go into this with our eyes close so I broke down Google's Terms and Conditions so you wouldn't fall asleep. 6.) After we felt comfortable with Google's program policies, we decided to put AdSense on our blogs. And boy was that easy! 7.) Last but not least, we wanted a sound strategy for laying out our ads. We didn't want it to look like your finger-painting-themed birthday party when you were nine – so we followed Google's advice and put our ads where the readers can see them. Congratulations! You are on your way to earning money with your blog. It's not going to be an overnight success but stick around and we'll get there. We have a lot more ground to cover such as: AdSense optimization, site content, traffic, etc. We'll hit those next week but for now I'll let you digest all of this.


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