lundi 25 janvier 2010

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Apprenez la leçon de vente de filiale pourquoi le contenu est roi ? Top
Learn Affiliate Marketing Lesson Why Content Is king? This short lesson is for all new affiliate marketers who just setup there first blog, or website, and are wondering how to get free organic traffic from the search engines. Why content is king online? Its very simple - When Google or any other major search engine crawls your website such as Bing, or MSN. They are looking for content related to whatever your website is about. Here are a few tips for you affiliates to rank high in the search engines. 1. Have quality incoming links pointing at your website, or blog. Only link to sites with a page rank higher than yours. Try to make sure the websites, or blogs you link to are related to yours. Try not to link your website to niches not related to yours. If your blog, or website, is in the make money at home niche your gonna want to get backlinks to other make money at home niche websites. You do not want to be getting irrelevant backlinks for example how to lose weight etc.. Relevance is key! 2. Why content is king? The more content you have the better. A lot of the top blogs on the Internet out there rank highly, and have tons of traffic is because they add content to there website regularly. They have a lot of backlinks, and a high page rank, which equals traffic. And traffic equals money. Affiliate tip: So the more relevant content you have the more your website will show up in the search engines for your various keyword terms. 3. If you want your website, or blog to earn some good money online. Then you should keep updating your content, collect backlinks from relevant sites, and make sure your sprinkling your keywords throughout your text. 4. Affiliate Tip: Very important - Make sure you make a website on something that interests you, or that you know a lot about. Remember: You have to keep updating your website - So make sure you have plenty to talk about on that particular niche. 5. If you run into a roadblock - And you have run out of things to write about don't worry it happens! It happens to all of us, there are things called PLR articles out there for you to use. They come in extremely handy, you can submit them to article directories such as Articlesbase, or Goarticles, for some juicy backlinks. Another option is to rewrite the articles to make them 30% unique and place them on your website, or blog, so they will not be considered duplicate content. Tip: Here's a cool website that I use that has thousands of these articles. Its cheap to - Only like 20 bucks for tons of great content 1000's articles in there database. Affiliates you can check them out here if you need content. Remember to keep adding unique content and the free search engine traffic will eventually come. Keep plugging away marketers! I hope you enjoyed this free affiliate marketing lesson - more coming soon! To Your Online Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
Gagnez à argent l'argent en ligne faisant des bouts Top
FEATURED ARTICLE MUST READ: I am going to go into great detail, about ways I have found through trial and error, of how to make an honest living online. Want to ditch your boring 9 to 5 day job? Wouldn't it be great to make an honest living from the comfort of your own home? You can be in your pajamas to earn money online . You may one day log into your affiliate marketing account and realize you've earned hundreds, if not thousands for a simple days work. I'm not gonna tell you that earning money online is a walk in the park, it's not! It does take work like anything in life you have to learn how to do it properly to be successful at it. But if you follow these money making tips, you will be earning money online in no time. But the question still remains how much money can I earn? This question entirely depends on you, and what your work ethic is. Here are some tips to get you started earning some money. Tip number one: If you're looking to earn money online I would definitely recommend you sign up with a free clickbank account. Click bank is an online marketplace that has over 10,000 digital products for you to choose from to promote. They have been around for 10+ years, and are very well-respected in the Internet marketing industry. Clickbank vendors pay up to a 75% commission which is unsurpassed in the Internet marketing industry. Digital products are very convenient for customers, and merchants alike. As soon as the initial costs are covered through the development of the informational product, everything else is pure profit. So these merchants, can pay you the affiliate an excellent commission! There is a lot of great ways to earn money online through clickbank. I would recommend once you sign up with a free affiliate account through clickbank promote only informational products with a high gravity. A high gravity on clickbank, is telling you the affiliate marketer, that this vendors program is actually earning a lot of money online. The higher the clickbank gravity the hotter the seller. So if you're looking for an honest way to earn money online , look no further than click bank. Sign up with a free account it should only take you about 5 to 10 minutes. Trust me this is an excellent way to earn extra cash. Tip number two: If you'd rather sell physical products, not related to informational products I would recommend you sign up for an affiliate account at linkshare, or the pepper jam network. They are both excellent online marketplaces for potential affiliate marketers. The reason I like these two to earn money online , is because of the quality of the vendors involved. You will not have trouble making money through these two affiliate marketplaces. They have a lot of well-respected, major corporations for you to earn money through. Sign-up for a free affiliate account with one of these merchants, or maybe even Both it doesn't matter. Browse through their online marketplace, and find a couple affiliate programs with a high commission rate, to earn money online with. Tip number three: Now that you have signed up through a couple affiliate networks, and have your free affiliate account in place, it's time to move on to your next step to earn money online . This is my best piece of advice I could give you to earn an honest living online. To make money on the Internet, you need to know what you are doing period point blank! This involves a learning process on your part, join an affiliate marketing forum such as the warrior forum for starters. The warrior forum is the number one online forum for Internet marketers worldwide. There is some great marketing minds on this forum. Browse through some of the posts, and start learning the how to's of affiliate marketing. Ask questions, read some forum posts. My next step to earn money online would be to learn from people who are already making a great living online. This would involve reading a good e-book, or joining an at home earn money online program , that can take you step by step by the hand, and show you exactly how to be successful in your money making quest from home. Remember, knowledge is power and power is money. Spend about 25% of your time learning how to make money, and the other 75% of the time actually accomplishing your tasks at hand. Which is promoting your affiliate products. You can promote your affiliate products online through the following methods, I'm going to show you how to earn some money , through these marketing methods that I personally use. Let's move on to step four! Tip number four: Here's some tips to monetize your affiliate programs. This is a tip I recommend to every brand new affiliate, or anyone for that matter looking to earn money online. Learn the bum marketing method! This should only take you about a half-hour to learn, and it's absolutely mandatory for you to get an understanding of this concept if you want to earn money online. Even if you're not an affiliate marketer, you still need to know and understand this concept, if you're serious about generating a substantial income from the Internet. This is a free course, just Google it and read up on this concept. Okay, so now you have signed up to some affiliate marketing networks, you're starting to learn to earn money online . Hopefully you read some good e-books, or joined a highly ranked course to teach you how to make money with.You've read up on the bum marketing method, and have a basic understanding of the basic concept being taught. Let's move on to step five, this is the good part! This will show you how to earn money online through classifieds, forums, articles, blog posting, and your own affiliate marketing website. Tip number five: I always recommend new affiliates to start writing classifieds, to get a basic understanding on how to rank your classifieds high for your chosen keywords. Once you start getting your classifieds ranked on the first page of Google for the title phrase you are going after you have learned the bum marketing method successfully, and should start earning some money online through the classified ads that you write. Some of my favorite online classifieds to use are US free ads , craigslist, and kijiji. Kijiji is eBay's online classified website. Don't ask me how they came up with that name laugh out loud. All that I know is they get a decent amount of traffic so take advantage of that. There are tons of other online classifieds out there to earn money with, but these are my three favorites. So feel free to experiment! Tip number six to earn money online: Posting an article directories! Extremely important, article directories have great sticking power on the Internet. This means the articles that you write will be floating around on the Internet for years to come. They can be earning you money now and well into the future. You want to write articles based around whatever affiliate product you are trying to promote. My favorite article directories are hubpages, Ezinearticles, E. how, article dashboard, and go articles. Remember, use an article directory such as those listed that has a high page rank. So you can rank high for your keyword phrases on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing! Writing articles is free, and is one of the most effective ways to drive free targeted traffic to your website, blog, or affiliate ads. So you can inevitably earn a lot of money online through writing quality articles. Article writing is too powerful to ignore, so take advantage of this opportunity, and start writing some articles. Tip number seven to earn money online : I already told you about the importance of online forums above to learn some money making tips. But there is a very important feature that you can take advantage of through forum directories. That is, most online forums out there allow you to have a signature link. A signature link is basically a link to whatever you want, it could be an affiliate product you are promoting, a link to your website, or a link to a blog etc... whatever you are trying to promote online, and make money through you can put a link to that product in your signature for that particular forum. Once you set up your signature link, every forum post that you make in that particular forum will show up with your signature link at the bottom. The more active you are in that forum, the more publicity you can get from your signature posts. If you have a good product in your signature posts, you can earn a few bucks just from posting in online forums, through your forum posts. So take advantage of forum postings! I'll be updating this money making blog regularly, with recommended tips, programs, and ideas on how to generate an honest living online . I look forward to all your comments! I'm cheering for you entrepreneurs! Jay
Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Lesson How To Get Started On Clickbank Tips Top
Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Lesson How To Get Started On Clickbank Tips - Designed for affiliates who are new to Internet Marketing.
How to Earn Money Online Completing Free Offers and Surveys From Home Video! Top
Comment gagner l'argent accomplissant en ligne des offres libres et des aperçus de vidéo domestique !
Bouts sans valeur de vente de filiale de vente comment à ? Top
Bum Marketing Affiliate Marketing Tips How To? If your a beginning affiliate marketer and you have not heard of the bum marketing method - Here is a brief explanation, or tips, to familiarize yourself with the basic concept! Ever wondered how marketers get to the top of  the search engines with basically no effort at all? How free targeted affiliate traffic can be achieved  in basically minutes? Why it seems like a few of the top affiliate marketers make 95% of the online money out there. How do I do keyword research? What keyword phrases should I go after to return a profit? Welcome to the wonderful world of bum marketing - Here are a few affiliate tips to get you started bum marketing for some big affiliate money. Bum marketing is basically picking good titles for your articles, or classified ads, and grabbing top pages on the search engines for your keyword phrases. The key is to use websites with a high page rank - Authority websites so to speak. Use there high page rank to carry you to the top of the search engines piggy back your way to the top. You use article directories with high page rank some examples for you affiliate marketers reading this are , , , , and to name a few. AffiliateTip: You want to go after keyword phrases that are highly searched with low competition. Tip: Think 100,000 or less Google results. Use Google adwords keyword research tool for your online research. I myself copy a bum marketing term - I want to see how much competition there is for that phrase to see if I can grab the first page of Google for that keyword term. If its highly searched per month and it has under 100,000 results. I can grab first page listings for that phrase and sit back and watch the money roll in if its a targeted phrase for what I am selling. Just do your keyword research affiliates, promote a great product, and the money should start rolling in. Rinse wash and repeat for online success! For more bum marketing tips sign up for my 3 free E-books above. The training gets a little more in depth! To your money making success affiliates, Jay!
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous devez devoir réussir Top
Argent en ligne faisant des bouts et traits que vous avez besoin devez SucceedMoney faisant le bout 1 : Ne soyez pas paresseux mis en avant l'effort impliqué en faisant à vos rêves d'Internet une réalité. Ceci implique de fonctionner réellement quelques heures par jour autant que possible. Si vous faites face à des obstacles dans votre voyage en ligne, traitez-les en tant que juste bosses de route, sur votre voyage à un meilleur et plus financièrement à un bruit vous. N'abandonnez jamais quand aller obtient dur le dur obtiennent allant. La raison que la majorité d'échouer de personnes en ligne est eux a stoppé quand son ne pas aller là manière. Ne soyez pas l'une des statistiques, soyez comme le lapin d'agent énergifiant et juste aller de subsistance. La motivation, et a n'abandonnent pas l'attitude, est ce qui sépare les gagnants des perdants. Le bout 2 apprennent : Faites votre recherche si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement il y a un apprentissage qui est assorti à elle. Si n'importe qui vous indique vous pouvez gagner l'argent, ou obtenez durant la nuit riche, elles soufflent juste la fumée vers le haut du votre --- comme on dit. Flash d'information : La vente d'Internet, et la vente de filiale, est dur labeur dans le commencement. Prenez le temps de cela faire, et apprenez comment cela faire droit. Vous prenez vos premières mesures en lisant ce blog. Une fois que vous apprenez comment obtenir le trafic à votre site Web, filiale lie, ou blog, et vous commencez à gagner une certaine bonne somme d'argent. Vos affaires en ligne deviendront plus faciles en nombre de heures que vous devez dépenser, essayant de rendre cet argent comptant supplémentaire en ligne. Plus que vous déployez en avant aujourd'hui efforts, moins les efforts vous devrez déployer en avant demain pour rester lucratif. Ne soyez pas paresseux ! Ils prennent le dur labeur pour réaliser votre argent faisant des rêves, mais ils ne sont certainement pas hors de portée. Visez pour les étoiles, et si vous frappez les nuages vous sont toujours un succès. Ma citation inspirée préférée : Il n'y a rien à comme un rêve créer le futur. Commencez à gagner votre argent en ligne faisant à des rêves une réalité ! Obtenez de travailler des entrepreneurs ! À votre succès, entrepreneurs : Jay !
Comment augmenter le grade de page de Google facilement | Top
Article frais que j'ai écrit sur Ehow sur la façon dont augmenter votre Google Pagerank facilement. Si votre un acheteur de filiale de commencement et votre regard pour gagner l'argent avec votre site Web, ou blog, alors ces bouts pourraient venir dans assez maniable. Plein article sur le lien au-dessous des filiales ! lHow pour augmenter le grade de page de Google facilement |
How To Earn Money Online For Beginners Earn Fat Cash Affiliate Courses Top
How To Earn Money Online For Beginners Earn Fat Cash Affiliate Courses If you are a beginner, and you are new to the world of the Internet, or making money online for that matter, then listen up! If I was gonna start all over from scratch, I would of done things a little differently. I am a stubborn type of person by nature, I have to do everything myself. But that is good sometimes, and not so good other times. Yeah it's great to be motivated, its a wonderful trait to have, believe me having this trait will be the main factor of earning a lucrative income online one day. But if I was just starting out again, I would definitely want to speed up my learning curve. Then I can invest in my future, and earn money online way sooner than I would on my own without the help of someone who actually knows what they are doing, and is very successful at it. Here's what I would do if I was a beginner just starting out, trying to learn how to work at home. I would figure out what route I want to take? My 2 top choices would be Affiliate marketing, or starting up my own Dropshipping business on Ebay. Both are proven ways to earn money online. It just depends on which road you want to travel down. Once you figure out the route you are gonna take then you have to figure out how to earn money online through that business model. This will involve writing articles, classified ads, Search Engine Optimization, Forum posting, Etc... Just to name a few, and you have to know how to do everything properly if you want to make money . Affiliate marketing is a lot of work in the beginning if you want to earn a decent amount of money. Hey, that is why we as work at home Entrepreneurs started out in this business to make some good money. You agree? LOL I hope so I am only stating the obvious. So in conclusion: If your a newbie looking to earn money online get educated on what your doing. I would recommend an affiliate training product to speed up your learning curve considerably this is an affiliate course I highly recommend . Read articles, learn all you can about Affiliate Marketing, and making money online in general. Keep in mind the golden rule - The more educated you become at something, the more money you will earn, because you know what your doing, hey your trained in this field now etc... If your gonna go the Dropshipping route and your thinking of starting up your own Ebay business - My first choice would be Salehoo my second choice would be Either route you take learn how the game is played to come out victorious on the other end. This may involve asking for help, hey why not we all started off somewhere right? Let's make 2010 our most profitable money making year to date! To Your Success Entrepreneurs, Jay!
SharedReviews : Écrivez les revues et faites le revenu mensuel Top
J'avais expérimenté avec beaucoup de différents programmes au-dessus de l'Internet pour gagner plus d'argent en ligne. Aujourd'hui, je finalement peux arriver à une conclusion pour un emplacement appelé qui peut nous aider à gagner plus d'argent juste en écrivant des revues pour les produits que nous employons comme des téléphones portables, les ordinateurs portables, les livres, les produits quotidiens ou toutes les autres choses aux lesquels nous pouvons penser. J'avais essayé ce programme pendant plusieurs mois et je suis vraiment lent dans des revues d'écriture pour l'emplacement parce que je concentre la majeure partie de mon temps sur l'autre argent faisant des occasions aussi bien que se concentrer sur mes études. J'ai créé 10 revues dans et maintenant, j'ai USD$4.87 dans mon compte qui est de bons résultats pour moi parce que je ne compte jamais que l'inscription des revues peut m'aider à gagner l'argent. Maintenant, je favorise ce programme au chaque des lecteurs de sorte que chacun puisse saisir cette occasion de gagner l'argent en écrivant des revues. En plus de gagner l'argent à partir des revues, les membres peuvent gagner l'argent par l'inscription pour des concours et obtenir des récompenses. Les récompenses d'argent comptant de total qui sont données par pour le décembre 2009 est USD$2275.00. Si vous participez aux concours, vous des occasions de revenu êtes très grand et beaucoup d'utilisateurs font le revenu énorme à partir de Je vais écrire plus de revues bientôt et j'espère que mes nouvelles revues gagneront l'argent pour moi à l'avenir. Joignez le programme et essayez-le dehors, aybe que vous ferez le grand revenu à partir des revues d'écriture.
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$59.17 Top
C'est un autre paiement de LinkWorth pour le mois le novembre 2009. Le paiement est USD$59.17. Puisque Noël est autour du coin, le paiement est en effet très gentil pour que j'achète une partie de la substance que j'aime et achète de petits présents. J'ai reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements de LinkWorth. Si vous suivez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que j'ai déjà reçu tout à fait un certain nombre de paiements et je dois dire que LinkWorth vaut de se joindre et les paiements sont toujours période active. Continuez de lire et vous pouvez voir que tout le paiement s'avère de LinkWorth. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$111.04 2. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$64.37 paiement 3.LinkWorth : USD$79.16 paiement 4.LinkWorth : USD$29.45 paiement 5.LinkWorth : USD$26.05 6. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$59.17 7. Paiement de LinkWorth : USD$27.07 Du s'avère en haut, vous peut voir que LinkWorth m'ont payé davantage qu'USD$300.00. C'est un bon programme et je recommande chacun pour joindre LinkWorth. la publicité
Bidvertiser Payment: USD$45.00 30 November 2009 Top
I received another payment from Bidvertiser . Bidvertiser sent me another payment of USD$45.00. You might know that I received several payments from Bidvertiser. Bidvertiser is a good program to join for extra income and of course, it is free to join. Bidvertiser is easy to use and Bidvertiser is a good alternatives to Google AdSense. You can read my other payment proof below: 1st Bidvertiser Payment 2nd Bidvertiser Payment advertising
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$27.07 Top
I received my LinkWorth payment few weeks ago and it is USD$27.07. I have been continuously paid by LinkWorth for few times. If you always read my blog, you will notice that I have written posts about my previous payment. LinkWorth is a great way to make money from blog if you have an informative blog. I would say that  LinkWorth  is the best Google AdSense Alternative.You can l earn more about LinkWorth  and  get started in LinkWorth  to make money. I am being paid several times and the payout are quite big. 1.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$79.16 2.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$29.45 3.  LinkWorth Payment: USD$26.05
MyLot October Payment: USD$13.59 Top
Yeap, I received another payment from MyLot again and this time, I earned USD$13.59. It is another extra income for me at the right time because I want to prepare some money for my investment in stocks and mutual funds. You might want to know how many times I have earned from MyLot , for your information, I am paid 10 times by MyLot and this is the 11th . You can continue reading to read about my other 10 MyLot payments. Please read on to see all the payments I received from  MyLot . 10th Payment 9th Payment 8th Payment 7th Payment 6th Payment 5th Payment 4th Payment 3rd Payment 2nd Payment 1st Payment How to Make Money From MyLot advertising
Arme secrète 2.0 de filiale d'Ewen Chia en ventes ! Top
Today, while I am surfing the web to learn about affiliate marketing techniques to make money online, I come across a website by the world's well known affiliate pro Ewen Chia's website. He has launched his new product and it is called the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 . I read the site and I find that I am very lucky to find the site today because the product is On Sales! It is selling a very low price of USD$27.00 which normally sells at USD$97.00. I googled for more information about the Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 and I found a lot of great comments about the product. I re-read the Ewen Chia's site again and I finally decided to buy it. It costs me ONLY USD$27.00. The best part of the purchase is the free bonuses included. I am writing this post to inform all readers that if you are interested to buy this product, do not miss the chance because it is an extremely good product to buy and best of all, it is now selling a very low price. I am learning and reading the tips and tricks now. the price of Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 will be increased to USD$97.00 anytime soon. So, I am really happy I got Secret Affiliate Weapon 2.0 at USD$27.00 . If you are interested, get it as soon as possible and learn from Ewen Chia to make money online. advertising
Paiement de MyLot septembre : USD$13.18 Top
Ouais, j'ai reçu mon un autre paiement encore de MyLot. C'est USD$13.18 pour le septembre 2009. C'est tout à fait moins mais je suis tout à fait heureux avec lui. Si vous lisez toujours mon blog, vous saurez que je reçois des paiements de MyLot beaucoup de fois. C'est mes 11èmes fois obtenant le paiement de MyLot et mon paiement du juin 2009 est le PLUS GRAND paiement que je reçois jamais de MyLot. Svp lu dessus pour voir tous les paiements j'ai reçu de MyLot.10th Payment9th Payment8th Payment7th Payment6th Payment5th Payment4th Payment3rd Payment2nd Payment1st PaymentHow pour gagner l'argent à partir de MyLotadvertising
Links for 2009-07-27 [] Top | Cinglez vos articles et obtenez le trafic ! Un nouveau et grand emplacement de cinglement pour aider des Bloggers, des articles, des poteaux et plus pour gagner plus de lecteurs et de visiteurs.
Paiement de LinkWorth reçu : USD$64.37 Top
J'ai obtenu un grand déboursement de LinkWorth. LinkWorth est en effet un grand programme à joindre parce qu'il inclut tous les programmes pour des éditeurs aussi bien que des annonceurs. Si vous êtes nouveau à LinkWorth, vous pouvez obtenir commencé et se renseigner sur LinkWorth. Si vous avez la difficulté gagner l'argent à partir du programme tel qu'AdSense, vous pourriez essayer LinkWorth. Peut-être LinkWorth fonctionnera pour votre blog. Je suis payé plusieurs fois et le déboursement sont tout à fait grand. 1. Paiement de LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$79.16 2. LinkWorth : Paiement d'USD$29.45 3. LinkWorth : La publicité USD$26.05
MyLot peut paiement : USD$12.87 Top
Ouais, j'ai obtenu un autre paiement de MyLot il y a peu de jours. J'ai obtenu USD$12.87 payé. Quoi qu'il en soit, il n'est pas beaucoup d'argent mais tout à fait heureux avec lui. Merci encore à MyLot. MyLot est un forum qui vous paye vos discussions, les réponses, photos téléchargées aussi bien que faire quelques tâches données. C'est un grand emplacement pour faire income.advertizing supplémentaire
Gagnez l'argent en concevant des logos Top
There are some sites offering logo designers to make money by helping their clients to design logos. I manage to find a site called CrowdSpring . Personally, I am not really good at logo designing, so I do not join the site. I decided to share this money making opportunity to all of you who are reading my blog. Basically, the site is a place for large website to find logo designers and then they can choose the logos they like. Most of the clients are offering high pay rate, normally around $400 to $1000 per project or per design. You can click on the picture above, you can see that the current projects are offering $1000 per project. It is quite a large amount of money. If you are very good at logo design, then this would be the way for you to make huge income online. For me, designing logo is not easy job. I tried very hard to do some design using Photoshop and I am cracking my head to even think of an idea. Even worst, I am not that good at using Photoshop which makes it even harder for me to design. I know that there are a lot of you out ther are very good logo designers or maybe you are very good at using Photoshop. So, this would be a great chance for you to make money. You find a project, do the design, submit and if your designs get accepted, then you are on your way to make real income online. So, you might want to try CrowdSpring out. Use your talent in design to make money for you. There might be more sites allowing users to make money using their talent in design, you could try to find out more yourself. advertising
Placement des annonces 125x125 sur votre barre latérale Top
I am sorry for my delayed update. Some of my readers requested a post about my 125x125 Ads on my sidebar. There are some codes to do it but I must say that not all the blogs can use the same codes because some blogs have smaller sidebar. So, it really depends on the width of your blog's sidebar. The codes I am going to share with you here can be a guidelines for you to have the same thing placement of 125x125 Ads like my blog. First of all, the result you will get is going to look like the picture above. Please be noted that your sidebar must be wide enough to have this design work properly. So, normally, I will set the Width of my blog sidebar to be more than 250 pixels because 2x125 pixels is equal to 250 pixels. The codes to place your 125x125 Ads like my blog is as below:
Here is a Larger Banner [You Own Codes]

125x125 Ads No.1 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.2 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.3 [You Own Codes] &nbsp 125x125 Ads No.4 [You Own Codes]

All you need to do is Copy the codes above and go to your blog's "Layout" page, then click "Add a Gadget" and choose "HTML/Javascript" . Paste the codes in the "HTML/Javascript" area and remember to use your codes for the 125x125 Ads. That is basically all the steps needed. Have fun. advertising
Liens pour 2008-04-12 [ Top
Gagnez l'argent du blog : Secrets d'AdSense indiqués ! Gagnez l'argent du blog Gagnez l'argent du blog : 000WebHost : Tous dans un accueil de Web libre
Liens pour 2007-09-04 [ Top
Fabrication de $300.00 à partir de Google AdSense
Liens pour 2007-07-11 [ Top
Favorisez votre quantité de contenu de blog de blog
Links for 2007-06-22 [] Top
Double AdSense Income
Create an RSS Link for your Blog Readers Top
In What is RSS? We learned how important it is to connect with your readers by exposing an RSS feed. This will ultimately lead to a bigger fan base and in time, more money for your blog. But now that you know what RSS is, how exactly do you provide this feed on your Blogger blog? You'll be happy to know that this is a very simple process. Burn your Feed with FeedBurner FeedBuner is a FREE service that allows you to put your feed in front of more viewers. You can read all about Feedburner here. First-things-first - head over to FeedBurner and create your account, it only takes a couple of minutes. Once your account is setup, simply "burn your feed" by typing the URL of your blog on the home page of FeedBurner. FeedBurner will then provide you with the direct link to your blogs feed - go ahead and copy that now. Log into your Blogger account and click on Settings in your dashboard. At your Settings page, click on the Site Feed menu. I would suggest setting the "Allow Blog Feed" to full. This means that anyone who subscribes to your sites feed will see the entire article in their newsreader. This is just common courtesy in my opinion - don't make your readers do more work than they have to. Most people happen to be turned off by a shortened article feed anyhow… our purpose is to pull in more readers, not lose them. Next, paste your FeedBurner feed into the "Post Feed Redirect URL" option. This is the link to your sites feed that you burned just a short while ago. Once you're done with that, save your settings. Your Blogger blog has been setup with a full RSS feed, and you are helping your cause out by using the FeedBurner service to get your articles in front of more viewers. We are moneymaking machines after all… aren't we? Now head over to your blog template. Your blogs feed is ready to be consumed by the hungry vultures that are your readers. But in order to give them what they want, you have to expose it to the world. You should be looking at your blogs layout now - click on Add a Page Element and choose the Feed option. Simply paste your FeedBurner link here and save your changes. I recommend moving your RSS link to a highly visible area of your page - near the top. Ok, you're done! In just a matter of minutes you have created a nice shinny RSS feed for all of your loyal readers. By doing this, you're conforming to the rest of the blogging world (which is a good thing) and making your site more accessible to potential fans. Just another step in blogging for money.
John Chow's FREE - Make Money Online Ebook Top
Nous aimons gagner l'argent avec nos blogs, et nous aimons particulièrement le faire avec les outils LIBRES et l'information. Google AdSense, WidgetBucks, Blogger - tout librement ! Et l'autre jour j'ai trouvé encore une autre ressource libre pour nous ; cette fois sous forme d'Ebook par John Chow a appelé : Gagnez l'argent Online.Who est bouffe de John et pourquoi devrait soin d'I ? La chow-chow de John est un nabab de COM de point - un statut que nous sommes tous qui luttent pour. Son succès documenté en ligne a mené des milliers de petits Bouffe-un-fous s'assembler à son emplacement quotidiennement (veuillez agréer l'expression de nos salutations distinguées inclus) que je devrai admettre - ma première impression n'était pas aussi chaude. Vous allez à son emplacement et immédiatement vous êtes rencontré des images des factures de cent-dollar, des voitures de fantaisie chaudes, et d'un tagline qui indique : « Je gagne l'argent en ligne par disant à des personnes combien d'argent je gagne en ligne ». Juste un peu du côté arrogant, le cha ne pensent-ils pas ? (Collant avec le thème de lutte ici) une fois que vous allez au delà des messages subliminaux et épluchez loin l'emballage initial, vous apprenez qu'il n'est pas simplement un autre type de « Obtenir-riche-rapide-arrangement ». Pas, il est beaucoup plus - et son ebook LIBRE - gagnent l'argent en ligne est juste une raison pour laquelle. Gagnez l'argent en ligne est un guide très pratique qui est emballé avec plus de 50 pages d'avis d'expert. Il est facile de lire et par le 2ème chapitre il gagne votre confiance et commande votre attention. Voici une série vers le bas de neuf chapitres qui sont disponibles : IntroductionMy a recommandé l'Argent-makersBeginner's Blogging TipsMust ont Wordpress StuffPumping dehors le ContentMonetize votre BlogGoogle OptimizationPromotion IdeasMy StoryReading que ce livre LIBRE est une nécessité. C'est un ouvreur d'oeil pour des débutants et une grande référence pour des vétérans. Je me suis même trouvé tordre quelques choses ici et là sur mon propre emplacement ! Pour obtenir le livre LIBRE que vous juste devez souscrire à son bulletin (près du dessus de la page). Cela prend juste quelques secondes et c'est l'information valable qui est bonne en valeur votre temps. Tête là-bas maintenant - vous me remercierez plus tard.
Comment est-ce que je mets WidgetBucks sur mon blog ? Top
Dans quoi est-il WidgetBucks ? Nous avons appris qu'il y a plus de manières que juste Google AdSense de gagner l'argent à partir de blogging. Si vous savez WidgetBucks et voulez s'inscrire avancez et faites cela maintenant : WidgetBucks nous permet d'intégrer facilement des annonces de produit sur notre blog de Blogger mais comment ? Heureusement pour nous, WidgetBucks et Blogger lui font un processus très franc. Commençons par noter en nos comptes de WidgetBucks et cliquons sur dessus le nouveau bouton de gadget dans le menu. Ceci nous apportera à la personnalisation votre page de gadget. D'ici vous créez simplement un nom pour votre gadget, l'indiquez la page que vous allez la placer, adaptez la conception, et choisissez aux besoins du client finalement quel type de produit vous voulez servi. Une fois que vous êtes juste presse réglée le bouton de code d'obtention et copiez le HTML/JavaScript. Ne vous inquiétez pas - comme tout autrement que nous faisons autour d'ici - n'ont besoin de savoir rien au sujet du HTML ou du Javascript commencer à gagner l'argent. Mais vous devez savoir copier et coller ! Maintenant que vous avez votre code de gadget, notez en votre compte de Blogger. Au tableau de bord allez à la disposition et puis ajoutez un élément de page. Si pour quelque raison vous aviez caché sous une roche ce temps plein et n'avez pas un compte de Blogger - contrôle dehors créer un blog. Vous devriez avoir la forme de Blogger avec toutes vos options de disposition maintenant. Voici que vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML/JavaScript. Avance et colle votre code de gadget sous la forme principale - vous pouvez sur option lui donner un titre si vous voulez - je ne fais pas. Une fois que vous sauvez vos changements vous êtes fait ! Félicitations ! Vous êtes prêt à commencer à gagner l'argent avec WidgetBucks.
What is WidgetBucks? Top
WidgetBucks is a FREE ad service that allows us to make money from our blogs - similar to Google AdSense. (Read What is Google AdSense? if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) WidgetBucks is the new kid on the block. No, not the New Kids on the Block. What's great about WidgetBucks is that right off the bat they give you $25 just for signing up! You can't beat that with a stick. WidgetBucks differs from Google AdSense in that it offers up "widgets" for products like: electronics, books, health and beauty, etc. It does not crawl your content, but it is customizable and they even recently fixed some slowness issues - so it looks like they're heading in the right direction. Unlike Google AdSense, you only need to make $50 to get paid (AdSense is $100). Payments are expected to arrive in 45 days (keyword: expected - we'll all know if WidgetBucks is the real deal come December). And they already start you off with $25 just for signing up - so you're half way there! Some of the sites in their network include: Target, Best Buy, and All early indications point to WidgetBucks becoming a major player in the ad game. In my next article I will show you how to easily implement WidgetBucks on your Blogger blogs. But for now, head on over and sign up for a FREE account. Tell 'em Earn Money to Blog sent cha.
Google AdSense pour le contenu (images seulement) Top
In Google AdSense for Options with Blogger: Part 1 and Part 2 we learned that the FREE Blogger service gives us some nice AdSense options out of the box. Readers of Earn Money to Blog like free stuff. That's why most of us will be running to Taco Bell on October 30th between 2pm and 5pm to claim our free taco (Taco Bell did not pay me to plug their product - although I wish they did!). No really - they made a deal with MLB that if anyone stole a base in the World Series, America would get free tacos. And sure enough - it happened! Enough sidetracking… we have work to do and money to make! Options like text ad units and link units will help us begin to generate revenue for our blogs. However, there are some Google AdSense options that Blogger leaves out - fortunately these excluded options are a snap to implement. Today we're going to take a look at one of those features called: Google AdSense for Content (Images only). Log into your Google AdSense account and choose the AdSense for Content option. Blogger let's us easily place text ad units but not images. So for this exercise select the Ad unit option and pick the Images ads only choice from the drop down list. The next page will let you configure your size, color, and corner options. Go ahead an experiment here. Remember - you can always come back and change the configuration if you're not happy. Once your configuration is set click continue twice, until you get to the HTML/JavaScript page. Copy the entire contents of the text box now. Next, we're going to log into our Blogger dashboard and go to the Layout page. Once you're there, select Add a Page Element and choose the HTML/JavaScript option. Now paste the HTML that you grabbed from your Google AdSense account into the form. Save your changes and presto! You're done! Blogger may not support image AdSense out of the box, but that doesn't stop us from figuring out how to do it, now does it? In just a few minutes we whipped up some custom HTML/JavaScript (thanks Google!) that will place image ads on our blogs.
Dépistez vos visiteurs d'emplacement en temps réel pour libre ! Top
Nous aimons blogging pour l'argent et il est plus passionnant que Red Sox, série du monde du jeu un des Rocheuses ! Mais quand nous nous mettons à gagner l'argent avec nos blogs nous avons besoin d'outils pour dépister notre progrès d'emplacements. Aujourd'hui je voudrais présenter un excellent outil libre (il y a des options d'abonnement aussi bien) qui nous permettra de dépister nos visiteurs en temps réel ! C'est passionnant. Le traqueur de blog s'appelle le HitTail.What HitTails fait, est record les mots-clés qui vos visiteurs utilisés pour trouver votre emplacement. Laissez-moi vous renvoyer à un grand article plus d'au craquement de technologie avec les détails. S'inscrire pour le service gratuit est facile - dirigez juste dessus plus d'à la page d'enregistrement de HitTail et complétez la forme. Une fois que vous avez avec succès complété le procédé d'enregistrement, vous devrez copier et coller un morceau de Javascript dans votre HTML. Ne paniquez pas ! Je vous aiderai. Notation en votre compte de Blogger et tête plus d'à la page de disposition. D'ici vous allez cliquer sur dessus l'option de HTML d'édition dans le menu. Cette page te montre le HTML et le Javascript qui fait votre blog souffler le long sur l'Internet. Afin de dépister nos statistiques d'emplacements, (ainsi nous pouvons maximiser la somme d'argent que nous ferons un certain jour bientôt.) nous devrons coller ce morceau de Javascript dans notre fenêtre des textes. Mettez en rouleau toute la manière au fond de votre écran de HTML et recherchez l'étiquette de « corps ». Collez maintenant simplement le code que vous avez obtenu de HitTail et placez-le sur la ligne directement au-dessus de cette étiquette et sauf vos changements de calibre. Vous pouvez se diriger de nouveau à HitTail, ouvrir une session avec vos qualifications, et début dépistant vos statistiques de blog en temps réel comme c'est des actions d'Apple sur Wall Street ! Car Austin Powers dirait : « Ouais bébé, ouais ! »
Creating a Custom Domain for Your Blogger Blog Top
There are a lot of factors involved that will help us monetize our blogs. If you registered with the free Blogger service (check this out if you don't know how), creating a custom domain name is a snap. And doing so will help you in the long run with: branding and ease of use. We don't want our readers to type in: http:/// - we'd rather a cleaner url like: This article will show you how. First off - you're going to need a domain name. Here at Earn Money to Blog, I like to preach about our free tools. But I have some bad news for you - this is going to cost you - and big… $9.99/yr (can you sense my sarcasm?) Definitely not a requirement for earning money with our blogs but a small investment that's well worth it. Head on over to Go Daddy and sign up for an account. For this article, let's just assume you created the domain name: You just can't wait to take the shinny wrapping paper off your new domain name and apply it to your Blogger blog! Let's go log into our Blogger accounts and at the dashboard, click on Settings. You'll see the familiar tabs and menu options - We're interested in the Publishing link. Your picture may differ than mine, but here is what my Publishing page looks like: If it looks a bit different, try poking around for an "Advanced" link. That should do the trick. Notice to the right there is a "Need a domain?" option from Blogger. Google has actually "tried" to make life easier for you by allowing you to purchase one right here (they actually partnered with the Go Daddy service that this very article talks about!). This may not be a bad idea (if you didn't already sign up at Go Daddy yourself), however, I had mixed results with this in the past. And besides, signing up at Go Daddy ourselves will give us more flexibility. Before you go typing your new domain name in there… WAIT! We need to make some quick configurations over at our Go Daddy account to point the name to the Blogger service first. Log into your Go Daddy account if you aren't already, and click on the My Domain Names option. You should see your new domain listed there. In this example you would see superapplepies listed. Simply click on the link to drill down into your domain options (note: If you don't see your domain name right away, don't panic. Sometimes this process can take a few minutes). You're now at the Domain Control Center. It all seems pretty overwhelming for some of us, but I'm going to point out the option you need to select called - Total DNS: Again, if you don't see that option there - relax… go talk to your loved ones for a little while, they miss you. Back Already? Now you're sitting at the Total DNS Control Panel. Here we're going to make one simple change - we need to edit the "www" in the "Host" column, in the "CNAMES" table. Change your "Points To" value to match the picture above:, by hitting the edit button. Save your changes and switch back over to your Blogger account. We left off on the Publishing screen and now we're going to wrap up the process. Under the Advanced Settings, in the Your Domain section, enter your new domain name. Save your settings and you're done! Now the only downside (what? I have to give it to you straight) is that your domain name changes won't happen automatically . In some cases it can take up to 48 hours, but my experience has been less than a couple (yours may vary). Congratulations - you now own a piece of the pie (pun intended) with your custom domain name. Well, we did have our space before but now it's more personal. And earning money with our blogs is all about our personal touch on the World Wide Web.
Blog, Blogging, Blogger, et Google AdSense Top
C'est la semaine dans la revue - occupée à coup sûr. Si vous avez été suivant le long nous avons appris énormément. Mais la chose gentille est que cela n'a pas pris longtemps du tout. Ainsi faisons à travers une promenade rapide, n'est-ce pas ? 1.) Nous avons appris au sujet de Google AdSense et ce qu'il peut faire pour us.2.) Certains d'entre nous s'étaient cachés sous une roche et n'ont pas même su ce qui la limite : Blog signifié ! (hé, vous devez commencer quelque part, bien ?)3.) Après, nous avons figuré dehors juste combien facile (et LIBÉREZ !) il était d'installer notre propre blog pour que le monde voie, avec Blogger.4.) Nous avons été excités au propre un morceau de Cyberspace, mais nous avons voulu commencer à gagner l'argent avec AdSense. Heureusement, l'installation de compte était un breeze.5.) Été armée avec un blog mortel de nos propres et d'un compte d'AdSense a la substance dangereuse ! Nous ne pourrions pas simplement entrer dans ceci avec nos yeux étroitement ainsi j'ai décomposé les termes et conditions générales de Google ainsi vous ne tomberiez pas asleep.6.) Après que nous nous soyons sentis confortables avec les politiques du programme de Google, nous avons décidé de mettre AdSense sur nos blogs. Et le garçon était celui facile ! 7.) Enfin et surtout, nous avons voulu une stratégie saine pour présenter nos annonces. Nous n'avons pas voulu qu'elle ressemblât à votre fête d'anniversaire doigt-peinture-orientée quand vous aviez neuf ans - ainsi nous avons suivi le conseil de Google et avons mis nos annonces où les lecteurs peuvent les voir. Félicitations ! Vous êtes sur votre chemin à gagner l'argent avec votre blog. Ce ne va pas être un succès durant la nuit mais coller autour et nous y arriverons. Nous avons beaucoup plus rectifié pour couvrir comme : Optimisation d'AdSense, contenu d'emplacement, trafic, etc. Nous frapperons ceux la semaine prochaine mais pour maintenant moi vous laisserai digérer toute la ceci.
10 Twitter Users Worth Following Top
Besides your circle of friends and colleagues you are fond of, some Twitter users are worth following for their interesting tweets and global appeal. Here is our list of the most engaging Twitterers which so many Twitterers in and outside the US love to follow: 1. Guy Kawasaki Widely known Japanese-American blogger and Silicon Valley venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki remains one of the top leading Twitterers of the day. His message of becoming a legend by changing the world is the motto of numerous people and aspiring entrepreneurs. 2. Britney Spears The heartbeat of millions on planet earth, Britney is a celebrity who tweets as lovingly as she does music. Her tweets speak directly to her fans, e.g. 'Here I come!' and 'How's everyone's 2010 going so far?' 3. Oprah Winfrey She doesn't need any introduction. The hostess of the world's most popular and highest rated show is now on Twitter. She is someone you simply can't miss anywhere. 4. CNN Breaking News With more than 2.8 million followers, CNN Breaking News tweets top news headlines for events around the world. Those who are into world affairs (and who aren't) can follow CNN Breaking News on Twitter 5. Tony Robins Internationally famous self-help author and inspirational speaker Anthony Robbins (aka Tony Robbins) has some of the most motivating and enlivening tweets to share, including inspirational quotes and proverbs. Here's one that challenges the pessimist: "Attack life, it’s going to kill you anyway." 6. Richard Branson British industrialist Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group Ltd., is known for his wealth ($2.5 billion) as well as his humanitarian initiatives in solving global conflicts. Despite his riches, he loves to tweet regularly to his hundreds of thousands of followers and tweets about Virgin's services frequently. 7. Jim Gaffigan American stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan is someone who must be followed in order to make your life enjoyable and keep your spirits soaring. According to Jim, "What if we found out you got swine flu from NOT eating bacon?" 8. Dr. Jennifer Howard Jennifer Howard is a rounded personality – a veteran psychotherapist, author, relationship counselor, and speaker. At her Twitter page, she shares links to some of the most insightful articles of practical significance in people's daily lives. 9. Michael Arrington Founder and co-editor of the widely known technology blog TechCrunch, Michael Arrington has over 1.3 million followers on Twitter. Anyone interested in technology can benefit from Michael Arrington's tweets. 10. Barack Obama Believe it or not but the world's most powerful man is on Twitter. Just follow the link and see what we are talking about here. The list of Twitterers worth following is not conclusive and you can look for your own favorite Twitterers. Since we shared our list above, we would also love to hear from you on whom do you think are the ten most follow-worthy people on Twitter? Keep Tweeting! Related posts: Top 10 Tips for Twitter Users 10 Twitter Tools to Manage Your Followers 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweets


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